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Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 Child Minding and Day Care (Inspection and Information for Local Authorities) (Wales) Regulations 2010 The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010

Inspection Report Clwb Corn Hir Llangefni LL77 7JB

Date of publication 06/09/2012

You may reproduce this Report in its entirety. You may not reproduce it in part or in any abridged form and may only quote from it with the consent in writing of Welsh Ministers

Introduction This was a scheduled, unannounced, first inspection of Clwb Corn Hir an out of school club held at the Ysgol Corn Hir, Llangefni, which took place on 09/08/2012 and focused on all aspects of the service: The quality of life, staffing, leadership and management and the environment. The club was registered in March 2012 to care for 24 children under eight years of age, in the Club mobile; enclosed school grounds; and within the school: the hall, staff room and toilets. The Club mobile was not available as it had been demolished the previous day The out of school club operates daily during term time between 15:30 and 17:30 and during school holidays from 8:30 to 17:30. This setting has been operating daily between 23/7/2012 and 17/08/2012 and care is mainly through the medium of Welsh but as some children are not fully bilingual then some English is spoken. A maximum of fourteen children and three staff members were present at different times. The registered person and person in charge attended for short periods. Inspection methods This inspection report is written based on: The Audit Collection and Self Assessment of the Service documents submitted by Meinir Hughes, the registered person. Discussions with Meinir Hughes. Discussions with Carol Bulkeley, the person in charge. Discussions with three staff members. Discussions with the children present. Written feedback in 2 staff questionnaires Written feedback in 2 parent questionnaires Inspection of available records. Summary of inspection findings What does the service do well? Monies have been spent on securing a large amount of toys, games and equipment that are suitable for boys and girls in this age group and cover differing stages of development. What has improved since the last inspection? Not applicable as first inspection What needs to be done to improve the service? We found two areas of non-compliance with the regulations where it is considered that non-compliance increased the risk that childrens welfare could not be promoted and safeguarded. As these are significant failings a Notice of non-compliance has been issued and the registered person will need to make a formal response to CSSIW. The issues identified are: Staff files did not show that staff had been appropriately vetted as part of the recruitment process. The registered person therefore cannot demonstrate that the

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recruitment and vetting of staff ensures that childrens welfare is always safeguarded. Several records relating to staffing and children were not complete or not in place. The absence of clear and accurate records about staff creates uncertainty about who would be responsible for and accountable for childrens care. The lack of accuracy and lack of key information about children and their needs creates a risk that children would not be cared for in a manner that meets their needs.

We found six other areas where the service was not fully compliant with the regulations. We have drawn the registered persons attention to these matters and they are expected to address these. Compliance in these areas will be monitored at future inspections. The areas of non-compliance are: 1. The provider was informed that the Statement of Purpose needs to be reviewed in order to ensure the information presented complies with the requirements of the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010, Regulation 15, and gives a true and up to date representation of the service provided. See also National Minimum Standard (NMS) 1.2. An amended copy is to be sent to CSSIW. 2. During the registration process the provider was informed that the services Complaint policy was not fully compliant with the Regulations. As the club policies were not available the Complaints policy be reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with Regulations 32-36 and a copy then sent to CSSIW. 3. Fire drills have not been held (Regulation 38(3)(c)(iii)) 4. Medication sheets to be available in order for the staff to record when the medication is administered(Regulation 30 Schedule 3. 8) 5. Accident records (Regulation 30 Schedule 3. 7) should be kept with enough information to show where the accident had happened, where, who was present and the parents asked to sign the record to acknowledge that they are aware of the incident. 6. The registered person is reminded that she must ensure that all employees who look after children receive appropriate training, supervision and appraisal (Regulation 29. (3)(a)) We made five good practice recommendations intended to assist the registered person in improving the standard of the service provided. These are: 1. The current method of storing registration forms according to school year is not user friendly to those staff members who are not also employed at the school. 2. There are separate child and staff attendance registers. The records kept should all be recorded in ink and the full names of the staff members and children recorded. 3. In order to have a visible record of visitors a Visitor book to record names of those visiting, nature of business, time arrived and time left is to be recorded. 4. In order to ensure that all children get the opportunity to use the Wii games it is recommended that a procedure for its use is drawn up and implemented. 5. The person in charge was advised that in order to evidence Regulation 21 it is recommended that a record of the snacks actually eaten by the children be recorded.

