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What is the industrial engineering?

Industrial engineering is branch of engineering that concerns the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, knowledge, equipment, energy, material and process or Industrial Engineering is a discipline that studies the design, improvement and installation of an integrated system consisting of a human (for humans are closely related to ergonomics, machine, methods, tools, materials, information, and energy.
Write one reason why industrial revolution started in great briatain? 1. In the first place, britain had the money necessary to finance the larger enterprises. 2. In the second place, great britain had undertaken very early the manufacture of

inexpensive and more practical products for which there would be an evergrowing demand from the people, especially the new middle class. 3. In the third place, for a long time england had had large numbers of semiskilled workers 4. In the fourth place, coal was abundant in great britain, and a large amount of thus cheap fuel was necessary for running the factories. There was coal in northern france too, but france was late in tapping such resources because nearly all the people depended directly or indirectly on farming for their living. What do you know about service industry? The industry is give service not produce of object for example companies perform services, such as providing electric power. Transportation of freight and passengers by trucks, buses, trains, planes and ships is another important service industry. Banks, which lend money for the growth of business, are a well-known service industry.

What are the four goal of society? Increase the effectiveness of social activites, improve the quality of life, enhance human dignity, and develope human capabilities.

What can be grouped into industry? Companies that make the same kind s of products or perform the same kinds of services can be grouped into industries. Why were bridges, roads and buildings the primary areas where technology developed first? ???????????????? Singktan dari AIIE, IIE, IE, I Es ????????????????????

What can other companies do? Other companies make up the food-processing industry, the automobile industry and so forth. What can you conclude from that reading text? all the things we eat, wear and use every day are produced by industry.

What do we mean when we speak of a calorie? well, we know that the food that we eat is burned and provides heat. Some foods can provide much heat, and other foods, very little. The foods that provide much heat provide many calories. We measure the amount of heat of food provides in calories, just as we measure your height in inches or your weight in pounds. A calorie of food can also raise one pound of matter to a height of 40 inches. Two thousand calorie a day of food in the body can provide a lot of work.

Engineers are frequently involved in decisions that have a profound effect on society. The design of particular devices almost always involves the safety of the user. The design of processes frequently affects the enviroment. The design and the location of a factory affect the community and its citizens. The design of management system greatly affects the individuals working for the organization-their comfort, their sense of worth, their financial status and so on.

Indonesians should change their eating habit from consuming rice three times a day to only once daily. There are several reasons for this. First, rice has a high caloric content and tends to make a person soporific after each meal. Thus, eating rice may drop productivity of a person. Second, even though rice production is increasing because of modern farm technology, rice consumption in also rising. As people are becoming more affluent, they tend to eat more rice than before. Third, and equally important, if people decrease their rice consumption, then cultivation of other crops will expand. As a result, indonesia will develope her agricultural sector more evenly in terms of her farm produsts.

Auotomation is a term which describes the use of machines to control other machines. The process of automation is expected to increase production and improve our standard of living. Certain kinds of automation equipment have been used by the auto industry for many years to move materials to the assembly line. The ford motor company now uses some automatic controls. At its engine plant in cleveland, rough cylinder blocks go through a series of 530 automatic operations and come out as finished products in just under fifteen minutes. While many labor leaders fear that automation will cause workers to lose jobs, scientist say it will require mote workers to maintain and repair the automatic machine.

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