Hope She Is Not Dead. It Would Be A Shame To Be The Cause of Death For Such A Lovely Creature. Because

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It was the day of the barbeque at Twelve Oaks and Scarlett OHara was on her way there on her

horse Dublin. She had been riding all morning and her father left with her two sister living her behind to come with her mother for the ball. She had said the day before that she will not attend the stupid barbeque and she did not want to attend the ball either, but her mother sent her there so she would not disgrace the family more. She hated acting like a proper lady in front of everyone. She loved to ride her horse like men, she loved to be free and if possible not in dresses and corsets all the time. They made her feel trapped like society did. Last year she would have given everything to spend every day at Twelve Oaks and be a lady with Ashley Wilkes, but that was then. It was before 3 months ago, when Ashley proposed to Melanie Hamilton at a diner the Wilkes were throwing. She had been more than angry, Ashley was supposed to love her, not Melanie. Although he had never made such a declaration, he had been paying a lot of attention to her since he came back from collage, so she naturally assumed that he loved her and that one day he will propose. He did propose but it was to Melanie and not her. She did not love Ashley, but for her he was the perfect man to marry. He was a true gentleman, smart, he lived on a plantation just like her, he had money and he was a good looking man, all the things Scarlett wanted in a husband, at least the things that her mother told her to look after in a man. She had to admit that sometimes Ashley was rather boring, always talking about his books and history. But for a proper lady he was the perfect gentleman. A man her mother would agree with. Her mother hoped that a man like Ashley will make Scarlett behave. So when Scarlett thought now about the upcoming wedding she felt free, free because she did not have to act anymore, she could be herself. Lost in her thoughts, she was not paying attention to the road and when her eyes focused it was to late and the horse threw her when a carriage appeared out of nowhere in front of her. . Rhett Butler was on his way to a barbeque of all things, he cursed himself for accepting the invitation, but he had to for business. Frank Kennedy was supposed to introduce him to a plantation owner to buy some cotton but he still could not believe he agreed to this society gathering. He was not paying attention to the road when he made a right turn on to the main road and suddenly heard a horse behind him and he turned just in time to see the horse throw its rider and he tried to catch her but didnt move fast enough so she hit the ground and Rhett was in a second next to her. He gently took her in his arms and placed her in the carriage and tried to wake her up. God! I hope she is not dead. It would be a shame to be the cause of death for such a lovely creature. Because she was beyond beautiful, he did not have words to describe her beauty. He slapped her gently on the cheek to try and wake her up. Miss, miss can you hear me? Please open your eyes! she did not move one bit. He could tell she was alive but he was afraid of the damage caused by the fall. He needed her to wake up and tell him where it hurt so he can see if there was anything broken. He studied her face for a second trying to think how to make her react. After a moment his eyes got to her beautiful red lips. Maybe she is like a princess, she needs a kiss. God! Rhett Butler you really are a cad, she is unconscious and you are thinking about kissing her! But the more he thought about it the more it looked like a good idea so he took her in his arms and bent his head and then he touched those beautiful lips with his. Scarlett felt like she was dreaming, dreaming of a prince kissing her. It took her a moment to realize that someone was actually kissing her and her eyes flew open. All she could see was a mans head bent over hers, he had dark hair and he looked so handsome. But that not excuse him trying to take advantage of her state so she brought her hands to his shoulders and pushed him off her. But to no use he was to strong.