Quality of life
Children cared for experience a stimulating environment with opportunities to learn. There were plenty of good quality toys for children to play with and lots of space to play in. Staff were observed encouraging children to talk about what they were doing and supporting them in their play. As the club mobile had been demolished, care was being given in the school hall. There were fourteen children present who were able to freely choose their activities from the equipment laid out around the room. The children ate together in the hall, and are provided with cups, cutlery and crockery. It was pleasing to observe the children eating together in a relaxed, sociable atmosphere. This could be further enhanced by the adults eating their meal/ snack with the children. Snack menus were available. The person in charge stated that these are rotated on a 3 weekly cycle snack and on the day was healthy and included fruit, yoghurt and a juice drink. No records are kept of the snacks actually eaten by children. As a result it is difficult to say with certainty that all snacks and drinks children have are healthy. The person in charge was advised that in order to evidence Regulation 21 it is recommended that a record of the snacks actually eaten by the children be recorded. The registered person stated that advice had been sought from the Environmental Health officer who made recommendations regarding having a fridge thermometer and recording snacks given, but these have not yet been implemented. The person in charge stated that these will be implemented in September. There was also no evidence that parents have been advised about the clubs arrangements for food preparation and storage. Children were observed enjoying themselves in the fresh air with their physical well being promoted by playing tennis, swing ball, balls, cars and the girls playing May queen before coming in to decorate a small cake with icing and sprinkles. This activity was enjoyed by all and one child and staff member were observed chatting about the ingredients needed so that he could make them at home. There was a quiet hum of activity throughout the session and the children were observed to be relaxed, comfortable and happy in the care of the staff members who worked well together and responded positively to the children. Staff were observed asking open ended questions regarding colours for painting and games to be played with. They encouraged the children to complete the item on their own but supported them in these different areas when needed. A staff member was observed playing Connect Four with a child who wanted to play that game. Children have a sense of achievement with examples of their work, such as decorated cakes and pictures being taken home, this could be further enhanced by displaying examples of their work. Discussions with the children were all positive with them stating that they like attending and talking about their friends in the club. One staff member was observed being diligent in ensuring that the children did not play for too long a time with the Wii. In order to ensure that all children get the opportunity to use this popular equipment it is recommended that a procedure for its use is drawn up and implemented. Most children benefit from being able to choose preferred activities and to move

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between the activities as they wished, however it was observed that some children found it difficult to engage with an activity. As several staff members care for the children each day there was no evidence that there is a planned programme of activities to be followed by them and it is therefore, recommended that a programme be in place for the holiday club, as some children would benefit from a more structured approach to the activity programme as this would help to maintain their interest.

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Quality of staffing
Parents can feel confident in the care provided for their children because although new to the setting, the staff present displayed confidence in their handling of the children and interacted well with them. One parent questionnaire had noted that the staff are very friendly. Parents sign the registration form/ contract stating that they have read the Handbook with the club policies and procedures. The Handbook should be available so that new staff and parents have access to it and can check any policy or procedure. We asked to see the pack during the visit, but staff were unable to find it. The new staff had no access to the policies and procedures of the club and no induction training had been given, this meant that they did not readily know where information was kept and there was a delay in locating the First Aid box. Staff questionnaires indicated that they had not received induction training (Regulation 29. (3)(a) )(NMS) 13.9.) The person in charge corroborated this and stated that no staff members currently receive regular individual supervision (Regulation 29. (3)(a) ) (NMS13.11.) The registered person is reminded that a formal appraisal at least annually is required (Regulation 29. (3)(a) ) (NMS 13.11). The staff members work in four hour shifts throughout the day. Staff time sheets and the staff members present on the day, did not corroborate the information submitted by the registered person in the Self Assessment of the Service document which indicated that the children benefit from being cared for by familiar staff whom are known to them as they also work in the school. In addition the children attending gave information indicating that they live in areas all over Anglesey and therefore are not familiar with any of the staff members. Children and their parents cannot be confident that staff are appropriately vetted during the recruitment process. We found that only one staff file was available for inspection. The file contained limited or out of date information about the recruitment and vetting of the member of staff. The failure to carry out proper checks as part of the recruitment and vetting of staff means that the registered person cannot demonstrate that the childrens welfare is promoted and safeguarded through the steps taken to make sure staff are suitable to work with children. Regulation 28. (1) (2) (b) (i) (ii) of The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010 requires that specific information is sought about staff as part of the recruitment and vetting process. The approach found at this inspection is not compliant with these requirements. This is a significant failure as it creates an increased risk that the welfare of children is not always safeguarded. As a result a Notice of non-compliance is issued. It was therefore not possible to confirm that the staff have undertaken either First Aid or Child protection training. Regulation 24 (1) (b) states that the registered person must ensure that there is at all times at least one person who is caring for relevant children who has an appropriate first aid qualification. One staff members has a First Aid at Work Qualification which is a healthy and safety requirement

