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Nursing Practice II Maternal and Child Nursing and Community Health Nursing _______

General Instructions: 1. This exam contains 100 test questions. 2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheet. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. 3. Use No. 2 pencil. 4. AVOID ERASURES PREBOARD EXAM MAY 2011 NURSING PRACTICE II Maternal and Child Nursing and Community Health Nursing Maternal and Child Nursing 1. When the nurse assesses a clients ability to adapt and make life changes in response to illness, the nurse is incorporating the concept of which nursing theorist? a. Betty Newman b. Martha rogers c. sister callista roy d. dorothea orem Rationale: c. sister callista roys theory focuses on the clients level of adaptation. A. newmans theory is associated with a person being an open system. B. Martha rogers theory focuses on moving the client toward optimal health. D. dorothea orems theory focuses on self-care activities. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM].(2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 2. A woman is delivering her third child in a setting that allows her husband and other two children to be actively involved in the process. The nurse caring for her must also consider the husband and the two children as patients and work to meet their needs. This type of setting is termed: a. Family centered care b. Emergency care c. Hospice care d. Individual care Rationale: A. Family centered care is any setting where the pregnant woman and her family are treated as one unit. The nurse assumes a major role in teaching, counselling, and supporting the family. B. In emergency care setting the nurse deals primarily with the client who is having a difficulty. C. In hospice care settings the nurse deals with clients who have terminal illnesses. D. Individual care deals only with the client and does not include the family. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 3. The nurse is assigned to care for a 9-year-old who has a broken leg. The nurse notices that the boys parents expect complete obedience from him. This parenting style is: (PX CARE) a. Authoritarian b. Authoritative c. Permissive d. Mixed

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Rationale: Answer: A. The authoritarian parents have rules and expect obedience from the children questioning of the reasons behind the rule. B. the authoritative parenting style shows respect for opinions of the children. C, the permissive parenting style has little or no control over the behaviour of their children. D, A mixed parenting style combines all of the different types. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). MaternalChild Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 4. A nurse can best assist a family to cope with stress by: a. Taking over and making decisions b. Help identify family strengths c. Referring them to other resources d. Obtaining a lengthy assessment Rationale: Answer: B. identifying strengths that the family already has in coping with stress. These strengths may include optimism, financial, skills, or motivation. A. if the nurse takes over and makes decisions, the family will not have the opportunity to learn and grow. C. this may be necessary; however, the nurse can help the family by first assisting them to identify their strengths. D. families under stress will not be able to tolerate assessments. Nurse needs to be focused on the immediate issues. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 5. During a presentation on prenatal care, the student nurse stated in 2000 the maternal mortality rate for African- American women was 22. The number 22 in this statement means there have been: a. 22 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births b. 22 serious maternal illnesses per 1000 live births c. 88 maternal deaths per 100 live births d. 88 serious maternal illness per 100 live births Rationale: The answer is A. Maternal mortality is based on the number of maternal deaths from childbirth or complications of pregnancy, childbirth or peurperium per 100,000 live births. B, maternal mortality rate is based on the number of maternal deaths from childbirth or complications of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium per 100,000 live births. The figure of 88 deaths per 100 live births is incorrect. D, maternal mortality rate is based on the number of maternal deaths from childbirth or complications of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium per 100,000 live births. It does not deal with serious illnesses. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 6. A 3- year old child is admitted to the pediatric unit. Her two adoptive mothers who live together in a rental home accompany her to the hospital. A grandmother visited one time, but she lives 50 miles away and is unable to visit more often. This type of family is termed: a. Traditional b. Blended c. Multigenerational d. Same- sex parent Rationale: Answer: d. a same-sex parent family will consist of parents of the same sex raising a child. A. traditional family is headed by two parents of the opposite sex. B. blended families are formed when single, divorced, or widowed parents bring children from a previous union into their new relationship. C. to be considered a multigenerational family, the grandmother must live in the same household. Mckinney, James, Murray,

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Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 7. A 6-year old is admitted after being beaten at school by an 11-year old student. The childs mother and father are constantly by her side. The nurse correctly assesses the child and her family as needing additional resources and classifies them as a: a. healthy family b. high-risk family c. communal family d. blended family Rationale: Answer: B. a high-risk family id one experiencing not only violence but also marital conflict, adolescent parents, substance abuse or illness. A. a health family is a family able to adapt to changes. The childs family might be healthy, but there is not enough information given. C. the communal family is a group of people living together as an extended family group. D. the blended family is formed when a single, divorced, or widowed parent brings children from previous union into a new relationship. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 8. a nurse can best assist a family to cope with stress by: a. taking over and making decisions. b. helping identify family strengths. c. referring them to other resources. d. obtaining a lengthy assessment. Rationale: Answer: B. identifying strengths that the family already has in coping with stress. These strengths may include optimism, financial, skills, or motivation. A. if the nurse takes over and makes decisions, the family will not have the opportunity to learn and grow. C. this may be necessary; however, the nurse can help the family by first assisting them to identify their strengths. D. families under stress will not be able to tolerate assessments. Nurse needs to be focused on the immediate issues. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 9. When providing quality nursing care to the pregnant client, the nurse must be aware that the goal of maternal and child health nursing is? a. provision of family-centered care. b. early interventions to prevent further health problems c. determination of risk factors during childbirth. d. promotion of psychological well-being. Rationale: a. the primary goal of maternal and child nursing is the promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing. B. although early intervention to prevent further health problems may be considered desirable by the nurse, it is not essential goal. C. the essential goal of maternal-child nursing encompasses much more than determining risk factors during childhood. D. promotion of psychological well-being is only a part of nursing care and not an essential goal of maternal-child nursing. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 10. The stage of the family life-cycle hat the change of parental roles from support people to guideposts represents which of the following families?

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a. families with younger children. b. families with adolescent children c. middle-aged families. d. families with young adult children Rationale: d. this a primary goal for families with young adult children is to prepare for the children to setup their own households. A. strengthening family ties and maintaining unity are goals for families with younger children. B. families with adolescent children loosen family ties and allow adolescents freedom. C. developing economic independence is a goal for middle-aged families when the children have left home. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Reproduction 11. When teaching a group of mothers of preteen girls, the nurse explains that the earliest outward sign of puberty starting is: a. Axillary hair b. Menarche c. Growth spurt d. Breast changes Rationale: The answer is D. Breast changes, such as nipple enlargement and protrusion, are the earliest outward changes of puberty. Axillary hair appears near the time of menarche. The first menstrual period occurs 2 to 2 years after the development of breast buds. The growth spurt begins about 1 year after the initial breast development. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 12. A 23-year old postpartum client is having trouble breastfeeding. Upon assessment, the nurse discovers that the woman does not have a let-down reflex. One reason for this is that she may be lacking the hormone: a. Progesterone b. Estrogen c. Prolactin d. Oxytocin Rationale: The answer is D. One purpose of oxytocin is to stimulate contractions in the breast muscle that will push the breast milk down toward the nipple. This is called the let-down reflex. Progesterone will cause a relaxation of the breast muscles if present but will not affect them if the hormone is lacking. Estrogen stimulates the growth of breast tissue in preparation for breast feeding but does not stimulate the let-down reflex. Prolactin is important for breast milk production but nit the let-down reflex. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 13. A woman just gave birth to her sixth child. She states to the nurse, I just cant have another baby, but I dont want surgery to prevent it either. What can i do? what contraceptive method can the nurse suggest to the woman as being the most effective: a. cervical cap b. copper IUD c. male condoms d. Diaphragm

