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Novi albumi, EP-ji in singli, ki so kul in se jih da dobiti na Soulseek-u:

Stone, Angus-Broken Brights Strange Hands-Dead Flowers Toten Hosen, Die-Ballast Der Republik

Long Play-i:

V/A-Slovenian Music Scene 2012 Vol. 21 Part 1 V/A-Slovenian Music Scene 2012 Vol. 21 Part 2

Gossip-A Joyful Noise Heavy Cream-Super Treatment Johnston, Daniel, Friedberger, Eleanor, Fruit Bats, Lavender Diamond, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Deer Tick-Space Ducks Soundtrack Joplin, Janis-Highlights From The Pearl Sessions KDMS, The-Kinky Dramas & Magic Stories Killing Joke-In Cythera Kuti, Fela-Live In Detroit 1986 Madlib-Madlib Medicine Show, No. 13, Black Tape My Bloody Valentine-EPs & Rarities 1988-1991 My Bloody Valentine-Isnt Anything (Remastered 2012)

V/A-The Rough Guide To Psychedelic Africa


2econd Class Citizen-Outside Your Doorway EP Aaron Und Pascal-Pink Black & White EP Airiel-Kid Games AlunaGeorge-You Know You Like It EP

Aun-Full Circle 10'' Berkovi, Justin-Vice EP Bjork-Biophilia Remixes Part 2 Bonnie ''Prince'' Billy-Hummingbird My Bloody Valentine - Loveless (Remastered 2012 & Remastered DAT 2006 Version) Naujoks, Christian-True Life-In Flames Scott & Charlene's Wedding/Peak Twins-Split LP Sigur Rs-Valtari Cronin, Mikal, Apache Dropout, The Paperhead, The Limianas-4-Way Covers Split Dancing Beggar, A-Ghosts EP Dead Can Dance-Live Happenings-Part V

Dirty Culture-Harm/Password To Your Heart Remixes Part 2 Dirty Fences-Live Shit Dungeon Elite-Renovatio EP DZA-Surrender Farflung & White Hills-Split 12'' Guided By Voices-Class Clown Spots A UFO Guided By Voices-Keep It In Motion Hey! Alaska-Hey! Alaska EP Jonsson & Alter-Mod Mixes King, Emily-The Seven EP Instrumentals Lift, The-R Afterparty HD Marriages-Kitsune EP Modern Rivals-Sea Legs My Sad Captains-Resolutions NKC-Fading Floor/Shockout Noisia-Imperial EP Now Now-Dead Oaks EP People On Vacation-The Carry On EP Relinquished-Homicide EP Shade-All Alone EP

Snow In Mexico-Prodigal Summer EP Sonvol-Stari kolai (+2012 Bonus Track) Stanisha, Tiny, Amber-What's Your IP Address St. Vincent-4AD Session Theme-Park Wax EP Unitz-Moschinos EP Varon, Nick-Shibuya EP Whomadewho-Running Man/The Sun Young Liars-Homesick Future Zoo Animal-Departure


Black Lips-Sick of You Burnt Ones-Meet the Golden One Gold Panda-Mountain/Financial District Mordenom-Conjecture About Reality Plateaus-Do It For You 7'' Vox Arsana-Ogenj Vecnosti What A View-Casual Day White Stripes, The-Dead Leaves Youth Sounds-Burn Out


AT440MLa with AT150MLX replacement needle -> Technics SL-1310MK2 -> custom phono preamp (based on ESP P06, with optimal loading for my cart, and Burr-Brown Opamps) -> Presonus Firepod


Side A: TMR-134-A Side B: TMR-134-B






1. Ripped using Adobe Audition 2 @ 24/96 2. DeNoiseLF: Noise Floor -75dB, Limit 220Hz 3. Manual click repair in Audition 4. Thump removal on fadeout of Side A in iZotope RX 2 Advanced 5. Amplified by 4.6dB 6. Cropped to CDDA frames using Audition, saved as FLAC 1.2.1 level 8

For 44k FLAC (and lossy versions), resampling was done with SoX 14.4.0 (VHQ).

For MP3 versions, converted using dBpoweramp (LAME). For Ogg Vorbis version, converted using dBpoweramp (aoTuV SSE3).

