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Kumpulan Soal MCQ Blok 4 2008 You will think confused, disorientated and collapse was caused by..

a. heart failure c. hypoglycemic shock b. brain disfunction d. over exhausted After traffic accident car to by cant do verbal communication, but still understand other. Part of brain that might have been damage is.. a. visual c. Broca b. auditory d. wernicke The serous membrane that passes from the lesser curvature of the stomach and the upper duodenum to inferior surface of the liver is the a. viceral peritoneum c. greater omentum b. Mescentery d. lesser omentum Into what does the neuron reales its neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction? a. motor and plate c. cisternae b. cytopplasm of muscel cell d. synaptic 3. The primary producer in the biosphere is ? a. ecosystem b. biome c. plant d. human activity

6. Part of environment that is made or modified by humans for use in human activity is called a. atmosphere c. lithosphere b. anthosphere d. biosphere 8. A headache is an example of a. pain a. celiac b. femoral 9. A .fracture occurred in the hip area a. gluteal b. lumbar c. cephalic d. gluteal c. costal d. coxae

13. Integration and coordination are properties of the system of organ. a. nervous c. excretory b. circulatory d. muscular 14. The orbital cavity would contain the. a. eyes b. nasal septum 15. Simple squmous epithel is a.. term a. tissue b. cell c. brain d. teeth c. organ d. phatology

18. The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called..

a. secretion b. excretion

c. movement d. digestion

19. Surface feature and anatomical structure beneath the skin identified through a. observation c. both a and b b. palpation d. none of the above 20. External genitalia of female are within the a. pervic region c. perineal region b. abdominal region d. gluteal region 21. Second rib is located at the level of the a. jugular notch c. xiphisternal joint b. sternal angle d. costal margin 22. The ligament extends from the crest of theilium to the symphysis pubis. a. pubic c. inguinal b. pymphysis pubic d. perineal 23. A coomon for an intramuscular injection is the.. a. deltoid muscle c. biceps brachii triangel b. deltopectoral triangle d. angel of acromion 24. The axilla is clinically important because of subcutaneous position of. a. sebacea gland c. dermal cell b. major nerves d. all of the above 25. When bottock is used for intramuscular injection, care must be taken to avoid the.. a. femoral artery c. sigmoid colon b. sciatic nerve d. obturator foramen 29. Cells in the outer layer of trophoblasts that lose their plasma membranes and invate the endometrium are called a. epiblast c. cytotrophoblast b. hypoblast d. syncytiotrophoblast 31. Ektoderm is derived from a. trophoblast b. epiblast c. hypoblast d. epithelium

34. Skeletal , smooth and cardiac muscle are derived from. a. endoderm c. cytothropoblast b. mesoderm d. germ layer 37. A cell membrane is a. permeable b. pertially permeable c. impermeable d. permafrost

38. Secara normal sitoplasma sel tidak mengandung.. a. loroplast c. mitokonria b. ribosom d. kromosom 40. In what states of mitosis do allchromosomes align to one plane?

a. anafase b. telofase

c. profase d. metafase

41. Organel penghasil energi adalah.. ( mitokondria ) 43. Animal cell centriolle is a ring of how many groups of microtubule.. a. 9 c. 36 b. 12 d. 42 44. The smallest of these four. a. bacterium b. RBC c. virus d. lymphocyte

45. Which organell sometimes merge with food vacuoles and fuction chemical hydrolitysis a. lysosom c. nukleus b. chlorophas d. mitocondria 46. Axis refers to... a. 1st vertebra columna b. 2nd vertebara columna c. 6th vertebra columna d. 7th vertebra columna

47. How many gram glucose to make it approximate;y isotonic 100 ml glucose solution. a. 4,454 c. 5,454 b. 4,544 d. 5,544 note: molecule weight of glucose 180 dalton 48. The consentration of Mr. Diabetos blood sugar is 150 mg%, the interpretation is that 150 mg sugar contained in. a. 100 g blood c. 150 g blood b. 100 ml blood d. 150 ml blood 49. At what phases a completely acidic.. a. 0 b. 7,4 c. 7 d. 4

