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ers; f ' T ln e ;

.. vva.
lngteadof that "t TlTl

n EJl


thls ,' uW her efor e ls it.that that lts ' th;' ir ' ;ttoit, eeelng

I the.ELemente'


of the T's'w sheweth'

P ened. L l fe o-lnd for iri it hereln also le a great Arc.ariuro, . iedge .of' the }trYeterYof l, lf e o

1g the Know-

N ow eac b of.theee t e r r e s t ia i into the f our l,""Ili-a"qi"s d.tvid.ed. forth as r"oi-int'.8;i; whieh cometh -lleelf
' tb ,e Slement .'The.Ilorlzontal

' i' "

,.:. T a b le t s o f t h e S le m e n t s l s ty-i1re' Great Central Cross 0f ei iil; cnelt flatch-To'wer .

; i'' ' r' i' ' ' r ' ' :

The,vertlcal 'tr[aoroproqc SON' . or 3AfIIm-& . "GOD." 'l,lnea DeL' I'r-ri"t t ;;;;;ii-

splrir!, rnl lrNli on'ifr;-iioi? l,lne-s 'o'i'tu"


Lln-e o f ' e a c 'ur

:l '

" 1l Cro s g e s le


ibe rJlnee of opug comblned'

( 6" )

F o r th e e e .ve rti ca l

11nes r esem ble four .m lghty Plllar e, :eac h tbe ei ehoqlng for th' thue; l ut 11ne, r lght dlvidlnb. tfr ts And ae befor e eald' ,. r egar dl ng 1n the CeleetlaI Heavens, the hall colnclde wlth the fou r r e aldo the T,lnea SPir ltue the Zodlac al h the' centr e,of UN, the adnlnlstaant of' the ,he' tr ' ir e of the ,' ir or ldr r . Ther efor e these Cr osses r epr esent fo ur ,he .Nor th and the South' lnter r and' thus. afflr r nlng the e x l etenc e ;he Tr ee of Llf e, for mlng the And' theref ore ,al I{eavrIB.' 'Del Patrl e tr'lIi l que , l,l'nea ;he , .lnl Jlll{3r| and ari whereln tn' ' 't

5 4 .a Z

tr-. a
a t i;

T h e C a l va ry C ro sses, of Ten Squar es each, in' the four of L e s s er A n g l e r o f- e a ch Tabiet,ar ' e at{ r lbuted.unto. !} t9 ".tlon Thls Calv ar y her eln. th ro u g h th e Ten Siphlr oth t i r - Sp i " i T C "o g .-o f 1 0 S q u a i e s 1 g , ss thou knowest, lttg 49^ieslon' 3adg= e- o 'l , oi lft" 2'l lh pi,fH unto the Grade of Phllosophus 4o thee e of' four : wher ein a} l l Ten Sephlr oth ln balanced :m lesg and the Void r olled bac k ' i the double cube and the .B 1t placed to r ule ln ea c h of ' ,aI Tablete t Aird now I give unto thee' the Keys of the Conblnatlone and g o t t . "o " n ce 'o f th ; S q u ar ee of theger ' Tabl' ete; and they ar e the The Sphlnx' tht-t le to 8ay PYRAIIID OF EGI?T. HpiUiiX Ai\TD.TH.E the Pyr amld, that' ie to s r ey Ker ubs; .and th e o f t h e c o mb l n a tl o n s t-b 'e - c o mb l h a tl o n s o f th e Elem ents ' N o w .& e a rn a myster y of the illedon of EgyBt: rrffh e n .th e S p h l n x ana the Pyr emr .dar e unltedr - thou haet nThey tne fornui" oi th; maglc of Xaturerr.. ?re 'th-e 49It ' ^ of the In o f a I1 tl n e ;' a i a thetr beglnnlng, who' kno- wethlt? , Vi s Ao ro the b f Knowtedge t h e i r ke e p l n g a re th e Sacr "a UVeIer lee- and the ' H a g i c o f th e Go d e . rr i Path, leadlng unto the 20 = 90 of o f the SPnd i n th e R l tu a l T h e o rl cu e l t l e w rl tte n : rr fh e S p h i n x o f Eeypt spdke and eaid: I an the eynih es i s ar n also tlr e S{ mbol of } ' { an: I B m o f t he S l e rn e n ^ ta l F o rc" =i- I the Nlght' gf Time'r ' I ar ir the' D e a th : l , i f e a n d I a .n c ' Ohlld of le,ae thou knowee t, - the ienents Ldadlng unto the 40 = ?o of Ther efor e unto tha 4 Elemente. Y e t th e a P e x i s n o t a l lo' .fed to ! c u t ' off , i o ,a s to fo rm a ema,ll et

sFygerS"a" +fr 3 "tt3ffi"rl"tfi$o,, " "r,a



( ? )

iii" orlTr{rsr ; i,ii,,-ti.?:^:::i 1"r n-:;t*t-lliiitoS"i?""#f"; L'rlFFv riquare' ''aD'ue ii. 0.1..:t^tl?'
_ . . 1 { n . , F c r ce 1 s se a te d ,;,3 1 d

