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1. Content management...1 2. The process of content management1 3. Introduction of content management system3 4. History of CMSs...4 5. Content management system.6 6. Types of CMS....8 7. Component CMSs13 8. Content management Process..15 9. Open source CMS19 10. Commercial CMS....28 11. Document Management System...38 12. History......39 13. Description of Component...40 14. Reproduction43 15. Application of DMS.....46

Content management
Content management, or CM, is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium. When stored and accessed via computers, this information has come to be referred to, simply, as content or, to be precise, digital content. Digital content may take the form of text (such as electronic documents), multimedia files (such as audio or video files), or any other file type that follows a content lifecycle requiring management.

The process of content management

Content management practices and goals vary by mission and by organizational governance structure. News organizations, e-commerce websites, and educational institutions all use content management, but in different ways. This leads to differences in terminology and in the names and number of steps in the process. For example, some digital content is created by one or more authors. Over time that content may be edited. One or more individuals may provide some editorial oversight, approving the content for publication. Publishing may take many forms: it may be the act of "pushing" content out to others, or simply granting digital access rights to certain content to one or more individuals. Later that content may be superseded by another version of the content and thus retired or removed from use (as when this wiki page is modified). Content management is an inherently collaborative process. It often consists of the following basic roles and responsibilities: Creator - responsible for creating and editing content. Editor - responsible for tuning the content message and the style of delivery, including translation and localization. Publisher - responsible for releasing the content for use. Administrator - responsible for managing access permissions to folders and files, usually accomplished by assigning access rights to user groups or roles. Admins may also assist and support users in various ways. Consumer, viewer or guest- the person who reads or otherwise takes in content after it is published or shared. A critical aspect of content management is the ability to manage versions of content as it evolves. Authors and editors often need to restore older versions of edited products due to a process failure or an undesirable series of edits. Another equally important aspect of content management involves the creation, maintenance, and application of review standards. Each member of the content creation and review process has a unique role and set of responsibilities in the development and/or publication of the

content. Each review team member requires clear and concise review standards which must be maintained on an ongoing basis to ensure the long-term consistency and health of the knowledge base. Content management has three primary content management governance structures: localized, centralized, and federatedeach having its unique strengths and weaknesses. Localized Governance: By putting control in the hands of those closest to the content, the context experts, localized governance models empower and unleash creativity. These benefits come, however, at the cost of a partial-to-total loss of managerial control and oversight. Centralized Governance: When the levers of control are strongly centralized, content management systems are capable of delivering an exceptionally clear and unified brand message. Moreover, centralized content management governance structures allow for a large number of costsavings opportunities in large enterprises, realized, for example, (1) the avoidance of duplicated efforts in creating, editing, formatting, repurposing and archiving content. (2) Through process management and the streamlining of all content related labour, and/or (3) through an orderly deployment or updating of the content management system. Federated Governance: Federated governance models potentially realize the benefits of both localized and centralized control while avoiding the weaknesses of both. While content management software systems are inherently structured to enable federated governance models, realizing these benefits can be difficult because it requires, for example, negotiating the boundaries of control with local managers and content creators. In the case of larger enterprises, in particular, the failure to fully implement or realize a federated governance structure equates to a failure to realize the full return-on-investment and cost-savings that content management systems enable.

INTRODUCTION OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Abbreviated as CMS, a content management system, also called a Web management system is software or a group or suite of applications and tools that enable an organization to seamlessly create, edit, review and publish electronic text. Many content management systems offer a Web-based GUI, enabling publishers to access the CMS online using only a Web browser. Also, a CMS designed for Web publishing will provide options and features to index and search documents and also specify keywords and other metadata. The core function of content management systems is to present information on web sites. CMS features vary widely from system to system. Simple systems showcase a handful of features, while other releases, notably enterprise systems, offer more complex and powerful functions. Most CMS include Web-based publishing, format management, revision control (version control), indexing, search, and retrieval. The CMS increments the version number when new updates are added to an already-existing file. A CMS may serve as a central repository containing documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, and scientific data. CMSs can be used for storing, controlling, revising, semantically enriching and publishing documentation. A content management system (CMS) is a system used to manage the content of a Web site. Typically, a CMS consists of two elements: the content management application (CMA) and the content delivery application (CDA). The CMA element allows the content manager or author, who may not know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), to manage the creation, modification, and removal of content from a Web site without needing the expertise of a Webmaster. The CDA element uses and compiles that information to update the Web site. The features of a CMS system vary, but most include Web-based publishing, format management, revision control, and indexing, search, and retrieval. The Web-based publishing feature allows individuals to use a template or a set of templates approved by the organization, as well as wizards and other tools to create or modify Web content. The format management feature allows documents including legacy electronic documents and scanned paper documents to be formatted into HTML or Portable Document Format (PDF) for the Web site. The revision control feature allows content to be updated to a newer version or restored to a previous version. Revision control also tracks any changes made to files by individuals. An additional feature is indexing, search, and retrieval. A CMS system indexes all data within an organization. Individuals can then search for data using keywords, which the CMS system retrieves. A CMS system may also provide tools for one-to-one marketing. One-to-one marketing is the ability of a Web site to tailor its content and advertising to a user's specific characteristics using information provided by the user or gathered by the site (for example, a particular user's page sequence pattern). For example, if you visit a search engine and search for "digital camera," the advertising banners will advertise businesses that sell digital cameras instead of businesses that sell garden products.

History of CMSs
CMSs have existed for at least a decade, and were first created as custom-coded internal computer networks for libraries, newspapers, and other information-oriented sites. Now the term is used almost exclusively to refer to web-based systems. 1992-95: In the early days of the web, CMSs were employed only by big-budget websites such as They were programmed mostly in C++ and were run on commercial databases like Oracle. Set-up costs ran into the millions of dollars. 1995: In 1995 the first free, or "Open-Source", CMS was created for the Portland Pattern Repository. The programmer named his system "Wiki Wiki," Hawaiian slang for "quick and easy". He credited the seed for the system to Apple's HyperCard, which was released in the mid-1980s and has been said to be the first true CMS. 1997: PHP, a dynamic HTML engine first created in 1995, was retooled and was released to instant acclaim for its versatility, stability, and ease-of-use. The acronym "PHP" originally stood for "Personal Home Page" but was rechristened "PHP Hypertext Processor". 1995-1999: Thousands of Perl-based Wiki sites appeared around the internet, each devoted to highly specific areas of interest and each with numerous dedicated contributors. A number of PHP-based CMSs also appeared, such as Php Nuke and PostNuke, and a combination of the two called PhpWiki (which is in use at However, they were largely of interest to techies only and not common. Most CMSs of this period remained those created by wellfunded companies and used proprietary ("expensive"!) software such as Allaire's ColdFusion, MicroSoft's ASP "Active Server Pages," and Oracle databases. During these years three other Open Source elements matured: the back-end database program My SQL, the server operating system Linux, and the web server software Apache all became more useful and more stable, and enjoyed widespread implementation by host providers, meaning they became available to home users at low cost. 2000: PHP 4.0 was released, which was a vast improvement on all earlier versions. Now all the pieces were in place to witness the beginnings of an Internet revolution, one which is just now becoming apparent. The combination of a free stable operating system (Linux), a free web server (Apache), a free backend database (My SQL), and a free easy-to-learn HTML generator (PHP) allowed web developers to build and manage complex sites at little cost and without years of technical training. These four tools together are such a complete and wellintegrated package that they earned the designation LAMP: Linux Apache My SQL PHP. (Not all open-source CMSs use LAMP -- there are many variants on this combination, e.g. using Unix instead of Linux or coding in Perl instead of PHP -- but the LAMP combination is so common that it serves as a useful shorthand.)

