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Ultra High-Speed SONET Fiber-Optic Transmission System

Takashi Mori Hirokuni Tsuji Hiroyuki Nakano, D.E. Shigeo Shinada ABSTRACT: Recently, there have been numerous demands not only on voice but also data/image signals. To answer these demands, a transmission system with advanced management functions that can transfer high capacity is essential. The demands on the networks can be realized using SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) equipment, recommended by ITU-T (International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standardization Sector) as the international standard. Hitachi has been developing a series of transmission systems that comply with SONET (Synchronous Optical Network), the SDH standard used in North America. OC-192 is one such system which satisfies the demands of high capacity transmission and advanced management functions. It features a long transmission span, an equipment lineup for various network configurations, an advanced management function with high flexibility in connecting management networks, and expandability through DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplex).

INTRODUCTION IN North America, communication systems with high transmission capacity have been developed to realize newly emerging services such as image signals (video). An advanced network management function, that can work flexibly under various network configurations is deemed necessary. The SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) has been developed as a standard for SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) transmission in North America. Recently, Hitachi, Ltd. has been developing a series of transmission systems which conform with SONET. Hitachi has succeeded in developing a 10-Gbit/s SONET optical transmission system (SONET OC192, shown in Fig. 1) that accommodates over 120 thousands lines. The main features of the SONET OC192 are; To realize an equipment lineup for various network configurations that use a MUX/ADM (multiplexer/ add-drop multiplexer). The easy upgrade of network configurations by modifying existing equipment. To realize long span transmission using EA (electroabsorption) modulation and an optical dispersion compensation technique.

Fig. 1 SONET OC-192.

An advanced network management function and operational interface that comply with TMN (Telecommunications Management Network). Expandability, by combining WDM (wavelength division multiplex) technology. This report discusses the highlights and the visions of SONET OC-192 for the future.

Hitachi Review Vol. 47 (1998), No. 2


Operations center OS

: 10-Gbit/s line OS: operations system EMS: Element Management System LTE: Line Terminating Equipment EMS ADM SONET OC-192




LTE 2.4G/ 600M bit/s

ADM SONET OC-192 2.4G/600M bit/s ADM SONET OC-192


SONET Protection OC-192 Linear network

Fig. 2High-Speed Communication Network (OC-192).

LTE (1 + 1) Working 2.4G/600M bit/s SONET OC-192 LTE (1:3) Working 1 LRE LRE

Ring network

LTE (1 + 1)


SONET OC-192 LTE (1:3)

2.4G/600M bit/s

2.4G/600M bit/s



2.4G/600M bit/s


Working 2

SONET OC-192 Extra traffic channel

Working 3



Extra traffic channel

Fig. 3Linear Network System.

NETWORK CONFIGURATION Fig. 2 shows a high-speed communication network configuration which features the SONET OC-192 system. There are two types of network available: a linear network, which connects nodes via point-topoint, and a ring network, which connects nodes in a circular configuration. The SONET OC-192 offers two types of nodes, the MUX and the ADM, the combination of which allows various network configurations to be created. In linear networks, the equipment is installed along transmission lines to realize high-capacity transmission via a point-to-point configuration. Traffic on the transmission line is protected when the line fails, since

the network becomes redundant. The two switching methods available for use on this line, are the 1 + 1 configuration, where each working line has a corresponding protection line, and a 1:N configuration, which has one protection line for N number of working lines. It is possible to extend the span by inserting LRE (line regenerator equipment) between the nodes (Fig. 3). In the ring network, the equipment is installed in a ring configuration. This allows the network configuration to be designed flexibly, depending on the traffic since it is possible to add/drop paths in an STS (synchronous transport signal) unit. The ring network can adopt a configuration with either 2 or 4 fibers, and can support BLSR (bi-