' 1' bol ' chr ine is a' sacr ed' - sym t- be lnase oI vr lthln t4"- *l;i;;;d

u".n*i]riet ;;; nar.lileor each

" li"t[i:^:l #:?".iX? gnarrmld., ":B::g:"" Grbat*ttfr";rr. .i:.errt tbe PoY9t.t"r-iielrt

eecgnt o1 "u,o,-'-u

e BUi',i;

tbe EAGLE'

An8eii;l'" lli ;het?- eins lr

1 above trus and ENITH

the.3ulr-":t :lx"


rather The HA'flK le







E-&ti'{^I"I dJ-'q


( e)

ll e me n t i 8o that a ch is of a different fo u r Elemenfs are urdted 1 n o n e S q u a re :

H.gCJ(iPl AEsHooRr (osiris) ruleth above, of the Four Trlanglee of the Pyra.nrld rvhen
a ll for


w h e n of'th e F o u r T rl a n g l ee 0f the Pyr am ld each ld of the 3l-ement of illATm, or when t h r e e o u t o f fo u r a re I/ATER. Fof she r e p r e e e n te th th e vl a te ry and m olet natur e Tqat' w h i c h i e l h e T h ro n e o f the.Splr lt. ' l a i T of F l 'l i l ', th e l vl o ther and Beglnnlng. S l e p e : Go d d e g e w l th T h ro' ne- Headdr eee; f,otus ,rland and Crux An.sata.

AErsllH irrlr)

rrrleth above,

Pyrarnid each ld of the Xlement of.XARTfi, ' ar e' XARTH. o i w h e n th re e . o u t o f th e four last Letter of' 3 o r s he re p re se n te th 'th e th a 't 1s the Br lde and i l l n ' ,vl z'.i :T fl n a t End. -Sbape.:Goddeeo wlth Altar eurmounted by BowI above Headdresg; lotil,e 'fland and Crtrx Aneata.,

' Ne1fOO1fCe (Nephthya) NaTpHTHUSEH TrlanBLes tr'our of the ruleth above whenthe


bove when o r ' t h r e e ' o ut o f

f Or O SIH IS.

tPH(nTe Fl the

An{EOUgrI (Arouerla)


tr'or of AIR. of iTlil', a s ' i t

: God wlth d.ouble Mltre; Ansata. Orux and Phoenlx


four Trlangles'o! !lt!-of abovewhen and two of ,!+IfF: Fy""nf a .twci be'9!, 'I'IATIR t sirrffirq ;t;-i;: tJi l" I Le;t: .{" h*'

ilaOo.coF o"l[roo, (.e,trror)'ryleth 'tire

net$=Otcd,' rele



r"ru oi Hice

iffi"n b e t ween

sy plunee "na qurmounted' by c118K qurmounleq' Prqsrt zith God.dese 'aith'dlek Sft"n.: Shape: God.dese
rlna^*a Wandand Crux Aneata.

" " "." "ttt the irn?rt and'un-{te-th il fi or- irr" nproE ' & N-ephthvs'
I I '

e' Lotue Eurnountinefreaddreee, 8 u rl l l o u n u rrrq l rs " ' tru rqoE t sv horge, nor 98r , I


, v h e no f th e !'o u r T rl a two be of '#ATIR and t t h e l e f o re ' re p r e s e n te .t ' u n l i e t h th e ru l e o f H l HORUS, s headi dlek and Sh a p e : Go d d e se wlth' Co.w.l ?Iand Ard T,otue between horne; ffi" 'Crux Angata.


