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1.1 Introduction:
Job Design is one of the important areas in organizational development. Breaking down tasks associated with each component in the system has led to the concept of job design It is that jobs of the employees can be changed to increase their interest and responsibilities. There are three ways to redesign a job. These are: Job Rotation, Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment. The researchers concern is on the 2nd and 3rd variable that is Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement, means employee go out from the routine situation and become more satisfied by having large number of responsibilities and career progression in the same job. So, this research concentrates to identify that if enriching and enlarging a job can increase employee performance. That is an emerging area in organization. So, it is about to identify the relationship between the job enrichment, job enlargement and performance of the employees in Pakistani organizations.

1.2 Statement of the Problem:

The problem of the study was to explore and describe the impact of Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment on Employee Performance in service sector of local companies.

1.3 Significance of the Study

Before doing any thing everyone looks for give an acceptable rational so that the reader should get the right idea about the work. As far as this study is concerned we want to see the trends set by the various Human Resource Departments in service industry. Major domains of human well-being: physical health, psychological health, social health etc. All these domains are directly proportional to the proper job design.

2 Job enrichment and job enlargement is the two sub categories used in the behavioral relation of the job design. Job enrichment is an attempt to motivate employees by giving them the opportunity to use the range of their abilities. It is an idea that was developed by the American psychologist Frederick Herzberg in the 1950s. It can be contrasted to job enlargement which simply increases the number of tasks without changing the challenge. As such job enrichment has been described as 'vertical loading' of a job, while job enlargement is 'horizontal loading'. An enriched job should ideally contain: A range of tasks and challenges of varying difficulties A complete unit of work - a meaningful task Feedback, encouragement and communication

Job enrichment doesn't work for everyone. Some people are very resistant to more responsibility or to opportunities for personal growth, butresearchers report that some people they expected to resist seized the opportunity. Enriching jobs is a particularly effective way to develop employees provided the jobs are truly enriched, not just more work for them to do. And Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities. This contradicts the principles of specialization and the division of labor whereby work is divided into small units, each of which is performed repetitively by an individual worker. Some motivational theories suggest that the boredom and alienation caused by the division of labor can actually cause efficiency to fall. Thus, job enlargement seeks to motivate workers through reversing the process of specialization. A typical approach might be to replace assembly lines with modular work; instead of an employee repeating the same step on each product, they perform several tasks on a single item. In order for employees to be provided with Job Enlargement they will need to be retrained in new fields which can prove to be a lengthy process. However results have shown that this process can see its effects diminish after

3 a period of time, as even the enlarged job role become the mundane, this in turn can lead to similar levels of de-motivation and job dissatisfaction at the expense of increased training levels and costs. The continual enlargement of a job over time is also known as 'job creep,' which can lead to an unmanageable workload. The importance of our study would be an in-depth analysis of how a Pakistani company employs these tools. We are also going to take into account those service oriented organizations which are using these techniques and what kind of results they are gaining. This study will also help to gather enough information to relate both job enrichment and job enlargement with the employee efficiency. Here rise a question that does job enrichment and job enlargement increase employee efficiency and ultimately the overall job satisfaction? Following are the basic factors that force a person to achieve the best: Family care Sense of achievement Rewards Money Self worth Acceptance Determination Physical needs It is about to describe that what is the relationship between job enlargement, job enrichment and employee performance, how they are correlated. So, in this context it is Descriptive as well as exploratory in nature.

1.4 Definition of major terms

Job Enrichment is an attempt to motivate employees by giving them the opportunity to use the range of their abilities. Job enrichment has been described as 'vertical loading' of a job. Job enlargement simply increases the number of tasks without changing the challenge. Job enlargement is 'horizontal loading' of a job. Employee Performance is a behavior of the worker working in the organization using his abilities, attitudes and experience to complete task at hand

1.5 Objectives of the study:

The research work contains some important aims and objectives. Those are as follows 1. To determine the level of job satisfaction among the different employees working in an organization of Pakistan. 2. To determine that to what extent job of these employees is enriched and enlarged. Means that is there any increase in their responsibilities vertically and horizontally over a period of time or not. 3. To determine the relationship between these 3 variables (Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement and Employee Performance 4. To check the efficiency and performance of the employees if their job is enriched. 5. To measure the level of commitment of employee through job enlargement 6. To know that how serious employees take both job enrichment and job enlargement. 7. To determine the relative importance of job enrichment and enlargement. 8. To determine the overall effect of job enrichment and enlargement on employees and their work behavior.


