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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

First I researched films similar to my own, within the Gangster genre:

Warner Bros. Distributed Goodfellas, The Departed and Once Upon a time in America

Paramount Pictures distributed The Godfather I,II,III

Universal distributed Scarface, Carlitos Way and Casino

These would all be possible choices of companies to distribute our film, as they distribute worldwide, which would get our film noticed as it deals with more mainstream films, helping us to distribute beyond Europe. Also as Universal has distributed other Gangster films, so would make our film more generalizable, with the fact gangster film fans would know Universal have distributed good gangster films in the past, so would look to our film, as they already have a mainstream target audience to work with. In our opening sequence, we have the Universal logo as our Production/Distribution Company because it has produced and distributed a lot of gangster films like ours and for our distribution logo, we had a made up company Out Of Sight Pictures. However in reality we would probably go for a smaller independent film company, mainly because of budget, as our film would probably be a low budget film, so obviously famous actors and actresses werent used. Again because of budget we would film in the UK, close to home, so we dont have to waste money on travel. As out film would be a small independent film, it wouldnt be advertised on TV, but we would advertise through viral campaign via social networking site like Facebook, twitter and other free websites that promote our film like IMDB, helping us to raise awareness of our film. Also creating our own official film website, where viewers can see the trailers and who our cast is, also the crew, they can know in advance the plot of our film and see extra footage, these are the main ways we could get the interest of our target audience. Because we know Hollywood films, which would use a distributer like Universal, have access to a wide range of marketing like adverting

in lots of different ways, and they can have different trailers, they can too advertised in lots of different countries, therefore getting a wider audience, than we could ever have. A company we could have distributing our film could be Film4, however not many places in the world have heard of Film4, so wouldnt know about our film as they rarely distribute beyond the UK, which is not what we want for a film like ours, as we think it has more potential and would want it to be more mainstream.

A company that we would like to have to distribute our film could be Momentum as it is an independent British film company. They work with small budgets and they are greatly known for distributing films for growth rather than for gross revenue, like larger film disturbers do. An example of this is Slumdog Millionaire which was distributed by Momentum and won BAFTAs and Golden Globes, and hopefully our film could end up like that.

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