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A Zoning Rewrite Team Green Paper

Initial ideas for discussion and testing

to create a simpler ordinance based
on sustainability and quality of place.

8787 Georgia Avenue

Silver Spring, MD 20910

I. Allowed Land Uses: A Three-Tier System

By Lois Villemaire, Project Manager

Damon Orobona
Joshua Sloan

March 11, 2009

Contents Introduction
Allowed land uses are currently listed at the
Introduction 2 beginning of every division of Article 59-C
Problem Statement 3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Typically after the
establishment and intents sections of the
Background 3
zones, land uses are listed in tables by group
Proposed Solution 3 and specific use. For example, in the CBD
Summary & Example 5 division (59-C-6), Section 59-C-6.22. Land
Selected Resources 6 Uses states that, “No use is allowed except
as indicated in the following table”. These
tables then delineate permitted uses and
special exception uses.

The diagnosis of the Zoning Ordinance, as

summarized in the “Zoning Discovery”
publication, has shown that many of our
land uses are outdated, redundant, and
unnecessarily confusing. Further, many
special exception requirements are simply
development standards that augment the
underlying zone’s development standards.
For example, a private ambulance or rescue
squad is allowed if additional area, frontage,
and setbacks are maintained.

This paper briefly outlines a method to

consolidate, streamline, and rationalize the
land uses allowed in Montgomery County.
The guiding principle of further land use
analysis is the impact – aesthetic and
physical – of each use on adjacent and local

March 11, 2009

one group heading, sometimes in another.
Problem Statement Last, redundancy in terminology such “shoe
The Montgomery County Zoning and hat repair shops” and “shoe repair
Ordinance does not provide shops” wastes space, time, and effort.
adequate, rational, or contemporary
land use guidance. A concise and Zoning by minutely targeted text
systematic format will ensure that amendment and to accommodate extremes
the following objectives are met: has led to a land use policy with no
comprehensive vision and no ability to
1. Allowed land uses should smoothly adapt to changes in technology or
reflect current residential, economic shifts.
commercial, industrial, and
mixed development demands.
2. Allowed land uses should be Rewrite Team Solution
accurately and concisely After diagnosis of the existing state of our
defined and illustrated. land use policy and research into
3. Allowed land use regulation contemporary law and the efforts of several
should reflect the impacts of other jurisdictions, the zoning rewrite team
the use on adjacent and local has come to several conclusions:
1. Land uses should be rationalized into
several groups and subgroups that
Background will be consistent throughout each
Over time, the Zoning Ordinance has district.
evolved from five zones with few 2. Land uses should be broad enough to
uses elaborated to over one-hundred cover meaningless differences and
zones and over four-hundred allowed narrow enough to ensure adverse
uses. In fact, the original impacts are regulated. Proper
commercial and industrial zones definitions, illustrations, and
allowed all residential uses, but listed examples will help with this.
prohibited uses rather than allowed 3. The differential impact of each use
uses. This “cumulative” system was lends itself to a tiered system of
replaced by an intricately detailed permitted, conditional, and special
system of listing minutely uses that follow progressively
differentiated uses. rigorous reviews.

