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22-23 june 2009

« The cooperative 
to the economic 
downturn »
Cooperating together 
for social interest, 
trust and innovation

Final conference of the SPP-C project

(Social Partner Programme Consolidation)

provisional Programme
The current economic crisis forces governments to consider new economic and social governance
while the Commission and social partners agree on the urgent need for a coordinated action at EU
level to complement and support actions in Member States.

The aim of the conference in Sofia is to assert the strengths of co-operative enterprises that, even in
a period of crisis, provide a democratic regulation and an innovative dimension. Indeed, by leading
people to act by and for themselves, the co-operative movement implements a sustainable and fair
development. Its merits were officially recognized by the President of the European Commission in
the letter he sent to the co-Presidents of Cooperatives Europe on January 16th, 2009.

It is not presumptuous to say that the co-operative approach - through its origins, but also the
practice of democracy, participation, governance and social responsibility unique to the co-operative
movement – has proven itself. This people centered business model offers an important element in
the response to overcome the current crisis.

This event will give participants from the European institutions, co-operative, employees and
employers organisations the opportunity to examine the major issues as they arise in the economic
and social field. It will enable them to exchange views and compare their experiences but also to talk
about strategic alliances for a growth model more fair and balanced.

sunday, 21 june 2009

Arrival of the participants

monday, 22 june 2009

09.00 – 09.30 Registration

09.30 – 10.00 Opening session

Petar Stefanov, President of Central Co-operative Union (BU)
Mladen Tcherveniakov, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee
to the 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Iliana Iotova, Bulgarian MEP
Pauline Green, co-Presidente of Cooperatives Europe

10.00 – 11.00 Priorities for a reinforced co-operation between

trade union, co-operative and stakeholder enterprises
Marie France Boutroue, cgt
Jan Olsson, eesc
Rainer Schlüter, Cooperatives Europe

Questions and answers

11.00 – 11.30 Break

11.30 – 13.00 Maintaining employment and preventing the rise of social

inequalities through the promotion of good practices,
dialogue & co-operation between social partners
Coordinator : Ray Collins, Cooperatives Europe

Presentation of 3 good practices

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 14.45 Uniting against economic crisis:
co-operation between social partners
Jean Gautier, ex Member of the French Social
and Economic Committee (TBC)

14.45 – 15.00 Shared values for common actions :

co-operative and multi stakeholder enterprises
Chris de Noose, Managing Director of the European Savings
Banks Group (ESBG) (TBC)

15.00 – 15.20 Break

15.20 – 17.30 Panel discussion with the social partners

and the European institutions
Cooperating together for social interest,
trust and innovation
Gregor Pozniak, Secretary general of the Association
of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Co-operatives in Europe (amice) (TBC)
Alain Coheur, President of Social Economy Europe (see) (TBC)
Ralf Resch, Secretary general of the European Centre of Employers
and Enterprises providing Public services (ceep) (TBC)

Jean-Paul Tricart, Head of the Social dialogue Unit
of the European Commission (TBC)
Marie Zvolska, Vice-president of the Employers’ Group of the eesc (TBC)
Staffan Nilsson, President of the Various interests Group
of the eesc (TBC)
Catherine Trautmann, Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
Ph. D. Laiko Dulevski, President of the Bulgarian Economic
& Social Council
Dr. Konstantin Trenchev, President of “Podkrepa”,
Bulgarian Confederation

Moderator: Pauline Green, co-President of Cooperatives Europe

Questions and answers

17.30 End of the first conference day

20.00 – 23.30 Dinner

Tuesday, 23 june 2009

08.45 – 10.45 The European co-operative future:

threats and opportunities

Introduction : Carlo Borzaga, President of Euricse (TBC)

Round table of the Presidents of European sector-based  

co-operative organisations

10.45 – 11.15 A manifesto for the European Union institutions

Etienne Pflimlin, co-President of Cooperatives Europe

11.15 End of the conference

working languages
bulgarian, english, french, italian, spanish, polish, russian


information & contact

Région européenne de l’ACI
Maison Europe des Coopératives
Avenue Milcamps 105
BE - 1030 Bruxelles
Tél. (32/2) 743 10 33

Organised with the financial support of the DG

«Employment, social affairs and equal opportunities»
of the European Commission


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