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Flu, Sore Throat and Respiratory Infections

Our Blessed Mother told Brother Joseph Francis in October, 1986, that Our Lord will soon send a flu like illness that will cause many, many deaths. This illness will affect the lungs and the heart. Our Loving Mother gave us this advice: 1/2 garlic clove crushed 2 slices ginger root chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon honey

Crush 1/2 of large garlic clove and several slices of fresh ginger root and put into a cup. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in the cup. Pour boiling water into the cup and let the mixture set for at least 5 minutes (DO NOT BOIL MIXTURE). We are to begin drinking this every day, about one hour before bed time. If one already has the symptoms they are to drink a cup of this drink 3 times a day. A garlic pill or capsule (from health stores) may be substituted if one cannot take fresh garlic. If there is an after taste or garlic breath, one should eat a few sprigs of fresh parsley. Note: I have not tried this, but felt it was something that i should send out... just in case. Keep in mind that the mystic Maria Esperanza also was shown a terrible flu-like disease that would kill mostly the younge and the elderly. Before Esperanza's death on August 7, 2004 at the age of 75, Wendy Benedick, who worked with Esperanza for over 14 years, says Jesus gave the mystic a remedy for a plague that was to come. Below is the remedy as Benedick stated it was given to her by Esperanza: "I am going to give you a remedy for the illness of infants (and small children}. You must take the leaves from the hawthorn plant and steep them into a tea for 8 minutes. Then administer the tea orally to the infant {or child} 1/4 cup at a time, continually throughout the day and night, until the ravages of the illness subside. The symptoms will be flu-like, with a high fever, purple-blackened color to the lips, jerking and flailing like convulsions." According to Benedick, this remedy was given to Maria Esperanza for the times we are living. Esperanza told her that this plague would take many babies and children and there will be no ordinary remedy, or medicine that will work. This information is for your discernment.

Messages from Jesus to Christina Gallagher 2012 October 2012.

Jesus spoke to Christina: My little one, you are the vessel chosen to bring this mission to the fulfilment of fruitfulness. This vessel is to be the means of My guidance of you, My people in the darkened days of My justice. My Mother cries tears of blood throughout the world in the hope that the hearts of Her children may respond. The world has little time to prepare for what it is about to endure. There will be earthquakes, drought, diseases and hunger in the Americas and throughout the world. Listen, My people, hear and respond as I have called you for even worse turmoil is on its way. The locusts will come and devour you while you are spiritually asleep. You will ask how and why this could happen. You will know the reason why it happens because I have called you but you have remained deaf. My people I have called you but many of you do not want to know Me. The time of My justice is here. Part of My justice is upon you now. The rocks from the glaciers will hit you but you will fail to understand what is happening. The earths plasma is boiling up, beyond your understanding. (We were at a loss to understand this use of the word plasma. We checked it out and discovered it is a gas in the atmosphere containing an electric charge. As this message was being read to the people at the House of Prayer in Minnesota on October 5th, a man present stood up unexpectedly and explained how a plasma storm had taken place in Minnesota in 1936. It sucked the very soil of the earth into the atmosphere, he related.) I desire that you read this message to My people of the Americas and the world, that they may hear the call of Eternity for the time is short for mankind that they may hear this call and understand through My Spirit My love, loyalty and mercy to them. I desire My people of the Americas and the world to listen and hear the truth. I, the Lord who loves you and who gave My life for you, desire that you receive My love and mercy before it is too late. The word late means now. The Lord your God says to you the word is NOW. Listen and hear. I love you. Respond. My daughter, I do not want you to fear the evil upon the world. I want you to be aware more deeply of the afflictions of those who do not desire to respond. The world is in its decline to such a degree it is beyond human understanding. Respond now because there will not be the time. When you meet the people of the Americas tell them how I desire their response. You are My mouthpiece, you are My instrument, Christina. You have been My instrument all these years and that of My Mother, but always in My Spirit. I love you and I desire that you fulfil My Will not only in your isle but in the Americas and throughout the world. If they could only listen, understand and respond! My Mother has come to the people of the Americas (Christina was made aware that Jesus was referring to Our Lady of Guadalupe. She was further made aware as Jesus spoke that on the occasion of Her apparitions at Guadalupe, Our Lady had worn symbols on Her garments through which people of other religions could recognise Her as Mother of God.) pleading for mercy for Her children but I am Jesus, the Lord and God and many have rejected Me and My Mother for so long. The illumination and the third world war will soon be upon you. The choice will be yours. Many, many sufferings will be upon you through My justice- hunger, plague, disease and great calamities- but those who desire to conquer will live by the Word of God. Those who will die permanently will be those who will reject the Word of God. I am He who is and will be forever, Jesus your Lord and God who redeemed all. My mercy I desire to prevail and reign with all My people for eternity. Although My Mother is denied the privileges given Her by God and is so rejected in all that She stands for of Truth, all that belongs to Her will be upheld in shining armour through My Sacred Heart. Mercy will be shown unto the world

