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In microscope, .. short, hair-like structure in surface of bacteri a) Flagella b) Pilli c) ..

d) Inclusion Agent to break cell membrane a) Deterjent b) EDTA c) Proteinase d) Rnase One of method to control of differentiation at stem cell culture a) Embryonic stem cell b) Embryonic germ cell. c) Adult stem cell d) Cord blood stem cell Post-Translasi berlangsung di a) Ribosom b) Lisosom c) Golgi d) RE In the cytosol, protein phorporylation is reversible, because of phosphates present a) Decrease present b) Increase presenet c) Abundant d) A little The aging process caused by the decline .. function.

a) Nukleus b) Centriole c) Ribosom d) Mitokondria Ceramide is lipid consisting of a) Sphyingion lipid acid b) c) d) - galactosa - Acetil kolin - Phospate acid

Kekurangan satu kromosom x (Turner) Product in post translational process which is exported to target organ, such as a) Membrane b) Receptor c) Hormone d) Transport protein A condition more than 2 set of chromosome a) . b) . c) Polyploidi d) Mixoploidi A classic example of somatic mosaicm and multiple inherited is a) Down syndrome b) Neurofibromastocist c) Turner d) Cancer Ciri umum reticulum endoplasma

Salah satu transmitter yang terlibat dalam proses dilatasi pembuluh darah pada jaringan endotel adalah

Fungsi Sarcoplasmic reticulum Bagian mana yang diambil untuk mendapat embryonic germ cell Persentase to membrane nucleus di s.protein a) .... b) 70% c) d) 90% Cell yang menyebabkan binding transmitter adalah a) Effector b) . c) Receptor d) . Basic tool of the cell for organizing metabolism, transport, and enzyme storage is a) Vakuola b) Vesicle c) Ribosom d) Golgi apparatus Pada prokariot, transkripsi dan translasi dilakukan simultan, mengapa? a) Lack of ribosome b) Lack of cytoplasm c) Lack of organel d) Lack of nuclear membrane Contoh stem cell multipotent

a) Bone marrow b) Fertilized egg c) 8 day cell embrio d) 5 day embrio Hela cell line has been cultured continuously for scientific use. This cell line from. a) Eye b) Brain c) Lung d) Cervical According to the cebtral dogma, genetic information flow. a) DNA protein mRNA b) DNA mRNA protein c) Protein mRNA - DNA d) Protein DNA mRNA What is the base sequence of the DNA strand that would be complementary to the 5 GGATCTGAT 3 a) 5 CCT AGA CTA 3 b) 5 GGA TCT GAT 3 c) 3 GGA TCT GAT 5 d) 3 CCT AGA CTA 3 When 2 carriers of the same family gene autosomal recessive, chance to have a normal child is a) 1 out of 4 affected b) 1 out of 4 normal c) 2 out of 4 affected d) 2 out of 4 normal The size and location of giemsa bands of chromosomes are called.

a) Banding pattern b) Region c) Histone d) Karyotipe A trinucleotide can be thought as a code word called (codon) The primarily function of golgi apparatus is a) Modifies proteins delivered from the rough endoplasmic reticulum involved in the transport of lipids in the creation of lysosome b) Autophagic cell death, a form of programmed self-destruction or autolysis, the cell is digesting c) Are able to move molecules between location inside the cell d) The extrustion process of the protein form the golgi apparatus enter secretory granules Trait which dominant in one sex and recessive for another. (sex linked) An autosomal disorder, dominant heterozigot. Probably get a normal child a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100% In cytosol, complete synthesis of an average sized protein a) 20 s b) 60 s c) 10 30 s d) 20 60 s A cell can have some mitochondria that have mutation in mtdna that do not, is called a) Normoplasmi b) Holoplasmi c) Homoplasmi

d) Heteroplasmi What happened when person has something different : too few chromosome (turner syndrome) Struktur gen yg mengkode protein Yang mempunyai 5 kompartemen (mitokondria) Repaired DNA : - Gap repaired dne by dna fragment from sister molecule - Mutation is not repaired but isnt replicated a) Base excision b) Recombinan c) SOS d) Mismatch repair The degree to which particular is expressed in a population fenotipe. a) Penetrance b) Kodominan c) Epistasis d) Hipostasis Necrosis is one of the two forms of cell death which has one of the characteristic mentioned below a) Is seen in normal development b) Results from genetically mediated process c) Caused by cellular metabolic collapse d) Information is absent in the area of necrosis The form of genetic information used directly in protein synthesis a) DNA b) mRNA c) Ribosom d) tRNA

Product of post translational process which is exported to target organ such as a) Membran protein b) Receptor c) Hormon d) Transport Protein It is possible to fuse normal cell with an immortalized cell line. Which one of the following is including this method a) Transform b) Hibriodoma c) Media changes d) Passaging Gene code for protein that attach to the genome at the appropriate positions and switch on a series of reactions called a) Gene expression b) Gene pole c) Genome d) Gender Regions often found in eukaryote genes which are removed in the splicing process are a) Sequence b) Codon c) Intron d) Exon DNA string between gen is called., as it appears not contain the information for gene product that the cell use. a) Codon b) Non-coding DNA c) Inactivation d) Regulation

Gene that allows cell to read quickly to change in their environment is called a) Genome b) Gene expression c) Gene polar d) Gene regulation Which prokaryotic living organism have a thin peptidoglikan layer covered by LPS Layer. a) Mycoplasma b) Gr (+) bacteria c) Gr (-) bacteria d) Archae Tay-sachs disease also known as a) GM2 gangliosidoses b) Mucopolysaccharides c) Leukodystrophies d) Mucolipidoses In the cytosol, protein phosporylation is reversible, because of phosphate present a) Decrease content b) Increase Content c) Abundant d) A little Why grow cell in culture a) Because cell culture can application tissue engineering b) Because cell culture can application in vitro lividing c) d) In micrograph of an eukaryote cell cytoplasm, visible as a stack of semicircular black ring near the bottom and numerous circular vesicle can be seen in proximity to the organel is

a) Mitokondria b) Golgi apparatus c) Lisosom d) Vesicle The enzyme phospolipase C which clear the membranphospolipid phospatidyl insotol 4,3 biphosphate (p1p2) into IP3 & DAG is formed from a) Activation of G protein receptor b) Activation of tyrosin kinase c) Activation of G protein receptor and tyrosine d) Activation of adeniylyl cyclase Lipid storage disorder are group of inherited metabolic disorder in which harmful amounts of lipids accumulate in some of body cell & tissue. This disorder caused by malfunction of a) Golgi apparatus b) Endoplasmic RE c) Lisosom d) Ribosome Principle of concept mutation reveal that genetics mutation is occurred a) By manipulation b) By chance c) By conjugation d) By transformation Visualization of amplicone is used. a) DNAse dan Xray b) Proteinase & UV light c) Ethidium bromide & UV light d) Precipitation DNA is used

a) Fenol b) Chloroform c) Alcohol d) Sorbitol Base Excision Repair is mechanism of DNA repair in mutation caused by a) UV light b) Hydrocarbon c) Anti-cancer agent d) Radical Oxygen The natural form or condition of a gene is called. a) Mutant b) Wild type c) Normal d) Origin

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