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S. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Preface Acknowledgement Meaning of Project Executive Summary About the CADBURY Objective of the Project Human Resource Management Facilities Rendered by Company Research Methodology Tools of Analysis Data interpretation by simple percentage table Data interpretation by Two way table Descriptive statistics table Summary of findings Suggestion Conclusion Questionnaire Bibliography TOPIC PAGE NO 3 4 5 7 13 18 19 21 28 29 30 51 54 55 56 58 59 63

PREFACE Executive Summary

Job satisfaction represents the constellations of persons attitude towards or about the job. In general, job satisfaction is the attitude towards the job as a whole. Job satisfaction is a function of satisfaction with different aspects of job, i.e. supervision, pay, works itself, coworkers, promotion, etc., and of the particular weighting or importance one attaches to these respective components. Employee job Satisfaction was a much popularized subject during the 1980s and 1990s, where much of the literature (Stoner & Wankel, 1986; Brewster, Dowling, Grobler, Holland & Warnich, 2000), focused on the link between Employee Satisfaction and Employee Performance. Subsequent research has, however, proven that this link is not particularly strong, (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2005; Ivancevich & Matteson, 2002). What recent research has confirmed is that there is a clear reciprocal relationship between Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction (Kraut, 1996). For example, one of the most detailed studies undertaken was that carried out by Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger (1995). The authors point out that, When companies put employees and customers first, their employees are satisfied, their customers are loyal, their profits increase, and their continued success is sustained (as cited in Bailey & Dandrade, 1997). The concept of Employee Satisfaction can be traced back to Edward Thorndike, who in the early 1900s published an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology where he explored the relationship between work and satisfaction. The concept of Employee Satisfaction has certainly been researched very thoroughly over the years and has been linked to many other issues like employee loyalty, employee commitment, employee engagement and job satisfaction. One of the most quoted theorists is Hertzberg who during the 1950s developed his theory which identified two dimensions of satisfaction, namely motivation and hygiene. Hertzberg maintained that the hygiene factors could not motivate employees but rather helped minimize dissatisfaction levels if addressed. These hygiene factors include topics such as; company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relationships and working conditions. The motivating factors addressed topics such as: the work itself, achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement. If

continuously good levels are maintained in respect of these topics, a motivated work force is created. Modern management considers human being as resource and it is an importance for the success of any organization. It is the strength and aid. Therefore employees attitudes, interest, quality,

job satisfaction, etc., have a bearing productivity of a firm unless the management is able to recognize employees needs and wants they will lose motivation and morale and it will affect the best interest of the firm. Work is one of the most important activities in a persons life .Who do have satisfying job rarely have fully satisfying lives. Dissatisfaction in work can lead in many circumstances to lower production and friction on the job. So that it must be considered by the management and steps should be taken to find out the factors which cause job dissatisfaction and to reduce such dissatisfaction. In general employee satisfaction is the attitude towards the work environment, salary, relationship with their colleagues, job security, grievance handling, performance appraisal, training and development, management style, quality policy, career counseling and so on. In this project factors that are taken into consideration for the employee satisfaction are: Work Environment: Work environment is the atmosphere to which the employee is actually exposed. This constitutes a major portion of the influence on the employees. This typically included the quantum of work allotted, nature and complexities, system being followed, support from colleagues etc. Relationship with the Superiors and Subordinates: Healthy and cordial relationship in the department will not only provide healthy environment but also paves way for smooth flow of work, increases productivity and qualitative performance. Relationship with Colleagues: Better understanding and friendly relations with colleagues is necessity for a good environment. Joining hands together and helping each other enhance stability and confidence among themselves that contributes to the security and improve performance as a whole. Motivation and Recognition: The level of performance of an employee is a function of his abilities. If there is a strong positive motivation, the output increases and decreases if it is negative. Motivation is a core

element of management which shows that every human being earnestly seeks a secure, friendly and supportive relationship that gives him a sense of warmth and recognition in groups that are most important to him.

Salary: Salaries are influenced by the size of the company, by a specific industry and in part by the contribution of the incumbent to the process of decision making. The bigger the firm, the greater is the compensation to the employees. The more attractive the salary, the more attractive will be the performance of the employees. Job security: A person who is satisfied with the current job would continue to remain in the same job. So job security plays a crucial role in the maintenance of job satisfaction among employees. Grievance handling: This is a corrective measure however important when grievances or difficulties or constraints enter in on employees job. The approaches of management, time taken to provide counter measures etc are the constraints of this factor. Performance appraisal: Most firms do not have a choice whether or not it should appraise its personnel and their performance of the hired personnel will be evaluated by someone at sometime. Management practices: The approach of the management towards employees in the interfaces like appraisal and reward schemes, permitting employees in the interfaces like appraisal and reward schemes, permitting employees to participate in the organizational issues etc, is also determining the employee satisfaction. This company has set employee of the year award etc, ensures positive management approach. These approaches have made the employees to have a good view over their job. Opportunities for development: This is a factor strongly related to the higher order needs of the employees on their personal development. Many people like a challenging job, since that assures them to think and undergo series development measures. This factor is an essential one for satisfaction of permanent employees.

Quality policy: Quality is a core concept that rules todays business. It is a non comprising factor of any industry in todays business world. Companies would adopt themselves to the recognize quality standards to sustain in the market and to provide a better working condition to the employees and job security. The study on employee satisfaction is relatively recent phenomenon. It can perhaps be said to have begun in earnest with the famous Hawthrone experiment conducted by Elton Mayo at western electrical company in 1920s. During the course of their investigation, however they became convinced that the factors of social nature were affecting employee satisfaction with the job and productivity. Since the Hawthrone studies, there has be enormous output of work on the nature, causes, correct employee satisfaction. The traditional model of employee satisfaction is that it consists of training and development, salary, management style, quality policy than an individual has about his work. The total body of influence of the job, the nature of the job itself, the pay, the promotion prospects, nature of supervision and so on, where the sum total of influences gives to rise to the feeling of employee satisfaction, the employee is satisfied, where in total, they give rise to psychological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truly to say I am Satisfied. Employee satisfaction means a pleasurable positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones feelings. This research named A Study on employee welfare in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED anticipates identifying the various factors and the extent to which they affect the satisfaction level of the employees. Employee satisfaction and welfare is very crucial for every organization because higher satisfaction level and welfare of the employee have a positive impact on productivity, performance, individuals physical and mental health, profitability, improve quality of products or services and reduce absenteeism, employee turnover, dispute between labour and management. This gives a competitive edge to the company over its competitors. The study tries to cover each and every factor that effect employee welfare and satisfaction level, weather it is HR policies (recruitment policy, promotion policy, compensation policy etc.) and HR practices (training and development, performance appraisal, motivation techniques etc.) or some other personal factor (gender, age, qualification etc.). The research includes each and every factor because even a single factor can lower satisfaction level and moral of the employee, which in turn leads to absenteeism, accidents, low productivity etc. and ultimately effect the organizational goal.