2003: Fast forward three years to an internet landscape very different from the 1990s: anyone can now do for free and on their own something equivalent to the system invested millions of dollars and thousands of people to create just a decade before. In the past three years the number of LAMP sites blossomed from a few dozen thousand to millions. LAMP enthusiasts claim that the advantages over the proprietary systems like Microsoft and Oracle are not only price but also ease of use, stability, security, and large, helpful user communities. Not only do proprietary systems often not seem worth their price, they can be harder to use and less secure as well.

Content Management System.

A Content Management System (CMS) is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual steps or an automated cascade. CMS was designed to simplify the complex task of writing numerous versions of code and to make the website development process more flexible. CMS platforms allow users to centralize data editing, publishing and modification on a single back-end interface. CMS platforms are often used as blog software. This can be done by people with no programming experience or technical skills in general. These content authors and editors help to manage the content on the website, ensuring that it is timely, accessible and conforms to current web standards. They also ensure that it is user friendly. A CMS also enables developers and designers to change aspects of a website, for example the layout of the pages or applying a certain look to the site by means of a series of templates. If someone wants their website to have a particular colour scheme, logo and set of images on their website then this can be done via a set of tools within the CMS. There is also the option to extend a website by adding extra features, for example, a blog, Google Map, news display etc. These are known as extensions, add-ons, plug-ins or modules and mean that the website is able to perform a greater range of functions than before. The difference between this and a website which has been built using a web authoring tool such as Dreamweaver (HTML site) is greater interaction between the visitor and the website. Plus the content is kept separate from the design unlike an HTML site. This content does not exist as a series of web pages: it is stored in a database as part of the CMS and only comes into being as web pages when requested by a web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer. These pages are built using bits of content from folders (e.g. images) within the site and a series of templates with the aim of presenting a consistent and visually appealing website to the visitor. These templates enable content to be added, edited and published quickly and easily. This content is then immediately available online. If a change needs to be made then it is reflected across the entire website. For example, if the website is accessible to visitors in another country then there will be an alternative language option on that site.

Do you need a CMS? A CMS is a good solution for many people but there are exceptions to this. It works better with dynamic websites, e.g. those which have interactive features such as photo galleries, forums etc. but is not needed for small, static websites such as those with only five pages, artistic websites or brochureware sites. Brochureware is a term used to refer to websites which contain promotional information about a person or company and is rarely updated. They are useful for small businesses that only require a presence on the web in the form of location and contact details but do not have any interactive features on their site, e.g. shopping cart.


Types of CMS
There are different types of CMS for different types of content. The nature of the content or digital record e.g. video, text, graphics, blog etc. dictates the type of CMS which means that there are numerous options to choose from. These are categorised as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Web CMS Enterprise CMS Mobile CMS Component CMS

Due to the vast array and variety of content out there it follows that there is a type of CMS to deal with it. Whatever the nature of the content it can be managed via a series of workflows; and these can be accessed by a variety of users. There are types of CMS which are designed for a specific purpose, for example web content management systems and then there are systems which cater to the needs of an organisation. Then there are also systems which cater to the needs of the mobile technology industry and those which manage content at the micro level, e.g. a graphic image rather than as a series of documents.

One of the most popular types of CMS is a web content management system (WCMS) which enables people to create, edit, publish and maintain the content of a website. This includes internet sites, intranets and extranets. This is the type of CMS most people think of when asked about content management in general. They assume that it only applies to web content but fail to realise that the term CMS encompasses a wider range of content, for example digital asset management.

Types of WCMS Many people assume that there is only one type of WCMS but there are, in fact, three types which include: 1. Offline processing systems: An offline system processes content before it goes live. 2. Online processing systems: An online system is based upon user-generated content which includes a wide range of material such as wikis, blogs, forums etc. 3. Hybrid systems: A hybrid system is a combination of offline and online systems.


The need for a WCMS The main advantage of a web content management system is that it is designed for the novice or non-technical user as well as the power user. This is ideal for a business or large organisation such as a government department where there is likely to be a team of people with responsibility for the corporate website. Their responsibilities will include uploading content, amending a document, adding an image, updating records and removing out of date content. This is done using HTML and XML templates and a WYSIWYG editor. These large websites often consist of thousands of pages which store a wide range of corporate information that is available to the staff as and when necessary. The old way was to engage a techie with the ability to hand code websites using HTML which meant employing someone to do so, and then, to make any changes which needed doing. This limited site management to this one person which was expensive both in terms of time and money. At one time few people could build a website using HTML or had the inclination to do so which meant that companies had to employ a HTML whizz kid if they wanted a new website or changes making to their existing site. Web authoring tools appeared on the market such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage which enabled many more people to build and maintain websites without the need for technical skills. These proved to be very useful tools but required a long period of training and familiarity with the software before using it. If more than one user is working with Dreamweaver then this means purchasing multiple licenses which can be costly, especially for a small to medium sized business. Web authoring tools such as Dreamweaver are ideal in a situation in which someone has the skills and experience of using this software with a small site, e.g. around ten pages or so. It is better suited to someone with a design background rather than a content editor as there are issues with broken links, inconsistency with formatting and poor structure and layout. There is still a place for authoring tools such as Dreamweaver and it seems to be the case that they are better suited to a niche market. But when it comes to managing large, corporate websites with multi-functionality, a range of processes and workflows and the ability to extend the system on an ad hoc basis then choose a WCMS.

Advantages of a WCMS The big plus factor with a content management system is the ability for non-technical people to create, upload and publish content whenever necessary. Content is published across the site which ensures a consistent approach, central tenet of usability and removes the risk of duplicate content. It means that non-technical staff can work with low level content such as text instead of using experienced, technical staff. This frees up technical staff for other duties and is more cost-effective for the business.


Someone who is business orientated rather than a hard-core techie can create a series of web pages without any knowledge of HTML or a programming language. They do this via a set of templates which provides the structure for the website and enables content to be inserted into a blank web page. Approval process which validates or rejects content before it is published on the live site. Cross linking between individual web pages which allows the user to navigate between pages without always using the navigation bar. Content is published and made available to the website visitor as soon as possible. This can be done either in or out of the office or at any location where there is Wi-Fi access. Strict focus on content creation, editing and upgrading plus other similar functions by means of a usable interface. Standards compliant design which is good news for search engines. Plus the use of an XML site map enables easy access for search engines such as Google. Changes to the content can be easily tracked on the site and restored to an earlier version if need be. Easy dissemination of content to a wide ranging audience. This includes the re-use of content in a variety of devices such as mobile phones, Digital TV, touch screen kiosks etc. Dynamic experience for users compared to a static site or brochureware. Users can interact with others via a forum, blog or other form of social media which means an enjoyable experience and one that is likely to be repeated. The overall benefit from a WCMS is the ability to control all of the content, a consistent, professional look and feel, easy access for the search engines which is important for SEO purposes and an improved user experience.