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Rationale: The answer is B. Copper IUD has an effectiveness rate of 99.2% and there is no error because of noncompliance (forgetting to take a pill or using other types). Cervical cap has an effectiveness rate of 60% for a parous woman. This is one of the lowest rates. Also the woman will need to take time to insert it before intercourse. Condoms have an 86% effectiveness rate that is dependent on the male partners compliance. Diaphragms have an 80% effectiveness rate that is dependent on the womans compliance. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM].(2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 14. A 36-year old comes to the clinic requesting contraception. She presents with a history of hypertension (now under control with treatment) and a past history of pelvic inflammatory disease. She smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and admits to having numerous sexual partners. Which contraceptive method is appropriate for her: a. Oral contraceptive b. Transdermal contraceptive patch c. iUD d. condoms Rationale: The answer is D. Condoms offer protection against STDs and will not interfere with her treatment for hypertension. Condoms also will not increase her risk for PID. All hormone-related contraceptive are contraindicated in women with hypertension and who smoke. They also do not offer protection against STDs. IUDs are contraindicated in woman with a past history to pelvic inflammatory disease. They also do not offer protection against STDs. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 15. A woman has been diagnosed with a severe sinus infection. The physician prescribed amoxicillin (Amoxil) 500mg every 8 hours as an antibiotic. As the woman is preparing to leave the office, the nurse notices that the woman is also taking oral contraceptives. What patient teaching is important at this time: a. some antibiotics decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and the woman should use another method of contraceptives b. oral contraceptives increase the occurrence of nausea during an infective episode. c. Antibiotics combined with oral contraceptives increase the risk of side effects of both medications d. Oral contraceptives decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics and the woman will need a stronger dosage Rationale: The answer is A. Amoxicillin will decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. It is important for the patient to be aware of ths fact so that back-up contraceptives will be used. Letter B has no correlation among infection, oral contraceptives and nausea. The combination of oral contraceptives and antibiotics does not increase the risk of side effects. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). MaternalChild Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 16. The procedure in which ova are removed, mixed with sperm, and the fertilized ova returned to the womans uterus is called: a. In vitro fertilization b. Gamete intrafallopian transfer c. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection d. Therapeutic insemination Rationale: The answer is A. in vitro fertilization is a procedure that is used to bypass blocked or absent fallopian tubes. Gamete intrafallopian transfer refers to the retrieval of

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multiple ova; the ova and sperm are put into a catheter and injected into the womans tubes. Additional sperm may also be injected into the uterus. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection involves injecting a single prepared sperm into an ovum. The ova is incubated and returned to the uterus. Therapeutic insemination occurs when sperm are injected into the womans uterus to bypass a hostile cervix or vaginal area. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 17. A husband and wifehave come to the clinic surgical sterilization. The male client asks the nurse to describe a vasectomy procedure. The nurseshould explain to the client that a vasectomy involves the severing of the? a. Seminal Vesicle b. Vas Deferens c. Corpos Cavernosa d. Epididymis 18. A client at 14 weeks gestation is scheduled for an induced abortion. The nurse should explain to the client that the method used for the abortion will most likely be a? a. vacuum extraction b. saline induction c. menstrual extraction d. partial birth abortion Rationale: a. vacuum extraction is the method of choice at 14 weeks gestation. B. saline induction is used between 16 and 24 weeks gestation. C. menstrual extraction is usually performed earlier in the gestational period or about 5 to 7 weeks after the last menstrual period. D. partial birth abortion is a technique used during the last 3 months of pregnancy, particularly when the fetus is determined to have a congenital anomaly that is incompatible with life. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM].(2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 19. When doing client teaching, it is important for the nurse to include breast selfexamination information for all woman older than: a. 20 years b. 30 years c. 40 years d. 50 years Rationale: The answer is A. All women older than 20 years should perform breast self examination monthly. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 20. Which piece of the usual equipment setup for a pelvic examination is not used with a Pap smear? a. Gloves and eye protectors b. Speculum c. Fixative agent d. Lubricant Rationale: The answer is D. Lubricants interfere with the accuracy of the cytology report. The examiner should always use standard precautions. A speculum is needed to visualize the cervix. A fixative agent is applied to the slide to prevent drying or disruption of the specimen. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-

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ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 21. The most common sites of breast cancer metastasis are: a. Bones and liver b. Kidneys c. Heart and blood vessels d. Central nervous system Rationale: The answer is A. Metastasis occurs when the cancer cells spread to the very vascular sites, commonly the lungs, liver and bones. Kidney metastasis is uncommon. Metastasis to the heart and blood vessels is uncommon. The brain is one of the final areas to be reached by metastasis. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). MaternalChild Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Pre-Natal 22. During the first 2 weeks after conception, the fertilized ovum is called a: a. Zygote b. Embryo c. Fetus d. Neonate Rationale: the correct answer is A. during the pre-embryonic stage, the cell formed by the union of an ovum and sperm is called the zygote. This stage lasts 2 weeks. The embryonic stage is from week 3 to week 8 after conception. The fetal stage lasts from week 9 until birth. After the fetus is born, it is called a neonate. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 23. A woman who is 12 weeks pregnant comes to the clinic for counselling concerning an abortion. The nurse is aware that the woman needs further teaching when she says: a. I know that this pregnancy is just a group of round cells at this point. b. I think you can hear the bebys heartbeat now c. You can tell if the baby is a girl or boy d. The babys intestines are inside the abdomen Rationale: The answer is A. Early in the zygote stage of development, the fertilized ovum divides into cells. They resemble a ball at that point. By 12 weeks, the fetus has arms, legs, a head and major organs. The heartbeat can be detected as early as 8 weeks with ultrasound. Male and female external genitalia can be distinguished by appearance during the 12th week. The intestines are originally contained within the umbilical cord because the liver and kidneys occupy most of the abdominal cavity. By the 10th weeks, the intestines are contained within the abdominal cavity. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 24. A client told the nurse the doctor had written down that she experienced quickening. When explaining this to woman, the nurse uses the knowledge that quickening is: a. The cheese-like secretions that cover the fetus b. The first sensation of fetal movement c. The production of a surface-active lipid necessary for the neonate to breathe d. An excessive amount of amniotic fluid.

