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an Penyusun No 1 : Bahasa Inggris : Dedi Herawadi, S.Pd., MM. Jenis teks Notice/Caution Butir Soal Indikator Menentukan pikiran utama. Jumlah soal : 50 soal Alokasi waktu : 120 menit No Soal 1 Kunci B

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Reading (membaca) memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.



This notice means .... A. it is not good for your own health to smoke here B.. no one is allowed to smoke in these buildings. C. smoking is dangerous for your health. D. everyone may smoke in this area These are no smoking premises. The underlined word has similar meaning to .... A. statement B. building C. promise

Menentukan makna kata.

1|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal D. permission 3. ... to permit smoking in these premises. The underlined word means to ... A. allow B. invite C. obey D. forbid Awesome Congratulations To: Hanna Maurisa For: Being a bright and enthusiastic student in IX_1. Your bright smile lights up our classroom every day. Great work this year Hanna. Muksil 4. What is the text about? A. A letter from a teacher B. A greeting card C. A student report D. An email 5. Muksil is Hannas A. mom. B. riend. C. headmaster. D. teacher. Dear Ali, Don't forget to pick up yur sister at the English course at 05.00 p.m. Mommy is still in the office now. I'll be home soon. Thak you dear Love Mum 6. What is Ali's mother doing now? A. Working at the office.
2|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h

Indikator Menentukan makan kata

No Soal 3 A


Greeting card

Menentukan pikiran utama

Menentukan informasi rinci

Short message

Menentukan informasi rinci


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal B. Picking up Ali's sister. C. Waitingfor Ali at home. D. Joining the English course. 7. What is Ali's mother's purpose to write the message above? A. Ask Ali to be home soon. B. Help Ali to remember her job. C. Tell Ali that she is in the course. D. Remind Ali to pick up her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen request the company of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m. Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat R.S.V.P: Desta (02159353320) Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary? A. Desta B. Mr. and Mrs. Brown C. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen D. The company What is the text written for? A. To invite somebody to a party B. To celebrate a wedding anniversary C. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen D. To give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block 2D


No Soal


Menentukan informasi rinci.


Menentukan informasi rinci



menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan Attention Passengers planning to drive and park at the airport informasi should be aware of several changes due to construction tersirat at the terminal. Short term parking is available in the
3|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h



Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal new parking lot at the south end of the terminal. This lot provides hourly parking for those who are meeting or dropping passengers. Travelers who plan to park overnight or longer can park in the new satellite lot and board a shuttle bus to the terminal. New signs in the entrance of the airport will direct travelers to the appropriate parking area. 10. Why are there new instructions about parking at the airport? A. The road is under reparation. B. The new parking lot is available. C. There was an accident on the runway. D. There is a construction in progress at the terminal. 11. Where can the travelers park their cars over night or longer? A. At the entrance of the airport. B. At the south of the terminal. C. In the new satellite lot. D. In a new parking lot.


No Soal


Menentukan informasi tertentu tersurat. Menentukan pikiran utama




12. The text above is a advertisement. A. food B. drink C. school D. classroom 13. Classroom Cuisine is A. persons name.

Menentukan makna kata


4|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal B. a kind of lunch. C. the schools name. D. a catering company.. 14. Parents can order lunch A. online. B. by phone. C. by delivery. D. by going to school. Dear Ahmad Fathi, Hi! I am waiting for the holidays. It will be here in three weeks. My family are planning to go to the Bunaken Island. It is well known for its beautiful sea garden. We are going to see the scenery of the garden. Also, I am going to watch the colorful fish and various types of coral reefs from its surface. We are going to use a special boat for that. If possible I am going to do some diving. Wow! It is going to be an interesting experience. So how are you? What are you plan for your holidays? Tell me the activities you are going to do. Please write soon. Your friend, Rendi 15. What is the writer's plan for holiday? A. To use a special boat. B. To write a letter soon. C. To see the sea garden in Bunaken. D. To get an interesting experience. 16. We know from the text that .... A. Rendi can not swim well B. the holiday will be boring C. Bunaken is a recreation place D. Rendi and his family were well known


No Soal


Menentukan informasi rinci



Menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks.