The research will help the company to gain the benefits of higher employee satisfaction level and have a competitive edge over its competitors.

Area of study The area of the study is the production plant of the , CADBURY INDIA LIMITED, Malanpur site, distt. Bhind, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) Scope of the study The scope of the study extends from lower hierarchical level (workers), middle hierarchical level (supervisors) to upper hierarchical level (Managers) of the company, so it is a comprehensive study. Objectives of the study The objective of conducting such research is to know the level of satisfaction among the employees of CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. Further it will also help to know the various job related and personal factors and their extent to which they affect the satisfaction level of employees, so that meaningful conclusions and suggestions could be made in order to make the human resource policies and practices of the company more effective and efficient. Research methodology The research includes both primary and secondary data. The information from the respondents is collected through questionnaire. The primary data was collected form employees of the
CADBURY INDIA LIMITED and secondary data is collected from the books.

The sample size is 60 and samples are selected on the basis of convenient from every department of the company. Questions are framed in such a way that the answers reflect the ideas and thoughts of the respondents with regard to level of satisfaction. For job related factors like scale (five rating scale) is used in which respondents are required to show their level of satisfaction from 1 to 5 (1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3= Neutral, 4= Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree) and for personal factor simple category scale is used and respondents are required to tick at the appropriate box. Some facts revealed in the study are bases on personal observations also.

Tools of interpretation and analysis Here the simple percentage analysis is used for calculating the percentage of satisfaction level in the total respondents and data is presented in the form of tables and bar diagrams. To determine the level of satisfaction for the various categories (work environment and nature of work, relationship with seniors and co-worker, welfare facilities, pay and promotion etc) combined mean is used. Since likert scale is used to find out the satisfaction level the value of combined mean shows the level of satisfaction form 1 to 5 and 2.5 is the middle point. Higher the value of mean shows higher satisfaction level and lower the value of mean shows lower satisfaction level. To analyze the data two-way analysis is used and to test the hypothesis Chi-square test is used and for all the chi-square test the table value has taken @ 5% level of significance. Limitations of the study The study is also subjected to certain limitations such as, sample is limited to 60, findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may subject to personal biasness and research study was being done in the year June 2010, with required data analysis and interpretation, the data needs to be updated at times when it comes to have further usage of this research study report. Despite the above limitations I tried my best through the entire study to provide a comprehensive, complete and detailed report, so that it can help the organization to take appropriate decisions for the welfare and satisfaction of its employee while giving due consideration to its goals and objectives.

About the CADBURY

Cadbury India's five factories in India churn out close to 8,000 tones of chocolate and the company sells a million bars every day. But Bharat Puri, managing director of Cadbury India will never forget the batch of Dairy Milk chocolates numbered 28F311 manufactured last year at the company's plant in Thane, near Mumbai. That was the worm-infested batch that triggered a crisis for the company that had always prided itself on its squeaky clean image. The timing of the controversy couldn't have been worse. Festival season sales (Cadbury sells almost 1,000 tonnes of chocolates during Diwali) plummeted 30 per cent. Until then, in the country's FMCG sector plagued by slow, low single digit top line and bottomline growth, Cadbury was a sweet exception. But its net profit in 2003 dipped 37 per cent to Rs 45.6 crore (Rs 456 million) as compared to a 21 per cent increase the previous year. Now, a year later, Cadbury says that consumers have long forgotten the controversy and are back to their merry chocolate-chomping ways. "Sales are back to the pre-controversy levels. Consumer confidence in the product is back and there has been a steady progression in sales," says Sanjay Purohit, head (marketing) Cadbury India. The company expects to close the year with a high double digit sales growth.

Company Overview
Cadbury began its operations in 1948 by importing chocolates and then re-packing them before distribution in the Indian market. After 59 years of existence, it today has five company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai). The corporate office is in Mumbai.

Our core purpose "Working together to create brands people love" captures the spirit of what we are trying to achieve as a business. We collaborate and work as teams to convert products into brands.

Simply put, we spread happiness! Currently Cadbury India operates in three sectors viz. Chocolate Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks and in the Candy category. In the Chocolate Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its undisputed leadership over the years. Some of the key brands are Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Perk, clairs and Celebrations. Cadbury enjoys a value market share of over 70% - the highest Cadbury brand share in the world! Our flagship brand Cadbury Dairy Milk is considered the "gold standard" for chocolates in India. The pure taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the Indian consumer. In the Milk Food drinks segment our main product is Bourn vita - the leading Malted Food Drink (MFD) in the country. Similarly in the medicated candy category Halls is the undisputed leader. We recently entered the gums category with the launch of our worldwide dominant bubble gum brand Bubbaloo. Bubbaloo is sold in 25 countries worldwide. The Cadbury India Brand Strategy has received consistent support through simple but imaginative extensions to product categories and distribution. A good example of this is the development of Bytes. Crispy wafers filled with coca cream in the form of a bagged snack, Bytes is positioned as "The new concept of sweet snacking". It delivers the taste of chocolate in the form of a light snack, and thus heralds the entry of Cadbury India into the growing bagged Snack Market, which has been dominated until now by Salted Bagged Snack Brands. Byte was first launched in South India in 2003. Since 1965 Cadbury has also pioneered the development of cocoa cultivation in India. For over two decades, we have worked with the Kerala Agriculture University to undertake cocoa research and released clones, hybrids that improve the cocoa yield. Our Cocoa team visits farmers and advises them on the cultivation aspects from planting to harvesting. We also conduct farmers meetings & seminars to educate them on Cocoa cultivation aspects. Our efforts have increased cocoa productivity and touched the lives of thousands of farmers.