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Rationale: The answer is B. The first sensation of fetal detected by the woman is called quickening. The cheese like covering of the fetus is called vernix caseosa. The surfaceactive lipid that is produced by a fetus is called surfactant. An excessive amount of amniotic fluid is called hydramnios. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). MaternalChild Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 25. The nurse understands that prenatal growth and development proceed in a cephalocaudal pattern, meaning that: a. The brain will develop first b. The brain will develop last. c. The liver and spleen will develop first d. The heart develop last Rationale: The correct answer is A. cephalocaudal development means it occurs in a head-to-toe manner. Therefore the brain will develop first. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 26. A 27-year old pregnant woman is seeing a nurse-midwife for pre-natal care. Her first baby was born by caesarean section because the baby was too large to fit through the womans pelvis. She has also developed gestational diabetes during this pregnancy. When discussing with the woman her options for places of delivery, what is the best choice for her? a. Home delivery b. Birth center c. LDRP in a hospital setting d. It does not matter Rationale: Answer C. Home deliveries and freestanding birthing center should be used for patients with very low risk for complications. The womans past history and present complication with this pregnancy place her in a high-risk category. Therefore she needs to be in a setting where emergency care is quickly available. A. Due to her complications, the woman is not a candidate for home delivery. B. Due to her complications, the woman is not a candidate for delivery in a birth center. D. Due to her complications, the woman needs to be in a setting where emergency care is quickly available. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 27. Which aspect of fetal diagnostic testing is most important to parents? a. Safety of the fetus b. Duration of the test c. Cost of the procedure d. Physical discomfort caused by the procedure Rationale: Although all of these are considerations, parents are usually most concerned about the safety of the fetus. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 28. The nurse is explaining the results of a maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening test to the client. The nurse knows the client does not understand the teaching if she says: a. Since the levels were within normal limits, I know the baby does not have any anomalies b. I know that the levels are high, but that does not always mean something is wrong with the baby

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c. Since I am not sure about the date of my last menstrual period, the test results cannot be accurately interpreted d. Since the levels are low, my baby may have down syndrome. Rationale: The answer is A. Alpha-fetoprotein levels are a screening test. Some fetal defects are discovered by skin and do not produce elevated levels of AFP. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 29. a client visits the client for a routine examination and pap smear. She tells the nurse that she and her partner have decided to use condoms and spermicides for contraceprion. Which of the following statements by the client indicates she has an understanding of the use of this type of barrier method of contraception? a. my partner should place the condom an a flaccid penis. b. I should insert the spermicidal product no more than 1 hour prior to coitus c. my partner can withdraw his penis after it becomes flaccid after intercourse. d. I do not need to use the spermicidal product if my partner uses a condom. Rationale: B. the spermicidal product should be inserted no more then 1 hour prior to coitus. A. the condom should be placed on an erect penis. C. the penis should be withdrawn immediately after ejaculation to prevent sperm from entering the cervix. D. the use of both a spermicidal product and a condom increases the effectiveness of contraception. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CDROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Intra-Partal 30. The nurse is about to admit a Hispanic woman to the labor unit for induction of labor. Before starting her assessment, the nurse is aware that it is culturally important to: (EMP) a. not touch the woman. b. have a male family member present. c. have a female family member present. d. make a small talk first. Rationale: Answer: D. Hispanics may be insulted if a problem is addressed directly without taking for small talk. A. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. B. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. C. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 31. The nurse is assisting a woman as she spontaneously delivering a 12-week-old fetus. Being aware that the woman is a Roman Catholic, the nurse includes as part of the care: a. praying for the mother and fetus. b. calling the fetus by name c. baptizing the fetus. d. being aware that the father cannot touch the fetus. Rationale: Answer: C. Roman Catholic belief is that original sin must be washed away by baptism. This should be done when the fetus is delivered. A. prayer is important for Roman Catholic, but baptism is considered essential for eternal life. B. calling the infant by name shows respect, however, it is not a spiritual need. D. some religious groups forbid touching dead bodies, but this is not true for Roman Catholic. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal

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and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM]. (2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 32. A 24-year-old Jewish woman is admitted to the labor unit. She delivers an apparently healthy boy of 6 lb, 12 oz. on the neonates second day of life, the surgeon was preparing to circumcise the baby. The nuress first action should be: a. to check with the woman that she desires the circumcision to be performed at this time. b. to assess the baby for possible bleeding disorders. c. assist setting up for the circumcision. d. inform the surgeon that circumcisions are against Jewish belief; therefore the permission slip was in error. Rationale: Answer: A. jewish belief is that males are circumcised on the eighth day after birth. B. this is not a typical hereditary problem for people of Jewish descent. C. this is a nursing task; however it is not the first priority. D. circumcision for the Jewish family is a symbol of Gods covenant and therefore a very important aspect of the familys religious life. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 33. The nurse is about to admit a Hispanic woman to the labor unit for induction of labor. Before starting her assessment, the nurse is aware that it is culturally important to: a. not touch the woman. b. have a male family member present. c. have a female family member present. d. make a small talk first. Rationale: Answer: D. Hispanics may be insulted if a problem is addressed directly without taking for small talk. A. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. B. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. C. This may be true with some cultures but not typically with Hispanics. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 34. The nurse is admitting a woman to the labor unit. When reviewing the prenatal record, the nurse notices that the woman did not gain an adequate amount of weight as recommended for her pregnancy. The nurse is aware that the neonate will be at risk for: a. Low birth weight b. High birth weight c. Respiratory problems d. Cardiovascular problems Rationale: The answer is A. low birth weight for the neonate is associated with insufficient weight gain during pregnancy. Low birth weight for the neonate is associated with insufficient weight gain during pregnancy. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Post-Partal 35. A 24-year-old Jewish woman is admitted to the labor unit. She delivers an apparently healthy boy of 6 lb, 12 oz. on the neonates second day of life, the surgeon was preparing to circumcise the baby. The nuress first action should be: (Post-Partal EMP)

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a. to check with the woman that she desires the circumcision to be performed at this time. b. assess the baby for possible bleeding disorders. c. assist setting up for the circumcision. d. inform the surgeon that circumcisions are against Jewish belief; therefore the permission slip was in error. 36. Thirty minutes after delivery, the nurse can expect to palpate the fundus: a. At the umbilicus b. Midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus c. At the symphysis pubis d. Above the umbilicus Rationale: the answer is B. after delivery the fundus is midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus. Within a few hours, the fundus rises to the level of the umbilicus. The fundus rises to the umbilicus within a few hours of delivery. The fundus reaches the symphysis pubis a few weeks postdelivery. The fundus rises to the umbilicus within a few hours of delivery. It may be above the umbilicus if the uterus has been overdistended or the bladder is full. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). MaternalChild Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 37. The nurse should include in client teaching that around day four the lochia should be: a. Dark red b. Pinkish c. Cream colored d. Should have disappeared Rationale: the correct answer is B. By day 4 the color of lochia should change from red to pink or pinkish brown and is termed lochia serosa. Red lochia is seen the first 3 days and is called lochia rubra. Cream colored lochia occurs about day 11 and is called lochia rubra. Lochia should be present on day 4. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 38. A woman weighs herself the day after delivery and is upset because she only lost 14 lb. the nurses best response is based on knowledge that: a. Prepregnancy weight should be reached at about 6 months b. Weight loss will increase after 48 hours c. Weight loss will occur only with diet and exercise d. Prepregnancy weight should be reached at about 2 weeks. Rationale: The answer is D. only about 12 lb are lost during childbirth. An additional 5-8 lb are lost in 48 hours. The rest is a gradual loss for the next 6 months. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 39. Rh immune globulin will be ordered postpartum if which situation occurs? a. Mother is Rh negative, baby is Rh positive b. Mother is Rh negative, baby is Rh positive c. Mother is rh positive, baby is Rh positive d. Mother is Rh positive, baby is Rh negative Rationale: An Rh-negative mother is delivering an Rh positive baby may develop antibodies to fetal cells that entered her bloodstream when placenta separated. The Rh immune globulin works to destroy the fetal cells in the maternal circulation before sensitization occurs. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child