Benefits of a WCMS for business and industry Web content management systems are the preferred choice of system for a great many companies who find that they obtain a good return on their investment (ROI). They find that a system with a centralised workflow, audit trail, processes and guidelines means that content can be tracked at every stage to ensure a constant flow. Any changes to a piece of content are immediately obvious which reduces the risk of incorrect or outdated information and visitor dissatisfaction. Users cite out of date or factually incorrect content as one of their reasons for leaving a website which is why it is important to have fresh, interesting and top quality content which is checked on a regular basis. A WCMS can ensure that the content is high quality, designed for the intended target audience as well as presenting a professional looking shop front to the visitor. Another important reason to use a WCMS is that of page ranking. Content which is frequently updated via a WCMS is often ranked higher in the search results than static content. This is why it is important for businesses to update their content on a regular basis for both usability and SEO purposes.


It is cost effective as number of technical staff employed to do low level work such as uploading a Word doc or some other piece of content which can be done by less qualified staff. Plus it enables less skilled staff to take responsibility for their work and feel a sense of achievement in their contribution in much the same way as a higher skilled person would.

Enterprise CMS This is the name given to a large type of content management system which is especially designed to meet the needs of a business or organisation, e.g. a government department. The main feature of these systems is that they are able to handle large amounts of content which are directly related to the company, for example records, employee information, assets etc. This information comprises the procedures and hierarchy of that company. An enterprise CMS uses a variety of tools, workflows and methods to manage the lifecycle of the content. This includes web content management (WCMS) but also includes media management and content organisation. The aim of this type of system is to streamline access for employees to company information so that they can access this content quickly and easily instead of forcing them to search through multiple software applications. This also has the effect of simplifying business processes which saves both time and money. Security is an issue for any system such as ECMS, and in particular for organisations such as government departments who handle large amounts of sensitive or top secret data. Security measures are implemented at different levels within this CMS, e.g. user level, which enables all forms of interaction to be monitored and audited.

Advantages of an enterprise CMS These include enabling visitors (or members of the public) to interact with the site without affecting its content and structure. They can download a document or complete a questionnaire without altering the fundamental structure of the site. Reduced paperwork which also reduces the need for storage facilities. Reduces the risk of missing paperwork, especially important corporate documents. Ability to track the lifecycle of a document as it undergoes a series of processes, for example, capture, edit, maintain and deliver. A set of metrics which enable a company to assess its effectiveness and productivity. Instant access to information which may have previously been unavailable or only accessible in an older format, e.g. microfiche. Ability to control information across all departments, for example human resources (HR), accounts, customer services etc. This is particularly important for the accounting department which is not only charged with looking after the accounts but also has to

safeguard the company against internal and external fraud. Integration between different departments through this CMS means that it is possible to assess the performance of the company and how it compares to its competitors. This is a useful means of checking if the company is achieving its business goals. A plus factor of an ECMS is its ability to store information until it is no longer necessary or out of date. This type of CMS determines when a piece of content has expired and will remove this smoothly and unobtrusively. This means that all the content is timely, up to date and useful. Compare this to old style filing systems both paper and electronic, which stored large amounts of information for an indefinite period of time. This often resulted in awkward, unwieldy systems which were a nightmare to deal with. An ECMS can be adapted to whatever the companys needs and requirements are. The content can remain in house which may be a better option for some companies and their security measures and delivered it in whatever way is appropriate.

Mobile CMS It is no surprise that there is a mobile content management system (MCMS) especially when you consider the growth in mobile devices such as smartphones and PDAs. This growth in demand and the increasing sophistication and complexity of these devices has fuelled the need for a content management system which can do all of this. This type of system manages and delivers content on a wide range of mobile devices which includes mobile phones, PDAs and smartphones. The original aim was the business to consumer (B2C) market with its focus on the ubiquity of the mobile phone. The massive surge in demand for these devices plus their increasingly popularity with all types of users led to the development of mobile systems which managed content such as ringtones, text messaging, news and games. But this has expanded from that into new areas such as business to employee (B2E) and business to business (B2B) in which information is shared in a useful, effective and efficient manner between businesses and corporations.


Advantages of a MCMS Specialised set of templates: these are customised to fit the needs of a particular mobile device, for example a smartphone. They have to take the features and limitations of each mobile device into account which means developing a set of templates which will do just that. There are two types of templates: multi-site and multi-client which enable the website to be viewed via a specific sub-domain or all versions of the site are viewable at the same domain. In the latter case, the templates displayed to the user are based upon the type of device which they are using to access the site. Targeted content: this means location-specific content such as maps, news and adverts is accessed on a mobile device based upon the users location at that time. An example of this is a GPS navigation system which is the most popular location based system but can be integrated with mobile phone technology. Examples of MCMS include Wap-2-Go, Mofuse and Synapsy. An important issue is that of usability: an MCMS interface needs to take into account ease of use, readability and navigation in relation to the small size of the screens of mobile devices. Designing for mobile devices is different from designing for the internet and issues such as screen size, supported/unsupported features by the browser and layout need to be taken into account.

Component CMS A lesser well known type of system, a component content management system (CCMS) is known for its ability to store small items or components which comprise a document rather than the actual document itself. This is defined as managing content in a granular approach in which it is broken down into smaller units such as a word, image or link rather than a complete document. This includes graphics, photos, set of links, a single word or even a complete paragraph of text. All of these are used and re-used when creating a document and are the subject of discussion within this section. Every component is stored for one time only within the CMS which is a guarantee of a safe, reliable item of content. This component is then re-used in a single or range of documents, for example a company logo which ensures a consistent look and feel across the entire set of documentation. A CCMS operates in the same way as any other type of CMS in that it employs a series of processes to manage content. In this case each item of content has its own lifecycle which means that it can be monitored individually or as part of a larger set of content. This lifecycle includes name of content author/owner, version, approved and usage. Component CMS is ideally suited to companies who have a wide range of content which is aimed at a diverse audience. This includes training/support, advertising and marketing, human resources etc. and requires a CMS such as this which takes into account the multi-channel approach of a business or organisation. A CCMS can be used as a

standalone system or as part of a larger structure such as a web content management system (WCMS).

Advantages of a CCMS The main advantage is that of being able to re-use content in multiple documents. This applies to a single word or image through to a section of text, e.g. overview section. This removes the need for endless copying and pasting and improves both the quality and professionalism of the documentation. It also helps to ensure a consistent approach.

Another advantage is the ability to use a component in a particular context and then re-use it in a different context. A good example of this is the issue of translation: a CCMS can translate a piece of content into a different language which is then used within a variety of settings. This doesnt apply to content such as links and references. This is particularly useful for companies who are expanding into international markets and need to translate their content into a variety of languages, appropriate to these markets. Cheaper to maintain Reduces translation costs Content only has to be translated once Consistent, high quality content which aids usability Removes the need for repetitive updates, creation, copying and pasting and frequent reviews. Ensures that standards and corporate branding are adhered to across the board. Improved use of staff time and resources Reduced costs from the improved processing of the content.