Cadbury Milestones
The Cadbury story is a fascinating study of industrial and social developments . From a one man business in 1824, Cadbury has grown to be one of the world's largest producers of chocolate.

Use our milestones to view Cadbury history at a glance ; discover how the company grew and when the key products were introduced. See how a small family business developed into an international company and how the high standards of the Cadbury brothers were combined with the most sophisticated technology, skills and innovation.

Cadburys manufacturing facility at Malanpur :

On 13th January 1989, the Company began its manufacturing operations at the most modern plant at Malanpur near Gwalior in M.P. The factory is located on 24 acres of land that is taken up on lease from the M.P Audyogik Vikas Nigam (MPAKVN).

Some of the Products of CADBURY INDIA LIMITED are:-

clairs Bournvita Fruity Gems Perk Ulta Perk Celebrations Five Star Crunchy Milk Treat Dairy Milk

Product Range (Plant-wise) :

1. Malanpur Factory

clairs Gems Fives Star Perk Ulta Perk Milk Treat


Thane Factory Bournvita Dairy Milk, Fruit Nut, crackle & mouldedg products Five star Gems Caramels, Tiffins, Nut butterscotch Liquid Milk ,cocoa Processing

3. 4.

Induri Factory Milk Crumb Milk Fat Liquid Milk Chocolate Five star Relish Gems Moulded chocolate Bangalore Factory Halls Clorets Gums

Objective of the project :

To gather the information regarding the Social Welfare schemes of Cadbury India Ltd. Branch Malanpur . To suggest the company to improve the social welfare schemes for employees. To get the practical knowledge of social welfare schemes.

Focus Points of the Project : Focus points, which are to be emphasized in the project are as below :
Organizational Structure Training Process Social Welfare Function Washing facility Sitting facilities First aid and appliances Canteen Facility Crches Facility Sports Activities Welfare Officers Medical Facility Canteen facility Allowances Transport Facility Drinking Water Amenity facility

Contingency Loan Housing loan Company Loan Cultural activities Other Facilities




For any business to run one needs four Ms namely Man, Money, Machine and Material. Managing other three resources other than men, are easy to handle. Men are very difficult to handle because no two human beings are similar in all way. Human beings can think, feel and give response. Handling humans is more important for any business because human being have crucial potential that may be very profitable for the business. And these potential can be developed to an unlimited extent if they are provided with proper environment. So the function of managing men is as important as finance or marketing function in any business. HRM refers to practices and policies framed for the management of human resources in an organization, including Recruiting, screening, rewarding and appraising. Human resources have at least two meanings depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of three factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm's organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues. This article addresses both definitions. The objective of Human Resources is to maximize the return on investment from the organization's human capital.

THE SCOPE OF HRM is indeed very vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker-from the time of his or her entry into the organization until he or she leaves- come under the purview of HRM. Specifically, the activities include are HR Planning Job analysis and design Recruitment and selection Orientation and placement Training and development Performance Appraisal and Job evaluation Employee and executive remuneration Employee Motivation Employee Welfare

It is the responsibility of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner.

"Human resource management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals while simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee objectives." Schwind, Das & Wagar (2005).


COMPANY LEASED HOUSE Company will arrange the house through an authorized real estate agent as per the choice of the employee. Security deposit by company. 12% percent Interest will be charged on deposit amount. The same will be debited in CTC. Rent would be exempted from income tax. 10% Perquisite Tax would be charged to the employee on his taxable income.

COMPANY OWNED ACCOMODATION No deposit no interest. Rent would be calculated @ 11 rupees per Square feet. Monthly rental would be charged to CTC

Rental Amount will be exempted from tax 10% perquisite tax would be charged on employee. Security Deposit HRA House Rental Allowance HRA can be maximum 40% of Basic Salary. Deposit and rent has to be paid by employee by self To get the tax exemption the employee has to produce the rental agreements and rental receipts of the house. The employee cant claim this benefit if He/She has his own house.

OFFICE WEAR ALLOWANCE An amount of Rs.18, 000 P.A. is exempted for income tax. To get the exemption original bills to be submitted. Items covered under this head are as follows: Attire (2) Ties (3) Shoes (4) Socks (5) Tailoring charges

LTA - LEAVE TRAVEL ALLOWANCE An Employee can block two months of Basic Salary as Leave Travel Allowance. He/She should take a minimum of 5 days leave (PL). In case of air travel-economy class fare is exempted and in case of rail travel second class AC fare is exempted. He/She can travel within India only. He/She has to produce the original travel tickets.

CAR Company will arrange a car through a car lease agency. Employee can choose any make/model. The EMI that will be charged would be Rs. 2095/- per Lac per month. The EMI amount per Annum would be exempted from Income Tax.

MAINTENANCE & RUNNING COST Maintenance and Fuel Cost will be exempted as follows. Maintenance cant exceed Rs. 25, 000 per annum. If CC of the car is less than 1000 Rs. 1, 11,000 per annum. If CC of the car is more than 1000 Rs. 1, 50,000 per annum. The perquisite Tax charged would be Rs. 1200 irrespective of the cc of the car The above exemption would be provided on submission of original bills. There would be no tax exemption against if the employee has his own car. The FBT Tax (Fringe Benefit Tax) for fuel and maintenance is 6.73% on how much you have opted for. At the time of leaving CO. before 48 months then the employee has to pay FCV (For Closer Value) to the company from whom the loan is taken. If the employee is still stays after 48 months then employee will be charged 20% on the value of the car at that time for changing the name i.e. ownership.

CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE Employee can claim exemption Rs. 2400 per year. This exemption is restricted up to two children. To pass the claim Employee has to submit the original bills. To get this benefit child age should be greater then 3.5 years.