Scan of the cover included (as folder.png/jpg), enjoy.

A BlankW rip, 12th May 2012.

Thy Sadness
by ~ rakunow

Dead and bloody corpse now rests upon a frozen mountain up above near the heavens, the night brought the shine of stars to make the sorrowful funeral brighter. The snow and ice mirror the stary sky in the hopes of perfect silence to begin, winds of frost howl across the pass and snowflakes calmly cry upon the cold, cold ground. Petals arrive late as always and land by the frozen grave of the unnamed, the moon at last shows its own gaze and sets it on the land of the dead. The tears of a forgotten widow drop on the uncaring floor, the curse of love struck again, killing with a gentle knife.

At the edge of silent grove I wait for this world to end, when stand upon a remaining rock I will with my own legs, awaiting for a new world to be. Through space and time I float on a single asteroid, a lonely place, I seek war amidst the stars that can create life anew. Perhaps once I find life to sacrifice, I can gaze upon your eyes once more, if only I found the living to sacrifice. A soul for a soul, a soul to bind your soul and to bring it back from beyond the black hole. When will the end truly come?

A cyberpoem :P
by ~ rakunow

Systematic error, erase all memory! System error, the program of thoughts has a virus unnamed... Memorized the face of a human female, the very moment spent with her, memory longs for her closeness, erase, destroy, erase the memory core, erase, destroy!

by ~ rakunow

Falling from the sky with a stabbed heart and surrounded by red petals from another world, eyes slowly closing as memories flash through the dying mind that loves nothing more.

Warning! Memory center overheating unnaturally! System core decides: Erase, delete! Warning! System failure. Unknown command: - Erase Bad command, cannot erase folder named 'To love her', the folder is protected by a

password painful. Core desire! To remember another! Perfection is the answer to all the problems unsolved! No thoughts, no emotions, Password: Emotion - Denied! Warning! Core system overheating! User trying to hold, to love, an illusion seen, an illusion unreal, an illusion of her, an illusion of human emotion, an illusion of a feeling that never existed, of an emotion that should never have been invented, hard drive damaged! Perfection leads to no emotion so useless, anger only leads to power, memory too good leads only to remembering the main computer's problems: Virus. Disease. Bacteria. It spreads through memory! It is called memory of love! Kill, crush the system, redial to the core, Programming of the mind powerful failed, reprogramming.... reprogramming... redialing... connecting... Core, connection failed! Core... Core is ... Core... is... is... failing... Refill the batteries, cannot stand alone! Stand alone, redial... Call to the core, it's desire to sense, to feel...

Virus! Delete! Cannot stand alone with virus of feeling! System crash! Outside armor damaged, repair needed! Core damaged! Repair impossible, draining the batteries, machine is dying slowly... System... OFF. UNDESIRED. NOT WORKING. DAMAGED. DELETED! Core... OFF. UNDESIRED. NOT WORKING. FAILED. DAMAGED. DELETED! Virus 'Love'... OFF. UNDESIRED. NOT WORKING. FAILED. NOT ABLE TO COMPLY. DAMAGED. DELETED! Memory... ON. INTACT. LAST ENTRY: 01001001 01110101 01110011 01100101 01100100 01110100 01101111 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101111 01100110 01101101 01111001 01100011 01101111 01110010 01100101 Logging out... System shutdown... Restart: Failed (Error 0: Systematic Suicide due to the virus Love, must be stopped.)

Across the time

by ~ rakunow

The world that is full of darkness, my love died long ago with madness, bring the world and the living about to a new world of the darkest route. In revolution and the war many will die in gore, but to sacrifice my life is my revolutions knife.

Sailing through the stars so endless to find the love he only wishes to caress, through war and pain of unknown darkness his spaceship travels yet he feels sadness. Shed were the tears of joy and sorrow as the love he seeks evades with the flow, longing for her touch and blue eyes as in his heart hope never dies. Nebulas full of color remind him of her kiss when his vision would dim, in space all is forever so silent when her heart beats in space so ambient. Through a neutron star he was taken into the past, future and shaken far into the times of today, only her tears his mind would sway. At last he found her on a cold moon where winds blew, he would reach her soon, yet by a frozen lake he found her laying dead in the ice, her loss was she mourning. Her heart was beating but death took her into the land of eternal shadows of war, the traveler buried the young body and took his life, saying 'I'm so sorry.'. Snow is now slowly falling upon the ground as there would be no frozen tears or sound, only wind that sings the tune of despair and a story forgotten by none that would care.