Since 1960s all studies in this area suggested that there is a positive correlation between job enrichment, job enlargement and performance of the employees. 1Vroom (1964) that job satisfaction = valence of the job; differences in valence of jobs are due in part to differences in properties of jobs. Complexity has a positive effect on job satisfaction hence on employee performance. Other contribution is of Herzberg (1971) in his Two-Factor Theory that describes two sets of factors, satisfying and dissatisfying, that also refers that work responsibility, challenging job affect an employee's self-esteem and opportunity for self-actualization and ultimately their satisfaction and performance in the workplace. The main purpose of job design (or re-design) is to increase both employee motivation and productivity (Rush, 1971).2 Moreover, increased employee performance can be achieved through increased job satisfaction.
1 2

See reference#3 on page 40 See reference#3 on page 40

A good management training scheme3 must be one that sets up a long-term career path for its participants. If such schemes only equip trainees for a job and meet their basic needs in the workplace, the chances are that they will fail. The Travis Perkins management trainee scheme provides trainees with shared long-term objectives, Travis Perkins4 is successful, and its trainees know they have the potential and the opportunity to share in that success. The management trainee program developed within Travis Perkins is designed to train individuals for the first step on the management ladder. Then, depending on the abilities and ambitions of each trainee, opportunities exist for them to move forward to become senior managers and even directors of the business. Organizational psychologists have been giving increased research attention to the difficulty people have in successfully juggling family and work responsibilities, otherwise referred to as workfamily conflict. Most of this work has addressed the strain of balancing home and work demands, emphasizing how work interferes with family. More recently, research has provided evidence of family interference with work (FIW), where individuals feel that their family role interferes with their work role (Netemeyer, Boles, & McMurrian, 1996). FIW is directly associated with reduced job performance (Frone, Yardley, & Markel, 1997; Netemeyer et al., 1996). 5 Leaders6 are unlikely to form a good impression of followers whose work contributions are lacking. Moreover, consistent with social exchange theory (Blau, 1964), these leaders would be less likely to provide these followers with job- or career-enhancing favors. Accordingly, FIW among followers is likely to hinder their social exchange with their leaders, thereby adversely impacting the overall quality of this dyadic relationship. The working relationship between a leader and a follower has been studied under the appellation of leadermember exchange (LMX). Our study is a first time examination of the relationship between frequency of FIW and LMX quality.

3 4 5 6

See reference#6 on page 40 See reference#11 on page 40 See reference#12 on page 41 See reference#9 on page 40

7 Herzberg7 was the first to show that satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work nearly always arose from different factors, and were not simply opposing reactions to the same factors, as had always previously been (and still now by the unenlightened) believed. In 1959 Herzberg wrote the following useful little phrase, which helps explain this fundamental part of his theory, i.e., that the factors which motivate people at work are different to and not simply the opposite of the factors which cause dissatisfaction. Although Herzberg is most noted for his famous 'hygiene' and motivational factors theory, he was essentially concerned with people's well-being at work. Underpinning his theories and academic teachings, he was basically attempting to bring more humanity and caring into the workplace. He and others like him did not develop their theories to be used as 'motivational tools' purely to improve organizational performance. The ERG Theory of Clayton P. Alderfer8 is a model that appeared in 1969 in a Psychological Review article entitled "An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Need". In a reaction to Maslow's famous Hierarchy of Needs9, Alderfer distinguishes three categories of human needs that influence workers behavior; existence, relatedness and growth. These ERG Theory categories are: - Existence Needs: physiological and safety needs (such as hunger, thirst and sex)(Maslow's first two levels) - Relatedness Needs: social and external esteem (involvement with family, friends, co-workers and employers) (Maslow's third and fourth levels) - Growth Needs: internal esteem and self actualization (desires to be creative, productive and to complete meaningful tasks)(Maslow's fourth and fifth levels) Contrarily to Maslow's idea that access to the higher levels of his pyramid required satisfaction in the lower level needs, according to Alderfer the three ERG areas are not stepped in any way.

