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The torture chamber Christine has often disappear and Raul decide to look for her with the help of a man call the Persian who knows the way the way to Christines room Raul and the Persian go through the mirror down to the opera house but by some mistake they end up in a forest so the Persian noticed that was a fake forest it was an iron tree with iron branches and mirrors on each of the six walls Erik wanted to marry Christine and live like a normal person (love and you will see) I AM NOT A MONSTER so Christine had to make a decision soon before Erick kills everyone at the opera house then Erick noticed that Raul and the Persian are in the torture chamber the whole room its a illusion its a illusion torture if you spend so much time youll go crazy and this is exactly what happens Finally they found the way out trough a flap the two men lower themselves into a cellar it was filled with hundreds of barrels fill up with gunpowder They heard voices and it was Christine with a key that opens two caskets one wit a scorpion and the other one with a grasshopper Raul said the grasshopper controls a mechanism that will ignite the gunpowder and blow us up! They have waited in terror but Christine turn the scorpion then the room was flooded with water and they began to sink then the water swallowed them up. Later the Persian and Raul woke up in their houses then Erick was standing in front of the Persian, he cut barely stand up and he collapse into a chair IM DAYING say Erik Then Erick start explaining that Christine let him kiss her forehead not even his mother allow him to kiss her she use to run away IM DYING and I need to ask you for a favor when I dye please put an annoucement in the news paper so that Christine will know Erik was happy at that moment at that moment that he cry, and that was the first time of happiness in his entire life so he gave Christine a ring letting her go with Raul to be happy because Christine had shown him what he has always wanted in his life love and tenderness Tree weeks later a local newspaper publish this article ERICK IS DEATH


VOCABULARY: Handkerchief: A small square cloth use to wipe the face or blow the nose. Pace: to walk a slow or fast pace, rate of progress or movement. Sigh: to exhale a long, audible breath as in sorrow or relief. Warrant: a legal written authorization to search or arrest. Chandelier: a branched light fixture suspended from a ceiling. Shouted: yell, talk loud. Sink: to descend slowly or bit by bit, to drive into the ground. Proposal: to present for consideration, to suggest. Grasshopper: any of various jumping insects with long hind legs. Chamber: a room in a house; an enclosed space. Words or Phrases

Shout loudly: yell or talk loudly. Completely dark: pitch black. Be concern: be worry. Keep an eye on: follow up. Make up ones mind: choose, decide. For a while: for a moment

Quiet Glanced around Sighed Rushed to

Pushed away dropped to his knees Set you free Reluctantly leaned over cry of grief shuddered ripped off his mask uttered staggered back get down on his knees crying out in pain foyer plunged into darkness stretched out gasped budge push the mirror open knocking on the door locked up catch up on some paperwork carried off pushed past swung open climbed down tied me up creaked open make up your mind turn out climbed up pull back led out collapsed on blow up pitch black hop very high swallowed up

THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Quiz: Complete the blanks

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Raul and the Persian got tappet in the TORTURE chamber. The chamber looked like FOREST. The barrels in the cellar contained GUNPOWDER. One of the caskets contains a scorpion and the other a GRASSHOPPER. Christine let Erik kiss her FOREHEAD. Erick asked the Persian to put an ARTICLE in the newspaper so Christine would know he is death. Choose A, B or C to select the main idea of the chapter

Chapter 9: A. the Persians acquaintance with Erick and Christines a difficult decision. B. Christine searches for the bag of life. C. Eriks instrument of torture. Chapter 10: A. Raul and the Persian see an imaginary lake B. Raul and the Persian find gunpowder below the torture chamber. C. The sufferings of Raul and the Persian in the torture chamber. Chapter 11: A. The Persian tells Erik to have mercy on the girl. B. Raul and the Persian climb back up to the torture chamber. C. Christine chooses the scorpion and the opera house isnt blown up Chapter 12: A. Erik visits the Persian and tells him everything that has happened. B. Erik frees Raul from the dungeon C. Christine kisses Erick




Quiz: Complete the blanks 7. Raul and the Persian got tappet in the ________________ chamber. 8. The chamber looked like ________________. 9. The barrels in the cellar contained ________________. 10. One of the caskets contains a scorpion and the other a ________________. 11. Christine let Erik kiss her ________________. 12. Erick asked the Persian to put a ________________ in the newspaper so Christine would know he is death. Choose A, B or C to select the main idea of the chapter Chapter 9: A. the Persians acquaintance with Erick and Christines a difficult decision. B. Christine searches for the bag of life. C. Eriks instrument of torture. Chapter 10: A. Raul and the Persian see an imaginary lake B. Raul and the Persian find gunpowder below the torture chamber. C. The sufferings of Raul and the Persian in the torture chamber. Chapter 11: A. The Persian tells Erik to have mercy on the girl. B. Raul and the Persian climb back up to the torture chamber. C. Christine chooses the scorpion and the opera house isnt blown up Chapter 12: A. Erik visits the Persian and tells him everything that has happened. B. Erik frees Raul from the dungeon C. Christine kisses Erick

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