through Her because I have given unto Her the unity of My Heart. The unity of My Sacred Heart will shine through Hers and through the unity of Our United Hearts, My Mercy will flow unto the world, but justice will also reign. The justice will be enormous and painful My justice so many have drawn upon themselves through sin It will come upon them like a darkened night. My dearest children, you who have responded to live by My Word, do not be sad or frightened. You will be in the light and safety of My Mothers Heart when this takes place throughout the world. I tell you the entire world will experience the darkened night which will last for a number of nights. Where you will not have the Blood My Blood- that will protect you, I desire you to have the shining armour of Love that I have asked for through My Mother- I mean the picture of My Mother with the Roses- because through the gift of that picture every such household will have safety and protection for all that reside therein. Death will pass over every house where the Holy Rosary is prayed and this image is depicted. Mock it now but when you witness the Truth being fulfilled you will cry out for it but it will not be available to you. Many will be like the foolish virgins risking My Life in their soul. (Christinas spiritual director observes as follows; In explaining the protection granted by God through the prayer of the Holy Rosary united with the veneration of His Mother as depicted in this image, Jesus expresses the Churchs teaching on the nature of a sacramental and at the same time draws an exact analogy from Scripture for the promise attaching to the prayer and picture. Speaking of sacramentals, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, for the well-disposed members of the faithful, sacramentals sanctify with the divine grace which flows from the Paschal mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. From this source all sacraments and sacramentals draw their power. It is the merit of Jesus which is the source of the grace and protection. Hence, Jesus says Where you will not have the Blood My Blood- So we have to understand that ultimately it is from the Paschal mystery of Christs Passion, Death and Resurrection that all grace flows, though it be conferred through a sacramental. A very helpful teaching on how we should understand the Scriptural image used by Jesus for this great promise is cited by the Church in the Divine Office of Good Friday (taken from the Instructions of St. John Chrysostom to Catechumens). It runs, Do you wish to know the power of Christs Blood? Let us go back to the ancient accounts of what took place in Egypt, where Christs Blood is foreshadowed. Moses said: Sacrifice a lamb without blemish and smear the doors with its blood What does this mean? Can the blood of a sheep without reason save man who is endowed with reason? Yes, Moses replies, not because it is blood but because it is a figure of the Lords Blood. So today if the devil sees, not the blood of the figure smeared on the doorposts, but the reality smeared on the lips of the faithful, which are the doors of the temple of Christ, with all the more reason will he draw back.) Sin is multiplying faster than wild weed as I told you, My daughter, many years ago how fast sin would multiply. Now you see it anger in the hearts of everyone, the need to destroy, murder, maim there is no limit. There is so much desire for murder and bloodshed in so many hearts, beyond your understanding. I have told you much of this before. The hemisphere will be darkened and I will come forth in the Light of My Fathers love and mercy but sadly only to bring justice for those who disobey My Law. Time is very short. My people, how can I make you understand the importance of My servant, for your sake, in My call through her to you? I have so often called for her protection for she is the vessel that I will fill with My mercy in calling you before it becomes the time of My justice. My people, if only you could realise the enormity of the need you have for this vessel you would be alert to protect it with everything in you but you do not. You fail to recognise truth. I am the Lord your God, the Alpha and Omega, now and forever. My daughter, I tell you those in My Church who desire to remain in darkness will be drawn into My justice. My daughter, be not afraid to reveal what I tell you. Make it known to the world. That darkness has festered for many years and has caused Me to weep tears of blood for the many, many souls lost in its path. The purification of My Church will be greater than the purification of the world. My dear little one, I want you to be always conscious that I am He who is, was and will be forever and all things are possible when, with an open heart, you permit Me to act. How I love you and in My love, how My Father cherishes you. My Spirit will forever fill you with Light and Life but you must be always prudent where your enemy is concerned. He is everywhere to bring you down and to bring down Truth.

