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Project/ Opportunity Proposal

1. The Proposal
Title Give a short title for your proposal Description/Outline Please give a short description of your idea (Maximum 200 words)

2. The Proposer
Proposer name Complete this box if you are making the proposal on behalf of a group School/Section/ Theme/other Group

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3. Strategic Alignment
Please indicate below which of the Universitys strategic Theme Teams you believe to be best placed to consider this proposal, whether it should inform operational planning of a specific School or Service, or indeed whether a new theme may be appropriate. You may indicate more than one if appropriate. Relevant metrics attaching to each of the objectives should be set out in section 4. Please also see additional guidance notes issued.
Environment & Climate Change Energy Modelling & Risk Infrastructure & Transport Life Sciences Interface Research Pool (state which) Learning & Teaching Themes People Organisation & Process Physical Infrastructure Technology Infrastructure If the proposal could be included in the operational plans of a single School or Service section, please give the name of the relevant School or Section School/Section If the proposal fits none of these categories, then explain below:

Please indicate which of the following strategic aims your proposal would help to achieve please tick all that apply. The commentary in section 4 should provide an explanation of those areas indicated.
Enhance Academic Profile Enhance Student Experience Increase income Reduce/Mitigate Risk Reduce costs/ Improve Efficiency Improve quality Free up academic time Building and maintaining trust Making processes effective Delivering successful project Collaborating for change Creating and sharing knowledge

4. Benefits & Supporting Evidence

Please outline the specific financial and/ or non-financial benefits with supporting evidence. This could include detail of potential demand and potential impact, relevant capacity to realise the opportunity and reference to comparable initiatives elsewhere. Evidence should be provided for all those areas indicated in section 3 above.

5. Stakeholders
Please give brief details of the Schools and Services that need to be involved or are going to be affected and list any key stakeholders, providing an indication of which of the stakeholders you have already engaged with.

6. Financial Plan/ Budget

Please estimate the likely costs and investment required to undertake this, both initial and recurring, and list any sources of funding already identified. Ideally, this should cover a 5 year period wherever possible.

Project/ Opportunity Proposal

Maximum of 2 sides of A4

Project/ Opportunity Proposal

7. Other relevant Information
Give any additional relevant information here and/or reference any supporting documents. This could some key risks or reference to other initiatives or existing activities that may impact or be impacted by your proposal if it is taken forward.

8. Endorsements
Where a key stakeholder such as a Theme Leader, Head of School or Service or one of the Universitys Boards has expressed support for the proposal they should be invited to add their endorsement here. Please restrict this to no more than 100 words.

Name & Signature Title Date Signature of Proposer Date

Please sign here Please insert date here

Project/ Opportunity Proposal

Maximum of 2 sides of A4

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