hlL3 - SSHT II 201213

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Steady-state heat transfer II

Dr Farlan Veraitch

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II

Heat transfer between fluids - Recap

Consider heat transfer through the wall of a fermenter or through a pipe in a heat exchanger.
Hot and cold fluids flow on either side of the wall Heat transfer across the wall is by conduction Heat transfer between the fluid and the wall is by convection Each layer represents a resistance to heat transfer Rate of heat transfer:
Liquid films wall

Hot fluid Th T1


Tc Cold fluid

But how to we calculate h?

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Estimation of heat transfer coefficients

Well now review empirical correlations to calculate individual heat transfer coefficients h What factors need to be considered in the correlation to calculate h?
operating conditions:
velocity u (pipe), stirrer speed N (vessel)

fluid properties:
viscosity thermal conductivity specific heat capacity density

Hot fluid Th T1


Tc Cold fluid

system geometry
Characteristic length eg. diameter

h = f (u or N, , k, , Cp, d)

How do we correlate all these variables?

Dimensionless analysis to relate the most important variables together in the form of dimensionless numbers

Why does this help?

UCL 2009/G017

Liquid films

Simplifies problem as the number of groups < the number of variables a = f (b, c)
Steady-state heat transfer II 3

Estimation of heat transfer coefficients

Values of h for flow in pipes or stirred vessels are usually evaluated using empirical correlations expressed in terms of dimensionless numbers Dimensionless numbers that are used to calculate h are:
Nusselt no. Flow Reynolds no. Impeller Reynolds no. Prandtl no.

h individual heat transfer coefficient kfluid thermal conductivity of hot/cold fluid d Pipe or tank diameter Liquid density u Liquid velocity dp Pipe diameter Liquid viscosity N Impeller rotational speed di Impeller diameter Cp Specific heat capacity
UCL 2009/G017

(W.m-2.K-1) (W.m-1.K-1)
(kg.m-3) (m.s-1) (m) (N.s.m-2) (s-1) (m) (J. kg-1.K-1)

Steady-state heat transfer II

Estimation of heat transfer coefficients

Significance of each dimensionless group:
Nusselt no. conductive resistance : convective resistance

Flow Reynolds no.

inertial forces : viscous forces Ref < .LAMINAR FLOW Ref > ....TURBULENT FLOW

Impeller Reynolds no. inertial forces : viscous forces Rei < .. LAMINAR FLOW Rei > .TURBULENT FLOW Prandtl no. momentum transfer : heat transfer

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II

Estimation of heat transfer coefficients

In most industrial applications, heat transfer occurs between turbulent fluids in pipes or in stirred vessels - forced convection in these systems is more important than natural convection For forced convection in pipes or stirred vessels, the general form of heat transfer correlations is: Nu = c * Rea * Prb The values of a, b and c depend on the heat-transfer equipment and the flow regime We will look at correlations for:
turbulent flow in pipes turbulent flow in stirred tanks

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II

Turbulent flow in pipes

A widely accepted correlation for forced convection in pipes: Nu = 0.023 Ref0.8 Pr0.4 This equation is valid for: liquids with viscosity close to water 104 Ref 1.2 x 105 0.7 Pr 120 L / d 60 When using these correlations to calculate h, it is important to always check that Re and Pr lie within the valid ranges!

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II

Turbulent flow in pipes

For very viscous liquids, there may be a marked difference between the viscosity of fluid in bulk flow and the viscosity of fluid adjacent to the wall A modified form of the equation includes a viscosity correction term:


b is the viscosity of bulk fluid

w is the viscosity of fluid adjacent to the wall

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II

Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

A single-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used to heat a dilute salt solution for a large-scale protein chromatography column. 25.5m3h-1 solution passes through 42 parallel tubes inside the heat exchanger; the internal diameter is 1.5cm and the tube length is 4m. The viscosity of the bulk salt solution is 10-3 kg m-1 s-1, the density is 1010 kg m-3, the average heat capacity is 4 kJ kg-1 K-1 and the thermal conductivity is 0.64 W m-1 K-1. a) Calculate the tube-side heat transfer coefficient (for the inside liquid film) and the resistance b) Keeping all other variables constant, what is the expected % change in h and R if:
viscosity increases by 10%? velocity is doubled? Hint - spend some time working out the fluid velocity in the tubes
UCL 2009/G017 Steady-state heat transfer II 9