5|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks Descriptive

Butir Soal


Few men have influenced the development of American Menentukan English to the extent that Noah Webster did. Born in informasi rinci West Hartford, Connecticut, in 1758, Webster graduated tersurat. from Yale in 1778. He was admitted to the bar in 1781 and thereafter began to practice law in Harford. Later, when he turned to teaching, he discovered how inadequate the available schoolbooks were for the children of a new and independent nation. In response to the need for truly American textbooks, Webster published A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, a three-volume work that consisted of speller, a grammar, and a reader. The first volume, which was generally known as The American Spelling Book, was so popular that eventually it sold more than 80 million copies and provided him with a considerable income for the rest of life. While teaching, Webster began work on the Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, which was published in 1806, and was also very successful. In 1807, Noah Webster began his greatest work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other languages, and seven more years to the writing itself. Published in two volumes in 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States. Websters purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronounciation, and spellings from those of British English. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms : develop instead of develope; plow instead of plough jail instead of gaol; theater and center instead of theatre and centre; color and honor instead of colour and honour. Webster was the first author to gain copyright
6|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h

No Soal 17

Kunci A


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal protection in the United States by being awarded a copyright for his American Speller. He continued, for the next fifty years, to lobby for improvements in the protection of intellectual properties, that is, authors rights. In 1840 Webster brought out a second edition of his dictionary, which included 70.000 entries instead of the original 38.000. The name Webster has become synonymous with American dictionaries. This edition served as the basis for the many revisions that have been produced by others, ironically, under the uncopyrighted Webster name. 17. Which of the following would the best title for the passage? A. Websters Work. B. Websters Life. C. Websters School. D. Websters Dictionary. 18. The word inadequate in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by . A. unavailable B. difficult C. expensive D. unsatisfactory 19. Why did Webster write A Grammatical Institutes of the English Language? A. He wanted to supplement his income. B. The children did not know how to spell. C.There were no books available after the Revolutionary War. D. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American children. 20. When was An American Dictionary of the English Language published? A. 1817. B. 1807.


No Soal


Menentukan makna kata


Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks.


Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam teks.


7|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal C. 1828. D. 1824. 21. What should the participants do first ? A. Re-register B. Enter the seminar room C. Listen to the first speaker D. Listen to the welcome speech by the principal. 22. From the text we can conclude that ... A. The seminar will begin at 7.30 A.M B. The seminar is divided into the sessions C. The seminar will be held for a day D. The participants may ask the speakers about personal matters.


No Soal 21 A


menentukan rujukan kata.

menentukan makna kata



The development of the horse has been recorded from menentukan the beginning through all of its evolutionary stages to pikiran utama the modern form. It is, in fact, one of the most complete and well-documented chapters of paleontological history. Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about the horse itself but also with valuable insights into the migration of herds, and even evidence for speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior. Geologists believe that the first horses appeared on Earth about sixty million years ago as compared with two million years ago for the appearance of human beings. There is evidence of early horses on both the American and European continents, but it has been documented that, almost twelve million years ago at the beginning of the Pliocene Age, a horse about midway through its evolutionary development crossed a land bridge where the Bering Strait is now located, from Alaska into the glasslands of Asia, and traveled all the way to Europe.
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Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal This early horse was a hipparion, about the size of a modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe, the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period. Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchittheres was eventually completely replaced by it. By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had become extinct in North America, where they had originated, as fossil evidence clearly indicates. In Europe, they evolve into the larger and stronger animal that is very similar to the horse as we know it today. For many years, the horse was probably hunted for food by early tribes of human beings. Then the qualities of the horse that would have made it a good servant were noted mainly its strength and speed. It was time for the horse to be tamed, used as a draft animal at the dawning of agriculture, and than ridden as the need for transportation increased. It was the descendant of this domesticated horse that was brought back to the Americas by European colonists. 23. What is this passage mainly about? A. The replacement of the anchitheres by the hipparion B. The evolution of the horse. C. The migration of horses. D. The modern-day pony. 24. According to the author, fossils are considered valuable for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A. they document the evolution of the horse B. they provide information about migration. C. they suggest how the climate may have been.. D. they maintain a record of life prior to the Miocene Age. 25. The word instigated in paragraph 1 could best be