The old way: 1. Documents are emailed to editor in a variety of formats 2. Editor manually converts all the formatting to HTML 3. Editor uses a number of professional, often complex programs to create content: Photo Shop to edit images, RTF to HTML to convert Word documents to HTML, Dream Weaver to edit HTML, and numerous helper apps 4. Editor compiles all document info I can find and create a blurb for index pages 5. Editor adds links to the new site to the index pages, the "What's New" page, and possibly 2-5 other cross-reference links 6. Editor adds the document to my Microsoft Word-based list catalogue 7. Making corrections: Editor manually makes any corrections in the HTML document, test, and upload the new document 8. If anything more than cursory changes are made, Editor re-converts the entire document 9. Editor searches for all links that need to be updated and change them one-by-one

Pros: Full control over formatting and cataloguing. Cons: Dead links, outdated content, limited cross referencing, and becomes wholly unmanageable for an individual or even a small team of individuals.


The new way: 1. Editor programs an interface in PHP and set up a back-end database 2. All further content is added by public users, not by myself 3. Users login, then are taken to an upload/editing screen, where they contribute new content or update pre-existing content. 4. When users click "update," the system (1) formats basic HTML automatically; (2) prepares the blurb and as many index entries as are cross-referenced; (3) catalogues the document; and (4) displays the document to the public 5. Making corrections: users login and make any updates they wish; the system then stores and catalogues the corrections across the entire site

Pros: Anyone can register, upload content, correct errors, and add cross references; site is easy to navigate and search; content is always up-to-date; site can and soon will house millions of files; site can handle documents in any language Cons: Limited flexibility; significant up-front time requirements


How it works?
First, understand that there are two computers involved in any internet transaction: the home user's "client" computer, which sits on her desk at home or office, and the website's "server" computer, which can be anywhere in the world (and often is). The client-side computer is called the "front end" and the server-side computer is called the "back end". In the old way of doing things, a website editor has to run a bunch of programs on her home computer in order to create a webpage. She has to use one program to edit photos, another program to convert documents to html, another program to upload them, yet another program (an internet browser) to view them online, and a handful of other specialized programs for various web-mastering tasks. This requires installing a lot of expensive software on one's own computer, learning how to use it, and keeping up with regular upgrades. Other than storing the files, the server computer does almost nothing -- all the work is done on the clientside computer. With a CMS, the only program a user has to use is the internet browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape, and everything else is done on the server. After preparing the HTML, an editor uses the browser to upload and edit documents and the server software takes care of the rest. In other words, it's almost a complete reversal of the old method! This puts the entire burden on the website programmer, and relieves the home user of any technical knowledge.


1. User goes to the website, logs in, and goes to an upload page 2. User enters all text, with or without html formatting, into a form and clicks "submit" 3. The form is sent to the server, where a back-end PHP script reads the data, processes it as required, and saves the data in a back-end database called My SQL. 4. When a webpage is requested, the PHP script fetches the relevant data from the My SQL database, adds any necessary html formatting, and generates a new html page on-the-fly. This page is what appears in the user's browser. It looks like a normal, manually-created html page, but is actually generated anew by the PHP code every time it is requested. It is not static, but is dynamic. Content Management Systems represent a wholly new paradigm for using computers. Home users have taken two decades to get used to the idea of a file system, where data is stored in discrete documents, each with a name and a location in a directory. This paradigm was intended to be a close facsimile to a real office, with desktops, files, folders, and so forth. In a physics analogy, this is a Newtonian virtual world.


CMSs will lead users to accept a new paradigm, one in which the file system has been discarded in favor of a database backend which is interpreted by PHP and the HTML interface is created on-the-fly. In this paradigm data is nebulous and without fixed form. In our physics analogy it is a quantum reality, where content is only given shape in the process of interacting with it. It is thus an extremely flexible virtual world, where structure is created by interpretation and can thus be infinitely expanded, shaped, and delivered.


Open source CMS

The popularity of open source systems such as WordPress and Joomla are increasing all the time; this is due to their cost-effectiveness, ease of use and access to help from a community which is linked to that particular brand of CMS. For example the Joomla CMS has its own community which can offer help and advice. The beauty of an open source CMS is easy access to the source code, low cost/free, stability, community support and the option to extend the functionality via a series of add ons. Examples of add ons include a blog, wiki, form, RSS feed, tags etc. These can be bolted on as and when necessary. The most popular open source CMS are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WordPress Drupal Joomla Mambo Plone CMS Made Simple

1. WordPress


The PHP blogging platform is far and away the most popular CMS for blogging, and probably the most popular CMS overall. Its a great platform for beginners, thanks to their excellent documentation and super-quick installation wizard. Five minutes to a running CMS is pretty good. Not to mention the fact that the newest versions auto-update the core and plugins from within the backend, without having to download a single file. For those users not familiar with HTML or other markup language, a WYSIWYG editor is provided straight out of the box. The backend layout is streamlined and intuitive, and a new user should be able to easily find their way around the administration section. Wordpress also comes with built-in image and multimedia uploading support. For developers, the theming language is fairly simple and straightforward, as well the Plugin API. The WordPress Community is a faithful and zealous bunch. WordPress probably has the widest base ofplugins and themes to choose from. A great part about the WordPress community is the amount of help and documentation online you can find on nearly every aspect of customizing WordPress. If you can dream it, chances are its already been done with WordPress and documented somewhere.

2. Drupal

Drupal is another CMS that has a very large, active community. Instead of focusing on blogging as a platform, Drupal is more of a pure CMS. A plain installation comes with a ton of optional modules that can add lots of interesting features like forums, user blogs, OpenID, profiles and more. Its trivial to create a site with social features with a simple install of Drupal. In fact, with a few 3rd party modules you can create some interesting site clones with little effort.

One of Drupals most popular features is the Taxonomy module, a feature that allows for multiple levels and types of categories for content types. Drupal also has a very active community powering it, and has excellent support for plugins and other general questions. 3. Joomla!

Joomla is a very advanced CMS in terms of functionality. That said, getting started with Joomla is fairly easy, thanks to Joomlas installer. Joomlas installer is meant to work on common shared hosting packages, and is a very straightforward considering how configurable the software is. Joomla is very similar to Drupal in that its a complete CMS, and might be a bit much for a simple portfolio site. It comes with an attractive administration interface, complete with intuitive drop-down menus and other features. The CMS also has great support for access control protocols like LDAP, OpenID and even The Joomla site hosts more than 3,200 extensions, so you know the developer community behind the popular CMS is alive and kicking. Like WordPress, you can add just about any needed functionality with an extension. However, the Joomla theme and extension community relies more on paid plugins and themes, so if youre looking for customizations, be ready to pay.