RECAP: Single-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

Solution List known parameters N = 42 Qv = 25.5 m-3h-1 = ... Di = 0.015 m L = 4m = 10-3 kgm-1s-1 = 1010 kgm-3 Cp = 4000 Jkg-1K-1 kfluid = 0.64 Wm-1K-1

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

Solution What equation will you use to find h? Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4 What parameter values need to be calculated?
? ? hi d = 0.023 p u d 0.8 Cp 0.4 kfluid kfluid

What order will you calculate parameters?

u Re Pr Nu h R u = Q/A

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

Solution Qv u = Qv/A A = d2 x number of tubes 4 = (0.015)2 x 42 4 A = 0.0074m2 u = Qv = 25.5/3600 A 0.0074 u = 0.95ms-1
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Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

Ref = ud = 1010 x 0.95 x 0.015 10-3 Ref = 1.44 x 104 Pr = Cp kfluid = 4000x(1x10-3) 0.64 Pr = 6.25 L/d = 4 = 267 0.015
Steady-state heat transfer II 14

As 104 < Re < 1.25x105 0.7 < Pr < 120 L/d > 60 Eqn is VALID

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Turbulent flow in pipes - Eg

Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(1.44 x 104)0.8(6.25)0.4 Nu = 101.6 Nu = hid kfluid hi = 101.6 x 0.64 0.015 hi = 4335 Wm-2K-1 R = 1 = 0.00023 m2KW-1 hi
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What happens if viscosity increases by 10%?

x 1.1 hd = 0.023 ud k h 1
0.80.4 0.8

C k


- h -0.4 [and therefore R 0.4]


hnew = new hold old

hnew = (1.1)-0.4 = 0.96 hold 4% in hi Check Re + Pr still valid

UCL 2009/G017 Steady-state heat transfer II 16

Rnew = new Rold old =



R 1/h 0.4

= 1.04 4% in R as expected

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


What happens if velocity doubles?

h u0.8

hnew = unew hold uold = 20.8

= 1.74 74% in h when u doubles R u-0.8 2-0.8 Rnew = 0.57 Rold

43% in R when u x 2

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in stirred tanks

Jacketed vessels
Inside film heat transfer coefficient hi Two correlations for heat transfer in jacketed vessel equipped with 6-turbine flat blade stirrer: 1)

Nu = 0.81 Rei0.68 Pr0.33

This equation is valid for: 105 Rei 7 x 105 liquids with physical properties close to water
Ref. Akse, H., et al Chem. Eng. Sci., 22, 135, 1967


Nu = 0.76

This equation is valid for: 4 x 103 Rei 2.8 x 105 1.9 Pr 1 x 105
Ref. Strek, F., et al Int. Chem. Eng., 7, 693, 1967




UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in stirred tanks

Helical cooling coils Inside film heat transfer coefficient hi
The value of hi can be found using the correlations for turbulent flow in pipes. (eg. Nu = 0.023 Ref0.8 Pr0.4) These correlations have been obtained for straight tubes; with a coil somewhat greater transfer is obtained for the same physical conditions: hi (coil) = hi (straight pipe) ( 1 + 3.5 d/dc) where d is the inside diameter of the tube and dc is the diameter of the helix.

Outside film heat transfer coefficient ho

The value of ho depends on the degree of agitation and the fluid properties.