No Soal


menentukan informasi rinci tersirat dari teks tersebut




9|K i s i _ k i s i B a h a sa I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal replaced by . A. explained B. caused C. improved D. Influenced Cooking and microorganisms (We learnt that yeast is a fungus and that it is a microorganism) Today we made Pita bread. We used yeast and flour to make it. We made the dough and then needed to knead it until its smooth and flat. I moulded and made it to a love-heart shape. Then we cooked it under the grill for several minutes so its perfectly cooked. I think my Pita bread is going to be delicious. By Keisha IX_2. 26. The text above is about. A. How to make pita bread B. Making fungus and bread C. A cooking class demonstration D. A biology lesson 27. Who is probably Keisha? A. A cook B. A student C. A teacher D. A school principal 28. It in I moulded and made it refers to A. flour. B. shape. C. dough. D. pita. 29. How did Keisha feel about her Pita? A. Happy

Indikator makna kata

No Soal



menentukan pikiran utama


menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan rujukan kata


Menentukan informasi rinci


10 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal B. Sad C. Flat D. Confused 30. The synonym of knead in ..needed to knead it is A. mould. B make. C. use. D. cook. Last autumn I was in India during Diwali, the Festival of Lights which takes place every year to celebrate the victory of good over evil. This festival lasts for five days and is held at the end of October or in the first week of November. Preparations began weeks before the event. People cleaned their homes and painted wonderful designs called rangolis on the walls and floors. They bought beautiful new clothes and jewelry to wear during the festival. Women made delicious sweets which were better than any others I have ever tasted. During the five days of Diwali, every home and temple was decorated, inside and outside, with lovely clay lamps and colourful candles. After dark, the whole neighbourhood glittered with thousands of tiny lights, as though in a fairy tale. Excited children set off firecrackers, and at first I was frightened by the loud bangs, but the spectacular display was so fascinating that I soon joined in the spirit of celebration. Diwali is a deeply moving festival. I am very grateful I had the chance to share in this celebration of peace and harmony. I have fond memories of the experience, and in particular I will never forget how friendly and generous people were. 31. What is Diwali? A. Celebration B. Festival of Lights


No Soal


menentukan makna kata



menentukan informasi rinci


11 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal


No Soal 32 A


C. Wonderful designs D. Home and temple in India 32. The main idea of paragraph 3 is menentukan A. During Diwali, houses were decorated with pikiran utama lamps and candles. paragraph 3 B. The preparations for Diwali was very long. C. The writer was very happy with Diwali. D. Diwali was celebrated everywhere. 33. When is Diwali held? A. In Autumn B. Every year C. End of October D. First week of November 34. What did the kids do during the celebration? A. Buying new clothes B. Setting off firecrackers C. Painting their homes D. Lighting the lights 35. From the text we know that A. Diwali was a fairy tale. B. all ages joined the celebration. C. Diwali was an ordinary festival D. the writer were afraid of the festival. 36. The writer feels that Diwali is afestival. A. frightening B. peaceful C. fascinating D. moving Sung-Yow has a secret. He could paint a picture and make it come alive! This only happened when the painting was finished. Sung-Yow loved to paint dragons. He left out their eyes because he didnt want them to come alive. In this way his secret stayed a secret. Menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan informasi rinci