7 8 9

See reference#5 on page 40 See reference#1 on page 40 See reference#2 on page 40

8 ERG Theory recognizes that the order of importance of the three Categories may vary for each individual. Managers must recognize that an employee has multiple needs to satisfy simultaneously. According to the ERG theory, focusing exclusively on one need at a time will not effectively motivate.

In addition, the ERG theory acknowledges that if a higher level need remains unfulfilled, the person may regress to lower level needs that appear easier to satisfy. This is known as the10 frustrationregression principle. This frustration-regression principle impacts workplace motivation. For example, if growth opportunities are not provided to employees, they may regress to relatedness needs, and socialize more with co-workers. If management can recognize these conditions early, steps can be taken to satisfy the frustrated needs until the subordinate is able to pursue growth again. The above figure clearly states that every one is guided by his or her needs identified over here.


See reference #1 on page 40


3.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1.1 Variables:

Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement and Employee Performance. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement is independent variables while Employee Performance is dependent variable.

3.1.2 Sub-Variables of Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement: 3.1.2. a. Job Enrichment:
Skill variety involves the number of different types of skills that are used to do a job. This area is important because using only one skill to do the same task repeatedly can be quite boring, typically causing the employee's productivity to decrease after a period of time. However, using a variety of skills in a job will tend to keep the employee more interested in the job and more motivated. Task significance involves how important the task is to others in the company, which is important in showing employees how the work they do fits in with that done in the rest of the organization. If employees can see how their work affects others, it will be a motivator to do the best job they can. Autonomy involves the degree of freedom, independence, and decision-making ability the employee has in completing assigned tasks. Most people like to be given responsibility; it demonstrates trust and helps motivate employees to live up to that trust. Responsibility can also help speed up work processes by enabling the employee to make decisions without having to wait for management

10 approval. Autonomy is a very important part of job enrichment because it gives the employee power and a feeling of importance Feedback describes how much and what type of information about job performance is received by the employee. It is one of the most important areas for motivation. Without feedback, employees have no way of knowing whether they are doing things correctly or incorrectly. Promotion is the advancement of rank or position in an organizational hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance i.e. positive appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures that the person is trained to handle the added responsibilities. This is marked by job enrichment and various training activities. A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and emoluments nature of job or what the job can be described as. Opportunity a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances. According to organizational point of view opportunity is when someone gets favorable situation to do his or her job right.

3.1.2. b. Relationship between Job Enrichment and its Sub-variables:

Autonomy Task Significance Skill Variety Job Enrichment Opportunity Feedback Promotion + P e r f o r m a n c e


3.1.2. c. Job Enlargement:

Involvement: To have a necessary feature or consequence like employee involvement towards the task and job. Motivation is a word used to refer to the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in psychology and neuropsychological. These reasons may include basic needs such as food or a desired object, hobbies, goal, state of being, or ideal. The motivation for a behavior may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior Achievement is the act of accomplishing or finishing. Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance. Commitment is the state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons: a deep commitment to liberal policies; a profound commitment to the family. Task identity is a matter of realizing a visible outcome from performing a task. Being able to see the end result of the work they do is an important motivator for employees. One way to make task identity clearer is through job enlargement, which means adding more tasks and responsibilities to an existing job. Interest a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something or a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly). Interest is thing which one does with pleasantly without any hassle. Rotation a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.) in this context rotation is doing some things which are entirely new from the current job description.


3.1.2. d. Relationship between Job Enrichment and its Sub-variables:

Task Identity Involvement Rotation Job Enlargement Motivation Achievement Commitment +

P e r f o r m a n c e

3.2 Research Design

This research is basically a Survey Research which is exploratory and qualitative in nature.

3.2.1 Population:

3.2.2 Target Population

13 Our target population is the middle level or lower management of ICIL, Chohan, Hakeem and Kamal Advocates and Legal Advisors and Traffco Tracking Company.