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Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 40. Which nursing action is most appropriate to correct a boggy uterus that is displaced above and to the right of the umbilicus? a. Notify the physician of an impending hemorrhage b. Assess the blood pressure and pulse c. Evaluate the lochia d. Assist the client in emptying her bladder Rationale: The answer is D. urinary retention can cause overdistention of the urinary bladder, which lifts and displaces the uterus. The woman is at risk for haemorrhaging, but nursing interventions can decrease the risk. Assessing the blood pressure and pulse should not be the first nursing action. Evaluating the lochia will not correct the problem. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc Growth and Development 41. A woman brings her two sons, ages 2 and 4, to the health clinic. She tells the nurse that they have been in the united states for only 1 year and are homeless. Because of this history, the nurse will assess the children for infections and: a. Congenital defects b. Allergies c. Accelerated growth patterns d. Malnutrition Rationale: answer is D. Homeless women and children are high risk for poor nutrition and exposure to various infections. A, congenital defects would not be a result of homelessness. B, Allergies are not a result of homelessness. C, most homelessness children will have decelerated growth and development patterns because of malnutrition and decrease in stimuli. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 42. The nurse has been assigned to care for a client during the night shift. The clients medication to prevent seizures was due at 6AM. At that time the nurse was involved with another client and did not administer the medication. At 10 AM, the client ambulated to the bathroom, had a seizure, fell and later developed brain damage as a result of the fall. The nurse can be sued for: a. Abandonment b. Malpractice c. A civil tort d. Nothing; the nurse is immune because she was assisting another client. Rationale: Answer is B, malpractice has four elements that must be proved: a duty (the nurse was assigned to care for the client), breach of duty (the nurse did not render care by neglecting the medication); damage (the client suffered brain damage); proximate cause (brain damage was due to fall during seizure). A, abandonment would have occurred if the nurse had not provided any care for the client, or if the nurse had walked away from his or her job. C, a civil tort is a civil wrong or injury. Malpractice is a type of tort. This answer is incorrect because malpractice is more specific to the root of the question.

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D, the nurse is not immune if she neglects one client for another. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM].(2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 43. The nurse is planning a genetic counselling presentation about mental retardation to a group of parents. The nurse plans to instruct the parents that one of the most common causes of mental retardation in males is? a. trisomy 21 b. fragile x syndrome c. drug exposure during pregnancy d. pregnancy in females after the age of 35 years Rationale: one of the most common causes of mental retardation in males is fragile X syndrome. A. although trisomy 21 is a cause of mental retardation, it is not the most common cause in males. C. drug exposure during pregnancy is not a common cause of mental retardation in males. D. trisomy 21 occurs most frequently in females over the age of 35, but it is not the most common cause of mental retardation. Pilitterri(2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family[CD-ROM].(2010).Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 44. Which characteristic best describes the fine motor skills of a 5-month-old infant? a. Strong grasp reflex b. Neat pincer grasp c. Able to build a tower of two cubes d. Able to grasp object voluntarily Rationale: The answer is D. This is appropriate for a 5 month old infant. Strong grasp reflex is characteristic of 1 month old. Neat pincer grasp is a characteristic of an 11 month old. Ability to build a tower of two cubes is a characteristic of a 15 month old. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 45. A 4 month old infant is brought to the clinic by his parents for a well-baby check up. Which of the following should the nurse include at this time of injury prevention? a. Never shake baby powder directly on him because it can be aspirated into his lungs b. Keep doors of appliances closed at all times c. When he learns to roll over, you must supervise him whenever he is on a surface from which he might fall d. Lock the crib sides securely because he may stand and lean against them and fall out of bed Rationale: Rolling over from abdomen to back occurs between 4 and 7 months. This is the appropriate anticipatory guidance for this age. This information should be included at the 9 month visit when the infant is beginning to crawl and pull to a stand. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 46. The nurse is ready to begin the physical examination of an 8-month old infant. The child is sitting contentedly on his mothers lap, chewing on a toy. What should the nurse do first? a. Elicit reflexes b. Auscultate heart and lungs c. Examine eyes, ears and mouth d. Examine head, systematically moving toward feet

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Rationale: The answer is B. While the child is quiet, auscultation should be performed. Eliciting the reflexes may disturb the child, making auscultation difficult. Examining the eyes, ears and mouth may disturb the child. D is the way most examinations proceed, the nurse should perform the assessments that require the childs cooperation first. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 47. During an otoscopic examination of an infant, in which direction is the pinna pulled? a. Down and back b. Down and forward c. Up and forward d. Up and back Rationale: The answer is A. This is the correct direction for infant. Down and forward is the correct direction for a child age 3 and over. Up and forward will not allow sufficient visualization. Up and back will not allow sufficient visualization. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 48. Which method should the nurse use to view the tonsils and oropharynx of a cooperative 6 year-old child? a. Ask child to open mouth wide and say Ahh. b. Ask child to open mouth wide and place tongue blade in the center back area of the tongue c. Examine mouth when child is crying to avoid use of tongue blade d. Pinch nostrils closed until opens mouth, then insert tongue blade. The correct answer is A. if the child is cooperative, the child can open mouth and move tongue around for examiner. No tongue blade is necessary if the child cooperated. During crying, there is insufficient opportunity to completely visualize the mouth. Pinching the nostrils is traumatic. There is no reason to use such measures, especially with cooperative children. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 49. A child who is terminally ill with bone cancer is in severe pain. Nursing interventions should be based on knowledge that: a. Children tend to be overmedicated for pain. b. Giving large doses of opioids causes euthanasia c. Narcotic addiction is common in terminally ill children d. Large doses of opioids are justified when there are no other treatment options. Rationale: Large doses may be needed because the child has become physiologically tolerant to the drug, requiring higher doses to achieve the same degree of pain control. Continuing studies report that children are consistently undermedicated for pain. The dose is titrated to relieve pain. Addiction refers to a psychological dependence on the medication, which does not happen in terminal care. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM].(2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 50. What is the most consistent indicator of pain in infants? a. Increased respirations b. Increased heart rate c. Squirming and jerking d. Facial expression of discomfort

