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* They are two people eating in a restaurant in the beaches of Cancun, Mexico (Lorraine and Manuel) Waiter: I can

remove the table? You've got a lot on your plate, sir Manuel: I do not feel great physically, Lorena, but this is last minute in Cancun, provecharlo owe it to the fullest, you have to swim for the last time at sea Lorena: No sweat Manuel, I want to swim as our flight to Mexico City in about an hour out Lifeguard: I see you want to get to swim, but the saw did not have much time just out of the restaurant, be very careful, I will not keep you any longer * Lorena Manuel and paid little attention to the warning that the lifeguard had made a moment ago, and went into the sea to swim Manuel: Lorena I'm feeling more and more ill, suddenly exclaims I have cramps all over my body, I can not move, call the lifeline It's really urgent! Lorena: Help, Help, please, you're a lifesaver, have to assist my husband, drowning * The lifeline Manuel succor and gives first aid Lifeguard: I warned that it was dangerous Manuel: Thank you thank you thank you I owe you one La Historia del Oso Un da, en el rancho norteo de Sierra Nevada, California, un oso caf estaba caminando por un puente, pensando en sus cosas. Cuando un carro pas el oso se asust y brinc sobre el lado del puente, de alguna manera se las arregl para agarrar la cornisa. Las noticias del oso en el puente, las autoridades cuando ellos llegaron al lugar, lo encontraron dormido en la cornisa. Se estaba haciendo tarde, as que decidieron que no se poda hacer nada de noche. Ellos regresaron, la maana siguiente con una red, que se coloc abajo del puente, ellos dispararon al oso un dardo tranquilizante y esperaron a que se durmiera. Ellos empujaron al atontado oso fuera de la cornisa y en la red. El oso pens para s mismo mientras segua su camino.

Ankle fracture
An ankle fracture is a painful injury that involves at least one of the three ankle bones: tibia, fibula and talus. Athletes are those who are most exposed to this type of injury because of the pressure exerted on this area of the body. The ankle is a body part that is highly exposed to sprains and strains, so that successive injuries that are not well healed can cause a broken ankle. Overweight is one of the reasons may also be generated, as the bone and muscle can be found very awkward step forced and injury may occur. Athletes who play sports where extreme force on the ankles are hurting often, especially football players, basketball players, baseball players, football, hockey, tennis, etc.. After a first sprain usually all athletes wear ankle bandages to prevent the ankle from moving, which is highly desirable for athletes at the amateur level and are not as trained and injuries are more likely yet. FIRST AID General: Avoid movement of the affected area and protect it from further injury. Do not try to accommodate the broken bone Remove clothing and items that fit in the area. Freeze fracture in the position in which it is to avoid further pain and further injury. Placing a long rigid splint comprising the joint that is above and below the fracture.

*Patient: Hi, I just fell down and I think im injured on one foot. Can you come and check me? *Paramedic 1: Yes Ill be there in a couple of minutes, dont move. *(Paramedics arrive to the house) *Paramedic 1: Dont move, we are going to check you.

*(Paramedic checks the foot) *Paramedic 2: It seems you have injured your ankle. *Patient: I feel a lot of pain, are you going to take me to the hospital? Orwhat are yougoingto do? *Paramedic 1: First we are going to check that its not an exposed injury. *Paramedic 2: Dont worry its not an exposed injury. *Paramedic 1: We are going to inmovilize your ankle. *Paramedic 2: We are not going to take of the clothing that covers your ankle. *Paramedic 1: Because we can hurt you more. *(patient tries to move) *(The paramedics take out their artefacts out the backpack) *Paramedic 1: Relax, dont move. *Patient: It hurts a lot, give me an analgesic please. *Paramedic 2: Its not convinient to medicate you in this momento, lets wait till we get to the hospital. *(we put band-aids) *Paramedic 1: We are going top ut this tablets to inmovilize your leg. Paramedic 2: This Band-aid is going to be used to adjust the tablets. Paciente: And where is the ambulance? How are you going to take me to the hospital? Paramedic 1: In a few moments our partners with the bed so we can put you in the ambulance and transport you to the hospital.

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