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Structural Analysis I- CE 305: Computations of Deflections (deformations: Beams; Frames and Trusses)


Castigliano's Theorems I and II , Method of Least Work & The Force Method Summary of lectures 20-24

The method is named after the person (Alberto Castigliano, an Italian engineer) who first introduced the method in 1873-1879. The method is based on the concept of real works (external work W e and internal strain energy U). For a given structure the under load and when equilibrium equations are satisfied and if the change of geometry is compatible with the support conditions, the total change in W e is equal to the total change in U. This is often written mathematically as We = U or We U = 0 or (We U) = 0 where: We = [ We / i ] i and U = [ U / i ] i For arbitrary change in the deformed shape by i, and since the work for any force F i is We = Fi i, then [ We / i ] i = Fi i. It is then seen that [ U / i - Fi] i = 0 But since i is not equal to zero for a deformable body, the quantity in the bracket is set to zero. This gives the first theorem of Catigliano as U / i - Fi = 0 or U / i = Fi (1) Equation 1 is valuable to solving statically indeterminate problems. For change in the deformed shape by arbitrary force change Fi, and since the work for any force Fi is We = i Fi, then [ We* / Fi ] Fi = i Fi . It is then seen that [ U* / Fi - i] Fi = 0 But since Fi is not equal to zero for a deformable body, the quantity in the bracket is set to zero. This gives the first theorem of Catigliano as U / Fi - i = 0 or U* / Fi = i (2) Equation 2 credited to Engesser in 1889, and is often referred to as the complimentary strain energy theorem. Castigliano's second theorem is based on equation 2. Equation 1 and 2 are both valid for elastic and inelastic structure. It is noted that Equation 2 is valuable in solving for the deflections at any point and in any direction (even if there is no force applied at the point) of statically indeterminate force

The procedure of the analysis:

The method of analysis is based on: 1) applying a force in the direction desired; 2) computing the strain energy expressions for U in terms of the real load and assumed force Fi ; 3) applying equation 2 and setting Fi equal to zero. The result will be the deflection i in the deirction of Fi. A typical solved beam problem is shown in Example -1 given below.

Castiglianos Theorem I: based on equation 1 given above. Castiglianos Theorem II: based on equation 2 for linearly elastic structures, the theorem is
mathematically stated as (3) where U is the sum of all strain energies of a given structure (as described in the following section).

U / Fi = i


May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:


Expressions for the strain energies:

For main structural elements (e.g.: beam element; truss element);, the integration of the strain energy density function gives the appropriate expressions for Ubeam and Utruss.

Note: U/ Fs = Fs/ks = s " the result expected!" s.a.alghamdi

May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:


Further notes of Castigliano's Theorems:


May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:


Example 1:


May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:

Castigliano's Theorems Flexibility Coefficients



May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:



May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:



May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:



the sum is equal to zero for statically indeterminate structures for two reasons as follows, 1) For a rigid

support the deformations (i and i) are both zero, and 2) For a an internal force in a deformable (like a beam with a truss member) displacements will add to zero from the two parts of the structure each others when the expression


May 13, 2013

Structural Analysis I- CE 305:


[ U* / Fi] =

is used. It is to be noted that for beams, frames and trusses the use of several segments to express the M(x) and N(x) require an orderly procedure which is best achieved by using a tabular form as shown above.


May 13, 2013

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