The Crucible Timeline

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The Crucible Timeline The Crucible is a play that focuses on an important historical event, and in order to better understand

the history and significance of the play, you will create a timeline that outlines the events within it. Creating a timeline for this play will help you understand why certain events in the play are significant. It will also give you an opportunity to delve into deeper meanings embedded within the text. Furthermore, you can use the timeline to explore different topics you may want to write about in your final paper. Project: You will be organized into groups of four because there are four acts in this play. Each person in the group will be responsible for completing the timeline for one act. Your group will present the timelines for each act together in class. Directions: 1. After you are organized into groups of four, you will first introduce yourself to your group members and exchange contact information. Make sure each group member understands which act they will be responsible for completing. 2. In class you will then create a rough draft timeline of the significant events found in the Act you are responsible for. If you are having trouble remembering or are unsure, ask your group members for help. Use your text as a reference too. 3. You will use the rough draft you created in class to help you get started on creating a timeline for your given act on PowerPoint. Use the directions on the next page to learn how to create a timeline on a PowerPoint presentation. 4. Create a title slide for the presentation and include your name as well as your group members names on it. 5. Include at least 10 significant events in your timeline. If more than 10 events are included and given a proper analysis, you may receive extra points. Number your events. 6. Include one quote for each event that embodies the significant event. 7. Instead of a date for the events, input the Act number and the page number of the quote/event. (Ex. Act 1, p. 12) 8. Explain the event and include your analysis of why the event is significant below at the bottom of the PowerPoint. Number your explanations. 9. For 4-5 of the events, give a short explanation of how the event in the play relates to McCarthyism. (Include similarities or differences.) If more than 5 allusions to McCarthyism are addressed, you may receive extra points. 10. Put an asterisk (Its the symbol that looks like a 6 pointed star.) in front of your short allusion to McCarthyism so that I can find it easily when grading your presentations. 11. Include at least 2 pictures per slide that relate to the play, event, or your analysis. 12. If you are having trouble putting your timeline together, refer to the teachers example found on the website for this unit.

13. When you are finished with your timeline, get together with your group and put everyones timelines into a single PowerPoint Presentation. 14. Practice presenting with your group. Remember you will each have to present the act you were responsible for in front of the whole class, but your group will go up together to present. How to create a timeline on a PowerPoint Presentation: 1. Open PowerPoint and click the Office button. (Its the big button in the top left-hand corner.) Select "New" when the Office menu opens. 2. Type "timeline" in the Microsoft Office Online search bar on the "New Document" window and press "Enter." A list of timeline templates will open. 3. Choose a timeline template design that you like and click download or double click on the design. 4. There might be a few extra slides on the side. You can go through and pick the one/ones you want to use. Then just delete the rest of them. 5. Highlight and delete the sample text from the timeline. After you remove the sample text, enter the information you want included in the timeline. 6. When your group is ready to put all the timelines together on a single PowerPoint presentation, you might have to insert the timeline you created as a slide in one of your group members PowerPoint presentations. (To make it easier, all students who are not doing Act 1 will have to do this.) 7. To insert your timeline into another presentation, right-click over the timeline slide from the slide overview. The slide overview is located to the left of the PowerPoint window. 8. Select "Copy" from the menu that opens. Open the presentation you want to insert the timeline in. 9. Right-click over the slide overview and select "Paste." The timeline slide will be inserted in your presentation. Internet Sources: You will be allotted class time to work on this assignment. We will go to the computer lab and you will go to whatever group you were assigned to. With your group, you will use the computers to work on your timelines and put together your PowerPoint presentation. Make use of the internet if you are having trouble with your analysis of the events. It is not required to cite sources for this project. However, if you directly quote or paraphrase any internet sources or other sources, you will have to include a bibliography slide in your final PowerPoint presentation. Some useful sources you might want to browse to help you get started on this project include: o This website offers a slideshow presentation that provides a little more detail about McCarthyism. Refer to this website when you are writing your analysis of how McCarthyism relates to the witch trials.

o This website offers a short list of similarities and differences between the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism. Refer to this website when you are writing your analysis of how McCarthyism relates to the witch trials. o This website gives a short overview for each act in the play. Refer to this website when you are putting together the significant events in your individual timelines. Remember to use your text as well so that you do not accidentally forget any important events. o This video gives a short overview of The Crucible. You should watch it to get ideas for what to write about in your analysis. The girl in the video, Jenny Sawyer, also has 4 other short videos about The Crucible. You will see them on the side. I suggest watching each one. Each video is only 60 seconds long.

WARNING: Do NOT plagiarize! You cannot use words or a paragraph that is not your own in your analysis. Remember that all I have to do to find out whether you have plagiarized someones work or not is to type it into Google. Anyone who plagiarizes someone elses work will receive an automatic zero for this assignment. Grading Rubric: 4 3 2 1 Points Awarded

Grammar and Language (10%) No misspellings or grammatical errors. Language is eloquently used as well as clear and precise. One or two misspellings and/or mechanical errors. Language is clear and precise. Two to three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Language is somewhat readable. More than four spelling and/or grammar errors. Language is hard to read and does not make much sense.

Organization and Layout Design/Graphics (20%) Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Graphics are Content uses headings or bulleted lists to organize information, but the overall organization of Content is difficult to follow because of poor organization. Slides are hard to read. Graphics There is no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. Graphics are not used or do not

informative and support the written information. Slides are visually appealing and readable.

the topics appears flawed. Graphics are informative but do not fully support the written information. Slides are readable but lack appeal.

are used but not all of them are informative or support the written information.

support the written information or provide information.

Individual Contribution (10%) It is extremely obvious that your group worked hard together as a team to finish the project. You demonstrate that you are an expert on your individual contribution that you were responsible for. Your team worked together to finish the project. You demonstrate adequate knowledge on your individual contribution that you were responsible for. There is some evidence that your team worked together to finish the project. You demonstrate some knowledge on your individual contribution that you were responsible for. There is barely any evidence that your team worked together to finish the project. You demonstrate little to no knowledge on the individual contribution you were responsible for.

Requirements and Presentation (50%) All requirements are addressed and shown in the final presentation. Presentation is persuasive and original. Missing one or two requirements in the final presentation. Presentation shows some originality and some persuasion techniques are Missing 3 or more requirements in the final presentation. Presentation lacks originality and few persuasion techniques are Missing more than 4 requirements in the final presentation. Presentation is not persuasive or original.

used. Quotes (10%) Quotes from the play are used effectively and represent a clear example of the significant event in the timeline. Quotes from the play are used somewhat effectively and represent an example of the significant event in the timeline.


Quotes from the play are included and represent a basic example of the significant event in the timeline.

Quotes from the play are included, but they do not represent or even relate to an example of the significant event in the timeline. Total

The grading rubric was adopted from the Intel library and was edited to fit the requirements of this assignment.

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