Deciding upon which Open Source CMS to use The question of which CMS to use is a difficult one as there are a vast range of systems to choose from which all do the same thing. They have moved on from being content repositories to multi-channel systems with a high level of functionality. Content is managed by usable interfaces, workflows, WYSIWYG editors and user management features; themed templates and extensibility enables designers and developers to customise the CMS to their own requirements; support, training and advice is provided by a community, online tutorials and documentation. The main selling point of any CMS is ease of use and the ability to be used by people who are not tech-savvy. This is why a CMS is a good choice for any business that has a team of people managing its website who do not have any programming skills or technical experience. A good CMS is SEO friendly, conforms to accessibility and international web standards, is flexible and offers a good return on investment (ROI).


CMS comparison table Name of Ease of use Advantages Disadvantages Database CMS 1. Available as a basic 1. Available as a basic system which 1. Web browser MySQL CMS out of the box package can be extended as necessary. required for editing. Made which can be used by Simple non-technical users. 2. User friendly 2. Heavy drain on resources and memory. 3. Help and support via the community 4. Customisable templates. 5. Can be expanded, e.g. add-ons. 6. SEO friendly URLs for improved page rankings. Drupal 1. WYSIWYG editor, 1. Enables multiple groups of users user management to create, edit and publish content. feature and extensive support. 2. Integrates with social media, e.g. Facebook. 3. Supports more than 70 global languages. 1. Steep learning curve. 2. User interface can be confusing for new users. 3. Overpowering for small websites. MySQL

4. Worldwide community, forums, Drupal camps and discussion 4. WYSIWYG editor groups. is not part of the core (add-on) 5. More than 6,000 free add-ons. 5. Difficult to install and control. 6. Strong API. 6. Noticeable differences between the different versions.


Name of Ease of use CMS 1. Powerful CMS Joomla which is easy to install and use. 2. Easy to customise: does not require any programming expertise.



Database MySQL

1. Fully extendable, e.g. plug-ins. 1. Heavy drain on server/servers. 2. SEOfriendly. 2. Not ideal for small websites. 3. Can run multiple language websites. 3. Limited number of 4. Established community which templates. can provide help and support. 4. Some users find it 5. Remote access and control via difficult to use when starting out. a web browser. 6. Easy to maintain even for novice users. 5. Sites can be built with many navigation levels which may be confusing. 6. Not suited for community websites.


1. User friendly interface: designed for use by nontechnical people.

1. A mature system which installs automatically. 2. Support for many operating systems, e.g. Windows.

1. Better suited to large MySQL websites rather than small sites/blogs. 2. Fewer new extensions.

3. Vast array of extensions, e.g. 3. Smaller community. forums, blogs, galleries etc. 4. Novices may find it 4. SEO friendly links. difficult to learn. Complex system. 5. Extensive support and documentation. 5. Can be a target for hackers. 6. Customisable and easy to control. 6. A drain on server resources.


Name of Ease of use Advantages Disadvantages Database CMS 1. Easy to install and 1. Free, open source system. 1. Sluggish performance. ZODB or Plone then use. MySQL 2. Scores highly on 2. High level of security. 2. Issues with caching. usability and accessibility. 3. Access to a wide range of add- 3. Fewer repository ons and plug-ins. features compared to other CMSs. 4. SEO friendly: this can be developed further. 5. Highly adaptable workflow. 6. Integration with other systems and applications. WordPress 1. Easy to use and 1. Able to extend functionality by 1. Have to keep abreast of MySQL maintain via the means of specially designed constant upgrades and third inbuilt dashboard. plug-ins. party tools. Ideal for nontechnical users. 2. Can set up single or several 2. Heavy drain on server blogs. Very popular blogging resources/performance: too platform. many add-ons can slow down a WordPress site. 3. SEO tools for optimisation and improved site rankings. 3. Vulnerable to hackers. 4. Large community. 5. Access to Codex: tutorial website. 4. Sites built with WordPress require more maintenance.

5. Steep learning curve for 6. Easy to upgrade (single click newcomers. only). 6. Not a complete CMS.


Advantages of open source CMS Low cost: the source code can be obtained for free and the support provided with this system is often cheaper than a commercial CMS. Flexible and easy to customise: the easy availability of the code means that the system can be adapted to fit any business requirement. Support: solutions to CMS problems can be found via a community of developers who provide advice on any issue. Open platform: an open source system is designed using any open programming language such as Java, Python, and PHP etc. These popular software platforms have a wealth of support and information accompanying them which is accessible to the developer and content editor alike. Ability to share resources: an open source CMS enables the ability to share resources between companies and large organisations such as public sector bodies. The benefits of doing so are distributed between these companies which save time, reduce costs and boosts productivity. Integration: the ability to extend and personalise an open source CMS means that it can be integrated with other software, for example XML. Trial evaluation: these systems can be downloaded for evaluation purposes before implementation. This enables the developer to fully test the system and to compare it with others before making a decision. Further comments in the form of feedback can be obtained from the community support. Instant error resolution: these systems by their very nature are open to the opinions of their support community. So if a problem arises a member of the community will offer a solution to the problem. Open access to the source code means that very often, the problem can be resolved by the developer.

Disadvantages of open source CMS No system is 100% perfect and this also applies to open source systems. There are a number of issues associated with these systems which include: Weakness in the design of the system: these can include problems with the backend database or a poor user experience. Many open source systems have focussed upon the technical aspects such as the structure and features, e.g. templates at the expense of usability. This is a major failing as many users of these systems are often novice users with no technical skills. They will be working from the front end only and need to be able to create and publish content with the minimum of fuss. Usability and indeed accessibility are serious issues in regard to open source systems. Little or no supporting documentation: whilst there is support from the community many open source systems provide minimal documentation to accompany their system. This information is more readily available with a commercial system which is useful for editors, designers and developers.

No proof of longevity: there are companies who would hesitate to use an open source CMS which has not been developed, marketed and supported by an organisation. Upgrades and service packs are a feature of commercial systems but not so with open source systems which means an uncertain future for these. Risk of over-personalisation: one of the strengths of an open source system: its ability to be customised can also be its downfall. There is the danger of too many people having access to the source code which can lead to constant changes, increased number of features and excessive customisation. There is a condition called creeping featuritis in which a system becomes bloated due to an excessive use of features. These tend to sneak in overtime and cause a wide range of problems, for example slowing down the system. There is also the issue of costs in regard to training and skill development which can become prohibitively expensive over a period of time. If CMS is not the core business and it very often isnt for many companies then this can cause problems.


Commercial CMS
Commercial or propriety systems are still a popular choice of CMS for many people who are reassured by the technical support, service level agreements, safety and security. There is also the fact that many commercial systems are already ready-built which means that they are quicker to implement than many open source systems. These systems tend to be well established which means that they show signs of longevity and have a solid, reliable and professional feel to them. This is further supported by accompanying documentation, user guides and training manuals all of which are essential for new content editors. A company which has a mix of expert content editors and business authors (who are often less technical) will be looking for a system which caters for both. The needs of the novice user are as important as those of the power user. If you are looking to save time (but not money) then a commercial system is a good choice. There is a wide range of commercial systems to choose from but for the purposes of this guide we have included the most popular brands to start with. These will be followed by less well known systems over time. The most popular Commercial CMS are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SiteCore EpiServer Ektron Alterion Amaxus Sitefinity

1. SiteCore SiteCore is a commercial CMS which is able to create, store and manage all content which refers to the business or organisation. It is both flexible and scalable and full capable of integrating with business processes, tools and workflows. It provides a range of software which can address any business goal or requirement and encompasses internet sites, intranets and portals. The software is built using Microsoft .Net and stores data via a MySQL or Oracle database. The content itself is stored as XML templates.