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Quality of leadership and management

Parents and children using this service can not be confident that the provider makes every effort to ensure the service is well run. Administration systems were not organised and all the required records relating to staff and children were not being maintained. The operational plan, policies and procedures were not available and the staff were not able to tell us about the aims and principles of the service. Staff delivering the care have not been through a robust recruitment process. The parents had noted in their questionnaires that they had received an information Pack. A copy was seen and it contained bilingual information, however, the Statement of Purpose was not accurate as the following information is not available: No contact details for CSSIW and organisation incorrectly named; arrangements for care during holidays not given; terms and conditions of care; arrangements for dealing with emergencies; details of the facilities, activities and routines offered; details regarding the review of the Statement of purpose and informing CSSIW of changes. This needs to be updated to ensure the information presented complies with the requirements of the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010, Regulation 15, and is an accurate representation of the service provided. (NMS 1.2). A sample of the registration form/ contracts was viewed and evidenced that there were no records for three children who have attended the club during the summer. The current recording systems for children and staff are not accurate. For example, the actual times that the children attend and staff members are working was not consistently recorded. An example in May 2012 was discussed with the registered person, there is no evidence to show that the staff : child ratio had been maintained. (Regulation 30, Schedule 3, point 6) The approach to records was non-compliant with Regulation 30. (1) (a) of the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010. This requires that specific records and information are held about staff and children. For example the childs records should include information about any health care needs so that staff can be sure to care for the child in a way that is consistent with these needs. The failure to have proper records about children and staff creates a risk that childrens welfare is not always safeguarded and promoted. As a result we have issued a Notice of Non-compliance about this matter. In order that childrens care during school holidays meets their individual needs consideration needs to be given to having a separate information pack so that all parents have a clear understanding of the expectations of the club. Children attend from areas all over Anglesey so have no knowledge of the way the club is run and no guidance had been given regarding sun screen and suitable clothing. The First Aid box had numerous items which were out of date (NMS10.14) and as discussed with the person in charge requires immediate attention to ensure fully stocked. We found that the registered person had not informed CSSIW of significant matters relating to the operation of the service. For instance, CSSIW had not been informed of changes to the staff members employed nor about building works which had resulted in the club mobile being demolished.

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Schedule 4 of The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010 states that the registered person must inform Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales of all changes that affect the care provided at the out of school club. Where CSSIW are not appropriately informed of significant changes then we are not able to judge whether the services registration remains accurate. This creates a risk that the registered person is not running the service in line with the legal requirements. The registered person is reminded that they must notify CSSIW of the matters listed in Schedule 4. The following records are kept but not in an acceptable manner. It is recommended that: The current method of storing registration forms according to school year is revised as it is not user friendly to those staff members who are not also employed at the school. There are separate child and staff attendance registers. In order to have an accurate daily record of those present it is recommended that one sheet be used The records kept should all be recorded in ink and the full names of the staff members and children recorded. In order to have a visible record of visitors to the club a separate Visitor book to record names of those visiting, nature of business, time arrived and time left is to be recorded.

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Quality of environment
The wellbeing of children is promoted because the range of facilities and equipment is suitable to meet their needs. The playscheme took place in the hall which is kept clean by the staff. Children may at times not benefit from premises that are fully suitable to their needs. This is because the mobile, used as part of the club, has been demolished. The registered person is reminded that she must operate their service in line with their conditions of registration which currently include the use of the club mobile. Staff did not know what steps were being taken to address this matter but believed that from September the club will be sharing the use of the remaining indoor space (school hall) with the school. Information regarding when the new club mobile will be available should be sent to CSSIW as the mobile will need to be viewed. CSSIW will monitor compliance at future inspections. The hall is spacious and set out for varied play and learning activities- craft area, home corner, quiet areas, where the children can sit or lie down and the outside area where large equipment is used. It was observed that there was a good stock of toys and equipment suitable for their ages and level of development. Toys and apparatus had been placed within reach and the children were able to freely choose their activities throughout the session. In addition specific tasks such as outside play time and a craft activity had been prepared for them. Risk assessments were not seen therefore it is not possible to evidence that assessments regarding the building work and use of the electric hand dryer had been undertaken. Regulation 25 ( c) says that the registered persons must take action to ensure that children using the club are protected form any risks to their safety. The registered person is reminded to ensure that there are suitable risk assessments in place. (NMS 24.11)

