Hint: Each Time You Draw A Line, It Must Cross All The Lines, But Not at A Point Where Two Lines Already Cross Each Other

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Fun Maths! By Sumit Y. Waghmare (Keyaspapa@gmail.

.com) B-802 I used to fear maths a lot till the time, when I came across fun in maths! Really, mathematics is fun, learn these tricks and for sure take a fun ride with your friends by making them amaze how smart you are ;) Lets start with simple Pizza tricks Yummy! Given a circle, can you cut it in 4 pieces with two cuts simple isnt it

Now, cut the circle in 7 pieces with 3 cuts difficult

And finally for little genius, 11 pieces with 4 cuts super smart!

So next time having pizza with more friends, just use following formula to derive how many cuts you need to do The maximum pieces of pizza formula = (c(c+1)/2)+1, So with 7 cuts, = (7x(7+1)/2)+1 = 56/2+1 = 28+1 = 29 pieces! Enjoy your pizza! Check how many pieces you should have made with this chart and then see how good you are. 0 Lines and just one big circle . Well, its a start 1 line and 2 pieces keep going 2 lines and 4 pieces easy enough 3 lines and 7 pieces still easy 4 lines and 11 pieces getting tougher 5 lines and 16 pieces . Very good 6 lines and 22 pieces . Amazing skills 7 lines and 29 pieces truly fantastic 8 lines and 37 pieces we dont believe you!

Hint: each time you draw a line, it must cross all the lines, but not at a point where two lines already cross each other.

The day of week, my granny born! Lets start with formula Day = (date+y+[31m/12]+[y/4]-[y/100]+[y/400])MOD7

Six Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pick number for the date (1-31), month (1-12) and year (e.g. 1994) youre working out f = [(14-month)/12] Hint : [] box will only give integer, anything <1 will be 0 (Zero) y = year f m = month + 12f 2 Day = = (date+y+[31m/12]+[y/4]-[y/100]+[y/400])MOD7 Thanks to Mod7, it will give you answer of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 Convert a. 0 Sunday b. 1 Monday c. 2 Tuesday d. 3 Wednesday e. 4 Thursday f. 5- Friday g. 6 Saturday

Lets see an example for Bday of my granny 19th January 1931 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date = 19, Month = 1, Year = 1931 f = [14-month/12] = [(14-1]/12] = [13/12] = [1.0833] = 1 y = year f = 1931-1 = 1930 m = month + 12f-2 = 1+12x1-2 = 1+12-2 = 11 Day = (date+y+[31m/12]+[y/4]-[y/100]+[y/400])MOD7 = (19+1930+[31x11/12]+[1930/4]-[1930/100]+[1930/400])MOD7 = (19+1930+[28.42]+[482.5]-[19.3]+[4.825])MOD7 =(19+1930+28+482-19+4)MOD7 =(2444)MOD7 If you divide 2444 by 7, you get 349 and a remainder of 1. As MOD7 only wants the remainder, the final answer is 1. 6. Convert to day, 1 stands for Monday! My granny born on Monday!

Quick maths When you see and hear the lightning, and want to know at what distance it strike, just do this. Measure time between you See lightning and you hear lightning, thats S seconds and formula is = S x 344 meters

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