According to the companies these are classified as

Executive-1 Executive-2 Executive-3

E-1 E-2 E-3

Senior Executive officers Mid level Executive officers Junior Executives

3.2.3 Sample Frame

Our sample frame would consist of employee ranked form E3 to E2 with total number of 200; out this sample frame a sample would be drawn.

3.2.4 Sample Size

In view of the large target population, we have selected a sample size that will adequately represent the target population of employees. From the sample size of 60 respondents we selected 50 as we didnt get the 10 questionnaire out of 60.

3.3 Co-relation:
We have used Probability sampling and Systematic Random Sampling is used to determine the sample size. First Initial starting point was selected, and then every 2nd person from the sample frame was being drawn as a respondent.

14 Every element in the target population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. This approach will provided equal opportunity for target population to take part in study. Thus a sample size of 50 employees was taken and the appropriate data was collected.

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection

We preferred questionnaires as a tool to collect the data, because it provides all required information objectively and using this measure we will be able to cover large number of respondents in a short period of time. Moreover, the employees can fill these conveniently and without any pressure. The questionnaire consists of questions asked to seek respondents opinion on the area of study.

3.5 Data Processing Techniques

We have used 5 point Likert Scale for Measuring. The total number of questions is 17. Out of these 17 questions 8 questions were used to measure job enrichment and the other 9 were used to measure job enlargement. The scale has 5 options and score ranges 5 to 1.

3.5.1 Likert Scale

Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree 5 4 3 2 1

3.6 Score Index

15 There are 17 questions for measuring impact of job enrichment & job enlargement on employee performance. The maximum points that could be attained are 5 and minimum is 1 on each question.


4.1 Questionnaire Analysis 4.1.1 Analysis of Sub-variables of Job Enrichment
From Question 1 to 8 SKILL VARIETY Opportunity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback Promotion Q#1 I am given tasks which possess skill variety. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree Undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 1 50 2 0 5 4 F 19 28


Here in this section of the data analysis first we have organized the questions in order of their variable and sub-variable categories. These are the overall responses of the sample size according to the chronicle order of the questions. Actually this is the response of all the persons who have filled the questionnaire and which is also revealed in the graphs. In question number 1 we have asked the respondents that if there job is having skill variety. The replies of this question is that 19 out of 50 respondent strongly agree, 28 out of 50 said that they agree to this statement while 3 out of 50 rejoinder it as disagree. This indicates that in most organization the employee like to have skill variety associated with their work. As this is the sub variable of job enrichment therefore if this sub variable gives positive results then there would be constructive outcome with employee performance. Q#2 I am having opportunities to learn more skills. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 1 50 2 6 5 4 F 21 20


Now question two also with same types of results. 21 and 20 are the response for strongly agree and agree respectively and 2 and 1 are the response for disagree and strongly disagree respectively with 6 undecided. In this question we have asked the respondents that if they have proper opportunity to learn more variety to increase their skills. Many companies give plenty of opportunities to their employees to improve their performance and result of this question has proved it. Q#3 I am Aware of the end result of my task. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 2 50 1 11 5 4 F 18 18


In question three we have asked the respondents that if they know the end result of the work they are doing? 18 and 18 are the response for strongly agree and agree respectively and 1 and 2 are the response for disagree and strongly disagree respectively with 11 undecided. The graph indicates that the most of the respondents understand their work and know about the end result of the work they are performing. But still a significant amount of the respondents have ambiguity in it. There fore this question the result is may be in favor that people on the job know their job`s end result but still many dont even have the clue what are they doing.

I am responsive of the significance of the task. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 3 4 5 4 14 29 F

19 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 0 50

In question number 4 we the researchers have asked the respondents that if there job is having significance both intrinsically and extrinsically. The replies of this query is that 14 out of 50 respondent strongly agree, 29 out of 50 said that they agree to this statement while 3 out of 50 rejoinder it as disagree. This indicates that in most organization the employee like to do work with significant value. As this is the sub variable of job enrichment therefore if this sub variable gives positive results then there would be constructive outcome with employee performance.

Q#5 I am given authority and freedom to complete my task.