A sum of Rs. 5000/- would be exempted against the Gift Coupons. The company would provide coupons worth Rs. 5000/- during the months of October & November. Validity of this coupons is one year This coupon is accepted at major outlets in city. FBT Tax 16.67% is charged.

CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE If the employee is not using companys car then and only then he can claim this option. To getting the exemption bills are not required. Conveyance allowance is up to Rs. 800/- per month.

FOOD COUPONS The Company gives SODEXO passes in term of Food Coupons. Food coupons are provided on monthly basis of Rs. 1300. A sum of Rs. 15600 per annum will be exempted from the income tax.

MEDICAL ALLOWANCE The employee gets an exemption of Rs. 15000 p.a. But to get exemption the employee must submit original bills.

HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE Maximum 40% of basic salary can be calculated as HRA.

But if employee owns the house in another state then he/she can ask for HRA and also opt for Company Leased House.

SUPERANNUATION 13-15% of basic salary is transferred to trust. It can be given to employee only after the completion of 5 years with the company. The money is collected by a trust. To withdraw the money the employee has two options, either he can take the money monthly or he can take the money after 5years.

SPECIAL PERSONAL ALLOWANCE Any amount which exceeds the limits of each allowance can be transferred under this head. SPA is fully taxable as per income tax rules.

LEAVES There are four types of leaves available with the employees. PAID LEAVE CASUAL LEAVE SICK LEAVE OPTIONAL LEAVE

Additional Information: No leaves can be clubbed with another leave. Minimum 90 days leave should be in balance for the encashment of leaves.

PAID LEAVE There are 30 days PL available with the employee after the conformation. The PL is available after 180 days from the date of joining. The employee can take only 3-5 PL at a single time

CASUAL LEAVE There are 5 days CL available to an employee from the date of joining. The employee can take 1-3 days CL at a time.

SICK LEAVE There are 10 days SL available to an employee from the date of joining. The employee has to submit doctors certificate if the leave extends to 2 days.

OPTIONAL LEAVE There are 3 days OL available to an employee from the date of conformation.

JOINING FACILITATION Joining Day is the day when an employee recruited on the payrolls of the company. The HR Rep. should be in constant touch with the candidates till the date of joining. Collect the information from the candidate regarding the date and mode of arrival to the location of joining. Arrange for pick-up of the joinee & family from the station/airport and take them to the hotel as per the requirement. If pick-up arrangement cant be arranged then give complete address/directions to the hotel & the office to joinee. HR Rep. should give a brief introduction to the new joinee on the following: Geography of the Location/City/Town. Organization Structure.

Status of the Project/Operations of the circle. Role of the employee.

RESIDENTIAL & MOBILE TELEPHONE Residential & Cellular Phone are allotted to employee based on the role and responsibility level and should not be treated as Perquisite. The Residential & Cellular Phone provided by the company will be on the name of company. Circle / Business Entity Head can take any of the following decisions with respect to Residential Telephone Connection: Obtain the telephone connection on priority basis by paying higher amounts. Provision of STD / ISD Facility. Reimburse only Telephone Rental expenses. Reimburse the Local Call Expenses. Reimburse expenses related to only official calls. Reimburse all expenses including Long Distance Calls.

ALLOTMENT OF DESKTOP PC / LAPTOP All full time permanent employees who will be available at their office desk for more than 80% of the working hours on daily basis will be provided with a desktop PC on their workstation. The circle/Business Entity head can take decision to allotment of Lap Top in lieu of desktop PC based on the role of the employee.

INDUCTION Induction is also called orientation, which is designed to provide a new employee with the information he or she needs to function comfortably and effectively in the organization.

The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of research design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used for analyzing the collected data.

i) Research Design: The research design used for this study is of the descriptive type.
Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or a group.

ii) Sample Size: All the items consideration in any field of inquiry constitutes a universe of
population. In this research only a few items can be selected form the population for our study purpose. The items selected constitute what is technically called a sample. Here out sample size is 60 employees from the total population in the delivery peoples. The samples are selected on the basis of convenient.

iii) Data Collection: The primary data was collected by using questionnaires. The
questionnaire has 68 questions. A likert scale (five point scale) was used such as strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree.

iv) Questionnaire Schedule: Questions are framed in such a way that the answers reflect
the ideas and thoughts of the respondents with regard to level of satisfaction of various factors of job satisfaction. The questionnaire has total 68 questions. The likert scaling techniques has been used for each question in the interview schedule. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree

v) Tools of Analysis: v.a) Simple Percentage Analysis:

Here the simple percentage analysis is used for calculating the percentage of satisfaction level in the total respondents.

v.b) Two-Way Analysis:

The score secured by the respondents who falls between the score as up to 250 indicates less satisfaction of the respondents, from 251 280 are got average satisfaction and above 280 respondents got highly satisfaction level.

vi) Areas of Study

The area of the study is CADBURY INDIA LIMITED, Malanpur Manufacturing Plant, dist-Bhindi, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

vii) Limitations of Study

i) The sample was confined to 60 respondents. So this study cannot be regarded as full -proof one. ii) Some respondents hesitated to give the actual situation; they feared that management would take any action against them. iii) There was a fear of reprisal among the employees to reveal their personal feelings and the result may not reflect the actual satisfactions. iv) The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may subject to bias. As such the research study was being done in the year June 2010, with required data analysis and interpretation, the data needs to be updated at times when it comes to have further usage of this research study report.


SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 1 GENDER There is as yet no consistent evidence as to whether women are more satisfied with their job than men, holding such factors as job and occupational level constant. In order to know the ratio

of gender among employees of CADBURY INDIA LIMITED and the difference in their level of satisfaction, the respondents were asked about their gender. Gender of the employee Gender Frequency Male 55 Female 5 Total 60 Percentage 91.666667 8.3333333 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that 91.666667% of the employees in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED are male. 8.3333333% of the employees in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED are female.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 2 MARITAL STATUS The marital status may influence the job satisfaction as a personal factor. Because the married people has some unavoidable responsibility. Marital status of the employees Marital Status Frequency Percentage

Married Unmarried Total

55 5 60

91.66667 8.333333 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that 91.66% of the employees are married. 8.33% of the employees are unmarried.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 3 AGE Age is an important factor that has an influence of job satisfaction. Hence according to age levels the respondents are classified into three categories.

