Soillse Research Digest 3 Geàrr-Iris Rannsachaidh Shoillse 3 2013

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Soillse Research Digest 3 Gerr-iris Rannsachaidh Shoillse 3 2013

Public Attitudes to Gaelic in Scotland

Fiona OHanlon & Lindsay Paterson (Edinburgh University) Rachel Ormston & Susan Reid (ScotCen Social Research)

Beachdan a Phobaill air a Ghidhlig ann an Alba

Fiona OHanlon & Lindsay Paterson (Oilthigh Dhn ideann) Rachel Ormston & Susan Reid (Rannsachadh Sisealta ScotCen)

Gaelic has become more prominent in Scotland in recent decades, especially since the Scottish Parliament passed the Gaelic Language Act in 2005. The language has been increasingly used in broadcasting, schools, and public affairs. But there is little research evidence about the attitudes of people in Scotland to Gaelic. A representative sample of adults in Scotland was thus asked their views as part of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey in 2012. This Briefing summarises the results.

Tha a Ghidhlig air a bhith a fs nas follaisiche ann an Alba airson grunn bhliadhnaichean a-nis, gu h-raidh bhon ghabh Prlamaid na h-Alba ri Achd na Gidhlig ann an 2005. Tha cleachdadh a chnain air sor dhol am meud ann an craoladh, anns na sgoiltean agus ann an cisean poblach. Ach chan eil ach gl bheag fianais bho rannsachadh air beachdan dhaoine a thaobh na Gidhlig. Air an adhbhar sin, chaidh ceistean a chur air sampall riochdachail de dhinbhich an Alba air na beachdan aca mu dheidhinn na Gidhlig, mar phirt den t-Suirbhidh Albannach air Beachdan Sisealta 2012. Tha am Brathullachaidh seo a toirt gerr-chunntas air toraidhean an rannsachaidh.

The Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (SSA) is run annually by ScotCen Social Research, with the aim of collecting objective data about public attitudes on issues relevant to Scotland. In 2012, 1,229 randomly selected people aged 18+ were interviewed. The sample was representative of Scotland in terms of region and socio-economic characteristics of the neighbourhood. The data were also weighted to make results match the population by sex and age.

Tha an Suirbhidh Albannach air Beachdan Sisealta air a ruith gach bliadhna le Rannsachadh Sisealta ScotCen, airson fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh ann an digh neo-thaobhach mu bheachdan a phobaill air cisean a bhuineas ri Alba. Ann an 2012, chaidh agallamhan a dhanamh le 1,229 neach aois 18+ a bha air an taghadh air thuaiream. Bha an sampall na riochdachadh air Alba a thaobh roinnean na dthcha agus feartan sisio-eaconamach sgre. Chaidh an dta a chothromachadh cuideachd gus am biodh e a rir an t-sluaigh a thaobh gn is aois.

Linguistic competence of the sample

Chart 1 shows the Gaelic linguistic competence of the achieved sample. 15% reported being able to speak at least the odd word of Gaelic, and 25% were able to understand at least the odd word. 0.5% of our sample were fluent speakers of Gaelic.

Comasan cnain an t-sampaill

Tha Cairt 1 a sealltainn comasan Gidhlig an t-sampaill a fhuaras. Thuirt 15% gum b urrainn dhaibh co-dhi corra fhacal Gidhlig a bhruidhinn agus bha 25% a b urrainn co-dhi corra fhacal a thuigsinn. Bha 0.5% den t-sampall fileanta sa Ghidhlig.

Chart 1: Gaelic competence Cairt 1: Comas sa Ghidhlig

Percentage Percentage Uiread sa cheud Percentage
85 90 Percentage 85 90 75 80 90 75 85 80 70 80 70 60 70 60 50 60 50 40 50 40 30 40 30 20 30 20 10 20 10 0 10 0 0
Not Not at at all all Chan urrainn idir Not at all

Chart Chart 1: 1: Gaelic Gaelic competence competence How well can you understand or Chart 1: Gaelic competence


speak Gaelic? How well can you understand or How well can s you understand or D cho math a thuigeas no a speak Gaelic? speak Gaelic? bhruidhneas sibh Gidhlig? How well can you understand or
speak Gaelic? Understand Understand
Understand Tuigsinn Speak Speak Speak Bruidhinn

