Volunteer Work

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Start Date: End Date:

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/2009 /2009


L3F07BCOM5095 L3F07BCOM5017

SESSION 2007-2009


University of Central Punjab, Lahore. Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi


University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi


Definition of Volunteering

Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society, local communities, and individuals outside the immediate family, the environment or other causes

Group Introduction
My name is Umair Adil and my group member name is Mati Elahi. We are a student of University of Central Punjab M-COM batch. I am doing job in DFC Engineering Concern and my group member running his own business Faster Consultants. The Quaid-e-Azam library, opposite Government house is assign to me to conduct volunteer activity over there. Quaid-e-Azam library is a well established library and this library has a very wider option to learn. I learned a lot from this institute. I am emotionally very satisfied with this library.

University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi


Quaid-e-Azam Library
The Quaid-e-Azam library is a program to provide researchers within public and private universities in Pakistan and non-profit research and development organizations with access to international scholarly literature and, providing access to high quality, peer-reviewed journals, databases, articles and e-Books across a wide range of disciplines. Quaid-e-Azam library is providing around 125,000 books in addition to more than 23,000 journals that have been made available through the Digital Library Programmed .The e-books support program will allow researchers to access most of the important text and reference books electronically in a variety of subject areas.

Qaudi - e- Azam Library formerly Montgomery Hall, now part of the Quaid-e- Azam Library is situated at the edge of the Jinnah/Lawrence Gardens. Named after Sir Robert Montgomery, who succeeded Sir John Lawrence on February 26, 1859 as Lt, Governor, the Hall was built (1861- 1862) in the classical style. The initial cost of Rs. 108,000 was contributed by the Punjab Chiefs and leading Lahore citizen. The Quaid-e-Azam library, opposite Government house, is the biggest public library in Pakistan and is open 8am to 8pm. It is housed in the combined Lawrence and Montogamery halls, buil in 1862 and 1866 to commemorate the first two British governers in Punjab.

University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi


Volunteer Activities
We were in text department in library and following are activities for me.

Book Search
Responsibilities: Assist the library staff with finding missing materials and materials
requested by library patrons. Return list of items not found to staff member for recheck.

Sample Activities: Search library shelves for materials on a printed list of patron
requests; search library shelves for materials on a printed list of missing items; display books; tidy shelves; return unshelled books to back room for sorting.

Equipment Cleaning
Responsibilities: Assist the library staff with routine cleaning of public workstations
and surrounding areas.

Sample Activities: Clean computer screens and keyboards, clean public workstation
areas, restock printer paper, restock scratch paper and pencils at public workstations.

Periodicals (Magazines & Newspapers) Volunteers

Responsibilities: Assist the library staff with keeping library periodicals organized
and neat.

Sample Activities: Shelve back issues of periodicals, recycle newspapers older than 3
months, wash newspaper shelves, update labels on magazine shelves.

Shelf Reading
Responsibilities: Assist the library staff with keeping the collection in alphanumerical order; check materials for condition, and keep shelves neat for easy access by patrons and staff. University of Central Punjab, Lahore. Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi

THE VOLUNTEER WORK IN QUAID-E-AZAM LIBRARY Sample Activities: "Read" assigned shelves putting books in order; dusting shelves,
washing books, organizing books for easy access. Shelf-reading training

Learning and change in perception

Volunteer program should give attention to the condition, fate, rights, obligations and responsibilities between human. Traditionally Volunteer program are implemented to eradicate and contained social problem within a community. It also gives priority to meet human needs and social mobility opportunities within the community. Today I thought to write a short blog on the Biggest Library of Pakistan, which is not so big if compared with the libraries in much smaller developed countries. In any case, it is still better to have one and to let our readers know about it as well. Quaid-e-Azam Library, Pakistan biggest library, is situated in the lush green garden naming Bagh e Jinnah in Lahore. The history of the library can be dated back to middle of 19th century, when Britain was ruling the sub continent. The detail history can be found on the website of the library. The website of the library is not in a very good shape and one can easily judge how much importance is attached to the internet by our biggest library. The irony of the matter is that I thought to compare our biggest library with that of the America biggest library and I was a bit disappointed to know that they both came into existence in approx same time period. Even the websites of library of congress is much more developed then that of ours and it can be found by clicking here. I hope that our government will start paying attention to these things instead of spending the tax payers money on buying expensive cars and jets for their personal comfort. The most important thing is that we can improve our skill and increase knowledge and can easily handled the task through reading and implement of past great personalities strategies. There are many individual reasons why people volunteer, they may include; To explore a career. To learn about society or culture. To make an impact / difference. To help someone. To give something back. To improve their own skills.

University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi


To do their civic duty. For work experience.

Recommendations & Suggestions

There should be one hall or section which may be separate or part of the library where personal books are allowed to study. This site is a good source of learning I recommend it to every student. I recommend this site because it has so many options like they have so many departments and student get benefit from every department. If the student is willing to get proper knowledge Quaid-e-Azam Library is one of the best sites to learn new things. No section of the library should be privatized except caf. The latest books and materials regarding Pakistan Affairs should be provided. The library must provide books in foreign languages other than English. If you are not up dating your books than at least let the members bring the books, not available in the library. Up date the library with the current advancement of the world and at least manage to operate Wi-Fi system in the premises of library so that members could bring their own hand held computers and use the cyber space.

University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

Umair Adil, Sheikh Mati Elahi

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