Hitachi Review Vol. 47 (1998), No. 2

directional line switching ring). Moreover, the incorporation of span- and ring-switching reduces the effects on traffic when failure occurs in the network (Fig. 4). The ring network also supports ring interconnection, which allows paths to be set between nodes placed in different rings. Furthermore, it is also possible to have advanced path settings (Fig. 5). Two common applications are supported by both linear and ring networks. The first application is called the Transparent Transport function. This allows overhead signals, such as the DCC (data communication channel), OW (order-wire) and APS (automatic protection switch), as well as low-speed interfacing, to be transferred to the other end transparently. With this function, both OC-12 and OC-48 networks can be accommodated into 10-Gbit/ s transmission lines as independent networks. This function simplifies the networks while keeping managed networks independent (Fig. 6). The second application is called the sub-tending ring. This function is a part of the low-speed interface

which is incorporated into a section of another ring. With the sub-tending ring, it is possible to offer 10 Gbit/s in large rings and 600 Mbit/s or 2.4 Gbit/s in small rings without losing cost efficiency (Fig. 7). HARDWARE CONFIGURATION Table 1 shows the main specifications of the OC192 system. The function block diagram is shown in Fig. 8. High-Speed Interface The high-speed interface converts optical signals into electrical signals and performs SONET signal processing. Long span (140 km) and high-capacity transmission have been achieved without the use of LREs, even in conventional fibers which can handle a large dispersion by combining wavelength compensation technology. A 0.3-m GaAs-Si bipolar process has been used for high-speed analog receiver/transmitter ICs. In the SONET system, the signal processing circuit was made
ADM Fault

STS path



STS path




2.4G/600M bit/s (a) Usual state

2.4G/600M bit/s (b) Ring switch state

Fig. 4Ring Network System.

STS path SONET OC-192 OC-192 ring OC-12 STS path OC-192 ring



Fig. 5Ring Inter-Connection Scheme.

Ultra High-Speed SONET Fiber-Optic Transmission System


10 Gbit/s
OC-192 ring SONET OC-192



10 Gbit/s SONET OC-192 OC-12 ring


600 Mbit/s SONET OC-12 OC-12 ring SONET OC-12

SONET OC-12 SONET OC-12 600 Mbit/s


Fig. 6Transparent Transport Scheme.

Fig. 7Sub-Tending Ring Scheme.

using a large-scale IC (0.35-m CMOS, complementary metal oxide semiconductor) process. Since FEC (forwarded error correction) is incorporated in high-speed interfacing, the bit-error rate on the transmission line can be improved. Low-Speed Interface The OC-12 and OC-48 systems are two types of low-speed interface which can be used. It is possible to select upto four OC-12s and OC-48 interfaces arbitrarily. Three switching configurations, 1 + 1, 1:4 and 1:8 are available for low-speed switching, where the selection is flexible depending on the switching type of the node at the other end. The interface automatically recognizes the connected interface, i.e.
TABLE 1. Main Specifications of the OC-192 System

SONET/SDH, and switches the interface accordingly. With this function, it is possible to expand the network easily. MUX/DEMUX The MUX is used to convert the data transmitted between low- and high-speed interfaces. It is possible to change the configuration by inserting a selector card, to make the unit a terminal multiplexer, or by inserting a switch card to make it an ADM. It is even possible to change the configuration while the system is running. Fig. 9 shows an outline of the upgradability. It is possible to fully utilize the transmission line bandwidth by incorporating a TSI (time slot interchange) function into the ADM.
Specification Terminal (1 + 1, 1:N) ADM (2-fiber BLSR, 4-fiber BLSR) Repeater Ring interconnection Transparent transport Sub-tending ring Optical hubbing OC-192 (9953.28 Mbit/s) Transmission distance: 140 km FEC (forwarded error correction) Selector TSI (time slot interchange) OC-48 (2488.32 Mbit/s) OC-12 (622.08 Mbit/s) OC-3 (155.52 Mbit/s) SONET/SDH automatic recognition TL-1/X.25, TL-1/LCN, CMISE/ANSI

Item Basic function


High-speed interface Multiplexing method

Low-speed interface

CMISE/ANSI: Common Management Information Service Element/American National Standards Institute

Operations interface


Hitachi Review Vol. 47 (1998), No. 2

OS interface 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s

Office alarm High-speed interface unit OAM unit Housekeeping

Multiplexer unit

Clock unit


DCC Low-speed interface unit Overhead unit


2.4G/600M bit/s

OAM: operation, administration, maintenance BITS: building integrated timing supply

Fig. 8Function Block Diagram.