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 Child Minding and Day Care (Inspection and Information for Local Authorities) (Wales) Regulations 2010 The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010 Non Compliance Notice Child Minding and Day Care

This notice sets out where your service is not compliant with the regulations. You, as the registered person, are required to take action to ensure compliance is achieved in the timescales specified. The issuing of this notice is a serious matter. Failure to achieve compliance will result in CSSIW taking action in line with its enforcement policy. Further advice and information is available on CSSIWs website

Clwb Corn Hir

Ysgol Corn Hir Llangefni LL77 7JB

Date of publication 06 September 2012

You may reproduce this Notice in its entirety. You may not reproduce it in part or in any abridged form and may only quote from it with the consent in writing of Welsh Ministers.

Out of School Care Report Format (GIRPTB.0000916902_e)

Version 8.0 January 2012

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

North Wales Region Government Offices Sarn Mynach Llandudno Junction Conwy LL31 9RZ 03000625609 03000625030 Name of setting: Contact telephone number: Registered Person Person in charge: Number of places: Date of this visit: Dates of other relevant contact since last report: Date of previous report publication: Inspected by: Clwb Corn Hir 01248 722558 Meinir Hughes Carol Ann Bulkeley 24 09 August 2012 Not applicable Ist inspection Mair Morris

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Out of School Care Report Format (GIRPTB.0000916902_e)

Version 8.0 January 2012

Quality of life
Non compliance identified at this inspection and action to be taken

Action to be taken

Timescale for completion

Regulation number


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Out of School Care Report Format (GIRPTB.0000916902_e)

Version 8.0 January 2012

Quality of staffing
Non compliance identified at this inspection and action to be taken

Action to be taken Ensure all staff files contain relevant information as required by The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010

Timescale for completion 31/08/12

Regulation number 28 (1) (a) 28 (2) (b) [ii] 28 (2) (b) [i]

The service is non compliant with Regulation 28. (1) (2)(b)(i)(ii) of the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010. This is because the staff files were not available for inspection. The evidence for this is that they were requested and told that all were similar to one example which had limited information. The impact for people using the service is that the registered person cannot demonstrate that the recruitment and vetting of staff ensures that childrens welfare is always safeguarded.

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Out of School Care Report Format (GIRPTB.0000916902_e)

Version 8.0 January 2012

Quality of leadership and management

Non compliance identified at this inspection and action to be taken

Action to be taken

Timescale for completion Ensure that there is a registration form/ 31/08/12 contract for every child who attends the club. The actual times that the children attend and staff members are working should be recorded. Accidents records to be kept appropriately. Medication forms to be available to record parental request and also for staff to sign when medicine is administered to children.

Regulation number 30 (1) (a) Sch3.03 30 (1) (a) Sch3.08 30 (1) (a) Sch3.10 30 (1) (a) Sch3.07

The service is non compliant with Regulation 30 1. (a) ( c) as defined in Schedule 3 Records to be maintained Points 3-8 of the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2010. This is because administration systems were not organised and all the specific records and information to be held about staff and children were not being maintained. The evidence for this is that the provider and staff were either unable to supply the requested documents or the records are not maintained. Fire evacuation procedures (Regulation 30 Schedule 3. 10) were not seen and there is no evidence that children can safely leave the premises in an emergency as fire drills have not been held (Regulation 38(3)(c)(iii)) Children attend who have identified health care needs and no medication sheets were available in order for the staff to record when the medication is administered (Regulation 30 Schedule 3. 8) Neither was there information at hand for all staff to be aware of the allergy. Accident records (Regulation 30 Schedule 3. 7) should be kept with enough information to show where the accident had happened, where, who was present and the parents asked to sign the record to acknowledge that they are aware of the incident. The impact for parents and children using this service is that the failure to have proper records about children and staff creates a risk that childrens welfare is not always safeguarded and promoted.

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Out of School Care Report Format (GIRPTB.0000916902_e)

Version 8.0 January 2012

Quality of environment
Non compliance identified at this inspection and action to be taken

Action to be taken

Timescale for completion

Regulation number


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