Categories X Strongly Agree Agree 5 4 19 19 F

20 undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 2 50 6 4

In question number 5 we have asked the respondents that if on job they were given freedom and authority to complete their work. The response of this question clearly indicates and we can also see it through the graph that 19 out of 50 respondents strongly agrees to the fact that their job has free and authority to complete the job. While other 19 just agrees to this question. Whereas 12 out of 50 respondents are either undecided or disagreed. Therefore job enrichment is there where respondents have high level of freedom and authority to complete their job. This is why these employees are high performers in the firm.

Q#6 I am being monitored after completing the tasks at hand. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree 5 4 16 20 F

21 undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 1 50 4 9

In question number 6 we have asked the respondents that if on job they were being monitored means that they are being handled for feedback. The response of this question clearly reflects through the graph that 16 out of 50 respondents strongly agree to the fact that on their job they are being monitored after the work at hand has been done. While other 20 just agrees to this question. But the thing which to be noted here is that a significant amount of the employees said that they either dont know about such procedures or they totally denies such activity in the firm. But for firms to get employee performance they must have introduced a system where every task included in the job should be monitored at least informally.

Q#7 I am provided with adequate opportunity to grow in the organization. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree 5 25 4 F 12

22 undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 50 4 5 4

According to the question number 7 in which we have asked the respondents that if they were being given adequate opportunity to grow while being on the job. The response of this question clearly reflects through the graph. 37 out of 50 respondents strongly agree or agree to the fact that their job give them enough opportunity to grow and dwell through their career. Whereas 13 respondents disagree to this question. They also say that their job is like a dead end for them.

Q#8 I am self-governing of my work roles. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree undecided 3 10 5 4 12 25 F

23 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 1 50 2

In the last question regarding the last sub variable of the Job Enrichment we asked the respondents that if their job has sufficient level of autonomy means is job self governing. Similar to the all other questions this question present the same result that is most of the employees agree to the fact that their job is autonomous.

4.1.2 Analysis of Sub-variables of Job Enlargement

From Question 9 to 17 Achievement Involvement Task Identity Motivation Willingness Commitment Rotation Q#9 I am feeling good about the sense of achievement involved with my work. Categories X Strongly Agree 5 F 28

24 Agree 4 undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 1 50 4 5 12

Now for the measure of Job Enlargement we designed questions from 9 to 17. In question number 9, it is asked to the respondents that do they feel sense of achievement related to their work. In response to this query 28 out of 50 respondents have said that they are strongly agree to the fact that their job provide them with more sense of achievement. 12 of these respondents just simply agree to it that they feel the sense of achievement. 10 of the remaining respondents either disagree or being neutral in their response to this question.

Q#10 I am able to use my abilities on the various duties of the job. Categories X Strongly 5 F 28

25 Agree Agree undecided Disagree Strongly disagree Total 1 15 4 3 2 12 5 4 1 50

In question number 10 we have asked the respondents that if on job they are using their abilities to perform various duties of the job. The response of this question clearly reflects that 28 out of 50 respondents strongly agree to the fact that they are using their due abilities for the completion of the job they are doing. While other 12 just agrees to this question. And 10 out of the 50 respondents have disagree or undecided about this question regarding using their abilities for the job.

Q#11 I am committed towards my work. Categories X Strongly Agree 5 F 29

26 Agree 4 undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 50 0 1 2 18

In question number 11 we the researchers have asked the respondents that if they are committed towards their work. This is the beat result of the entire questions we have asked in our questionnaire. About 96% of the respondents have agreed that they are committed towards their job.


Q#12 I am willing to take new challenges. Categories X Strongly Agree Agree Undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 50 0 0 5 18 4 2 F 30

In question number 12 we the researchers have asked the respondents that if they are willing to take new challenges. This is also the best result of the entire questions we have asked in our questionnaire. And in this too about 96% of the respondents have agreed that they are willing to take challenges on their job.

Q#13 I am having a sense of accomplishment while being effective.

28 Categories X Strongly agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree total 1 15 0 50 3 7 5 4 20 20 F

In question number 13 we the researchers have asked the respondents that if they are having sense of accomplishment while being working on the job. About 80% of the respondents have agreed that they have the sense of accomplishment and triumph through their work they are doing.