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Rationale: The answer is D. This is the most consistent behavioural manifestation of pain in infants. Variable responses occur, depending on the infant and the pain. Mckinney, James, Murray, Ashwill(2009). Maternal- Child Nursing[CD-ROM]. (2009).11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Nursing Practice II Community Health Nursing 1. Nurse Maria is a public health nurse at barangay Mabuhay. She is aware of the core business of public health. This includes the following EXCEPT: a. Disease control c. Epidemiological surveillance b. Injury prevention d. Health protection ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Cuevas, the core business of public health are (1) Disease control, (2) Injury prevention, (3) Health protection, (4) Health public policy including those in relation to environmental hazards such as in the workplace, housing, food, water, etc, (5) Promotion of health and equitable health gain. Epidemiological surveillance/disease prevention and control is one of the essential functions of a public health nurse. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 6 2. Nurse Maria identifies the health needs of her clients as a public health nurse. In doing so, she is aware that there are different levels of clientele in a community health nursing. Among them, which is considered as the basic unit of care in community health nursing? a. Individual c. Population group b. Family d. Aggregate ANSWER: B RATIONALE: Maglaya stated there are different levels of clientele in community health nursing --- the individual, family, population group, and community. The PHN deals with individuals----sick or well---- on a daily basis. The family is generally considered the basic unit of care in community health nursing. A population or aggregate is a group of people who share common characteristics, developmental stage or common exposure to particular environmental factors, and consequently common health problems. The community is a group of people sharing common geographic boundaries and/or common values and interests. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 5 3. Nurse James works in a factory as an occupational health nurse. He knows that the health of people in the workplace is another important focus for community health

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nursing practice. The following shows the leadership roles of an occupational health nurse utilizing public health skills EXCEPT? a. Assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of health programs. b. Knowing the communitys demographic data on disease trends including morbidity and mortality statistics c. Development of a network of appropriate community resources d. Health promotion and health prevention ANSWER: D RATIONALE: According to Cuevas, leadership roles of the nurse utilizing public health skills includes Team Approach (A team of occupational health professionals assesses, plans, implements, and evaluates health programs.); Community Assessment (Knows the communitys demographic data on disease trends including morbidity and mortality statistics.); Referral to Community Resources (The occupational health nurse enhance their practice through the development of a network of appropriate community resources.) Health promotion and health prevention principles are one of the essential components of occupational health nursing. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation pp. 102-108 For questions 4 and 5: Mang Landon is a 61 year-old government employee at Cavite. He visited the clinic one day and asks if there are any laws which would apply for him. He stated that he is not aware of any laws and that he would be grateful to you if you would inform him. You know that R.A. 7305 and R.A.7432 are some laws that would be applicable. 4. Republic Act 7305 is known as: a. Magna Carta for Public Health Workers b. The Family Code of the Philippines ANSWER: A RATIONALE: Republic Act 7305 is known as Magna Carta for Public Health Workers. The act aims to promote and improve the social and economic well-being of health workers; develop their skills and capabilities; and encourage those qualified to remain in government service. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 341 5. Republic Act 7432 is known as: a. National Health Insurance Act b. Magna Carta for Public Health Workers ANSWER: D RATIONALE: Republic Act 7432 Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to National Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges. It entitles the elderly to a twenty percent (20%) discount to all public establishments and free medical and dental check up and hospitalization in all government hospitals. c. Local Government Code d. Senior Citizens Act c. The Generics Act d. Senior Citizens Act

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SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 343 6. Michelle, a public health nurse assigned at barangay Panapaan, knows that epidemiology is one of the important tools in assessing the communitys health needs. She understands what epidemiology is when she defines it as: a. The science which deals with the study of the human populations size, composition and distribution space. b. The process whereby the community members develop the capability to assess their health needs and problems, plan and implement actions to solve problems, put up and sustain organizational structures which will support and monitor implementation of health initiatives by the people. c. The study of occurrences and distribution of diseases as well as the distribution and determinant of health states or events in specified population, and the application of this study to the control of health problems. d. The blueprint of the care that the nurse designs to systematically minimize or eliminate the identified health and family nursing problems through explicitly formulated outcomes of care and deliberately chosen set of interventions, resources and evaluation criteria, standards, methods and tools. ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Maglaya, Demography is the science which deals with the study of the human populations size, composition and distribution space. Epidemiology is the study of occurrences and distribution of diseases as well as the distribution and determinant of health states or events in specified population, and the application of this study to the control of health problems. Community organizing is the process whereby the community members develop the capability to assess their health needs and problems, plan and implement actions to solve problems, put up and sustain organizational structures which will support and monitor implementation of health initiatives by the people. A family nursing care plan is he blueprint of the care that the nurse designs to systematically minimize or eliminate the identified health and family nursing problems through explicitly formulated outcomes of care and deliberately chosen set of interventions, resources and evaluation criteria, standards, methods and tools. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 85, 171, 178, 195 7. Nurse Aida is assessing the health needs of Brgy. 678 where she was assigned. She gathers the demographic data of the community. She is aware that demographic information can be obtained from a variety of sources but the most common come from the following EXCEPT: a. Census c. Population Size b. Sample Surveys d. Registration Systems ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Maglaya, demographic information can be obtained from a variety of sources but the most common come from census, sample surveys and

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registration systems. Population size simply refers to the people in a given place or area at a given time. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation pp. 171-172 8. This shows the relationship between a vital event and those persons exposed to the occurrence of the said event, within a given area and during a specified unit of time; it is evident that the person experiencing the event must come from the total population exposed to the risks of the same event. a. Rate c. General Rates b. Ratio d. Specific Rate ANSWER: A RATIONALE: Rate shows the relationship between a vital event and those persons exposed to the occurrence of the said event, within a given area and during a specified unit of time; it is evident that the person experiencing the event must come from the total population exposed to the risks of the same event. Ratio is used ton describe the relationship between two numerical quantities or measures of events without taking particular considerations to the time or place. General Rates refer to the total living population. Specific Rate-the relationship is for a specific population class or group. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 76 9. Nurse Leonida is the first contact of the patient in the health center, where she screens cases according to the established program protocol. Nurse Jane acts as the nurse-in-charge and supervises the work of Nurse Leonida. In the given situation, Nurse Jane is a: a. Public Health Nurse II c. Nurse VI b. Public Health Nurse III d. Nurse VIII ANSWER: B RATIONALE: Public Health Nurse II is the first contact of the patient in the health center, where she screens cases according to the established program protocol. Public Health Nurse III supervises, guides, coordinates and evaluates the work of her nurses. Nurse VI manages and oversees the performance of a group of nurses assigned in a number of health centers covered by a particular district or area. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation pp. 42-43 10. To be a Supervising Public Health Nurse or Nurse Supervisor at the Provincial City Level, the following are qualifications EXCEPT: a. Bachelor of Science in Nursing b. Registered Nurse in the Philippines c. Masters Degree in Nursing d. With atleast 2 years experience as a community health nurse