When he felt her hands on him, trying to push him off her he was relieved that she was awake. So he let her go and raised to his feet to look at her. She looked ok and angry and he did not thought it possible, but she looked more beautiful angry and she had the most amazing green eyes. What the hell do you think you are doing? she was furious. How dare he try and take advantage of her! Now, please calm down miss. I was only trying to wake you up. It just seemed a better idea to get a reaction out of you from kissing then slapping you silly till you woke up. I would have preferred the slapping! I tried that but it didnt work. So I remembered the fairytales, when a princess wakes up after she receives a kiss. I had to try and see, it actually worked. He was grinning at her like an idiot. But she had to admit he was a handsome idiot, with black hair and a moustache and deep black eyes. Well ok. Lets say you did a good thing. Although you were no gentleman about it. He started laughing. My dear beautiful lady, I never said I was a gentleman. Far from it actually. Is that supposed to make me feel better? No. Im sorry. Does it hurt anywhere? For a second she was lost, and did not know what he was talking about. And then she remembered falling and started to stretch her body to see if it hurt anywhere. She winced a few times when she moved her leg and her arm but other than that she felt good. Just my arm and leg but I dont think its too bad. It will probably just bruise for a few days. Ok. I trust you know your body better than me. But I still say you should see a doctor, Miss he trailed off. Scarlett. Scarlett OHara. And you are? Rhett Butler, miss OHara. At your service. Do you have any relation with Gerald OHara? Yes. He is my father. Why do you ask? Do you know him? No. not yet. Im supposed to meet him today. Frank Kennedy wanted to introduce me to him so I can buy some cotton from him. Well you made the right choice. My father grows the best cotton in the South. Thats what I heard. They looked at each other for a few moments. Each studying the other. Where are you off to miss OHara? I can drop you off. I dont think its a good idea to ride your horse today again. Well I was on my way to a barbeque. But now my dress is all ruined and with my leg hurting I wont do much dancing at the ball tonight. So I guess I will be going home. I presume you are talking about the Twelve Oaks barbeque? Yes. Is there where you are supposed to meet my father? Yes it is. Well he is already there. Since we are very close friends to the Wilkes he took my sisters to help India Wilkes, John Wilkess daughter, with the last details of the barbeque. And it was also an excuse to start drinking earlier. So if you want to do business with him I dont recommend to do it when he is drunk. She flashed him a smile full of amusement and he could not help but laugh himself. There is tomorrow. Yes, there is always tomorrow. But I wanted to be on my way tomorrow. Then be on your way if your business here does not count as important, because doing business with my father drunk is a lose lose situation for both of you. He studied her for a moment. She actually seemed to know something about business, she seemed smart. Maybe she was right. Hell, of course she was, she knew her father. Ok. Miss OHara you are right. But without old Frank to introduce me to your father and dont know how can I still buy the cotton.

Well, silly, its quite simple. You take me home. And I will tell them that is because of me you were not able to get to the barbeque and to meet my father. I will introduce you. But how can you do that when your parents are not home? They will be home tomorrow morning after breakfast. Yes, but I will not be here tomorrow, because I dont have a place to stay. You can stay at our house. Rhett was shocked, he could not believe this amazing creature in front of him. She was a very bold young lady, she seemed high spirited and so not a lady. A lady would never make such a proposition to a man and would never get mixed in her fathers business. Well Miss Scarlett, I do accept your invitation. But although I am no gentleman and I care very little about the society, I cant help but wonder about your reputation. At his words Scarlett started laughing so hard she almost fell out of the carriage. Mr. Butler I knew you were a cad since I opened my eyes and you were kissing me. she started laughing harder. But I doubt that even a cad like you can make my reputation worse than it is. Worse? Did someone ruin you? Yes! Me! She laughed until tears came down her cheeks. And Rhett could not help but laugh with her. she had an amazing laugh. After what seemed like forever they stopped laughing and Rhett went to tie the horse to the carriage and then got to his seat next to Scarlett. Ok my lady. Where to? Turn around and make a right at the first crossroads. Then straight ahead till you see the house. At your orders my lady. Scarlett smiled at him. She could not believe this man. He seemed so carefree. Yes, he was a cad and a scoundrel for sure but he looked free. She wanted to be free too. Can I call you Rhett? He was taken aback by her request. He did not mind of course, he would actually prefer it, but he did not expect her to ask him that. Of course you may. But you have to let me call you Scarlett. well that was the point. I hate being called Ms. OHara. I sound like an old maid. You are far from it, my dear. My out of curiosity, how old are you? I just turned 19 last month. You? Im 30. How come you are not married? I know for a fact that here in the South girls are raised to be married at 16, when they are able to start having children. Oh God! You make us sound like a piece of meat that just carries babies! Im sorry if I offended you. But, unfortunately, that is the way things are here and you know it. Yes you are right. I hate it. My mother wanted to marry me right after my first ball. I was barely 16 then. A son of a count that just moved here from England asked her permission to court me and she was ecstatic about it. But I hated it. He was so ugly I felt sick every time he came to the house. One day we were on the porch and he tried to take my hand and I screamed the house down. My father came out running and I told him, that count junior tried to touch me in improper places because we were alone. So my father threw him out without hearing the mans explanations. My mother was furious, she was sure I was lying. But Pa would not have any of it. I told him that I was scared of men touching me, except my friends that I knew since I was little. So my father put his foot down and told mother to not let another man court me unless I want him to. And I never did. Rhett was dumbstruck by her story. So you dont want to get married? Of course I do! After a few years I felt bad for my mother and I started to pay more attention to my male friends, and I found one that she considered to be the perfect gentleman and he was a good