29 I am a part of important decision making. Categories x Strongly Agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 5 50 5 8 5 4 17 15 F

In question number 14, it is asked to the respondents that do they are the part of important decision making regarding their job and work. In response to this query 17 out of 50 respondents have said that they are strongly agree to the fact that they are the part of important decision making. 15 of these respondents just simply agree to it that they feel important in decision making regarding anything. 18 of the remaining respondents either disagree or being neutral in their response to this question. This means most of the firms dont even consider their employees while making certain decisions regarding their job or work.


30 I am enthusiastic and motivated about my work. Categories X Strongly agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree total 1 15 1 50 2 5 5 4 23 19 F

In question number 15, it is asked to the respondents that how they feel about their work that is enthusiastic, passionate and energetic. In response to this query 23 out of 50 respondents have said that they are strongly agree. 20 of these respondents just simply agree to it that they feel enthusiastic about their work. 8 of the remaining respondents either disagree or being neutral in their response to this question.


31 I am given proper chance to work on different job descriptions. Categories X Strongly agree Agree undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 4 50 5 6 5 4 15 20 F

In question number 16, it is asked to the respondents that if they were given proper chance to work on different job description also called job rotation. In response to this query 15 out of 50 respondents have said that they are strongly agree. 20 of these respondents just simply agree to the fact that their job is being rotated. 15 of the remaining respondents either disagree or being neutral in their response to this question.


32 I am able to find enjoyment in my post. Categories x Strongly Agree Agree Undecided 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree Total 1 15 4 50 6 4 5 4 23 13 F

In last question that is number 17, it is asked to the respondents that do they feel enjoyment and happiness while working. In response to this query 23 out of 50 respondents have said that they strongly agree to the fact that they enjoy working at their present job. 13 of these respondents just simply agree to it that they enjoy working. 14 of the remaining respondents either disagree or being neutral in their response to this question. This means a significant amount of the employees do not like to work at their current position or with current employer.


4.2 Findings and Working of the Result

4.2.1 Procedure of Calculations
Number of Questions = 17 Maximum point = 5 Minimum point = 1 Maximum point that could be achieved = 17 * 5 = 85 Minimum point that could be achieved = 17 * 1 =17 Maximum - Minimum = 85-17 = 68 As we want 3 point scoring index =68/3=22.67 So the difference between each score index is 22.67 which is rounded to 23. Scoring index for measuring employee performance Agree Neutral Disagree 63-85 40-62 17-39

Person scoring in the range of 17-40 would be classified as an employee with Low level of performance. Person scoring in the range of 40-63 would be classified as an employee who is neutral. The last range of 63-85 would be classified as an employee with High level of performance. We calculate the final score on this scale. In this we put Agree and Disagree which are two categories in Likert Scale as one which is Agree and same treatment given to disagree so that we can easily and simply get our results which are understandable.


4.3 Computations:
we gather the following table and its score in the way that 1 st we got questionnaire then calculate the result as per Likert scale n we add up each question score to reach up a total score which you can see in the table.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

66 74 70 73 80 79 60 68 69 53 82 82 81 69 66 57 66 75 66 76 66 66 73 69 73 67 65 62 71 73 69 75 42 81 54 58 78 70 58 54 70 70 77 55


45 46 47 48 49 50

74 83 68 61 80 79

This graph is made by the values which are mentioned in the table and put them on the scale as we mentioned above in scoring index.


Score 90 80 70 60 Score 50 Score 40 30 20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Respondants

4.4 Interpretation
The supported table and graph clearly indicates that the results are in favor of accepting that there is a significant impact of JOB ENRICHMENT and JOB ENLARGEMENT on EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE. The table shows the overall score of every respondents questionnaire according to the calculation designed in chapter. There mentioned Scoring index for measuring performance of employees through JOB ENRICHMENT and JOB ENLARGEMENT. Agree Neutral Disagree 63-85 40-63 17-40

38 The graph clearly highlight the area around 70 the score of employee, which clearly indicates that the managers believe that JOB ENRICHMENT AND JOB ENLARGEMENT do have significant impact on the PERFORMANCE OF THE EMPLOYEES. This graph is the key to our findings and end result of it. From this we can say that Skill Variety Opportunity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback Promotion Achievement Involvement Task Identity Motivation Willingness Commitment Rotation

are keys towards Employee Performance. Therefore it is concluded that Job enrichment and Job enlargement does improves the employee performance and it also interprets that there is a positive association between these variables job enrichment and job enlargement and employee performance and performance of the employee is directly associated with enrichment and enlargement of the job.