22 22 13 22 13 13
The The odd odd word word
Corra fhacal The odd word

2 2

1 1

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.4 0.4

0 0

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

2 simple few A 1 A few simple sentences sentences A few simple Corra sentences sheantans smplidh

conversations/ Parts of Most conversations All 0.5 0.5 / 0.3 0.3 0 Parts of Most0.4 conversations All conversations conversations / Fluent conversations A mhr-chuid de conversations Fluent speaker speaker Parts of Most conversations All conversations / A h-uile Pirtean de chmhraidhean conversations Fluent speaker cmhradh/ chmhraidhean fileanta

Exposure to Gaelic in the sample

Respondents were asked about their exposure to Gaelic in their past and present, and their preferences about this in the future. 16% of people reported that they had heard Gaelic in the past as a child, either at home or amongst their wider family or community. Respondents were asked whether they currently heard Gaelic spoken in their home or community. Only 4% of the sample had heard Gaelic spoken in their home by family members or visitors in the last 12 months, compared to 70% who had heard Gaelic in their homes by means of the media whether on television or on radio. A similar contrast existed for the community context, with 12% of the sample reporting having heard Gaelic spoken in a public place (for example the street or a shop) in the last 12 months, and 58% of the sample reporting having seen Gaelic on road signs or on other public signs. Such results show the impact of public sector interventions to support the Gaelic language, with the media providing exposure to Gaelic in the home, and road signs and other public signs doing so in the community.

Mar a tha a Ghidhlig a buntainn ri daoine anns an t-sampall

Chaidh faighneachd do luchd-freagairt mun uiread a tha s a bha iad an lib na Gidhlig agus mun uiread a tha iad airson a bhith na lib san m ri teachd. Thuirt 16% de dhaoine gu robh iad air Gidhlig a chluinntinn nuair a bha iad nan leanabh, aig an taigh no san teaghlach nas fhaide a-muigh no sa choimhearsnachd. Chaidh faighneachd dhaibh an robh iad a cluinntinn Gidhlig ga bruidhinn san dachaigh no sa choimhearsnachd san latha a th ann. Cha robh ach 4% den t-sampall a bha air Gidhlig a chluinntinn san dachaigh aca le muinntir an teaghlaich no aoighean anns na 12 mios a chaidh seachad, an taca ri 70% a chuala i anns na meadhanan air telebhisean no ridio. Bha an aon sersa eadardhealachaidh ri fhaicinn sa choimhearsnachd, le 12% den t-sampall a bha air Gidhlig a chluinntinn ann an ite poblach (air an t-srid no ann am bth, mar eisimpleir) anns na 12 mos a chaidh seachad, agus 58% den t-sampall a chunnaic Gidhlig air sanasan rathaid no soidhnichean poblach eile. Tha na freagairtean seo a sealltainn buaidh iomairtean san roinn phoblaich gus taic a thoirt don Ghidhlig, leis na meadhanan a cur na Gidhlig fa-near dhaoine san dachaigh agus le soidhnichean rathaid agus soidhnichean poblach eile a danamh seo anns a choimhearsnachd.

People in Scotland were well-disposed to the greater public visibility of Gaelic in the future, as Chart 2 shows. More than 4 out of 5 people were in favour of bilingual road signs or other public signs in areas in which Gaelic is spoken, with around half of people wishing road and public signs to be bilingual throughout Scotland. One in 7 people believed that road signs and public signs should be in English only across Scotland.

Tha deagh ghean aig daoine ann an Alba ris a Ghidhlig a bhith a nochdadh ann an iteachan poblach san m ri teachd, mar a chithear ann an Cairt 2. Bha crr is 4 s gach 5 neach airson soidhnichean d-chnanach no soidhnichean poblach eile a bhith ann an sgrean far a bheil Gidhlig ga bruidhinn, le mu drna leth de daoine airson soidhnichean rathaid no soidhnichean poblach eile d-chnanach fhaicinn air feadh na h-Alba. Bha aon neach s gach seachdnar den bheachd gum bu chir do shoidhnichean rathaid is soidhnichean poblach a bhith sa Bheurla a-mhin air feadh na h-Alba.

Chart 2: Views about the extent of bilingual signage Cairt 2: Beachdan air soidhnichean d-chnanach
Percentage Uiread sa cheud Percentage Percentage

Chart Chart 2: 2: views views about about the the extent extent of of bilingual bilingual signage signage
signs Chart 2: views about the extent of bilingual signageRoad Road signs Road signs

60 60 50 50 60 40 40 50 30 30 40 20 20 30 10 10 20


49 49 44 44 49 44 36 36 42 36 42 42

Public signs Public signs Public signs Road signs Soidhnichean rathaid Public signs poblach Soidhnichean

14 14 14
Should Shouldbe bein inGaelic Gaelicand andEnglish Englishacross across Scotland Scotland
Bu chir dhaibh a bhith sa Gidhlig agus sa Bheurla air feadh na h-Alba Should be in Gaelic and English across Scotland