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ANSWER: D RATIONALE: According to David et al., the Qualifications to be a Supervising Public Health Nurse/Nurse Supervisor at the Provincial City Level are Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Registered Nurse in the Philippines, Masters Degree in Nursing or Public Health with atleast 5 years experience as a public health nurse. SOURCE: David E., et al. (2007). Community Health Nursing: An Approach to Families and Population Groups. Manila: Merriam and Webster Bookstore Inc. p.25 11. Nurse Michelle acted as a liaison between families and community systems to work for policy and social change that will support and promote family health. As a community health nurse, she is performing what role? a. Client Advocate c. Care Provider b. Counselor d. Facilitator ANSWER: A RATIONALE: According to David et al, Client Advocate To assists families in identifying and using community resources, she acts as a liaison between families and community systems to work for policy and social change that will support and promote family health.; Counselor Problematic families seek the advice and assistance of the community health nurse; Care Provider The nurse is called upon to provide care to the sick family member, as well as in disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance; Facilitator Remove barriers to care by making health services available and accessible to the family. SOURCE: David E., et al. (2007). Community Health Nursing: An Approach to Families and Population Groups. Manila: Merriam and Webster Bookstore Inc. pp.143-144 12. Formulating and implementing a supervisory plan, monitoring and evaluating midwives performance in the implementation of public health programs are what functions of a public health nurse? a. Trainer c. Manager b. Coordinator d. Supervisor ANSWER: D RATIONALE: Trainer participates in meeting the needs of midwives, student affiliates, and other trainees; Coordinator refers patients to other health personnel, health facility or government agency; Manager Monitors and evaluates the implementation of the nursing service plan; Supervisor Formulates a supervisory plan, implements a supervisory plan, monitors and evaluates midwives performance in the implementation of public health programs. SOURCE: David E., et al. (2007). Community Health Nursing: An Approach to Families and Population Groups. Manila: Merriam and Webster Bookstore Inc. pp.23-24 13. As an advocate, Nurse Jean places the clients rights as priority. She is aware that advocacy work involves which of the following? a. Obtaining a general information about the community

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b. Coordination with the health team c. Influencing public opinion d. Prioritizing health conditions and problems ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Maglaya, obtaining general information about the community is the aim of a comprehensive community diagnosis. Under Section 28 of RA 9173, establishing linkages with community resources and coordination with the health team is one of the duties of a nurse. Informing the people about the rightness of the cause; influencing public opinion; and thoroughly discussing with the people the nature of the alternatives, their content and possible consequences are part of advocacy work. Prioritizing health conditions and problems is one of the steps in developing a family care plan. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation pp. 44, 85, 159, 203 14. According to the World Health Organization, the leading cause of mortality in the Philippines in the year 2002 is which of the following? a. Heart Diseases c. Leukemia b. Lower respiratory tract infections d. Malignant Neoplasm ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to the World Health Organization, the leading cause of mortality in the Philippines in the year 2002 is Lower respiratory tract infection. SOURCE: World Health Organization. Mortality Country Fact Sheet. URL: 15. Nurse Nena is conducting a community diagnosis composed of Demographic variables, Socio-economic variables, health and illness patterns, health resources and political/leadership patterns. With these components, Nurse Nena is conducting what type of community diagnosis? a. Problem oriented Community Diagnosis b. Comprehensive Community Diagnosis c. Population Focused Diagnosis d. Individualized Nursing Diagnosis ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), Comprehensive community diagnosis aims to obtain a general information about the community has elements composed of Demographic variables, Socio-economic variables, health and illness patterns , health resources and political/ leadership patterns. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 159

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16. Nurse Gloria is reviewing the vital statistics of the Barangay where she is assigned. Upon reviewing the records, she noticed that there is an increased mortality rates in the community. Mortality rates are categorized as what community health nursing problem? a. Health Status Problem b. Health Resources Problem b. Health Related Problem c. Health Perception Problem ANSWER: A RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), an increased or decreased morbidity, mortality, fertility, or reduced capability for wellness is described as health status problems. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 169 17. After implementation of the health program about diarrhea, Nurse Joel conducted an evaluation of the program after 12 months. What type of evaluation did he utilize? a. Ongoing Evaluation b. Terminal Evaluation c. Ex-post evaluation d. Temporary Evaluation ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), Terminal Evaluation is undertaken from 6-12 months after the project completion. It is also a substitute for an Ex-post Evaluation of projects with short duration. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 412 18. Upon arrival of student nurses, they were tasked to visit the provincial health office to conduct a courtesy call. In what phase of community organizing are the student nurses currently at? a. Pre entry Phase b. Entry Phase c. Core group Formation d. Organization Building ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Palaganas (2003), Entry phase is composed of activities such as integration with the community, conduct of courtesy calls, and provision of health services and identification of potential leaders. SOURCE: Palaganas (2003). Health Care Practice in the Community. Educational Publishing House. P. 269 19. During the barangay official meeting, Nurse Elaine is discussing the alternatives the community needs and current problems of the barangay. What role is Nurse Elaine practicing? a. Caregiver b. Role Model c. Teacher d. Advocate ANSWER: D

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RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), Advocacy work involves thoroughly discussing with the people the nature of alternatives, their content and possible consequences. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 203 20. In the year 2009, the Department of Health launches a program which aims to help save lives of pregnant women and children. It is a simple cost effective newborn care intervention that can improve neonatal as well as maternal care. What is the title of the program? a. Newborn Screening b. Expanded Program on Immunization c. Unang Yakap d. Garantisadong Pambata ANSWER: D RATIONALE: Department of Health launches a program entitled UNANG YAKAP. It is an essentially newborn care which ensures a bright and healthy future for the newborns. It is composed of evidenced base practice interventions that can improve neonatal as well as maternal care SOURCE: Department of Health (2010). Unang Yakap. Essential Newbown Care: Protocol for Life. URL: 21. Nurse Gio is conducting a study of the occurrences, distribution of diarrhea among children, and their probable causes. What kind of study is he conducting? a. Epidemiological Study b. Research Study c. Scientific Study d. Experimental Study ANSWER: A RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), Epidemiology is the study of occurrences and distribution of diseases as well as the distribution and determinants of states or events in specified population, and the application of the study to the control of health problems. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 62 Aling Nena is advised by their CHN to go at the health center for the immunization of her 6 weeks old baby. 22. Immunization is on what level of prevention? a. Primary Prevention b. Secondary Prevention c. Tertiary Prevention d. Fourth Prevention ANSWER: A RATIONALE: Primary prevention is directed to the healthy population, focusing on prevention of emergence of risk factors and removal of the risk factors or reduction of

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their levels. Specific measures include provision of immunization and prophylaxis to vulnerable or at risk groups. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 180 23. What vaccine will be given to Aling Nenas baby? a. BCG and DPT b. BCG and OPV c. DPT and OPV d. BCG and Hep B ANSWER: C RATIONALE: In routine immunization schedule, 1st dose of DPT and OPV will be given at the minimum age of 6 weeks. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 149 24. After immunization, how many weeks does the CHN will instruct Aling Nena to return to the health center? a. 2 weeks b. 4 weeks c. 6 weeks d. 8 weeks ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to the routine immunization schedule, 2nd dose of DPT and OPV will administered at a minimum interval of 4 weeks. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 149 25. When will the CHN consider Aling Nenas baby a fully immunized child? a. When a child receives 1 dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, and 3 doses of DPT. b. When a child receives 1 dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV,3 doses of DPT and 1 dose of measles. c. When a child receives 1 dose of BCG, 2 doses of OPV, 2 doses of DPT, 2 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday. d. When a child receives 1 dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday. ANSWER: D RATIONALE: A child is said to be fully immunized child when a child receives 1 dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of HB and one dose of measles before a childs first birthday. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 149