SiteCore products

Examples of SiteCore products include: WCMS E-commerce Email Campaign Manager Online Marketing Suite Foundry Intranet Portal

SiteCore is primarily aimed at large corporate websites although it can be used by small to medium sized businesses. What it also offers is a software package aimed at the mobile technology market called Sitecore for Mobile. This works across all mobile platforms, for example the iPhone, Blackberry etc. Characteristics of SiteCore The SiteCore CMS enables a team of non-technical staff without any programming experience to administer a range of corporate content. It also features an easy to use, intuitive interface, which is similar in appearance to MS Office, and uses this plus prior knowledge as a means of supporting that ease of use. There is a strong emphasis on user interface design and usability which is one of several advantages of using propriety software.

Strong, mature APIs which enable modification and integration with third party extensions. The ability to extend this software via their numerous APIs makes it an attractive proposition for any business or organisation. Ability to scale websites to a global level. Integrated email management which is a useful tool in understanding customer motivations and needs and to increase conversion rates. Online marketing suite which is used to build customer profiles, improve customer experience and increase traffic to the website. Search engine friendly URLs which can improve page/site rankings. Supports all international languages: co-ordinates the translation process for changing content into another language. Enables integration with other business processes and applications.

2. EpiServer A Swedish content management system which is designed to appeal to business owners, developers, content authors and marketing departments. It contains a range of features with something to appeal to every type of user, whether they are an author, programmer, developer or business owner. The main selling point of EpiServer is the easy to use log in and customisable dashboard which enables users to update content from any location. This is a major source of help when bringing a new digital product to market. EpiServer has an authoring environment which works in the same way as any other commercial CMS in that it enables content authors/editors to create, change or maintain content. This can be done quickly and easily. It is used to manage content on an internet site, intranet or extranet by means of a WYSIWYG editor and dashboard which can be accessed from any browser. EpiServer is based upon the Microsoft .Net technology and the first version of this CMS was released in 1997. Several versions have followed since then and the number of sites built with EpiServer has grown to more than 6,000.


EpiServer products

Apart from the WCMS, EpiServer has produced a range of software which is designed to complement this system and help businesses achieve their goals. These products are advertised under the EpiServer name and include: Commerce Mail Marketing Arena Connect Relate

These all perform a range of different functions which meet the individual needs of a business or organisation. For example, the Marketing Arena software product is designed to increase sales and traffic by optimising the performance of the website. These software packages can be integrated within the EpiServer CMS. EpiServer is enhanced by a series of products and platforms which have been developed or promoted by partners in all corners of the globe. These partners also provide help and support where needed.


Characteristics of EpiServer The main selling point is a range of features which appeal to different groups of people, for example business owners, content editors and developers. Each of these groups has their own expectations in regard to a commercial CMS; and in response to this EpiServer has created a range of products which meet those separate needs. Their system is suitable for content authors/editors without any programming skills with its WYSIWYG editor, template system and the user friendly dashboard or Online Centre. Global navigation Supports all web browsers Enables business users to access their website from any location. Easy integration with other systems and applications, for example social media software. Translates content into multiple languages: support for multiple language versions of the website. Extensible Compliance with industry and accessibility standards

3. Ektron This commercial CMS enables users to create, publish and manage content across a large global website. It is suitable for content authors/editors, developers and business people and contains a range of features which cater to their individual needs. This CMS is used by business and organisations in many parts of the world and includes a range of products which are designed to meet customer needs. These include web content management, marketing services, mobile, e-commerce and business-related social media. It is used for internet sites, extranets and intranets. The emphasis is on dynamic, up to the minute content which can be managed by content editors without the requisite programming skills. This saves both time and money and removes the need for buying in technical expertise which can be better deployed elsewhere. The authoring environment is similar to other CMSs in that the user is able to create or edit content directly within the website known as in-context editing; or via XML templates which ensure a uniform, coherent structure throughout. Ektron is part of Microsofts .Net framework which supports a range of programming languages and a class library which developers integrate with other tools to create applications. Many CMSs are built upon the MS .Net framework.


Ektron products Apart from the WCMS, there are a range of other software products to consider which are designed to improve customer loyalty, user experience and market penetration. These include: Social Business Software Marketing Optimisation E-commerce E-Intranet Mobile Web

In regard to the last item, there has been a growth of interest in system for mobile technology such as PDAs, mobile phones etc. Ektron along with many other providers has recognised the importance of enabling users to access websites on mobile devices as well as laptops, netbooks and the standard desktop computer. They have devised their Mobile Web package which caters for the needs of mobile users such as platform specific templates, and a detection library which identifies the requirements of every individual device. One advantage of a commercial CMS such as Ektron is access to technical support and advice. Ektron has a support team who are able to provide help and guidance plus online help via an agent or user guides.

Characteristics of Ektron The main feature is the WCMS which allows authors to make changes quickly and easily. This can be done directly on the page or using the system templates which ensure that a consistent approach is maintained. It also prevents duplicate content. The document management feature controls the lifecycle of a piece of content from initial creation, through to editing, version control, approval and publication. Another useful feature is geo-mapping: this provides location and travel details for users, e.g. Google Maps which can also be integrated with geo-location functionality found on mobile devices. SEO tools to ensure site optimisation and high rankings within the search engines. Social media software for business which includes tag clouds, forums, blogs and group spaces. Extensibility. Flexible, robust API. Synchronises content and data to and from Web 2.0 environments. The E-Intranet product integrates seamlessly with other business systems such as SharePoint.


Advantages of a commercial CMS Stability: a commercial system is likely to be established and stable compared to an open source systems which is due to testing and evaluation. These types of CMS have a dedicated team of developers who provide support and technical knowhow on a constant basis. Usability: a commercial CMS takes the needs of non-technical users into account by ensuring that the system is easy to use and is accompanied by user manuals and training guides. It is likely to have undergone usability testing with consideration given to the overall user experience. A commercial system is designed to be used by both technical and non-technical users with support provided by access to a development team. Whereas an open source system is often designed with technical or power users in mind who will have an understanding of and familiarity with the functionality of the site. They will have expertise in programming or site architecture which means little or no product documentation. It may not be usable to users with little or no technical expertise and this is considered an ongoing issue for many open source systems. Support and advice: commercial systems have help guides and training manuals available for its users along with access to technical support. Whereas an open source system relies upon its community to provide this level of support which can be off putting for a nontechnical user. There is no customer or IT support department for them to contact which can leave them feeling isolated and lacking in confidence. Documentation: one of several advantages of a commercial CMS is product documentation which needs to be well written, easy to understand and fit for purpose. It will have been written with the goals of both the users and business in mind as well as the demands of the search engines. This documentation is a standard feature of a commercial system but less so with an open source CMS. Any documentation provided by an open source system may be subject to the needs of the developers rather than the end users which leave a sense of uncertainty about the system.