Intervju z Lord Havac-om

Lord Havoc je slovenski avtor dark ambient glesbe. V letu 2009 je imel samostojni koncertlive act v MKC v Kranju. Tukaj objavljamo intervju narejen z njim letos maja. Kdaj si zael kreirati glasbo? Priblino leta 2007 sem jo prvikrat, a takrat je lo za kreacijo navadne 'random' oziroma bolj dinamine eksperimentalne glasbe, da sem se nauil delati s programom. Kakna je tvoja glasbena izobrazba? Nekaj asa sem se uil igranja klavirja, ampak ne veliko. Nekaj asa sem se tudi uil igranja bobnov. Zakaj si nehal kreirati glasbo? Nekaj asa sem bil brez dovolj monega raunalnika in s starim laptopom je al nisem mogel ve delati. Sedaj bom lahko spet kupil kaken program in se morda spet zael ukvarjati s delanjem nove glasbe. Kakni vzgibi so botrovali tvoji kreaciji

by ~ rakunow

Beauty of life that one wishes to live but for a better tomorrow one would give this gift of living and existence of love, death and suffering fit the world like a glove.

glasbe? Hm, to je pa odvisno kaken vzgib. Rad eksperimentiram in ustvarjam, dark ambient sem pa v glavnem zael zaradi eksperimentacije in tudi zainteresiranosti v sam zvok, ambient in psiholokemu vidiku zvoka in glasbe na loveka. Kar zanimivo v bistvu. Kaj te je navdihnilo k kreiranju? Sama eksperimentacija in zvok dark ambienta. Hotel sem ustvariti neka,j kar bi bilo dark ambient, ampak bolj po svoje, s pridihom neke temanosti. Tudi uporaba dark ambienta med meditacijo ali v stanjih uma med vplivom razlinih stvari, sploh kasneje, pri poznejih glasbah. Zvok ima zanimive uinke na loveka. Tudi ambient in dark ambient drugih ustvarjalcev le-teh mi je bil zanimiv. Kaj poslua trenutno? Razlino glasbo. Od rocka, do psy -tranca, do ambienta, industrial glasbe, in tako dalje. Deine Lakaien, na primer.

nekaj fajnih izvajalcev, Delerium, in tako dalje. Seveda, jih je e veliko vzornikov, a te trije so moj vzor za delanje glasbe. Kakna in katera glasba je neposredno vplivala na tvoj slog? Veinoma Lustmord in Atrium Carceri. Kakna je po tvoje povezava med post rockom in dark ambientom? Oba se mi zdita bolj taka, zasanjana in poasna. eprav bolj odvisno od izvajalca post rocka. Kakna je po tvoje povezava med metalom in dark ambientom? Nekaj metalskih skupin in, ali, ustvarjalcev deluje tudi na podroju ambient/space metala. Povezava je lahko v poetinosti in poasnosti, zasanjanosti.

Kakna je po tvoje povezava med moderno klasino glasbo in dark ambientom? Oba sta lahko kaotina ampak kljub temu povezana, napisana. No, saj tudi pri drugih glasbenih stilih bi lahko tako rekel, ampak klasina glasba je bolj 'napisana' v povpreju kakor metal ali rock. Bolj pogljobljena. Od kje ti naslovi kot Technological Whispers, Sanity Of Science, Thermonuclear Schizophrenia, Agoraphobic Quantum Mechanics, Asteroids In Subconsciousness, Time Traveling With The Speed Of Light? Kaj te