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26. Dave is a PHN for 2 yrs. He discusses to his colleagues R.A. 7305 which is the Magna Carta for Public Health Workers. He is aware that the aims of this act are the following EXCEPT: a. Promote and improve the social and economic well being of health workers b. Develop the skills and capabilities of health workers so that they will be more responsive and better equipped to deliver health projects and programs. c. Establish a national policy on population. d. To encourage those with proper qualifications and excellent abilities to join and remain in government service. ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), Republic Act 7305 aims to promote and improve the social and economic well-being of health workers, their living and working conditions and terms of employment; to develop their skills and capabilities in order that they will be more responsive and better equipped to deliver health projects and programs; and to encourage those with proper qualifications and excellent abilities to join and remain in government service. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10 th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 343 27. Being a public health nurse, Nurse Annie makes sure that there is sufficient supply, distribution use and acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their generic name in their Barangay. This is in accordance with what law? a. R.A. 6675 Generic Act b. R.A. 6425 Dangerous Drug Act c. R.A. 8976 Philippine Food Fortification d. R.A. 8749 The Clean Air Act ANSWER: A RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), R.A. 6675 the Generics act of 1998 promotes, requires and ensures the production of an adequate supply, distribution, use and acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their generics name. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 344 28. Jillian, a PHN at Barangay 831, has encountered financial insufficiency due to calamities that hit their barangay. She must primarily ask for assistance on what particular local government unit? a. Office of the Mayor b. Municipal Health Board c. Municipal Health Office d. DOH ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), the barangay health center is primarily under the municipal health office in which the barangay can ask for their assistance during crisis. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 28

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29. Student Nurses from LPU conducted an epidemiological study at Brgy. 831. Their focus of study is on the amount and distribution of health and health problems within the population of the barangay. This epidemiologic technique is known as: a. Analytical epidemiology case-control method b. Descriptive epidemiology c. Analytical epidemiology cohort method d. Experimental epidemiology ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to David et al (2007), Descriptive Epidemiology focuses on the amount and distribution of health and health problems within a population. The data will help describe the characteristics of people who are protected from the disease and those who have a disease. SOURCE: David E., et al. (2007). Community Health Nursing: An Approach to Families and Population Groups. Manila: Merriam and Webster Bookstore Inc. p.224 30. The LPU student nurses conducted a home visit at Barangay 831. They are carrying their CHN bag with them and they are aware that the steps in performing bag technique actions are as follows: 1. Take the record and have a talk with the mother. Write down all the necessary data that were gathered, observations, nursing care and treatment rendered. 2. Open the bag and take out all needed for the specific care then wash hands using soap and water and wipe to dry. 3. Put out all necessary articles needed for the specific care then close the bag and put it on one corner of the working area and proceed in performing the necessary nursing care and treatment. 4. After giving the treatment, clean all things that were used and perform hand washing then open the bag and return all things that were used in their proper places after cleaning them. a. 1,2,3,4 b. 2,3,4,1 c. 4,2,1,3 d. 3,4,2,1 ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), the steps in performing the bag technique actions are as follows 2.Open the bag and take out all needed for the specific care then wash hands using soap and water and wipe to dry, Put out all necessary articles needed for the specific care then close the bag and put it on one corner of the working area and proceed in performing the necessary nursing care and treatment, After giving the treatment, clean all things that were used and perform hand washing then open the bag and return all things that were used in their proper places after cleaning them, Take the record and have a talk with the mother. Write down all the necessary data that were gathered, observations, nursing care and treatment rendered. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 344

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31. The student nurses are aware that the purposes of home visit are the following EXCEPT: a. To give health teachings regarding the prevention and control of diseases b. To make use of the inter referral system and to promote the utilization of community services c. To help the family regarding financial problems that is a hindrance in achieving a healthy community d. To give nursing care to the sick, to a post partum mother and her newborn with the view to teach a responsible family member to give the subsequent care ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), the following are the purpose of home visit: 1. To give nursing care to the sick, to a post partum mother and her newborn with the view to teach a responsible family member to give the subsequent care 2. To assess the living condition of the patient and his family and their health practices in order to provide the appropriate health teaching. 3. To give health teachings regarding the prevention and control of diseases 4. To establish close relationship between the health agencies and the public for the promotion of health 5. To make use of the inter referral system and to promote the utilization of community services SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 344 32. Imarie, a PHN from Barangay Deparo, is formulating a staff development and training program for midwives. She possesses what function of a PHN? a. Nursing care function b. Management function c. Collaborating and coordinating function d. Training function ANSWER: D RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), Training function of a PHN includes formulation of staff development and training programs for midwives and other auxiliary workers. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 41 33. Bernadette a newly graduated RN is applying for a position as a school nurse in a preparatory school, she is aware that the following are duties and responsibilities of a school nurse except. a. Treatment of common ailments and attending to emergency cases b. Health and nutrition assessment including other screening procedures such as vision and hearing c. Conducting parents and teachers meeting every grading d. Recording and reporting of accomplishments ANSWER: C

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RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), the following are duties and responsibilities of the school nurses: Treatment of common ailments and attending to emergency cases, Health and nutrition assessment including other screening procedures such as vision and hearing, Recording and reporting of accomplishments except for Conducting parents and teachers meeting every grading. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 90 34. An OHN from Barlaan Marketing is conducting periodic physical examination for workers. This is for the reason that the focus of this specialty is which of the following? a) Betterment of the community b) Preservation and restoration of the health of workers and working populations c) Wellness and lifestyle modification of company workers d) Long term rehabilitation of physically impaired patients ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), the focus of specialty of Occupational Health Nursing is the preservation and restoration of the health of workers and working populations. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 102 35. Student Nurses from LPU had a tour at a company clinic where they met nurse Marie. The student nurses are aware that the functions of nurse Marie as an OHN are the following EXCEPT: a. Provide employees/workers an occupational health services and facilities. b. Provide marketing strategy to the company c. Provide control measures to reduce noise, dust, health services and facilities. d. Prepares and submit yearly reports to the local and national government. ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), the following are functions of a PHN as an OHN: To provide employees/workers an occupational health services and facilities; To provide control measures to reduce noise, dust, health services and facilities; To prepares and submit yearly reports to the local and national government; EXCEPT to provide marketing strategy to the company. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation pp. 103-107 36. As a means of prevention, Nurse Marie screens and monitors the workers as to their exposure to potential hazard which is exposure to lead. This type of prevention can be categorized as: a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. None of the above ANSWER: B