Age of the employees Age Less than or equal to 25 yrs

Frequency 2

Percentage 3.33333

26-50 More than or equal to 51 yrs Total

50 10 60

83.3333 16.6667 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that Majority of the respondents i.e. 83.33% are in 26 to 50 years age group. 16.66% of the respondents are above 50 years age group. 3.33% of the respondents are below 26 years age group.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 4 QUALIFICATION Qualification of the respondents may affect the perception of job satisfaction. Highly educated may expect much better work life then others. According to educational qualification the respondents are classified into four categories as under.

Qualification of the employees Qualification Frequency


School Level Graduate Post Graduate Total

44 13 3 60

73.33333 21.66667 5 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that Majority of the respondents i.e. 73.33% studied up to school level. 21.66% of the respondents are graduate. 5% of the respondents are post graduate.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 5 EXPERIENCE The experience of the employees in their job is another factor affecting the perception on job satisfaction. Highly experienced may expect better working conditions and having less experienced satisfy with the existing one. The respondents are classified into three categories according to their level of experience as under:

Experience of the employees Experience Less than or equal to 5 yrs 6-10yrs

Frequency 7 12

Percentage 11.666667 20

More than or equal to 11 yrs Total

41 60

68.333333 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 68.33% are above 10 years of experience in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. 20% of the respondents are 6 10 years of experience. 11.66% of the respondents are less than 6 years of experience.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 6 MONTHLY SALARY Man work to earn every employee in the organization will expect adequate pay to be paid for the job done by him. The reasonable pay for each job which is performed in the organization. This scale of pay may help for the job satisfaction to a greater extent.

Monthly Salary of the employees Monthly Salary Less than or equal to Rs 10000 Rs. 10001 15000 More than or equal to Rs. 15001 Total

Frequency 7 18 35 60

Percentage 11.66666667 30 58.33333333 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 58.33% of the employees have their monthly salary above Rs.15001. 30% of the employees have their monthly salary between Rs.10001 Rs.15000. 11.66% of the employees have their monthly salary below Rs 10000.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 7 Table showing employees opinion about the nature of their work. Your work is very challenging one Description Frequency Strongly agree 21 Agree 30 Neutral 8 Disagree 0 Strongly disagree 1 Total 60

Percentage 35 50 13.333333 0 1.6666667 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 35% of the employees are strongly agree that their work is very challenging one. 50% of the employees are agree that their work is very challenging one. 13.33% of the employees are neutral about the fact that their work is challenging one. 0% of the employees are disagree that their work is very challenging one. 1.66% of the employees are strongly disagree that their work is very challenging one.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 8 Table showing opinion of employees regarding their work load. I feel I have too much work to do Description Frequency Strongly agree 11 Agree 30 Neutral 16 Disagree 3 Strongly disagree 0 Total 60

Percentage 18.3333 50 26.6667 5 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 18.33% of the employees are strongly agree that they have too much work to do. 50% of the employees are agree that they have too much work to do. 26.66% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they have too much work to do. 5% of the employees are disagree that they have too much work to do. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they have too much work to do.


Table showing opinion of employees regarding working hours. Working hours are convenient for me Im happy with my work place Description Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 32 53.333333 Agree 25 41.666667 Neutral 3 5 Disagree 0 0 Strongly disagree 0 0 Total 60 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 53.33% of the employees are strongly agree that their working hours are convenient. 41.66% of the employees are agree that their working hours are convenient. 5% of the employees are neutral about the fact that their working hours are convenient. 0% of the employees are disagree that their working hours are convenient. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that their working hours are convenient. SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 10 Table showing opinion of the employees regarding rest intervals.

Adequate rest intervals are given Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total Frequency 24 28 7 1 0 60 Percentage 40 46.666667 11.666667 1.6666667 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 40% of the employees are strongly agree that adequate rest intervals are given to them. 46.66% of the employees are agree that adequate rest intervals are given to them. 11.66% of the employees are neutral about the fact that adequate rest intervals are given to them. 1.66% of the employees are disagree about the fact that adequate rest intervals are given to them. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that that adequate rest intervals are given to them SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 11 Table showing opinion of the employees about management and workers relationship. Management builds and maintains work relationship Description Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

28 23 6 3 0 60

46.6667 38.3333 10 5 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 46.66% of the employees are strongly agree that management builds and maintains work relationship. 38.33% of the employees are agree that management builds and maintains work relationship. 10% of the employees are neutral about the fact that management builds and maintains work relationship. 5% of the employees are disagree about the fact that management builds and maintains work relationship. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that management builds and maintains work relationship.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 12 Table showing opinion of the employee that they are provided with sufficient allowances.

Im satisfied with allowances provided by the organization Description Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 36 60 Agree 18 30 Neutral 3 5 Disagree 0 0 Strongly disagree 3 5 Total 60 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 60% of the employees are strongly agree that they are satisfied with the allowances provided to them. 30% of the employees are agree that they are satisfied with the allowances provided to them. 5% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are satisfied with the allowances provided to them. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that they are satisfied with the allowances provided to them. 5% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfied with the allowances provided to them.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 13 Table showing opinion of the employee about transport facility.