51. Yang termasuk molekul/senyawa nonorganik a. H2 c. gas bius b. O d. C6H12O6 53. Which is not abundant compound in living organism. a. Na c. P b. Mn d. N 54. Which of the following doesnt belong with other a. proton c. electron b. neutron d. nukleus 55. Myoglobin, Hb and many enzymes are.. protein a. globular c. linear b. fibrous d. pleate sheet 58. Anatomy is a term which means the study of

a. pshycology b. morphology

c. cell function d. human function

60. The processor turning molecules that are ingested into forms that are compatible with the organism is. a. digestion c. assimilation b. absorption d. circulation 61. The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called.. a. secretion c. movement b. excretion d. digestion 68. Pars squamosa of temporal bone is classified is. bone a. short c. flat b. irregular d. sesamoid 69. The bone that forms the boundaries of the cranial cavity is. a. mandibule c. zygomatic b. maxillae d. spenoid 71. Shoulder girdle consist of. a. 1 collar bone & 1 shoulder blade b. 1 clavicule & 1 humerus 74. Which one is a short bone. a. sternum b. rib 79. Otot untuk meniup terompet. 80. Otot untuk respirasi adalah.. a. pterygoid b. sacrospinalis 83. Pivot joint allow movement.. a. eversion b. circumduction c. trapezius d. sternocleidomastoideus c. raotation d. extensor c.1 scapula & 1 humerus d. 2 innominale & 1 sacrum bones c. cuboid d. patella

84. Which of the following statements concerning the coracobrachialisnmuscle is true? a. it extends the shoulder joint c. it flexes the shoulder joint b. it extends the elbow joint d. it flexes the elbow joint 93. teeth are composed of a number of substances. The bulk of which is a. enamel c. cementum b. gingiva d. dentin 95. Within stomach lining , cells secret hydrochloric acid. a. prarietal c. principal b. goblet d. argentaffin 97. Gastric juice is secreted at. a. chephalic phase c. intestinal phase b. gastric phase d. all of above

105. at this moment, you will expert a change in hormon level.. a. epinefrin , cortisol c. epinefrin , coertisol b. epinefrin , cortisol d. epinefrin , coertisol 108. The gland that produce hormone which cause miss Ayu become diabetic is a. adrenal medulla c. adrenal cortex b. B cell of pancreatic inslet d. A cell of pancreatic inslet 113. Part of diencephalon that control the body temperature is? a. thalamus anterior c. hipothalamus b. subtalamus d. epithalamus 118. Mr. X menderita nyeri di punggung dan menjalar ke ekstremitas bawah bagian kiri sampai dengan jempol kaki. Nyeri bertambah jika mengankat beban berat. Nyeri sejak 6 bulan yang lalu. What nerve do you think that involved in his suffering.. a. sciatic nerve c. obturator nerve b. femoral nerve d. sural nerve 119.What do you suspect that compresses the nerve? a. inflamed sacroiliac c.narrowed intervertebral foramen b. herniated intervertebral disc d. spinal cord tumor 120. At which vertebral level do you think the lesion located.. a. L2 c. L4 b.L3 d. L5 121. All of the following structure lie in front of the right kidney, except. a. right lobe of liver c. right colic flexure b. second part of the duodenum d. head of pancreas 122. Choose the true statement concerning the ureter ! a. both have 3 anatomical site that are constructed b. both receive their blood supply from renalli arteries c. both are separated from the transverse processes of the thoracal vertebrae by the psoas muscle d. both pass anterior to the testiculas or avarian vessels 123. Concerning uf the pelvic part of ureter, which of following statement are true? a. it enters the pelvisin front of the bifurcation of the aorta abdominalis b. the ureter enters the bladder by passing directly, there being no valvular mechanism at its entrance has a close relationship to ischial spine before it turn medially toward the bladder d. the blood supply of the distal part of the ureter is form inferior vesical artery. 124. where are the oksitosin and ADH released into the blood stream. a. parotid gland c. neurohypofisis b. parathyroid d. seminal vesicle 125. Identify the correct statement ! a. collecting ducts are not permeable to water in the presence of ADH