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RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), secondary prevention includes early detection and treatment of both work and non work related health problems constitutes a major portion of health services available to workers. Screening and monitoring of workers exposed to potential hazards and the affected communities posed by the company hazards are carefully performed to comply with company policy and government regulations. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 105 37. A community experienced diarrhea outbreak every June and December affecting only a small number of people relative to the total population. What type of disease occurrence is happening? a. Pandemic c. Sporadic b. Endemic d. Epidemic ANSWER: C RATIONALE: Sporadic type of occurrence is when a disease occurs every now and then affecting only a small number of people relative to the population SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 183 SCENARIO: The center in a brgy. Is about to conduct a community health services and the Community health nurse is in charge for that activity. 38. To effectively provide appropriate intervention they must come up with comprehensive diagnosis. Which of the ff has the correct step by step process? a. Determining objective, defining study population, determining data to be collected, collecting data, developing the instrument, actual data gathering, data presentation, data analysis, identifying community health nursing problems, priority setting b. Defining study population, determining objective, determining data to be collected, developing instrument, collecting data, actual data gathering, data analysis, community health nursing problem, priority setting, data presentation, c. Determining objective, defining study population, determining data to be collected, actual data gathering, data presentation, developing instrument, data analysis, data presentation priority setting, identifying community health nursing problem d. None of the above ANSWER: A RATIONALE: Steps in conducting community diagnosis to formulate accurate intervention to the problem being identified are the following: Determining objective, defining study population, determining data to be collected, collecting data, developing the instrument, actual data gathering, data presentation , data analysis, identifying community health nursing problems, priority setting. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 163

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39. Considering cultural diversities, which of the following is not included in variables that may break up the people into groups within the community? a. ethnicity, social class, religion, race, language, political orientation b. lifestyle, norms and practices c. cultural beliefs and practices that affect health d. concepts about health and illness ANSWER: B RATIONALE: A, C and D are included in cultural factors except B SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 161 40. While the nurses starts to brainstorm regarding their upcoming community health service, the other nurse want to find out which sex composition needs more attention. He is asking about the formula for ratio of sex. Which among the formula is correct? a. Sex ratio is equal to no. of males divided by no. of females multiplied by 100 b. Sex ratio is equal to no. of female divided by no. of males multiplied by 1000 c. Sex ratio is equal to population size at later time divided by the no. of male multiplied by 1000 d. Sex ratio is equal to population size divided by the no. of female plus male multiplied by 100 ANSWER: A RATIONALE: Sex composition of the population computes for the sex ratio. The sex ratio compares the number of ales to the number of females in the population SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 174 41. Nurses of the barangay health center already identified their priority problem. What comes next is planning .Which of the following should not be consider as its concept? a. Planning is futuristic b. Planning is changed oriented c. Planning is a continuous and dynamic process d. Planning is scientific process ANSWER: D RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), planning is futuristics, changed oriented, continuous and dynamics process and systematic process SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 187 42. Nurses in the health center finishes their planning phase, in partnership with community doctors and other health staff member they come up with specific goal . According ICHSP to accomplish their goals much quicker they should work together. Which of the following is not considered in the process?

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a. Networking, coordination b. Cooperation, collaboration c. Transportation, communication d. Coalition or collaboration ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), Organizations can commit and work together in different ways through networking, coordination, cooperation, collaboration, and coalition. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 201 43. To be done to the client, as a professional nurse which type of conflict management should Ana display to resolve the problem? a. Collaborating b. Competing c. Accommodating d. Compromising ANSWER: A RATIONALE: According to Stanhope, the following defines: Accommodating- an individual neglects personal concerns to satisfy the concerns of another Collaborating- an individual attempts to work with other toward solutions that satisfy the work Competing- an individual pursues personal concerns at anothers expense Compromising- an individual attempts to find a mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties SOURCE: Stanhope, M. (2004). Foundations of Nursing in the Community. 6 th Edition. Mosby Incorporated. P.445 44. Nurse Andie is aware that to improve the health of the family, she should be guided by the public health programs. Which of the following statement is NOT included in the specific aims of the family health office? a. Reduce morbidity and mortality of older persons and improve their quality of life b. Reduce morbidity and mortality among Filipino adults and improves their quality of life c. Improves the survival, health and well being of mothers and the unborn through a package of service for the pre-pregancy, prenatal natal and postnatal stages. d. Increase the life span of every older person and reduce the risk of possible illnesses ANSWER: D RATIONALE: According to Public Health Nursing by Cuevas (2007), the specific aims of the family health office are the following: 1. Improves the survival, health and well being of mothers and the unborn through a package of service for the pre-pregancy, prenatal natal and postnatal stages 2. Reduce morbidity and mortality rates for children 0-9 years 3. Reduce mortality from preventable causes among adolescents and young people 4. Reduce morbidity and mortality of older persons and improve their quality of life

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5. Reduce morbidity and mortality among Filipino adults and improves their quality of life SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 118 45. Nerie, a community nurse, participates in implementing a vaccine administration in their barangay. She is aware that Hep B is administered, a. Subcutaneously with 0.5ml of dose upper outer portion of the thigh b. Intramuscularly with 0.5ml of dose upper outer portion of the thigh c. Intramuscularly with 0.5ml of dose outer part of the upper arm d. None of the choices. ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), administering of HepB vaccine is intramuscular with dose of 0.5ml upper outer portion of the thigh. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 152 46. Nurse Ongby is about to collate data from their community. Which of the following data is not included? a. age of the residents, gender distribution of the residents, morbidity and mortality b. socioeconomics characteristics, racial distribution, vital statistics c. economic status, health perception, no. of siblings d. community institution, health personnel characteristics ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Stanhope (2004), age of the residents, gender distribution of the residents, morbidity and mortality, socioeconomics characteristics, racial distribution, vital statistics, community institution, and health personnel characteristics are included. SOURCE: Stanhope, M. (2004). Foundations of Nursing in the Community. 6 th Edition. Mosby Incorporated. p.224 47. Mela a nurse interviewed one of the family member of aling Gloria, they are 6 in the family with their anties and grandparents, Mela aware that this form of family is: a. Traditional family b. Extended family c. Nuclear family d. Blended family ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Mosby, extended family defines as family includes relatives in addition to the nuclear family. SOURCE: Mosby,. (_____). Fundamentals of Nursing p. 122 48. Raising the level of the community regarding non-communicable disease is a responsibility of which of the following?

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a. Health care provider c. Community organizer ANSWER: C RATIONALE: According to Cuevas (2007), one of responsibility of the community organizer is raising the level of the community regarding non-communicable disease. SOURCE: Cuevas, F. et. al. (2007). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. 10th Edition Manila: C&E Publishing Corporation p. 183 49. This indicator, actually reflects what is intended to reflect or if it measures what it is supposed to measure? a. Reliable b. Validity c. Objective d. Specific ANSWER: B RATIONALE: According to Maglaya (2005), an indicator should be valid, reliable, objective, sensitive, specific, cost effective, and timely. An indicator is valid is it actually reflects what it is intended to reflect or if it measures what is supposed to measure. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 50. In order to engage in a partnership that is characterized as a mutually growth promoting relationship, the partners need to internalize the following essential ingredients: 1. Belief in egalitarian relationship 2. Open mindedness 3. Respect and trust 4. Commitment to enhance each others capabilities for partnership 5. Passion a. 1,2,3,5 b. 1,2,3,4,5 c. 1,2,3,4 d. 1,3,4,5 ANSWER: C RATIONALE: In order to engage in a partnership that is characterized as a mutually growth promoting relationship, the partners need to internalize the following essential ingredients: belief in egalitarian relationship, open mindedness, respect and trust, and commitment to enhance each others capabilities for partnership. SOURCE: Maglaya, A. (2005). Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Edition Marikina City: Argonata Corporation p. 344 b. Health educator d. Health advocate

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