The organization has adequate transport facility Description Frequency Strongly agree 51 Agree 9 Neutral 0 Disagree 0 Strongly disagree 0 Total 60

Percentage 85 15 0 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 85% of the employees are strongly agree that organization has adequate transport facility. 15% of the employees are agree that organization has adequate transport facility. 0% of the employees are neutral about the fact that organization has adequate transport facility. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that organization has adequate transport facility. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that organization has adequate transport facility.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 14 Table showing opinion of the employee about medical facilities. The organization has adequate medical facilities

Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

Frequency 44 16 0 0 0 60

Percentage 73.3333 26.6667 0 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 73.33% of the employees are strongly agree that organization has adequate medical facility. 26.67% of the employees are agree that organization has adequate medical facility. 0% of the employees are neutral about the fact that organization has adequate medical facility. 0% of the employees are disagree that organization has adequate medical facility. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that organization has adequate medical facility.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 15 Table showing opinion of the employee that they are provided with benefits for their family. I am provided by benefits for the family

Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

Frequency 35 25 0 0 0 60

Percentage 58.333333 41.666667 0 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 58.33% of the employees are strongly agree that they are provided with benefits for the family. 41.67% of the employees are agree that they are provided with benefits for the family. 0% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are provided with benefits for the family. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that they are provided with benefits for the family. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are provided with benefits for the family. SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 16 Table showing opinion of the employee about refreshment facilities. Im satisfied with the refreshment facilities Description Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

20 23 13 0 4 60

33.333333 38.333333 21.666667 0 6.6666667 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 33.33% of the employees are strongly agree that they are satisfied with refreshment facility. 38.33% of the employees are agree that they are satisfied with refreshment facility. 21.67% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are satisfied with refreshment facility. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that they are satisfied with refreshment facility. 6.67% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfied with refreshment facility.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 17 Table showing opinion of the employee about rest room and lunch room We are provided with the rest and lunch room and they are good enough

Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

Frequency 33 17 4 4 2 60

Percentage 55 28.3333 6.66667 6.66667 3.33333 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 55% of the employees are strongly agree that rest room and lunch room are good enough. 28.33% of the employees are agree that rest room and lunch room are good enough. 6.67% of the employees are neutral about the fact that rest room and lunch room are good enough. 6.67% of the employees are disagree about the fact that rest room and lunch room are good enough. 3.33% of the employees are strongly disagree that rest room and lunch room are good enough.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 18 Table showing opinion of the employees about first aid faciltiy

Im satisfied with the first aid facilities Description Frequency Strongly agree 33 Agree 24 Neutral 3 Disagree 0 Strongly disagree 0 Total 60

Percentage 55 40 5 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 55% of the employees are strongly agree that they are satisfied with first aid facility. 40% of the employees are agree that they are satisfied with first aid facility. 5% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are satisfied with first aid facility. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that they are satisfied with first aid facility. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfied with first aid facility. SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 19 Table showing opinion of the employees about loan facility and other welfare benefits. Satisfied with Loan facilities and other personal welfare benefits offered by company Description Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

21 35 4 0 0 60

35 58.3333 6.66667 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 35% of the employees are strongly agree that they are satisfied with loan facility and other personal welfare benefits offered by the company. 58.33% of the employees are agree that they are satisfied with loan facility and other personal welfare benefits offered by the company. 6.67% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are satisfied with loan facility and other personal welfare benefits offered by the company. 0% of the employees are disagree about the fact that they are satisfied with loan facility and other personal welfare benefits offered by the company. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfied with loan facility and other personal welfare benefits offered by the company.

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 20 Table showing opinion of the employees regarding the opportunities to use their ability. I have adequate opportunity to use my ability

Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

Frequency 34 18 6 2 0 60

Percentage 56.666667 30 10 3.3333333 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 56.67% of the employees are strongly agree that they have adequate opportunity to use their ability. 30% of the employees are agree that they have adequate opportunity to use their ability. 10% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they have adequate opportunity to use their ability. 3.33 of the employees are disagree about the fact that they have adequate opportunity to use their ability. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they have adequate opportunity to use their ability. SIMPLE PERCENTAGE TABLE 21 Table showing opinion of the employees about their overall satisfaction level in the company.

Overall, Im satisfied with my job Description Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total

Frequency 45 10 5 0 0 60

Percentage 75 16.6667 8.33333 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that 75% of the employees are strongly agree that they are overall satisfied with their job in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. 16.67% of the employees are agree that they are overall satisfied with their job in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. 8.33% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are overall satisfied with their job in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. 0% of the employees are disagree that they are overall satisfied with their job in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. 0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are overall satisfied with their job in CADBURY INDIA LIMITED.


TWO WAY TABLE 1 Relationship Between Gender And Level Of Satisfaction

INFERENCE: From the above table the percentage of highly satisfied is in female group followed by the Gender level of satisfaction Highly Satisfied Medium Satisfaction Total Low Satisfaction

Male Female Total male group. The

10 (18%) 35 (64%) 10 (18%) 55 1 (20%) 1(20%) 3 (60%) 5 11 36 13 60 percentage of medium satisfied is high in males and low satisfied again is

highest in female group. TWO WAY TABLE 2 Relationship Between Marital Status And Level Of Satisfaction Marital Status Married Unmarried Total INFERENCE: The above table reveals that the percentage of highly satisfied is in unmarried group followed by married group. And in medium and low satisfaction highest percentage is in married group and followed by unmarried group. level of satisfaction Highly Satisfied Medium Satisfaction 9 (16%) 2 (40%) 11 34 (62%) 2 (40%) 36 Total Low Satisfaction 12 (22%) 1 (20%) 13 55 5 60

TWO WAY TABLE 3 Relationship Between Age And Level Of Satisfaction Age Young Age level of satisfaction Highly Satisfied Medium Satisfaction 1 (33.33%) 1 (33.33%) Total Low Satisfaction 1 (33.33%) 3

Middle Age Old Age Total INFERENCE:

7 (15%) 3 (33%) 11

30 (62%) 5 (56%) 36

11 (23%) 1 (11%) 13

48 9 60

The above table reveals that the percentage of highly satisfied is in the Young age group (33.33%) and 33 % of highly satisfied in the old age group and followed by Middle age group. And in medium satisfaction 62% is the highest percentage in middle age group and followed by old age group with 56% of satisfaction. The highest percentage of 33.33% in low satisfaction is in young age group. TWO WAY TABLE 4 Relationship Between Qualification And Level Of Satisfaction Qualification level of satisfaction Highly Satisfied Medium Satisfaction School Level 5 (12%) 29 (67%) Graduate 5 (36%) 7 (50%) Post Graduate 1 (33%) 0 Total 11 36 INFERENCE: From the above table the percentage of highly satisfied is more among the respondents of graduate level group and followed by the post graduate group. The percentage of medium satisfied is highest among the respondents of graduate level group. And the percentage of low satisfaction is highest among the post graduate level group i.e. 67%. Total Low Satisfaction 9 (21%) 2 (14%) 2 (67%) 13 43 14 3 60