b. stratified squamos epithelium lines the distal part of the male and female ureter c. the principle function of thin tubule in nefron is reabsorbtion of nutrienally valuable substances in the primary urine d. osmotic pressure in the drivinr force behind the formation approximately 125 ml primary urine per minute. 129. Which part of the conductive portion of the respiratory system resembles the trachea in its histological organization? a. bronchus c. alveolar duct b. olfactory epithelium d. bronchiole 131. The exchange of gases between the blood and cell of body is called.. a. external respiration c. pulmonary ventilation b. internalrespiration d. cellular respiration 134. Within the bronchial tree, which tubes are small branches that enter the lobules of the lung a. terminal bronchiales c. intralobular bronchial b. alveolar duct d. lobar bronchi 136. The force of exhalation is primarily due to. a. greater atmosphere pressure outside lungs than inside b. elastic recoid of thorax muscle c. forceful blowing to remove air from lungs d. muscular contraction 137. Even after the most forceful exhale, a certain volume of air remain in lung. This volume called. a. tidal c. vital capacity b. expiratory reserve volume d. residual volume 138. Maximum % amount that person can exhalase, ketika bernapas dalam yaitu ( Kapasitas Vital ) 141. Which layer heart or pericardium serves the dual pupose of lining pericardium and forming outer most wall of heart.. ( parietal pericardium ) 143. Biscupid valve is located on . a. the left side of heart c. guards entrance to the aorta b. guards auricles heart d. guards entrance to the pulmonary trunk 145. Freshly oxygenated blood enters the hearts through the and is pumped out the a. right atrium, aorta c. right ventricel, pulmonary arteri b. left atrium, aorta d. left ventricel, pulmonary arteri 147. A deep wound to the upperthight might daage the.. artery a. femoral c. anterior tibial b. popliteal d. poreneal 151. Pembuluh pada sistem limpatik yang sama degan sistem vaskular adalah.. a. arteri c. kapiler b. vena d. ????

154. What is the role of thymus in protecting the body againts disease? a. it is house decaying lymphocytes recycling the nutrients within them b. it is the site of maturation of T lymphocytes and the production of thymocin c. It is the site of production and maturation of B lymphocytes 158. What traits characteristic antigent .. a. antigent may be protein, polysacharide, glycolipid/glicoprotein in that stimulate an immun respon b. antigent come only from foreign microorganism c. antigent are immunoglobulin the body produce in respon to exposure to foreign d. antigent are protein that stimulate in immune respon 159. Which type of immunoglobulin molecule is passed on to nursing in the breast milk. a. Ig G c. Ig A b. Ig M d. Ig E 160. Which of these would not be found in lymph fluid a. proteins c. neutrophil b. sodium ions d. erythrocytes 161. Specially, where are sperm cells formed within the testes? a. within the tunica albuguina c. within the seminiferous tubules b. within the mediastinum testes d. I n association with interstitial 164. Accesory glands like dowt. a. epididimis b. bulboretural c. prostat d. vas deferens

168. What does an ovulated oocyte first come into contact with? a. uterine tube c. uterus b. fimbriae d. oviduct 169. Whats the source of the male androgen testosteron.. a. seminiferous tubule c. epididimis b. intertitial cells leidig d. prostate 177. Most olfactory receptors arelocated on the.. surface of nasal cavity. a. supeior c. lateral b. inferior d. medial 179. Sensor untuk mendeteksi kadar [ H+].. 174. The region on retina that produce the sharpest vision is called. a. sclera c. fovea centralis b. aquaeous humour d. optic disc 199. What item shouldnt be grouped together? a. spinal nerve b. cranial nerve 200.Which term doesnt belong with other? a. brain c. spinal cord d. Peripheral nerve system c. CNS

b. spinal cord

d. spinal nerve

the eleven ( H, C, O2, N, Na, Mg, F, S, Cl, K & Ca ) construct...... of the body weight. a. 70% c. 89% b. 75% d. 99% teman2.. soal ini masih bnyk yg kurang.. jd bwt selanjutnya diharap bisa terkumpul soal yg lbh bnyak shingga jdi lbh lngkap zhie~v

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