Disadvantages of a commercial CMS Cost: commercial systems can be expensive whereas an open source CMS is usually cheap or in some cases, free of charge. There is likely to be the cost of hosting but apart from that an open source CMS is a good option for the budget conscious among us and significantly cheaper than a commercial CMS. Constraints: this refers to the fact that the user of a commercial CMS is often tied to that provider. In other words, constraints are placed upon the architecture, interface design and features which prevent user customisation. The system is not extensible: if a user or company require a particular feature then the CMS provider will do a cost benefit analysis to see if this is viable. If the provider decides that there is sufficient interest and it is feasible to do so then they will offer this service but often at a considerable cost to the user. For many companies the ability to extend a CMS to fit their business requirements is an important factor when deciding upon a suitable system.

Risk of a takeover: in todays current climate there is the risk of a takeover by another CMS provider. This means that the commercial CMS you purchased with the relevant licence, maintenance and technical support can be bought out by another provider who decides not to continue with it. A company may purchase a commercial CMS only to find that it has been discontinued as a result of a takeover which also has a knock on effect when it comes to advice and support. If that system is no longer available then it is almost impossible to obtain the necessary help and advice needed to ensure its existence.


Top ten reasons for academic departments to use Content Management: Store all your course and personal documents securely. Avoid emailing and receiving large files. Make all your documents and files searchable. Back up all your work against technology failure. Share files with individuals and groups. Share files with people outside Departments. Track versions of your files. Access your files anywhere, anytime, from any networked computer. Collaborate on documents for departmental committees and projects. Assign different levels of permission to different groups of people.

Top ten reasons for faculty to use Content Management: Access your files anywhere, anytime, from any networked computer Avoid sharing files via email attachments. Share files with individuals and groups. Share files with outside people. Make all your documents and files searchable. Collect assignments through student links in your Blackboard course. Track versions of your files. Store all your course and personal documents securely. Back up all your work against technology failure. Archive all your work and documents.

Top ten reasons for students to use Content Management: Store all your course and personal documents securely. Avoid emailing and receiving large files. Make all your documents and files searchable. Back up all your work against technology failure. Share files with individuals and groups. Share files with outside people. Hand in assignments by putting a link your Blackboard course. Track versions of your files Access your files anywhere, anytime, from any networked computer Easily take all your work and documents with you when you leave college.


Document Management System

Document: It is commonly said that a document can either be represented in electronic form (i.e. Word document, Spreadsheet file, Movie file, Sound clip, etc.) or as a traditional hardcopy consisting of one to thousands of pages.

Document Management: Document management is a process taken with document within an organization, with respect to the creation, distribution and deletion of documents. Document Management includes every action taken with a document within an organization, with respect to the creation, distribution and deletion of documents. The great benefit of a Document Management System over conventional folder based digital file storage, or paper, is the ability to organize, manage and control documents, many millions if required, and retrieves a specific document when it is required. In addition, Document Management Systems may incorporate records management. A high level requirement, Records Management, refers to the lifecycle management of documents with respect to policies, rules, and regulations. Document Management Systems have several component functions. Depending on the requirements of a business, a system may have a method of converting documents into digital form (capture), applying look up information to the digital files (metadata or index fields), and storing images in a database on digital media. A Document Management System will also include the ability to search for documents (full text or index search), security features, and provide output (view, email, fax, and print). Workflow, or routing of files, is an additional feature of many systems.


In the late 1970s, a number of vendors began developing software systems to manage paper-based documents. These systems dealt with paper documents, which included not only printed and published documents, but also photographs, prints, etc. Later developers began to write a second type of system which could manage electronic documents, i.e., all those documents, or files, created on computers, and often stored on users' local file systems. The earliest electronic document management (EDM) systems managed either proprietary file types, or a limited number of file formats. Many of these systems later became known as document imaging systems, because they focused on the capture, storage, indexing and retrieval of image file formats. These systems enabled an organization to capture faxes and forms, to save copies of the documents as images, and to store the image files in the repository for security and quick retrieval (retrieval made possible because the system handled the extraction of the text from the document in the process of capture, and the text-indexer function provided textretrieval capabilities). While many EDM systems store documents in their native file format (Microsoft Word or Excel, PDF), some web-based document management systems are beginning to store content in the form of html. These policy management systems require content to be imported into the system. However, once content is imported, the software acts like a search engine so users can find what they are looking for faster. The html format allows for better application of search capabilities such as full-text searching and stemming.


Document management systems commonly provide storage, versioning, metadata, security, as well as indexing and retrieval capabilities.

Description of Components:
METADATA Metadata is typically stored for each document. Metadata may, for example, include the date the document was stored and the identity of the user storing it. The DMS may also extract metadata from the document automatically or prompt the user to add metadata. Some systems also use optical character recognition on scanned images, or perform text extraction on electronic documents. The resulting extracted text can be used to assist users in locating documents by identifying probable keywords or providing for full text search capability, or can be used on its own. Extracted text can also be stored as a component of metadata, stored with the image, or separately as a source for searching document collections.

INTEGRATION Many document management systems attempt to integrate document management directly into other applications, so that users may retrieve existing documents directly from the document management system repository, make changes, and save the changed document back to the repository as a new version, all without leaving the application. Such integration is commonly available for office suites and e-mail or collaboration/groupware software. Integration often uses open standards such as ODMA, LDAP, WebDAV and SOAP to allow integration with other software and compliance with internal controls.

CAPTURE Capture primarily involves accepting and processing images of paper documents from scanners or multifunction printers. Optical character recognition (OCR) software is often used, whether integrated into the hardware or as stand-alone software, in order to convert digital images into machine readable text. Optical mark recognition (OMR) software is sometimes used to extract values of check-boxes or bubbles. Capture may also involve accepting electronic documents and other computer-based files.

INDEXING Indexing tracks electronic documents. Indexing may be as simple as keeping track of unique document identifiers; but often it takes a more complex form, providing classification through the documents' metadata or even through word indexes extracted from the documents' contents. Indexing exists mainly to support retrieval. One area of critical importance for rapid retrieval is the creation of an index topology.


STORAGE Store electronic documents. Storage of the documents often includes management of those same documents; where they are stored, for how long, migration of the documents from one storage media to another (hierarchical storage management) and eventual document destruction.

RETRIEVAL Retrieve the electronic documents from the storage. Although the notion of retrieving a particular document is simple, retrieval in the electronic context can be quite complex and powerful. Simple retrieval of individual documents can be supported by allowing the user to specify the unique document identifier, and having the system use the basic index (or a nonindexed query on its data store) to retrieve the document. More flexible retrieval allows the user to specify partial search terms involving the document identifier and/or parts of the expected metadata. This would typically return a list of documents which match the user's search terms. Some systems provide the capability to specify a Boolean expression containing multiple keywords or example phrases expected to exist within the documents' contents. The retrieval for this kind of query may be supported by previously built indexes, or may perform more time-consuming searches through the documents' contents to return a list of the potentially relevant documents. See also Document retrieval.