I say to you My people, you have no perception of the enormity of this missions importance but I tell you wake up and respond more vigorously than ever before. Cast from you all fear because when the calamities come upon the Church and the world, you will be brought into a perfection of My love and into a perfection of My life. You lack courage and confidence and the will to fulfil My mission. Take courage from Me. I am He who will be forever. There are many voices echoing that the end of the year will be the end of the world. (This message was received in September 2012 and read at that time in the House of Prayer in Achill. It was read in the Chain Houses in the US in the month of October.) It is My Fathers Will and timing that will dictate the end of the world, not man. Time has its sequence and through Me, His Son Jesus all things will be brought about by My Father. Yes, there will be many calamities from earthquakes and tsunamis to volcanoes and twisters, hunger and strife among many. The lightning I once told you about to be low and dangerous is now in your world. Pray, pray for My wisdom and grace. Past this year of 2012, many calamities and much desecration will occur. All things will be reduced to nothing. You will see the depth of hell and he who is anti of Christ reign upon earth. Do not weaken. Be strong. My beloved people of the Americas, you will be denied your basic needs- something which you have endured already but it will be increased many fold. I want you to know that it is not My desire that you suffer in this way. Many will be treated in a manner beneath their humanity. Those who are in the unity of anti-Christ will flourish and those of you who believe in Me will be detested. Calamity after calamity will befall you, My dear people of the Americas and My people throughout the world. How it grieves My Sacred Heart! My Church will be brought down as swiftly as night turns to day and those therein will not understand what has happened to them. There are those within My Church who place themselves in such a position as if they were Me. They make judgements and use their authority to bring about what is not of Me. I say woe to such a one for I will bring him down. He will have much to endure in My justice for the lies and deception that have been propagated against truth and against My work. Only when he is brought to his knees will he recognise he is not Me, but My servant, and a poor one at that. Such as these do not bring souls to Me: they bring Me nothing but shame. Their belief is non-existent. It is as if they serve another god, but not Me. My daughter, you proclaim what I tell you. Have no fear. Gerard, I recognise your suffering for the sake of your brethren united in My priesthood. Be at peace. Message received from Jesus on January 5th, 2013. O you foolish men, o you foolish men, can you not see all I have told you being fulfilled? The more I withdraw My arm from the world, the more you will witness the calamities increase. Soon the Catholic Church will endure severely its birthpangs and with it all who teach and preach My Word. The man of the Red Serpent will rise up and crush many. There is much evil already planned to come through China, Russia, the United States and the heads of some European countries. This will bring about great devastation and pain beyond your ability to understand or imagine. Pray, pray for yourselves. (Jesus then explained in a private message the deep endurance of suffering which has been inflicted upon Christina and her spiritual director, especially by the deceptive activity of others) I, the Lord am permitting this great suffering as I draw everything from you for the souls of mankind for the times ahead. Do not question the many trials you endure. Thank Me and pray for the ability to unite in My wisdom and recognise the enormity that I draw from you. I want you to know and take to heart that the more I permit you to suffer, the more I love you and the more you become one in My life. The more My Hand withdraws from the world, the more you will see calamities increase and the more all people will recognise what I have told you. I want you to be at peace and know that I am with you so that when trouble encroaches upon you, you will not doubt that I am with you and that I am merely drawing from you the fullness of what you have endured in union with all the little suffering souls throughout the world. This I do through My mercy, love and thirst for all souls.

My people, listen and hear. Through My messenger I will guide you in the times that are now upon you and in the time to come. Otherwise you will drift into darkness where only confusion reigns. The deeper you drift into darkness, the greater is the danger to your soul and body. Be at peace. My peace I give to you, Father Son and Holy Spirit.

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