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NAME:____Mumtaz Ahmad______ ____DATE:___04/05/13_________ TIME:__40 MINS___________T.P. NUMBER:______ unassessed session _______
No. of students expected: __8_- 10___Level:___Pre-Intermediate_________________ Relation to syllabus: Working from leaflet Sussex Top Attractions Aims: By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to: Search for specific information from a leaflet Use skimming technique to find particular information. Students will be able to search for and read specific detail. Communicate information found in the Sussex Top Attractions leaflet. Gain confidence in reading leaflets and extracting specific information from the leaflet. Recognise and use different vocabulary about visiting various attractions and days out. To improve students reading skill (reading for gist and for detail).

Target language: English reading/speaking and listening

Materials (please include attributions) Sussex Top Attractions leaflet, White board, whiteboard pens, whiteboard rubber. Leaflets about days out within the Sussex and surrounding area. Assumptions: Students are able to read English. Enough students are available in order to complete the role play task.

Anticipated problems: Students arriving late.

Possible solutions: Greet them and get them to join in at an appropriate point. Tell them that I will find out the answer and let them know the answer next time I see them.

Being asked questions that I am not confident at answering

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My personal aims: To take into account feedback from previous TPs and implement the changes To increase my confidence. To plan carefully and ensure the tasks I set the students are manageable. To give clear and simple instructions To use enough ICQ to ensure that the students have understood what is being asked of them. To make this lesson successful and enjoyable for the students. To maintain a good rapport with the students.

Stage & aim Greetings and introduction

Procedures Greet the students, introduce myself and go through the students names. Write my name on the board. Ask the students how they are and how has their week been.

Est. timing 2 min

Interactions T to Ss

Warmer and rapport building

Write on the board Days out and places of interest to visit in Sussex Ask the students what they think this means elicit answers from the students. Ask different students what they understand from this sentence.

2 mins

T to Ss

2 mins

T to Ss

Lead-in (engagement of interest)

Asking them if they have ever been to any attractions/fun places/places of interest in their home country. Ask them about where they have been. What was good/bad about it. Have a discussion about the type of days out you can have. Did they have any special days out as a child? Ask them if they have been to any attractions within the Sussex area? If yes where, if no ask them if they know of anywhere where they would like to go. Or ask them what type of places they would enjoy. Show them a selection of leaflets about attractions that are available to visit

2 mins

Whole class discussion

Introduce task to the students.

2 mins

T to Ss

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Setting the context for reading Now show the leaflet Sussex Top Attractions Explain what the leaflet is about. Tell them that the leaflet has information about lots of different attractions within the Sussex area. (show them a map of the Sussex area which is on the back of the leaflet). 1 min T to Ss

Pre reading (gist) skimming

Hand the leaflet Sussex Top Attractions to the students and ask them to have a look through it and become familiar with it. Show them how the leaflet works explain to the students that this leaflet has a number of attractions and under the particular attraction is information about that particular attraction. Is this leaflet aimed at a) b) c) d) Tourists Tourist guides Foreign visitors Residents of East Sussex

3 mins

Whole class

Gist task

2 mins

With partner

Write on the board Does it contain a little information about a lot of places or a lot of information about a few places?

Controlled practice & practice drill

Ask them to all look at attraction number 60 Sea Life Centre Brighton. Ask them to read the text under the Sea Life Centre. Ask individual students questions about the Sea Life Centre Brighton. If the student doesnt know the answer ask another student. How many creatures are there in this centre? What type of sea life do you have? Are there any special offers available if I visit? Where is the nearest train station? The students will now be able to see that all

2 mins

T to Ss

T to Ss

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the answers are available on the leaflet. Instructions of first task Now I will introduce the task to the students 1 min

Pair up the students Give instructions person A is a the person working at a particular attraction and person B is a customer interested in visiting that place. GI B4HOHO Tell the students that they will be having a phone conversation. Person A will be asking information about their attraction and person B needs to find the information from the leaflet. Explain to the students that all the information that they will be asked is on the leaflet (exactly like when we did the Sea Life task together) and that they need to find the information and then give the specific information that the customer is asking for. The person asking the question must write down the answer they have been given by the assistant. Give the role-play instructions out. Put the students in pairs. Allocate a letter to each student. Person A and Person B Tell the students that they will have 10 minutes to do this. 5 minutes each then swap roles. I will tell them when they have 1 minute left. Instruction checking questions Before they start I will check they have understood the task. Ask are you working alone? Do you need to write anything? Where can the information be found? How long do you have for this task?


2 min

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1 min Hand out the hand-out.

Free practice of the task.

Free practice of role play.

10 mins

Whole class


Now ask the students to work together and check the answer they have been given by the assistant. Has the correct information been given? Have they missed anything? Could they assistant have given any other information? Once this task is completed summarise. Explain to the students that today we have gone through an authentic leaflet made for ordinary members of the public. It has not been modified in any way to cater for foreign students. We have learned how to skim read and then read for specific detail. We have learned how to extract specific information from the text and how to communicate that information. Ask the students if they have any questions. If they do then I will answer the questions as accurately as possible. If the students do not have any questions then thank the students and tell them I have really enjoyed teaching them.

2 mins

Ss to Ss

5 mins

T to Ss

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Stage & aim


Est. timing


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Language Analysis
(In the rare event of a skills lesson with absolutely no target language envisaged, please justify this below) Meaning


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Anticipated language difficulties

Possible solutions

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