( ? sHdEoEIJ

be of 'vATIR etd^!I9 two -iherefore ;i-i;; Fyramid' representeth'lTT ' tl Jileii:--:H" .rrtriltit-irre rure oi Hwe & -uur+rlrebl. "inini""a rsrs & ARouffirs. sLL;;: 'Youttrful God with double'trtttre; or trese of hal'r;' and-, ffff."riing-tocr SII,INcE' Otr' ;i'tf, ioitiriiger on l1p ln SIG$ or sllence) ' [th; ?;il;;;"H6nus,[[E coa


(p1ri91?1u') sooRPoKMrHr Lro{,r FfiOKFL*l the I'our'Tfi'ang1e'g'

abovi whqn of



(Lz )


ru l e th above when of the PYramld there

when of the For t h e r e b e th e se .any ProPortlon

fol.l'raO{ TouLt

f) ru}etlr abcrte'
the PYramltl Par taklng ln SA3TH' 'He

rep.r lyr-er-erore^r-led'

. Head.


Ii[68" ""a


with uog's or Jackal's


the Four --,r*o.!r{ r,ro " ; : -i"; ;e:Ii'*:II "" i . t'i:l' " ";; E i'I,EtrE. "g ; y --*?:.l*1 ilt i ,rl i' " ill !t:I .ll h+I $nft{Hi ,shen

r.qlponr KbrBe?,nrtt t\ereE-r.! 'oft -. r'in+rryur--

(Katc-senul) .pyranlE, ^|}l:il^:HT" Trlangle:-^-^ of . thg



*t' n l; i:: iil i:; in.*r {!fl tili:flF': ; rrAT::I:I1'::1 " ii'""'"i!- oi n6ii .;ff t;i;^ Alrapehr .t:g;;!n"iiii i' Ji-rr'a"pu""i" "ld
i t$tHiii'dqa
An6'oubl '


lteali. wlth Hawk'e

( rs)

4r 9 pr ostr atei


,' ' .

Grade than that of Ze!. eAl"Ui"l e n o u g h to e a v'th a t! . A re ve rse d ' I+e ttr

r,Eirg:' ilenrcel BY 0F THD sQUARES -REvIxRsrD;. teionEeth !b a-nore advancbd Ihe full und,eretandlng'thereof ln l'te place lt' te''
wberefore ,lated S s r ns n tn' or d 1ec

or the square aqtron '

ktrlS 5iilktlnil"""
acultY or . facultle s and sLlch for thl e

otirer eurround'lngequaree . leeaer tr""roii- "itrr:luE through thelr *.!;;;.i;- i;--;hai .are. terued the . rBattle Forrulas " of t.he Tabreil

oi e e ear tty r epr esent,an ei' ir fols' J "c tl on, r eadlly glasp then mor e h e Evli- l' or ies

oF rHE



rN rm squanEs ' sERvrn.{r

ng'f'e.' 1et the'Ze1' e P 1 a n e re q u lre d , ab6ve the Pyramld' . f . who..rur6tfr at 'bePec'la1lY :flbiatlng e sqG"i,

( r a)
f the God or Goddese. r e hln the coloesar synbollc

hls lnvocatlone


he shal l

Re g a rd l n g th e sp e cl a lattr l.buteeofthat- TPstpor tionof Spher ei t h e c o nfl n e e o f th e U -n l ver Be lneluded 1n that Of l te va rl ri n g l l a tur eei o f i ts E l e me n ta l N atur e; ElementaL and Splr ltual.gtc' ; Of fts i n h " b i ta n te , thr.ougii the Grdater ''Tor1d, that ;i itt of the ;;;;;ti;; ""v". ' l e , th e U n tvr e' ' Of i ts fi tffn e tt.b u pon.thls par tlcular ' Planet; and laetLy upon tr'[anthe Itrlnerils; Upon Ani;l;;-ii"tri", ' ' Ml cro co g m' that reflect And, when thou ehs,lt have obialned all thle; d[e dom of the o! . e v e n t h e n l t i e b u t a e nafl par t of .the- Knowledge Square' that of the 3orroolas whlctr te contalied. ln the P1ahe e'en


NOTE b Y V .H . tr'ra te r rr fS' R' M' D' x I h a ve fo u n d !t convenlent for bulldlng the sSm bol for the nglear .tr uncated at the aPex: K=- and wlth four of these to

. ray lt the Pyranrq wlthln -t;; ' ' - - A;a car dboar d, Flgur eg o{ the Egvp tl an ca n trl ve 1tttte .' ,:GOD. S of cor ]c.for etands, to put bite l nto i i [-o i ,i -" n a -:ffi " d .above the Pyrauld. ',yhlc1 aiToeether makee a vry complete naglcal apparatus f o r ' s t u d y o f th e sq u a l e g.

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