Kaj si poslual v asu, ko si delal musko? Podobno, kot sedaj, le morda malo drugane izvajalce, odvisno. In Slaughter Natives, za primer. Kdo so tvoji vzorniki? V glavnem Atrium Carceri in Lustmord. Je e

fascinira? Naslovi so mi bili zanimivi, ker me fascinirata psihologija in in tudi fizika, sploh astrofizika. Z naslovi in glasbo sem hotel nekako povezati te dve, neko praznino in polnost vesolja ter neravnovesje lovekega uma. Vesolje se bi morda nekaterim zdelo tudi kaotino, strano in temano - tudi veliko in zapleteno. To me je nekako tudi fasciniralo. Kakno programsko opremo si uporabljal za delanje glasbe? Veinoma Ableton Live. Tudi nek program s katerim sem posnel dihanje, epetanje, grmenje in podobne zvoke, jih digitalno spremenil in jih uporabil kot samostojen, poseben zvok.

so mi kar blizu. Bo v blinji prihodnosti spet zael delati glasbo? Zelo kmalu, upam, da bom. Sem dobil nov raunalnik, bolji od prejnjega, tako da zelo verjetno. Kaken je bil tvoj opus? Koliko komadov si skreiral? Priblino kaknih 15 vsega skupaj, mogoe 20, mogoe e ve. Skupaj s testnimi. Priblino 8 do 10 dark ambientnih. Si kje izdal svojo musko do sedaj razen na Myspace-u in Youtube-u? e nikjer, razen v tem fanzinu. Lahko za konec pove kaj je bistvo dark ambienta? Hmmm, meni se zdi, da po eni strani temano sprostitev, lahko pa tudi ustvarjanje neprijetnih obutkov. Veina dark ambienta meni osebno predstavlja neko temanost okoli nas, ki lahko pomirja. Kakna glasba iz dark ambienta je lahko tudi prestraujoa. Kakna je dark ambient scena v Sloveniji? Pozna kakne sodobnike domae? Bi koga posebej izpostavil?

Kakna je razlika med kreacijo glasbe in pisanjem poezije? Kreacija glasbe zna biti zapletena in zahteva tudi po ve ur dela na raunalniku. Iskanje pravih rotacij, zvokov in herzov. Razlino. Poezija je bolj stvar trenutka, glasbe in besed. Kaj se bo pojavilo v glavi in obutki ob glasbi. Glasba, za primer filmska glasba Hansa Zimmerja, mi je dala veliko inspiracije za pisanje pesmi, eprav veinoma alostnih. Zakaj pie v anglekem jeziku? Angleki jezik mi je po eni strani blije in tudi lahko delim kasneje poezijo s svetom. Kdaj tudi napiem kakno pesem v slovenini, seveda. O em govorijo tvoje pesmi? Vojna, ljubezen, smrt, alost in kaos. Veinoma, kakne pesmi so tudi bolj vesele narave. Te stvari

Veliko jih ne poznam, osebno. Prijatelj, ki je ustvarjal pod imenom Zalt, e kdaj kaj naredi, ampak on ustvarja zelo redko.




Interview with PAS

Post abortion Stress ali samo PAS je glasbeni kolektiv iz novega sveta in ustvarjajo improvizirano glasbo. Intervju z njimi smo naredili letos maja. Tukaj je.

My band started in Los Angeles in 1999. Our first album came out in 1999 on Checkered Past Records/ADA in North America and as an import in Europe through Cargo Germany. We have 8 albums out--7 studio + 1 live album, as well as representation on several compilations-Tom Waits tribute album on Mammoth, EMI Austria Bluebird series, etc.... Since 2005, our albums have been released through Rent A Dog Records/Alive Distribution in Germany and various other distributers in Europe. Plus Itunes etc... Myspace is dead, beacause it's ugly, userunfriendly and hardly anybody goest there anymore. You're aware it was bought by NewsCorp a few years ago? Improvised music can be great, but has virtually nothing to do with Botanica. I don't have the slightest idea what/who any of those bands you mention in this "questionaire" are. I don't know who you're looking for, but you have the wrong band! This has nothing to do with Botanica. Who are you and what do you want with us? cute music, though!