DISTRIBUTION A published document for distribution has to be in a format that cannot be easily altered. As a common practice in law regulated industries, an original master copy of the document is usually never used for distribution other than archiving. If a document is to be distributed electronically in a regulatory environment, then the equipment tasking the job has to be quality endorsed AND validated. Similarly quality endorsed electronic distribution carriers have to be used. This approach applies to both of the systems by which the document is to be inter-exchanged, if the integrity of the document is highly in demand.

SECURITY Document security is vital in many document management applications. Compliance requirements for certain documents can be quite complex depending on the type of documents. For instance, in the United States, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements dictate that medical documents have certain security requirements. Some document management systems have a rights management module that allows an administrator to give access to documents based on type to only certain people or groups of people. Document marking at the time of printing or PDF-creation is an essential element to preclude alteration or unintended use.


WORKFLOW Workflow is a complex process and some document management systems have a built-in workflow module. There are different types of workflow. Usage depends on the environment to which the electronic document management system (EDMS) is applied. Manual workflow requires a user to view the document and decide whom to send it to. Rulesbased workflow allows an administrator to create a rule that dictates the flow of the document through an organization: for instance, an invoice passes through an approval process and then is routed to the accounts-payable department. Dynamic rules allow for branches to be created in a workflow process. A simple example would be to enter an invoice amount and if the amount is lower than a certain set amount, it follows different routes through the organization. Advanced workflow mechanisms can manipulate content or signal external processes while these rules are in effect.

COLLABORATION Collaboration should be inherent in an EDMS. In its basic form, a collaborative EDMS should allow documents to be retrieved and worked on by an authorized user. Access should be blocked to other users while work is being performed on the document. Other advanced forms of collaboration allow multiple users to view and modify (or markup) a document at the same time in a collaboration session. The resulting document should be viewable in its final shape, while also storing the markups done by each individual user during the collaboration session.

VERSIONING Versioning is a process by which documents are checked in or out of the document management system, allowing users to retrieve previous versions and to continue work from a selected point. Versioning is useful for documents that change over time and require updating, but it may be necessary to go back to or reference a previous copy.

SEARCHING Searching finds documents and folders using template attributes or full text search. Documents can be searched using various attributes and document content.

PUBLISHING Publishing a document involves the procedures of proofreading, peer or public reviewing, authorizing, printing and approving etc. Those steps ensure prudence and logical thinking. Any careless handling may result in the inaccuracy of the document and therefore mislead or upset its users and readers. In law regulated industries, some of the procedures have to be completed as evidenced by their corresponding signatures and the date(s) on which the document was signed.

The published document should be in a format that is not easily altered without a specific knowledge or tools, and yet it is read-only or portable.

REPRODUCTION Document/image reproduction is key when thinking about implementing a system. It's great to be able to put things in, but how are you going to get them out? An example of this is building plans. How will plans be scanned and scale be retained when printed?

Seven Primary Benefits of a Document Management System:

1. Provide a central repository for corporate knowledge 2. Assisting meeting compliance mandates 3. Cost containment purposes 4. Security enhancement 5. Data integrity enhancement 6. Disaster recovery 7. Customer and Stakeholder satisfaction

1. Document Management as a Central Repository Allows file access from regionally dispersed office groups Central system can serve multiple locations Enables access to documents 24 hours per day, 7 days per week Facilitates enduser requests by allowing much more selfservice than possible with Paper file management File sharing and collaboration

2. Meeting Compliance Mandates For Government, industry, departmental, partner/supplier, other Document Management can help manage the flow of electronic forms and support the legal standing of electronic signatures Reduce recordkeeping and reporting burden imposed by regulations Share and control information with external agencies while maintaining standards Improve internal management procedures and processes

Security of vital business information in electronic records is a key component in defining and protecting critical infrastructure. Electronic records are a significant asset and Document Management can and should be an important part of an organization's business continuity, contingency, and disaster recovery plan. Document Management can assist in tracking and managing the original records, redacted versions, and requests for access.

3. Cost Containment Substantial gains in efficiency reducing labour requirements and freeing up personnel. Save physical file storage space (when using an electronic based rather than paper based system). Decrease in copying and printing. Reduction in courier expenses. Scalability: Expand without incurring undue expense.

4. Security Enhancement Facilitates restricted access Varying levels of user rights permit access without exposing information unnecessarily Full audit trail of activity Retainment of prior versions of documents Electronic data encryption Files are retained and cannot be lost or destroyed

5. Integrity Enhancement Digital images provide exact representation of original paper documents Administrative controls restrict modification, deletion, importing or exporting of Documents, reducing lost, misplaced, or damaged files Simultaneous multiuser access allows a single document to be used by multiple parties at once


6. Disaster Recovery Backup capabilities, unlike paper file storage Backups can be stored offsite or in a fireproof safe Data redundancy for continuity of operations System component redundancy for reliability Full system redundancy (clustered architecture) for uninterrupted operations

7. Stakeholder and Customer Satisfaction Efficiency gains result in much more timely service Files are readily accessible to the user from the desktop Facilitates immediate attention to client requirements and requests Files are securely accessible to multiple staff, branch offices, external agencies and remote locations Document lookup capabilities allow any assigned member attend to a task or requirement Workflow and document routing allow for tracking and expedite work completion Project and Strategic level reporting is made more readily available

Disadvantages and Risks Though Document Management offers great potential for efficiency gains, the technology can have some drawbacks if not designed and implemented properly. Some of the possible areas of concern include: Failure to align with business requirements Incorrectly indexed documents Time investment for document preparation, capture and indexing (where paper document conversion is involved) Capital investment for technology Changing technology standards Training of personnel Risk associated with poorly planned implementation Security and confidentiality concerns


All of these risk factors can be minimized by using industry accepted best practices during the analysis, design, and implementation phases of the Document Management project. With proper planning and execution, all the benefits of Document Management can be realized with minimal and managed risk levels.

Organizations: 1. Enforced by law to store official documentation on their activity. 2. That deal with a significant number of customers documentation on a daily basis. 3. That store confidential data about customers. Government Sector: Governmental organizations store documents containing confidential information about citizens. Passport and Immigration Services that Converse cooperated with, handles information about citizens from different countries: their names, passport numbers, visa applications, etc. Reliable solutions to store and to protect this data from unauthorized use in indispensable. Moreover, when dealing with a lot of customers on a daily basis, DMS improves the workflow and customer service in the offices, i.e. in the airports.

Insurance Sector: Insurance organizations archive different types of documents relevant to policy and claim application and documentation processes. Similarly to governmental organizations, they store confidential data and need to apply high security standards to protect their customers. As the insurance sector is strictly controlled by law, the DMS has several features to authenticate the validity of all stored information in order to demonstrate compliance with governmental regulations. Telecom Sector: The use of a reliable DMS in the telecom sector helps dealing with all sorts of documentation relevant to contracts and applications. The system provides an easy access to application forms for packages and subscriptions and serves as a document archive. Therefore, it improves customer service and the workflow of telecom companys employees.

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