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It is implied below that questions pertain to PIC family MCU. 1. There ____________. (a) is separate file select registers for internal RAM banks and program memory pages (b) is file select register for address in internal RAM banks (c) are registers for pointing to the data memory and program memory accesses (d) are same memory or register addresses that can be used for pointing to the codes and data 2. Which of the statements is correct? (a) SP is of 16 bits and pushes 2 bytes at an instance and PSW flags are not in an SFR (b) SP and PC of 14 bits (c) SP of 8 bit and PC of 16-bit and push 1 bytes at an instance (d) SP is not present in PIC MCU 3. Bank ____________. (a) has different SFRs and internal RAM addresses, maximum 128 addresses (b) has different SFRs and internal RAM addresses, maximum 256 addresses (c) has different internal RAM addresses, maximum 128 addresses and SFR addresses are in separate memory (d) has different SFRs only addresses, maximum 128 SFRs. 4. Program ____________. (a) page 1, 2 and 3 has 2 k addresses each and there are 8-bits at each address (b) page 0, 1, 2 and 3 has 2 k addresses each and there are 8-bits at each address (c) page 1, 2 and 3 has 2 k addresses each and there are 14-bits at each address. Page 0 has addresses from 0x0005 to 0x07FF (d) page 0, 1, 2 and 3 has 2 k addresses each and there are 8-bits at each address 5. Direct address ____________. (a) is a 7 bit address for branching instruction. (b) is a 7-bit address for a bank in register file/internal RAM (c) is a 8 bit address for branching instruction. (d) is a 11-bit address for program memory address bits 6. Literal value ____________. (a) of 11-bit is used in a logic instruction and operation is using W register.. (b) of 11-bit is used in a call instruction and call is to a 13-bit address in program memory (c) of 8-bit is used in a condition test instruction and branch is to a 11-bit address in program memory (d) of 8-bit is used in a bit oriented instruction

7. Which of the statement is correct?

(a) Bit address of a bit in an SFR is specified by 3-bits. (b) An SFR address is specified by 8-bits in a direct address instruction. (c) A file select register is used for direct addressing (d) Internal- RAM in PIC 16F877 is accessed by 10-bits 8. PWM duty cycle period = ____________. (a) (10-bits b5-b4 in CCP1CON-CCPR1L) TMR2 prescaler factor. (b) PWM duty cycle period = (10-bits b5-b4 in CCP1CON-CCPR1L) 4 Tosc TMR2 prescaler factor. (c) PWM duty cycle period = (10-bits b5-b4 in CCP1CON-CCPR1L) 4 Tosc TMR2 prescaler factor. (d) PWM duty cycle period = (8-bits b5-b4 in CCP1CON-CCPR1L) Tosc TMR2 prescaler factor 9. Which of the statements is correct? (a) Both TMR1 and TMR2 are free- running counters (b) TMR1 is free- running counter and TMR2 can also made to function as free- running counters (c) There is no free- running counter in PIC 16F877 (d) CCP1 can be programmed to run as free- running counter 10. Which of the statements is correct? (a) There are separate two interrupt vectors for SPI and two for TMR2 overflow and TMR1 overflow (b) There are separate one interrupt vector for Rx and Tx, and two for TMR2 overflow and TMR1 overflow (c) There are separate three reset vectors for WDT, BOR and POR time-outs (d) There is common interrupt vector for the interrupts in PIC 16F877.


1. PIC is a ____________ microcontroller and has ____________ architecture for memory accesses. 2. PIC instruction types are ____________, ____________ and ____________. 3. File select register is used for ____________. 4. A ____________ is a set of memory or registers and the advantage of having a bank is to have the ____________. 5. Bank SFR has address between (0x ____________ to 0x ____________) in register file/internal RAM in PIC 16F877.

6. MCU has multiple ____________ and ____________ that enables the outputs at ____________ and input captures at ____________. 7. Watchdog timer ____________ is a timer for ____________.

8. Instruction to add carry bit after an add instruction are as follows: BTFSC ____________, 0; Test Bit b0 =0 in the file register at address ____________ (____________) register, if yes then skip the next instruction INCF 'f', d; Increment file register 'f' if C = 1 in STATUS register. 9. (i) BSF ____________, 0; Sets C as ____________ register bit b0 is C flag. (ii) BCF ____________, 1; Clears DC as ____________ register bit b1 is DC flag. (iii) ____________ STATUS, 2; Clears ____________ as STATUS register bit b2 is Z flag. 10. ____________ is a pin to reset the MCU. 11. Read and write are through ____________ SFRs. [____________ and ____________, EEADRH-EEADRL and EETATH- ____________] 12. Bank 0 starts from ____________ and is up to the address ____________ in PIC internal RAM/register file. 13. Page 0 starts from ____________ and is up to the address ____________ in PIC internal flash memory. 14. Configuration word is used for ____________. 15. MSSP in PIC is for ____________ serial ____________ and/or ____________ communication. 16. CCP2 special feature is ____________ for start of conversion when ____________. 17. Literal addressing mode is a way in which operand is ____________. 18. There are ____________ types of oscillators for PIC 16F877 and these types are ____________, ____________, ____________ and ____________ oscillator. 19. Brown-Out RESET is when the ____________ certain threshold, a ____________ of the processor occurs.

20. CCPhas three ____________/____________/____________ options for functioning.

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