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theSun | THURSAY APRIL 9 2009 3

news without borders

s Datuk Seri Najib
Razak tackles
the tough job
AS WAS generally expected, Pakatan Rakyat of managing the

Why Pakatan Rakyat

won Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau country, the prime
but failed to thump the BN in Batang Ai. minister will have
Perhaps the state constituency in the interior his priorities. So,
of Sarawak could have fallen too if the three too, will Malaysians.
by-elections were held on different days. theSun invites you
Pakatan won in the two Bukits with bigger
majorities than what it got in the last general to share what

won the two Bukits

election just as it did in the earlier by-elec- you want the PM
tions in Permatang Pauh last year and in and his cabinet
Kuala Terengganu earlier this year. to focus their
In Batang Ai, BN was able to more than energy on.
double its majority of 805 it won in the last Let us know your three items in
state election nearly three years ago to 1,854. order of priority, in not more than
The state BN leaders, it seems, are determined been ignored by the BN. as the prime minister was a factor in the by- 100 words. Please email your list to
to keep out non-Sarawak parties who they For instance, former prime minister Tun elections but the great effort some Pakatan
refer to as “outsiders”. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi promised all that campaigners took to spin all sorts of stories
In his reaction to the defeat, Pakatan de when he came to power at the end of 2003 about him when he was the deputy prime
facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said but despite winning a huge mandate, he failed minister could have influenced the voters.
that the coalition is not “discouraged by the to deliver on the promises But he was certainly
results” of the by-election in Sarawak which made in “my manifesto”. among the central cam-
will “remain a frontline state for Keadilan and The voters were disap- paign issues in Bukit
Pakatan Rakyat”. pointed but more so the non- Comment Gantang, especially
It is well known that Anwar, who is also Malays who were especially by Zainon Ahmad among the Chinese vot-
the de facto leader of PKR, wanted so much disappointed that he failed ers, who form 27% of
for his party’s candidate to win so that it to rein in those “braves” in the electorate, for his
would be a sort of a clarion call to the people Umno who were shouting role in early February
of Sarawak that the dominance of the state for their new battle cry “ketuanan Melayu” in engineering the fall of the Pakatan Rakyat parties, being in the Opposition, to have all
by Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) of to influence the policies of the government. government that seemed to be favoured by kinds of unflattering things to say about the BN
Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, Thus, he was punished. the non-Malays. governments and their past records, they seem
who had ruled for about 28 years, is about What about his successor Datuk Seri Najib Probably, it was because of this that the to also have a better delivery system than the
to end. Razak, who was sworn in on Friday and, since Chinese voters thumbed their noses at the much touted “awesome election machinery”
But Pakatan can certainly jubilate in the then, had been promising all that is good – a BN’s MCA and Gerakan efforts to win them of the BN.
fact that the massive anti-BN sentiment that multiracial and democratic nirvana of sorts over. Instead, more of them – almost 90% From observations from a number of
surged during last year’s general election has – in a package called One Malaysia? Did they in the Chinese settlement of Kuala Sepetang people, the Pakatan campaign was well-coor-
yet to lose its momentum. For the moment, disbelieve him and vote accordingly? – voted for Pakatan. dinated and planned with little left to chances.
the BN, after one year, is still finding an an- It is difficult to tell whether his four days While it is certainly easier for the Pakatan New approaches and strategies were planned
swer to it. with inputs from young computer-savvy
There is nothing new in the message it people who came forward to volunteer their
delivered in the just-concluded by-elections Pakatan (Rakyat) can certainly jubilate in the fact that the services.
as much of it is what it had articulated in massive anti-BN sentiment that surged during last year’s For instance, when it was learnt that “new”
the general election last year about justice, Umno member Tun Dr Mahahtir Mohamad
fairness, equality and the rooting out of cor- general election has yet to lose its momentum. For the moment, was going to campaign in Bukit Gantang and
ruption – the very things the rakyat had the BN, after one year, is still finding an answer to it.” Bukit Selambau, the planners and strategists
been asking for but huddled to decide on what damage he could
which seems to The best answer to the anti-BN momentum and the best do to their campaign. They decided he was of
have way to stop the Pakatan Rakyat in its tracks is for Najib and no consequence.
They called in some of their campaigners
his government to walk the talk of all that he had promised to and briefed them on Mahathir and asked them
do under his One Malaysia project.” to tell their ceramah audience who the man is
well ahead of his arrival in the two constituten-
cies on the last day of the campaign period.
According to PKR strategist Saifudin Nasu-
tion Ismail, he knew Mahathir still had influ-
ence among those who are 50 years and above
and these are mostly BN voters and who would
want to hear him again “mostly for nostalgic
reasons”. He was unlikely to have much sway
among the young voters.
The strategists identified areas and gauged
their support there before deciding to send in
their armies of “unknown but capable and
credible persuaders” to chip away the influ-
ence of their opponents. In Malay areas “lebai
and ustaz” were dispatched.
If the problem was bigger and involve a
larger area, persuaive speakers who are also
crowd-pullers like Anwar would be called
in to perform their magic. The PKR leader is
an entertaining speaker and often spiced his
railings against the BN and their leaders with
funny and amusing anecdotes about them.
Victory in Bukit Gantang ... PAS’s Datuk Seri
On the other hand, there was nothing new
Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin celebrates with
in the way the BN parties conducted their
his wife and other PR leaders.
campaign. In fact, many of the people who
spoke at the ceramah should not have been
at the by-elections in the first place if, as the
government claims, rooting out corruption is

