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8 Pillars of the Society

Understanding the 8 Pillars of Society

To understand the 8 Pillars of Society adequately we must first understand the Kingdom of God and how it relates to our lives. Basically, the Kingdom of God is the rule of God upon a set of location or place. Contrary to popular belief the Kingdom of God extends beyond the borders of religion. Instead, it is meant to infiltrate every aspect of our lives from our families to the media and arts, sports and culture, science, government, business and economics and education. In Genesis 1:1, shows us that the knowledge the Lord (Elohim) created the heavens and earth. Without him, the earth would have would have remained formless, void, without life; that the earth has a special connection with Him and His created order is meant to be in obedience to Him. The created order was essentially put under the care of Adam. The Kingdom of God is about love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Romans 8: 19-23 also tells us that creation and the created order have been waiting in earnest expectation for the day God reveals who His sons and daughters really are, so that it may rejoice in the new liberty that Christ has offered the world at large. The Family Pillar

The family is Gods basic unit of society. It is where God teaches the relevance and disciplines of living in community whereby the people we are in family with. The reason why Family is the first pillar of human society is because Gods design, it is the port of entry when we come into this world. It is so important to Him that even Jesus had to come through a family, with Mary being his earthly mother and Joseph acting as the earthly father. It plays a major role in the development of each member of the family in conformity with the societal Godly standards. When there is a divergence in character trait or behavior of an individual relative to the society, this fault is often attributed to the to the family upbringing of that particular individual. Therefore, emphasis should be given to the way a person is brought up in the family where he belongs, because the eventual result would either benefit the society or be a source of nuisance for the whole community. Hence, it is said that stable families are the first unit in building unified communities and stable society.

The Church/Religion Pillar

The Church is an assembly chosen of God so that He can have His people in an aread, who takes the responsibility of bringing in by praying Your Kingdom Come. God promised that the descendants of Abraham will possess the gates of the enemies. We are made to realize that the desire of all nations is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. And Jesus will come and fill His Church, His house with glory. Indeed what a glorious destiny that awaits the people of God, His beloved church whom He has called to display His power and glory to the nations of the world.

The Government Pillar

Governance, when aligned to Gods purposes in His Kingdom, is the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage a nations affairs for the common good. It is the management of a countrys a social and economic resources for development.

The Business and Economy Pillar

The role of Business and Economics is to harness the resources (people, natural resources, and knowledge) and skills that will contribute to nation-building through job and wealth creation. By equipping entrepreneurs with management skills focussed on innovativeness and creativity where growth and sustainability can be pursued. A framework of righteousness is needed therefore to build the foundation that will merit favor and blessings.

The Education Pillar

Education is the process instituted by God by which an individual or institution acquires and transfers habits, skills, knowledge, value or attitudes. The expertise acquired through the formal or informal expertise bring learning of the facts, information and awareness to help individuals become better members of society by understanding the world around and evolve for sustainable advancement for the benefits of the future generation.

The Science and Technology Pillar

The issue of poverty being directly linked to unscientific practices in agriculture, forestry, environment, industry, commerce and in the medical field is a long-term condition needing serious attention, both by the government, the industry and the citizenry. The Filipino people as one nation will need to understand the uniqueness of Gods natural endowment for us, be secure in what the country has, and be able to harness these resources for the general welfare of the people. The surface has been barely scratched, so to speak, in the effort to pray for the broad field of science and technology and to bring the pillar to the front, to really become a pillar of Philippine social, economic, and spiritual development. The Media Pillar

The Media has four roles to play: to inform, enlighten, entertain and educate, to improve the life of our society. Media is the bridge between the governing bodies and general public. It is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent. Media is the voice of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation. Media has a big role in shaping public opinion because it should represent the conscience of righteousness. Public opinion is the voice in the check and balance system designed to ensure equal and balance exercise of authority of the pillars of the society.

The Sports, Arts & Culture Pillar

Culture comprises the shared values, understanding, assumptions and goals that are learned from the earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society and passed on to succeeding generations. All these must align with Gods standard since it is now through these entertainment medium that behavior, culture and values are transferred. Case in point is that the statistics available showed us that 94 percent of Filipinos have access to television and spend 8 hours watching. The trend is changing as more acquire on line internet facilities. It has gone down to 7 hours and the rest is spent on the internet. What we need as a people is a renovation of our sense of values, a re-awakening of our moral responsibilities, a turning back to the old but simple Christian principle of caring for the welfare of others.

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