TWO WAY TABLE 5 Relationship Between Experience And Level Of Satisfaction Experience level of satisfaction Highly Medium Satisfaction 2 (28.5%) 8 (66.6%) 26 (63.4%) Total Low Satisfaction 3 (43%) 2 (16.7%) 8 (19.5%) 7 12 41

Satisfied Less than or Equal to 5 years 2 (28.5%) 6 years - 10 years 2 (16.7%) More than or Equal to 11 years 7 (17.1%)






The above table reveals that the respondents having less than or equal to 5 years of experience have derived highest satisfaction level with 28.5%. The percentage of medium satisfaction is high in the category of 6 years - 10 years group i.e. 66.6%. And in low satisfaction level again the percentage of less than or equal to 5 years of experience is high i.e. 43%. TWO WAY TABLE 6 Relationship Between Experience And Level Of Satisfaction Monthly Salary level of satisfaction Highly Medium Satisfaction 2 (28.5%) 15 (79%) 19 (56%) 36 Total Low Satisfaction 2 (28.5%) 3 (16%) 8 (24%) 13 7 19 34 60

Satisfied Less than or Equal to Rs. 10000 3 (43%) Rs. 10001 - Rs. 15000 1 (5%) More than or Equal to Rs 15001 7 (20%) Total INFERENCE: 11

From the above table the percentage of highly satisfied respondents is more in the group with less than or equal to Rs. 10000 monthly salary i.e. 43%. It was followed by the groups of more than or equal to Rs. 15001 i.e. 20%. In medium satisfaction the highest percentage is in Rs.10,001 Rs.15,000 group i.e. 79%.


Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Factors Work Environment And Nature of Work Relationship With Seniors And Colleagues Communication And Motivation Training Program And Performance Appraisal System Pay And Promotion Welfare Facility Job Security Management Style And Grievance Handling Combined Mean 1.85 1.68 1.66 2.18 2.1 1.55 1.78 2 Remarks Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

9 10

Quality Policy Job Factors

1.43 1.44

Excellent Excellent

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A.i) Findings from Simple Percentage Analysis and Descriptive Statistics
1) The number of male employees in the company is more with the percentage of 91.67%; where as female employees are only 8.33%. 2) The percentage of married employees in the company is more i.e. 91.67% than the unmarried one. 3) Majority of the employees belongs to the age group of 26years-50years.

4) The data regarding the qualification of the employees shows that majority of the employees have studied only up to school level i.e. 73.33%, which is followed by graduates with 21.67%. The percentage level of post graduates is very low i.e. 5%. 5) Majority of employees experience with 68.33% have more than 11 years of experience. 6) Data collected to know the monthly salary of the employees depict that majority of the employee got monthly salary more than Rs. 15001 with 58.33%. 7) The respondents are satisfied with the environment and nature of work environment and nature of work as their mean value is near to 1.85 which is quite good. 8) Quality policy, employees awareness about it and employees acceptance level for changes is excellent with mean value 1.43. 9) Job factors such as opportunities, quality of work life and overall satisfaction of employee with regard to job is also excellent with mean value of 1.44.

A.ii) Findings from Two-Way Table

1) Highly satisfied employees are more among the female respondents than the male respondents. 2) Highly satisfied employees are more among the unmarried persons than the married one. 3) Highly satisfied employees are more among the age group of young employee. 4) Highly satisfied employees are more among the graduate than the postgraduate employees. 5) Highly satisfied employees are with less than 6 years of experience. 6) Highly satisfied employees are with less than Rs.10001/- income group.

1) Training department should be their in the company, if not possible then this responsibility should be assigned to the Pilot Plant. So that when ever required training should be imparted to the employees under the simulated conditions. It will enhance performance of the employee and overall profitability of the company. By doing so the company can avert miss happenings, as it has faced in the month of April.

2) Most of the workers are school level. Since they have to work in a very risky environment with dangerous chemicals, so their education level should be a little bit high. For this company should tie up with some trust or school to provide part time education to the employees. This will enhance their analytical ability, level of understanding and so on. This will help the employees in doing their work efficiently and effectively and thus ultimately enhance the growth of the company. 3) Job rotation may be introduced to give the employees a diverse background. 4) Company should extend its scope of selection from reference of employees to other like campus placement, advertisements, e-recruitment etc. 5) Rest rooms should be maintained and cleaned properly. 6) Some employees are not satisfied with the promotion policy. They complained against the diplomatic behavior of their seniors. Thus they suggest that promotions should be given only in genuine and fair cases and not on the basis of references of the respective heads or on the basis of liking towards any specific employee. 7) Another way through which the HR can become more effective is by engaging the department into other activities other than housekeeping, salary making or other admin work. Sessions like readers Session and meditational sessions. Such activities will not only help the HR department to come up with a change in its day to day activities but the employees too will get a change to get a kind of stable state of mind, peace of mind and would like to share their knowledge with each other. The employees will come to know facts that they didnt knew earlier. Not only this but a Gathering Sessions can be conducted where the employees can come with their families and this will help to create a sense of close bonding with each other and ultimately a sense of belongingness. 8) It has been found that as such in spite that the GUTKHAS AND PANMASALAS are not allowed in the organizational premises and strictly not in the plant area still employees carry such restrictive materials in the company as well as in the plant. Apart from this mobile phones are also not allowed in the plant area as such the vibrations of the mobiles in certain sensitive areas cause severe effect on the material being manufactured. Hence as per the research study for around I would strongly recommend that the entry of prohibited eatables should not be allowed to the company premises. This is the responsibility

of the security so as to conduct the checking at the security gate properly so that mobile phones or other restricted eatables are not made to enter the company premises. For this I would strongly recommend that smoking censors or the mobile censors should be implanted in the plant areas so that continuous watch can be kept over the workers as well as the unauthorized staff members who carry cell phones or restricted eatables in the plant premises.