friend to me, so I thought I would not mind being married to him. But he loves someone else and they are getting married in a month. So I kind of gave up on the idea. Dont get me wrong I dont have nothing against marriage, but I would like a husband that will see me more than a baby maker, who will respect me for my brain too. And I actually dont want children, I saw what a baby does to a body, I dont want to be fat. And I know if I have a husband I will get pregnant. Rhett started laughing, he could not believe this girl. For a moment he thought he was dreaming. She could not be for real! It was like talking to himself in a dress and far more beautiful. They were the same. Do you find me amusing? Now, Scarlett hold that Irish temper in. Im not laughing at you. Im laughing because i cannot believe there is a woman who thinks like me, society be damned! My gold, you are amazing! If i were a marring man I would propose to you right now just so I could keep you. Well if I were a marring woman, I might just have said yes. They both started laughing again. This was the most fun they had in months even years. When Rhett stopped laughing he decided to tell her a little secret. You know, its not necessary for a woman to become pregnant if she is married. Its hard to believe that. I know how a baby is made so dont try and fool me. A husband will always try to use his wifes body for his pleasure and that is doomed to make a baby. Well yes. But there are ways to prevent the baby, and just have fun with each other. I cant believe Im talking about this with a stranger and a man but pray tell me Rhett, what fun is there for a woman? All I heard is that its uncomfortable and humiliating and there can be pain and a woman just has to endure all that for her husband and a baby. I dont see any fun in that. Scarlett, that is what society wants you to believe. Because if woman knew what pleasure they could get from those relations, there would not be any virtue left. But married woman still say its horrible. Yes, its true but only because there are few man that know how to give a woman pleasure in the marital bed. Are you trying to tempt me into marriage Rhett? Far from it my dear. Im not trying to tempt you into marriage, but Im trying to tempt you in other ways. He gave her a smile that made him look devilishly handsome. I may not be much of a lady but I am not a whore. So you can stop trying to tempt me in becoming your mistress. I would never imply you are a whore. You are still a lady in my eyes, just one with a brain that you like to use. He winked at her and started paying attention to the road. When Scarlett looked ahead she saw that they were approaching the house. Her Tara. .. When they arrived they were greeted by Mammy. Child! What are you doing home? And who is this man? After Rhett helped her out of the carriage she went to her Mammy. Now, Mammy, please! Where are your manners? Dublin threw me off him and I was lucky Mr. Butler was there to help me. That is no way to treat my savior. She turned to Rhett and gave him a wink. But Mammy saw that. Hmmm. I think there is something you are not telling, you crazy child! What did you do? Nothing mammy! Stop it, you are being ridiculous! Nothing happened. He just helped me get home and he was actually on his way to meet Pa at the barbeque, but I ruined his planes so I invited him to stay here until Pa comes home so they can discuss business.

Miss Scarlett! You know better than to invite strange men to the house when Miss Ellen isnt home! Oh! Hush! Im old enough to be the lady of the house when my parents are not home. And I will invite who I want! Especially the man who saved me. So please see that a room for Mr. Butler is prepared and ask the cook to serve us lunch. Then she turned to Rhett when mammy went into the house cursing under her breath. Sorry about that. My mammy is very protective of my reputation. Even more then my mother. Its ok. But truly I dont want to cause trouble for you. Oh! You hush too! There is no trouble and my father surely would like to thank you for what you did for me. And I want to thank you for giving me an excuse to skip that barbeque. With that she took his hand and dragged him into the house.

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