Ref. Chilton, T. H., et al Ind. Eng. Chem., 36, 510-516, 1944

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Logarithmic and arithmetic mean temp differences

LM is used if temperature varies in both fluids in either counter-current or co-current flow

co-current Thi Tci

T1 = Thi - Tci T2 = Tho - Tco

Tho Tco Thi Tco

counter-current Tho

T1 = Thi - Tco T2 = Tho - Tci

Use Ta when one fluid is maintained at a constant temperature

E.g. In a fermenter T1 = Tci - Tferm T2 = Tco - Tferm

UCL 2009/G017 Steady-state heat transfer II 21

RECAP: Single-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Turbulent flow in stirred tanks Case study

Heat transfer coefficient for stirred vessel and cooling coil length A fermenter used for antibiotic production must be kept at 27C. After considering the oxygen demand of the organism and the heat dissipation from the stirrer, the maximum heat-transfer rate required is estimated at 550 kW. Cooling water is available at 10C and the exit temperature of the cooling water is calculated as 25C. It is proposed to install a helical cooling coil inside the fermenter; the outer diameter of the coil pipe is 8 cm, the pipe thickness is 5 mm and the thermal conductivity of the steel is 60 W m-1 C-1. The heat transfer coefficient for the cooling water is 14,000 W m-2 C-1. The internal fouling factor of the coil is 8500 W m-2 C-1; the fermenter side of the coil is kept relatively clean. The fermenter has diameter 5m and is mixed using a turbine impeller 1.8 m in diameter operated at 60 rpm. The fermentation broth has the following properties: b = 5 x 10-3 Pa s; = 1000 kg m-3; Cp = 4.2 kJ kg-1 C-1; k = 0.7 W m-1 C-1. Neglecting viscosity changes at the wall of the coil, Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the broth Calculate the length of cooling coil required. Comment on your answer.
UCL 2009/G017 Steady-state heat transfer II 23

Turbulent flow in stirred tanks Case study

List parameters

Let broth be hot fluid denoted as h Let broth be cold fluid denoted as c Cold water Tci = 10C Tco = 25C Coil qmax = 550,000w do = 0.08m x = 0.005m Ksteel = 60 W/mC hc = 14,000W/m2C hfc = 8500W/m2C

Broth Th = 27C = 5 x 10-3 PaS = 1000kg/m3 Cp = 4200J/kgC kh = 0.7W/mC 1/hfh = 0

UCL 2009/G017

Fermenter: dv = 5m, di = 1.8m, N = 60rpm = 1s-1

Steady-state heat transfer II


CW hc hfc hh
UCL 2009/G017 Steady-state heat transfer II

x or roln(ro/ri) k k BROTH

Turbulent flow in stirred tanks Case study

Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the broth

1) Calculate hh?
Nu = 0.87 Rei 0.62 Pr 0.33 Re Pr Ndi2 = Cp = K h 1000 x 60/60 x 1.82 5x10-3 4.2x103 x 5x10-3 0.7 =
5 = 6.48x10


Nu = 0.87(6.48x105)0.62 (30)0.33 = 1.07x104 hh = Nu,kh dv

UCL 2009/G017

1.07x104 x 0.7 = 5

1501W/m2C =

Steady-state heat transfer II

Turbulent flow in stirred tanks Case study

Calculate the length of cooling coil required.
What equation will you use to find L?

What parameter values need to be calculated?

What order will you calculate parameters?

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


Calculate L q = Uo Ao Ta Calculate Ta Uo Ao L
Ta T1 + T2 2 = (27-10)+(27-25) 2

Ta = 9.5C

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


0 1 U

1 + 1 + hh hfh

roln(ro/ri) k x + 1 + k hfc

1 hc

= =

1 + 0 + 5x10-3 + 1 + 1 1501 60 8500 14,000 6.67x10-4 + 8.33x10-5 + 1.17x10-4 + 7.14x10-5 small small = 9.386 x 10-4
Wall resistance + cw resistance - minor

U = 1065W/m2C or U = 1113W/m2C if use

UCL 2009/G017

roln(ro/ri) k

Steady-state heat transfer II

q = Uo Ao Ta Ao= q Uo Ta

= 550000 1065 x 9.5 Ao = 54.36m2 AO = do L L = L = 54.36 X 0.08 216m

UCL 2009/G017

Steady-state heat transfer II


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