Menentukan informasi rinci



menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks tersebut


12 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal The king heard that Sung-Yow was good at painting dragons. He asked Sung-Yow to paint four dragons on a wall. In three days the painting was almost finished. The dragons looked like they could jump off the wall. They didnt jump because Sung-Yow had left out their eyes. People came from far away to see the paintings. The dragons look so real, they said. But where are their eyes? they asked. If I dotted the eyes, the dragons would fly away, said Sung-Yow. Everyone laughed. No one believed him. Sung-Yow was not happy. This time he would NOT leave out the eyes. He painted little black dots on two of the dragons. Crash! Crack! the wall split open. Two dragons jumped off the wall. Sung-Yow went on to become a very famous artist with a very famous secret. In China when someone adds a finishing touch to a work, people might say Draw Dragon Dot Eyes. 37. What is Sung-Yows secret? A. His king knows him.. B. Draw Dragon Dot Eye. C. He could paint dragons D. His painting could come alive. 38. Why was the painting almost finished? Because A. he did not finish it B. people were asking C. the dragons looked so real D. the dragons jumped off the wall 39. How could Sun-Yow become famous? A. Everyone liked him. B. People saw knew secret. C. He was asked by the king. D. He made a saying Draw Dragons Dot Eyes. 40. What happened to the unfinished painting of two dragons?


No Soal


menentukan informasi rinci tersurat menentukan informasi tersirat menentukan informasi




13 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal A. Jumping off the wall B. Remained on the wall C. Had two dot eyes D. Split the wall 41. Theirin But where are their eyes?refers to A. people. B. everyone. C. two dragons. D. four dragons 42. Whats possible title for the text? A. Draw Dragon Dot Eyes B. Secret dragons painting C. Alive dragons D. Sung-Yow

Indikator tersirat .

No Soal


Menentukan rujukan kata


Menentukan pikiran utama


Writing (menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsinal pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.


It was (43) in the little cottage in the woods. Snow White (44) each Dwarf good night and tucked them into bed. Wait! Wait! called out Happy before she blew out the candle. Please tell us a story! (45) , said Snow White, smiling. 43. A. night B. morning C. afternoon D. midnight 44. A. wiped B. kissed C. smiled D. touched

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount sederhana


45. A. Oh no

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount sederhana Menentukan



14 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks B. Good C. Very well D. I am sorry

Butir Soal

Indikator kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount sederhana Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk procedure sederhana

No Soal



How to scramble eggs Break eggs into bowl. Add 1 tablespoon milk or cream and a dash of (46).for each egg. Beat well with fork. Heat half tablespoon fat for each egg in moderately hot skillet. (47).in mixture and reduce heat. Cook (48).., turning gently as mixture sets at bottom and sides of pan. Avoid constant stirring. When cooked through but still moist (5 to 8 minutes), serve at once. 46. A. sugar B. water C. milk D. salt and pepper 47. A. Pour B. Heat C. Put D. Move


48. A. fast B. Slowly C. hard D. calmly

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk procedure sederhana sederhana Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk procedure sederhana



15 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks

Butir Soal


No Soal 49 B


Menentukan susunan kata 49. The best arrangements for the following words is yang tepat . untuk membuat Monday kalimat yang be afternoon bermakna Will open and each s Wednesday 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Uniform Shop 7 A. 3-5-1-4-2-6-7 B. 7-1-4-2-5-3-6 C. 5-1-4-2-6-3-7 D. 7-2-1-4-3-6-5 50. The best arrangement for the following sentences to become a good paragraph is 1-Most people who meet him think he is strange, but I believe he is just shy. 2-He does not have many friends, but he does not mind. 3-Mr. Bean is one of my favourite characters. 4-He is slim and of medium height. 5-He usually wears a brown suit. 6-He likes to drive his small car and he loves his teddy bear. 7-He has brown eyes and short brown hair. 8-He is an ordinary-looking man. A. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 B. 8-4-1-5-2-3-6-7 C. 3-8-4-7-5-2-6-1

Menentukan susunanan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna


16 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h


Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Jenis teks D. 2-3-4-5-1-6-7-8

Butir Soal


No Soal



Rajeg, 2 Februari 2013 Penyusun,


DEDI HERAWADI, S.Pd., MM. NIP. 19781212 200710 1 001

17 | K i s i _ k i s i B a h a s a I n g g r i s U j i a n M a d r a s a h

1|K isi_ kisi Ba ha sa In gg ris Ujia n Ma d ra sa h

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