SPPG Alumni Network Constitution v5

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The School of Public Policy and Governance Alumni Network Proposed Constitution v4 (5 May 2013)

1. Definitions Member shall refer to the members of the Network, as outlined in Section 3 Network shall refer to The School of Public Policy and Governance Alumni Network. School shall refer to the The University of Torontos School of Public Policy and Governance 2. Purpose The Network has two central objectives: I. To advance the connections and associations Members have with the School and with other Members to drive the policy discussion in Ontario and Canada; and, II. To leverage the skills, knowledge and resources of Members to offer support to the School and its students, staff and faculty. 3. Membership All alumni of the School shall automatically be Members of the Network. 4. Executive All Executives must be Members of the Network. The Executive shall be comprised of a Chair, a Vice-Chair (Finance), a Vice-Chair (Operations), ViceChair (Communications), and a Vice-Chair (Connections). The Executive shall provide strategic and tactical support to the work carried out by the Committees as it relates to achieving the Purpose of the Network. Executive meetings shall be open to all Members. Dates and times of meetings must be posted publicly in advance. 4.1 The Responsibilities of the Chair The role of the Chair shall include, but not be limited to, the responsibility for scheduling, advertising and chairing Network meetings; for liaising between the Network and the administration of the School, the School of Public Policy and Governance Student Union, the University of Toronto Alumni Association and the University of Toronto on all affairs of interest to Members; for representing the Network at university events; for ensuring that the Networks strategic objectives are achieved; and for the overseeing of related Executive business. The Chair shall be a co-signing officer for the Network. 4.2 The Responsibilities of the Vice-Chair (Finance) The role of the Vice-Chair (Finance) shall include, but not be limited to, the responsibility for fulfilling the responsibilities of the Chair should the Chair be unable to fulfill his/her designated responsibilities; for the accounting of the Networks finances, such as budget drafting, presenting a year-end financial statement at the Annual General Meeting, keeping all receipts of expenditures authorized by the Network, and for reimbursing any outstanding funds. The Vice-Chair (Finance) shall be a co-signing officer for the Network.

The School of Public Policy and Governance Alumni Network Proposed Constitution v4 (5 May 2013)

4.3 The Responsibilities of the Vice-Chair (Operations) The role of the Vice-Chair (Operations) shall include, but not be limited to, supporting the Chair in liaising with the University of Toronto Alumni Association; liaising with the Networks committees; and taking, approving and posting to the Networks website the minutes of Executive meetings. 4.4 The Responsibilities of the Vice-Chair (Communications) The role of the Vice-Chair (Communications) shall include, but not be limited to, the responsibility for all aspects of the Networks communications, including the newsletter and email addresses; and chairing the events committee. 4.5 The Responsibility of the Vice-Chair (Connections) The role of the Vice-Chair (Connections) shall include, but not be limited to, actively facilitating and supporting the ongoing establishment and growth of Alumni Chapters; and chairing the mentorship committee. 5. Meetings 5.1 General Meetings An Annual General Meeting shall be held within two weeks of the SPPGs convocation and at a time and location convenient to as many Members as possible. The meeting shall, at a minimum, consist of the election for Executive positions and a call for amendments to the Networks constitution. Quorum shall consist of ten (10) per cent of current members of the Network. The chair of the Annual General Meeting shall be appointed by the Executive at least one week prior to election meetings, and shall not be allowed to cast a vote for any candidate nor stand for election to an Executive position. The chair does not necessarily have to be a Member. The chair of the Annual General meeting shall be responsible for overseeing the election process. The Vice-Chair (Operations) shall provide the chair of the Annual General Meeting with a complete voters list and email list at the Annual General Meeting. Voting majority shall be defined as a simple majority, except when otherwise specified in this document. At least two weeks notice must be given prior to a meetings commencement. Notice must, at a minimum, be posted clearly on the Networks website and communicated to Members via email. A call for agenda items shall be part of this notice. Efforts should be made to allow Member participation through internet-based applications, such as Skype. 6. Elections 6.1 Nomination Procedure The Nomination Period opens when notice for the Annual General Meeting is given and closes immediately following the last call for nominations at the Annual General Meeting.

The School of Public Policy and Governance Alumni Network Proposed Constitution v4 (5 May 2013)

All Members are eligible to be nominated for an Executive position. Members may nominate themselves as candidates. Members may be nominated by other Members, but must confirm his/her acceptance of the nomination to the Vice-Chair (Operations) by the last call for nominations at the Annual General Meeting in order to be eligible for election. 6.2 Election Procedure Elections shall be held using a secure, online ballot to encourage broad participation among Members. The voting procedure shall be established at the Annual General Meeting where nominees for the election are finalized. The ballot must be opened within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. The ballot shall remain open for 7 days. The winners shall be announced within 24 hours of the ballot closing. 7. By-laws, Committees and Alumni Chapters 7.1 By-laws The Network shall pass any by-laws deemed necessary that do not conflict with the constitutions or stated policy of the Network, the University of Toronto or the University of Toronto Alumni Association. Such votes shall be held at the Annual General Meeting and determined by a show of hands. 7.2 Committees The Executive shall have the authority to create committees in accordance with the Networks Purpose. Members may submit a request in writing to the Executive with a Terms of Reference to establish a new committee. The Executive shall not unreasonably refuse a request by a Member to establish a committee. All committees are open to all Members. Each committee shall have a Committee Chair. Among other things, the Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring that the objectives of the committee are met and for all communications with the Executive. Committee meetings shall be minuted and submitted to the Vice-Chair (Communications) in a timely fashion. The Committee Chair shall be established by a vote of committee members at the first meeting of the committee following the Annual General Meeting. The voting procedure shall be established in the committees Terms of Reference. The Events Committee and Mentorship Committee shall be standing committees of the Network. 7.3 Alumni Chapters The Executive shall have the authority to create Alumni Chapters in accordance with the Networks Purpose. Alumni Chapters shall only be formed around a specific geographic location or employer. To establish a new Alumni Chapter, a Member must submit a request in writing to the Executive with a Terms of Reference. The Executive shall not unreasonably refuse a request by a Member to establish an Alumni Chapter.

The School of Public Policy and Governance Alumni Network Proposed Constitution v4 (5 May 2013)

Each Alumni Chapter shall have a Chapter Chair. Among other things, the Chapter Chair is responsible for ensuring that the objectives of the Alumni Chapter are met and for all communications with the Executive. Alumni Chapter meetings shall be minuted and submitted to the Vice-Chair (Operations) in a timely fashion. The Chapter Chair shall be established by a vote of Alumni Chapter members at the first meeting of the committee following the Annual General Meeting. The voting procedure shall be established in the Alumni Chapters Terms of Reference. 8. Financial Responsibilities Any funds held by the Network shall be deposited into an account at a reputable financial institution, and shall be the responsibility of the Executive. Designated co-signers must co-sign all cheques. Spending shall not exceed annual revenues. 9. Amendments Constitutional amendments require support from two-thirds of Members present at the Annual General Meeting where such amendments are put forth. Such votes shall be held by a show hands.

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