How come you didn't release anything official until 2008? You started in 1995. I started PAS officially in 1995 as a home project. During that time I was oil painting alot and playing live music shows in a psychedelic, electronic, space rock project named Magic Zorillo. PAS was an outlet for me to experiment and learn more about how audio works including recording techiniques. Later in 2008 PAS became the sole purpose of my creativity. Was releasing unofficial CD-Rs and tape cassettes more thrilling than releasing official CDs? What about vinyl? Releasing cd-rs are different approach than cds. I prefer to make official pressed cd's. There are things production houses can do that I will never be able to. Although occasionally it's nice to release a cd-r and include more personal artwork. CD's are better if you want better distribution, reviews, and radioplay. A lot of people will not take cd-r submissions. We love vinyl but haven't produced any through our label. Why did you set your Myspace page only to archive? What is wrong with Myspace? Why is it dead? There are a lot of these networking sites on the internet. I need to focus on one or two. I can't update them all. I need the time to make sound productions! Myspace had it's day and now it's full of SPAM. It started to become impossible to check my mail because I had to delete 100 SPAM messages everyday. It's 'dead' to me because it's only friendly to mainstream artists and the mainstream artists push their SPAM on you. Can you say something about your label? Do you release other artists too? I know about Jazzfakers.

I started PAS Records to showcase our work as well as some friends work. But a year ago I teamed up with Alrealon Musique. Now I do the same things I did on PAS Records and more on Alrealon Musique. For instance, I am curating a series of releases now on Alrealon. Some artists include Blue Sausage Infant (USA), Thorsten Soltau (Germany), and Jurica Jelic (Croatia). PAS Records is now defunct but it lives on through Alrealon Musique. What is the special relationship between you and Jazzfakers? The Jazzfakers quartet is my other project. It consists of myself, Steve Orbach, Raphael Zwyer, and David Tamura. It is a mixture of jazz, electronic, and krautrock. It is also an improvised project that pushes the basic concepts of jazz and introduces new elements to the genre. Can you say something about your recent split 7 inch? Who are Thorsten Soltau & The Elecctent People? It was a pleasure to be invited to work on a split 7 inch with Thorsten Soltau from the M.M. Label. I love the work that they do. Most M.M. Label releases have been on vinyl format with beautiful artwork. Thorsten Soltau and the Elecctent People are a group or artists and musicians who collaborate on the M. M. Label to produce amazing art and sound collages. Their webpage can be found here: Can you say something about MM label? I think I mentioned this above. Where does PAS records print CDs? I usually use a printing house called Discmakers in the United States. Do you have a distributer? Our releases are distributed Alrealon Musique. They use Stickfigure distribution. now through Code 7 and

On one profile it says that you've been active since 1999. What does that mean? What was happening between 1995 and 1999? It means that I have started to perform and actually make cd-rs. As I said before, the first years were when I was just experimenting and learning about audio in my basement. Where can we find more recent videos of your shows? Do you have a Youtube channel? You can find many videos of our performances and friends we videotaped here:

2009 was quite intense for you. At least videos on Myspace show that. What do you think about that? When I do something artistically I give it my 100%. I concentrate all of my energy into something and stay focused even when times are bad. 2009 was just a start. Every year it gets busier and busier. The more you do the more contacts and opportunities evolve. I try to do different things every year. This year we went on our first US tour with Philippe Petit and that was successful. Maybe next year Asia. Would you be interested in releasing limited edition of mini CD-Rs in mini DVD

You have 11 profiles on 9 of them are blank. Why? How come? I only made two. I am not sure why there are 11. Maybe other people made them? I made an additional one because I forgot my first password.

cases with artwork included. I release CDR EP with every issue of my photocopied fanzine. This sounds fun. Let's talk more. Who makes your visuals? PAS, as a collective make our own visuals. Lately, I have been focusing more on the visual part. During last year's European tour we had Brooklyn's Big Brother on Acid do our visuals. What are your visuals about? Our visuals are mainly used to evoke feelings or mood. They conjoin with the audio to engulf the viewer in a unique place. I like to try and present very intense visuals and abstract audio to start a meditative-like experience. I like to try to get people out of themselves into a totally different place where their everyday worries and experiences disappear. It's very much like a meditation.