Clock Unit The clock unit provides the standard clock signal for the system, where the reference clock can be either an external clock or the time signal extracted from the transmission line. The signal generated in the clock unit complies with the standard clock used in the SONET system. Overhead The overhead enables data to be communicated through the use of DCC and OW, and enables talking among nodes. The information must remain intact for the switching action in linear and ring networks. Therefore, when a transmission failure occurs, communication is protected automatically. Interoperability with other vendors is guaranteed since standard protocol is used in DCC communication.

Structure The structure of the equipment used for the transmission system complies with the NEBS (network element building system). It is also possible to incorporate a MUX with 1 + 1 configuration in one 2.1-m (7-feet) bay. OAM The SONET OC-192 OAM consists of an EM (element manager) and an OAM function block installed in the nodes. This system is based on the internationally recognized standard TMN, and is designed to have standardized, advanced-network nodemanagement functions. The OAM offers access from simple craft (with GUI, graphical user interface functions) and is interfaced with a remote OS. Provisioning, surveillance





Fig. 9Outline of Upgradability (LTE to ADM).

Ultra High-Speed SONET Fiber-Optic Transmission System


Optical Hubbing DCC 10 Gbit/s SONET OC-192

DWDM system is applicable to both bidirectional and unidirectional transmission and, depending on the number of wavelengths, (4, 8, 16 or 32), network expandability and cost efficiency are guaranteed. The combination of the DWDM and SONET OC-192 systems offers flexible applicability to various network configurations, such as point-to-point and short/long haul configurations. CONCLUSIONS This paper discusses the North American SONET OC-192 transmission system, which features a high transmission capacity and an advanced network management function. The system will be applied to various networks as a communication infrastructure in the multimedia age.
(1) Y. Nakano, Signal Processing for SDH Digital Cross-Connect System, IEEE International Conference on Communication ICC 93 (2326 May 1993).

600 Mbit/s

2.4 Gbit/s OC-48



Fig. 10Optical Hubbing Scheme.

and user-initiated testing functions are supported by OAM. It is also possible to expand the network using DCC as a remote-control method. With OAM, it is possible to access data from the DCC at high-speed (10 Gbit/s) and from the tributary side at 2.4G/600M bit/s. An Optical Hubbing function is also available (Fig. 10). TL-1/X.25, TL-1/LCN and CMISE/ANSI are supported as interfaces with OS to realize the easy connection to various operational systems. TEST RESULTS FROM THE SITE MCI Telecommunications Corp. and Hitachi conducted a joint OC-192 test using conventional optical fibers between Chicago and St. Louis (about 440 km). The long term real traffic test was successful with no bit error. This was the first 10-Gbit/s 4wavelength multiplex test (40 Gbit/s) ever performed. The test configuration is shown in Fig. 11. DENSE WAVELENGTH DIVISION MULTIPLEXING SYSTEM (DWDM) By integrating a DWDM system with the SONET OC-192 system, it is possible to design a network configuration more economically than before. The


Takashi Mori
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1983. Belongs to the Long Haul Transmission Department at the Telecommunications Division. Currently engaged in development of transmission systems. E-mail:

Hirokuni Tsuji
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1979. Belongs to the Long Haul Transmission Department at the Telecommunications Division. Currently engaged in development of transmission systems. Member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan. E-mail:

Hiroyuki Nakano, D.E.

Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1981. Belongs to the Long Haul Transmission Department at the Telecommunications Division. Currently engaged in development of optical transmission systems. Member of IEICE of Japan and IEEE of USA. E-mail:

Chicago 40 Gbit/s

Lincoln 40 Gbit/s

St. Louis




Shigeo Shinada
440 km : Bi-directional line amplifier
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1980. Belongs to the Software Department at the Telecommunications Division. Currently engaged in development of transmission network systems. Member of IEICE of Japan. E-mail:

Fig. 11Test Configuration in the Site.


Hitachi Review Vol. 47 (1998), No. 2

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