It was a wonderful experience for me to be a part of CADBURY INDIA LIMITED for around two month and working on a research project for the company was a tremendously excellent experience that made me learn various aspects of an organization, areas of concern for an organization, art of not just surviving but proving its potential and extra caliber at time to time in the Indian corporate sector.

I hope the organization will be benefited from this survey and with the help of the suggestions given the organization can improve its working further more and the overall satisfaction level in the organization might increase up to the excellent level. The workers of the firm are more satisfied comparing to the staffs. Hence more focus should be given in the satisfaction level of the employees in the staffs level. The study on employees satisfaction at CADBURY INDIA LIMIED is cased out with full cooperation of the employees and management. As far as possible with in the given limits the study is completed with the satisfaction of many peoples. The data collected are analyzed scientifically and the results obtained are free to nearly 80%. It is assured that the company may get high boosted moral in the organization provided some of the suggestions made in the report are carried out. The suggestion to set up a training department will definitely reduce the number of miss happenings. Further from this survey I hope the organization will be benefited and with the help of the suggestions given the organization can improve its functioning and the overall satisfaction level in the organization and its performance will increase. Overall I will rate CADBURY INDIA LIMITED in A category companies. CADBURY INDIA LIMITED through its highly ethical values not only climbing the ladder of growth year by year but also fulfilling its responsibilities towards its employees and society.

A study on employee welfare and satisfaction In CADBURY INDIA LIMITED
The purpose of collecting such information is to know the level of satisfaction among the employees of CADBURY INDIA LIMITED. Further it will also help to know the various job related and personal factors and their extent to which they affect the satisfaction level of

employees, so that meaningful conclusions and suggestions could be made in order to make the human resource policies and practices of the company more effective and efficient. Dear respondents, Your Co-operation in the context shall go a long way helping me to draw conclusive inferences for which I shall be grateful. Note: Following are the questions that are to be duly filled up by the candidate. It is being strongly assured that secrecy shall be maintained at all the levels of this research and the identity of respondent will not be revealed. It is simply a part of research project which is to be submitted to Dayanada Sagar Business School, Bangalore in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Post Graduation Diploma In Management (HRM). Name of the employee Employee code Designation Name of the department : : : : __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Part A (General Information) Please tick ( ) at the appropriate place. 1. Gender 2. Marital status 3. Age. 25 years 26-50 years 50 years : : Male Married Female Single

4. Educational qualification. School level : Graduate Post Graduate

5. Your experience in PCCPL. 5 years 6-10 years 11 years

6. Monthly salary. Rs. 10000 Rs. 10001-Rs. 15000 Rs. 15001

Please indicate your level of agreement in connection with the following factors: 1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3= Neutral, 4= Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree

Part B (Work Environment And Nature Of Work) S. No. Particulars 1 7. Your work is very challenging one 8. I feel I have too much work to do 9. Working hours are convenient for me Im happy with my work place 10. Adequate rest intervals are given 11. Management builds and maintains work relationship 12. Provided with sufficient tools and equipments needed to do my work 13. Im satisfied with the safety measures provided by my company 14. The lighting and other arrangements are satisfactory 15. I am mentally and/or physically exhausted at the end of a day at work Part C (Relationship With Seniors And Colleagues) S. No. Particulars I have proper superiors assistance 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. My boss considers my ideas too while making decision I am appreciated for my performances My boss is not partial My Participation is welcomed I can easily approach my superiors Superiors are competent enough to guide The colleagues of the organization are friendly The colleagues are helpful in nature All the workers share their Know-how

Part D (Communication And Motivation) 1 S. No. Particulars I feel that my Boss motivate me to achieve the organization goal 26. My supervisor motivates me to increase my efficiency at 27. times when Im not productive Communication seems good within this organization 28. 29. Work assignments are explained clearly to me

Part E (Training Program And Performance Appraisal System) S. No. Particulars 1 2 3 4 5

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

I am satisfied with the training programs provided to us Training is given whenever needed Training provided is useful The training increases the performance I am satisfied with organization's techniques for evaluating my performance The appraisal policy of the organization improves the performance Performance appraisal of the employee is not effected by personal biasness 1 2 3 4 5

Part F (Pay And Promotion) S. No. Particulars 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. I feel Im being paid a fair amount for my work I am provided with commensurate salary Our wages are at par with the wages in the industry Im satisfied with allowances provided by the organization I am satisfied with promotion policies of the organization I am rewarded for the innovative ideas I am rewarded for my performance

Part G (Welfare Facility) S. No. Particulars 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. The organization has adequate transport facility The organization has adequate medical facilities I am provided by benefits for the family Im satisfied with the refreshment facilities We are provided with the rest and lunch room and they are good enough Parking facilities provided for our vehicles are satisfactory Im satisfied with the first aid facilities Im satisfied with the Loan facilities and other personal welfare benefits offered by company 1 2 3
4 5

Part H (Job Security) S. No. Particulars

52. 53. 54.

My organization provides me job security My job security is based on my performance The job security is based on workers welfare principle

Part I (Management Style And Grievance Handling) 1 S. No. Particulars Workers are given due recognition in the management 55. decisions I am satisfied with the decision making standards and 56. plans of the organization 57. Opinion given is due importance in decision making and for any change in respective department 58. The grievance handling procedure is effective 59. I am able to freely communicate my grievance Part J (Quality Policy) S. No. Particulars 60. I am aware of the quality standards of the organization 61. I am satisfied with the ISO/QS Certificate of the company 62. I am adaptable to the changes due to ISO/QS certification 63. I am happy and acceptable to the changes 1

Part K (Job Factors) 1 S. No. Particulars I love my job and to work in this organization 64. My work life is meaningful 65. I consider that my work is valuable in attaining organizational goals 66. I have adequate opportunity to use my ability 67. 68. Overall, Im satisfied with my job Any


__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________

Date: ____________________ ____________________ Thanks for your valuable time and response.






I DEEPA TRIPATHI declare that this project report titled STUDY ON SOCIAL WELFARE OF EMPLOYEES IN CADBURY is an original work done by me under the guidance of Ms. GUNJAN SHARMA (H.R.executive). I further declare that it is my original work as a part of my academic course.



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