‘BN must look into weaknesses’ high on its list of priorities.

And, meanwhile, the BN parties have yet
to find their answer to Anwar who is just as
good and effective speaker in Malay as he is
by Giam Say Khoon “It is not a blame game but the feeling of the backgrounds, and
in English. ‘political tsunami’ exists even one year after the that they wanted
MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu is a
general election. The BN has to seriously look a new political
TAIPING: Barisan Nasional (BN) should learn
good and persuasive speaker in Tamil where,
into its weaknesses and listen to the people format.
its lesson for not being able to wrest the Bukit
working relentlessly in Bukit Selambau long
who want change.” “The mes-
Gantang parliamentary seat from Pakatan
before nomination day, he was able to win
He said there was also a big difference in sage that we can
Rakyat (PR) on Tuesday night.
back a large number of Indian voters.
the quality of the PAS candidate, former mentri interpret from
It was the third time that it had failed to
In the general election, the bulk of the In-
besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, the by-election is
win in a by-election – the other two were in
dian voters deserted the MIC and the BN got
over his BN rival, former Bukit Gantang Umno that (such norm)
Permatang Pauh and Kuala Terengganu – since
only about 20% of their votes but, led by Samy,
information chief Ismail Saffian. will happen
the general election last year.
the BN was able to win back another 20% of
Chang disagreed that the by-election results again in the next
According to Gerakan deputy president and
their votes.
were a blow to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib general election Asmuni ... ‘voters
Perak liaison chief Datuk Chang Ko Youn, BN still
Where Indians form only about 29% of the
Abdul Razak because Najib has been the prime and we hope the showed change in
enjoys the support of the Malay and Indian vot-
35,140 Bukit Selambau voters, it was not much
minister for only a few days and he should be BN leadership mindset’
ers as both percentages have remained about
and was unable to offset the increase in the
given more time to perform. get the message
the same. The major factor that caused the BN
number of Malay and Chinese votes that went
PAS Bukit Gantang by-election operations and attend to the
defeat was the support – or lack of support – of
to Anwar’s party, the PKR.
director Asmuni Awi said although the major- people,” he told a press conference at the PAS
the Chinese voters: the BN only garnered about
But the best answer to the anti-BN momen-
ity won by PAS has gone up from 1,566 last by-election headquarters in Bukit Gantang
18% of their support in the by-election.
tum and the best way to stop the Pakatan Rakyat
year to 2, 789 this time, the result is status yesterday.
“It is not that the Chinese like PAS or DAP so
in its tracks is for Najib and his government to
quo because the voter turnout increased from Asmuni said although the “local factor” of
much but because some extreme statements
walk the talk of all that he had promised to do
72.6% to 75.1%. Ismail had helped BN to win votes in the Malay
and arrogance of some BN politicians had con-
under his One Malaysia project.
He said he believed the voters had dis- areas, PAS still managed to maintain its target
tinued to fuel the emotion of the March 8 politi-
Perhaps Najib also should consider mak-
played a change in mindset, which transients of getting 43% of the Malay support, which was
cal tsunami last year,” Chang told theSun.
ing the walkabout he did in Kuala Lumpur on
the differences in racial, religious and cultural between the 40%-47% support range.
Saturday to be a regular practice in other parts
of the country. After all, isn’t perception king?

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