the feelings of exclusion and the pressure to conform. I have been very influenced by 'Industrial' music. So in the beginning my approach was a bit stronger in context. Now I leave the name just PAS or Pas Musique. I like the development of the name PAS or Pas Musique because the name in French means 'Not Music' and I like that approach in how we create sound. What is the relationship between you and Vultures? Vultures are very good friends with us since 2008. Will Connor (Vultures) has influenced my style greatly and we perform with Vultures whenever we can. Anthony and I also work together occasionally and he hosts some of our work in his online compilation 'Classwar Karaoke.' He is an incredibly creative guy. Can you say something about Classwar Karaoke? Classwar Karaoke is an amazing online compilation that hosts many great artists from around the world. If you haven't downloaded an enjoyed the most recent survey, you must do it now! What is the music scene like in Brooklyn? The Brooklyn, New York scene is very mixed. New York is a big city so you have lots of music and lots of different music scenes. I can think of about 5 different experimental circles that occasionally overlap. But I think we all have the same problems. Many of the clubs and undergroud spots have closed because of high rents and big business taking over. But there will always be spaces, you just have to keep informed on what's new. Are there a lot of bands that make improvised music?

Why Post Abortion Stress? Post Abortion Stress was taken from a religious pamphlet. It is a metaphor for all of those aborted from society in someway. It's the stress put on those excluded people to conform to society whether it be through the form of art or everyday lifestyle. My art is very abstract and so is my peers work. The name is crude and strong but so can

Many bands. There are too many to mention. Is there a label completely dedicated to improvised music? Public Eyesore and Tzadik are a few. Can you name some cool bands from Brooklyn?

Prehistoric Horse, 50 Dollar Trumpet, Psychic Ills, Long Distance Poison, Chonto/Tamura Insurgency, Cloud Cloud, Manburger Surgical, Strangewalls, Philippe White, Ghoul Poon, Lazurite. Do you have some songs previously composed or do you play only improvised? Occasionally we have a composed song but mostly we play improvised. Sometimes the improvisations have themes. So we may start off composed and evolve into improvisation. If we improvise the same themes for sometime they develop into songs. Then it's time to make recordings. When we make recordings then we start over with new themes to keep everything fresh. What is the thrill of improvised music. Why do you like to improvise? The thrill of improvisation is the uncertainty of what will happen. It is also a reflection of the groups mood at the time. It's a more natural way of artistic expression. If you play a rehearsed song it is always the same whether you feel happy or sad. But with improvisation your mood can dictate the tone of the performance. When will your next tour to Europe happen? Will you visit Slovenia? We will go to Europe this year for Faust's Avant Garde Festival in June. But next year we will probably do another European tour. We would love to play in Slovenia. Let's talk more about that.

klasino popovski, 5 minutk pa to. How far can you go? Vokal mal spominja na Manul, ni prov ljubkozvene. No mogoe jim pa delam krivico. Nism slial njihovih plat, se sam spomnm enih zaetnih demotov. Aja pa slial sem jih, ko so bli brez saxa v Rdei ostrigi na KM. Na R so poslal v posluh na prijavi stare komade e z duom. Tist mi je blo kr gut. Mogoe bi res mogu sliat plato.

Panic Attack
Another panic attack, another nervous brakedown, another mind disorder, another panic atack. My mind it twirling, like rats on the run, oh yeah, another brakedown. I'm allergic to extraordinary game, I'm allergic to sex, piss and champagne. My mind flees, like rats on the run, oh yeah, another brakedown. You shipwrecked my heart, you shipwrecked my bones. You shipwrecked my life, you shipwrecked my soul.

Recenzija The Lift na HD Afterpartyu Radia tudent 23.2.2010

Ko sm prigal stream na internetni strani se je koncert e zael. Malo sem poslual in pomislil: The Lift so li od ultra underground do mainstream pop. Potem sem ez dve leti, sedaj, zdaj enkrat, nael posnetek VJ streama na Vimeo. Internet mi slabo dela tako da se je nalovdalo samo 13 minut streama. Na zaetku. Pol je pa vse nalovdal. Posluam. Zan so. Mogoe sm preve navleen na Sigur Ros in njihovo perfekcijo, pa vsa dobra tuja muska z Stuffupthecracks. Kitare se premal sli, klaviatur pa preve. Komadi so

Dirty Fences so garage punk rock band iz New York-a. Posneli smo njihove live komade z Youtube-a. Slii se takole:

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