Each new zone was accompanied by Each of these conclusions is discussed

a land use table and it seems rare that below.
new tables were cross-checked with
previous ones. Thus, use “groups” – Land Use Categories
such as residential, manufacturing, First, a general provisions section will cover
commercial, etc. – are not listed in uses allowed in every district, such as public
the same order in each table. uses, parks, railroad rights-of-way, etc.
Further, uses are sometimes under Second, each district will have a land use
table that is consistent – maintaining Farmer’s market C Combine farm &
the same categories, subcategories, country markets
and order of presentation. Farming P Need good
Use groups: Grain elevator C P accessory to
 Agricultural farming
 Residential Milk plant C P accessory to
 Institutional and Civic farming
 Commercial Sawmill C P accessory to
 Industrial farming
 Other Seasonal sales P Includes Xmas tree
sales, pumpkins,
Within these, various subgroups for etc
more complicated uses will be Nursery, P
established. For example, a broad horticultural,
category of “Household Living” will wholesale or
be broken into “Accessory retail
Apartments”, “Dwellings, Winery SE
Detached”, “Dwellings, Semi-
Attached”, “Live/Work Units,” etc. Definitions and Illustrations
One important requirement of this system is
An important feature of this system that each use is given a definition with
is that aspects of the cumulative illustrations and examples to ensure that
ordinance of 1928 will return. As extremes do not have to be codified and
one moves from the agricultural reasonable interpretations can be made.
through the low-density residential, Household living arrangements and dwelling
medium-density residential, high- unit types is an excellent example. Our
density residential, to the mixed current set of terms leaves many applicants
commercial/residential districts, each and regulatory agencies scratching their
district allows a greater diversity of heads as to the differences and exact intent
uses. This is appropriate for a of some dwelling types. Illustrations and
county that thrives on nodes of examples of defined land uses clarify the
intense use along transportation meaning of a term and offer bases for
corridors and saves wedges of rural deciphering the intent.
Permitted, Conditional, and Special Uses
This is an example of a framework Our current dualistic system of use
for analyzing agricultural uses: regulation can easily overburden applicants
of some uses and under-regulate others. In
AGRICULTURAL most cases, if only a further setback is
Agricultural P Need a good required of a particular use, it is categorized
processing definition as a special exception, which entails a far
Equestrian C more burdensome application process than
facility is necessary. Worse, to alleviate this
situation, development standards are zoning, and design review are analyzed.
placed in definitions, footnotes, or
other sections of the code. Summary & Example
These methods work together to form a
A permitted use is allowed in a more cohesive and comprehensive approach
district by right when that use in to land use. Applicants, regulatory bodies,
built in conformance with the and citizens will have a clearer
standards of the zone. Some understanding of what is allowed where and
permitted uses will be approved by under what circumstances.
building permit, some by site plan.
An excellent example of a controversial
A conditional use is a use that is topic that leads to many over-heated public
permitted in a district, but that must hearings is provided by the general topic of
comply with specific conditions “group living”. In this case, our current
and/or restrictions that may limit system has several terms that are hard to
some aspect of that use. In some understand, overlap, and are not regulated
cases, this may require greater by impact. They have arisen by an ad-hoc
setbacks than typically required. In system based on which applicant wanted to
others, it may require greater build something or which neighborhood
regulation of visual buffering or wanted to prohibit something. The first
aesthetic controls. objective is to define and illustrate what
each type of group living arrangement is.
Thus, conditional uses could be split The second is to rationalize the table and
into two types: Type 1 (subject to assign reasonable regulatory processes to the
additional non-discretionary uses.
standards) and Type 2 (subject to
additional discretionary standards). The proposed system will ensure that any
The former requirement may proceed use that houses a number of unrelated
as a permitted use and can be individuals in one building will be placed
regulated by the Department of within the same general category for ease of
Permitting Services. The latter location. Then the uses will be listed and
requirements would require a site judged according to impact. In many cases,
plan to be approved by the Planning these uses have no more impact on a
Board. neighborhood than other permitted uses and,
thus, will be permitted. In other cases,
The term “special uses” replaces typically as the number of individuals
special exceptions, because they are increases, greater setbacks, parking
not “exceptions” to any rule. They mitigation requirements, etc. will be
are allowed uses if the Board of required – these would be appropriate as
Appeals finds that they meet the conditional uses that are publicly discussed
most stringent requirements of during a site plan hearing. In more extreme
regulatory review. But these special cases, for example in low-density residential
uses need to be reviewed, neighborhoods, it makes sense to allow
rationalized, and assured a process certain group living arrangements (rather
that ensures proper documentation,
than simply prohibit the use Jurisdictions Researched:
altogether) if the applicant can show Stafford County, VA
the more rigorous standards of a City of Port Orange, FL
special use permit can be met. Ocean City, MD
Northbrook, IL
Systematic categorization, tiered Hanover, PA
regulatory review, and concise and County of Chesterfield, VA
illustrative definitions will serve as Town of Carrboro, NC
the foundation for the new zoning
ordinance districts and standards.

Selected Resources for Green

Papers I & II
Anderson, Robert, Anderson’s
American Law of Zoning, 4th ed,
New York, Clark Boardman,
Callaghan, 1996.
“The Conditional Use Permit”,
Governor’s Office of Planning and
Research, The Planner’s Training
Series, Sacramento, CA, August,
Easley, Gail, “Conditional Uses:
Using Discretion, Hoping for
Certainty”, Zoning Practice, May
Elliott, Donald, A Better Way to
Zone, Washington DC, Island
Press, 2008.
Freilich, Robert,, 21st Century
Land Development Code, Chicago,
APA, 2008.
Kushner, James, Comparative Urban
Planning Law, Carolina Academic
Press, 2003.
Markham, Lynn, “Conditional Uses:
Part 1”, The Land Use Tracker,
2:4, Spring 2004.
Rohan, Patrick, Zoning and Land
Use Controls, Matthew
Bender/Lexis Nexis, 2001.

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