5.1 Discussion:
The results have supported the hypothesis (there is an association between these variables job enrichment and job enlargement and employee performance) as from graph u can see that mostly people lie on scale of high performance which is 63-85. Several researchers of organizational behavior had researched this. The researchers study links with other researchers like Vroom (1964) , Herzberg (1971) that refers that work responsibility, challenging job affect an employee's self-esteem and opportunity for self-actualization and ultimately their satisfaction and performance of their work in the workplace and Rush (1971) job enrichment is a factor in increasing employees' motivation that can increase employee performance. Some of must wonder that what has been done in this research. There is a simple answer to this question and that is we kept the research neat and simple. It is interesting to note that the interpretation of our research in layman script and it can easily be understood from the readers point of view. We use simple tools which are easy to understand and measureable.


5.2 Conclusions:
From the above findings we can conclude that: Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement play a very vital and critical role in employees performance. Almost 70% of the respondents agree to the fact that Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement both are important building blocks of any organization. We can build a diverse, well maintained and well structured work force, which can provide any organization an extra advantage over the competitors. It leads to the higher degree of employee satisfaction and better productivity as far as the job itself is concern. Employees cannot only increase interaction on the job but also they can perform well in different situations. We can see that Job enrichment and Job Enlargement can play an important role in any employees performance, motivation, development, reporting relations, social interactions, improving skills and capabilities. This will provide a better and promising future to the employees and organizations can turn a human being into an enduring asset.


5.3 Recommendations:
From this qualitative and exploratory research the results are in favor of what we intended to find out. Following are few recommendations that we suggest for the human resource practitioners: 1. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement should be the primary activity in training and development programs. 2. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement must be conducted after regular intervals. 3. Performance measures should be constructed around Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement. 4. Every employee should be a consistent part of these activities. 5. A consistent feedback should be taken from employee and his peers about Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement . 6. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement can play a vital role in succession planning employee productivity. 7. Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement should be given proper attention while planning any employee career path.


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43 11. JOB DESIGN, JOB ENRICHMENT, JOB ENLARGEMENT, JOB ROTATION Case Study - Travis Perkins - using management training to build a better business.

12. Laurent M. Lapierre, Rick D. Hackett, Simon Taggar (2006) Canada. A Test of the Links between Family Interference with Work, Job Enrichment and Leader Member Exchange. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 2006, 55 (4), 489511


Dear Respondents: We as researchers, the students of University of Central Punjab are doing the research on Employee Efficiency in organizational setting. Your willingness to fill this questionnaire will be highly appreciated. Your response will be kept strictly confidential. Thanks. Personal Information Name: (optional)____________________________________ Gender: Male Female

Education:________________________________________ Job tenure:________________________________________

Note: On the rating scale please indicate the level against each statement regarding your job.

Sr. Statements No I am given tasks which 1 possess skill variety. Strongly Agree


Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

..having opportunities 2 3 to learn more skills. ..Aware of the end result of my task. 4 ..responsive of the significance of the task. 5 ..given authority and freedom to complete my task. 6 ..being monitored after completing the tasks at hand. 7 ..provided with adequate opportunity to grow in the organization. 8 9 ..feeling good about the sense of achievement involved with my work. 10 to use my abilities on the various 11 duties of the job. ..committed towards my work. 12 ..willing to take new challenges. ..self-governing of my work roles.

13 ..having a sense of accomplishment while being effective. 14 ..a part of important decision making. 15 ..enthusiastic and motivated about my work. 16 ..given proper chance to work on different job descriptions. 17 to find enjoyment in my post.

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