12 12 12

0 0 10 0

Respondents views of Gaelic and cultural heritage

Should Should Shouldbe bein inGaelic Gaelicand andEnglish Englishwhere where Shouldbe bein inEnglish Englishonly onlyacross acrossScotland Scotland Gaelic Gaelicis isspoken spoken Bu chir dhaibh a bhith sa Bheurla a-mhin air feadh na h-Alba Bu chir dhaibh a bhith sa Gidhlig agus sa Bheurla far a bheil Gidhlig ga bruidhinn Should be in Gaelic and English where Should be in English only across Scotland Gaelic is spoken

Beachdan luchd-fhreagairt air a Ghidhlig agus dualchas cultarach

Respondents were asked to assess the extent to which they believed Gaelic to be important to (i) the cultural heritage of Scotland, (ii) the cultural heritage of the Highlands and Islands and (iii) their own cultural heritage. Chart 3 shows the results. 86% of people regarded Gaelic as being important to the cultural heritage of the Highlands and Islands, and a large majority 76% of people also saw the Gaelic language as being an important part of Scottish heritage. The proportion of people who felt that Gaelic is important to their own heritage was much lower 24%. Over half (57%) of people who regarded Gaelic as very or fairly important to their own heritage did not understand Gaelic at all. Well over half (70%) of those who regarded Gaelic as very or fairly important to their identity recalled having no exposure to it as a child.

Chaidh faighneachd don luchd-fhreagairt d cho cudromach s a shaoil iad a bha a Ghidhlig do (i) dhualchas cultarach na h-Alba, (ii) dualchas cultarach na Gidhealtachd (iii) an dualchas cultarach aca fhin. Tha na toraidhean ann an Cairt 3. Shaoil 86% de dhaoine gu robh a Ghidhlig cudromach do dhualchas cultarach na Gidhealtachd, agus bha mr-chuid mhr 76% de dhaoine cuideachd sa bheachd gu robh i cudromach do dhualchas na h-Alba. Bha a cho-roinn de dhaoine a shaoil gu robh a Ghidhlig cudromach don dualchas aca fhin mran nas sle 24%. Bha crr is drna leth (57%) de dhaoine a shaoil gu robh a Ghidhlig gl chudromach no gu math cudromach don dualchas aca fhin nach robh a tuigsinn na Gidhlig idir. Bha trr a bharrachd air drna leth (70%) de dhaoine a shaoil gu robh a Ghidhlig gl chudromach no gu math cudromach don fhin-aithne aca nach tinig an lib na Gidhlig idir nuair a bha iad nan leanabh.

Chart 3: Importance of Gaelic to culture heritage Cairt 3: Cho cudromach s a tha a Ghidhlig do dhualchas cultarach Chart 3: importance of Gaelic to culture heritage Percentage Chart 3: importance of Gaelic to culture heritage Percentage Chart 3: importance of Gaelic to culture heritage
Very Very or or fairly fairly important important Very or fairly important Very or gu fairly important Gl no math cudromach

Uiread sa cheud Percentage 100 Percentage 100 86 100 90 86 90 86 76 90 80 76 80 76 80 70 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 Scottish heritage Highland and Islands 0 Highland and Islands Scottish heritage heritage Scottish heritage Highland andheritage Islands Dualchas na heritage Dualchas na h-Alba Gidhealtachd

24 24


Own heritage Own heritage Own heritage Dualchas aca fhin

Language rights Respondents were asked a series of questions relating to whether or not Gaelic speakers should have the right to use the language in various social settings. This was asked in relation to six domains: dealing with the local council; appearing as a witness in a court; speaking to a doctor or nurse in the National Health Service (NHS); speaking at a public meeting; a customer writing to their bank; school education.

Gaelic rights

Cirichean sa Ghidhlig
Cirichean cnain Chaidh ceistean a chur air luchd-freagairt am bu chir cir a bhith aig luchd-labhairt na Gidhlig an cnan a chleachdadh ann an grunn shuidheachaidhean sisealta. Chaidh faighneachd dhaibh mu shia suidheachaidhean: diligeadh ris a chomhairle ionadail; nochdadh mar neach-fianais ann an cirt-lagha; bruidhinn ri dotair no nurs ann an Seirbheis na Slinte (SNS); bruidhinn aig coinneamh phoblach; neach-caitheimh a sgrobhadh chun a bhanca aca; foghlam sgoile. Tha Cairt 4 a sealltainn gu robh, anns gach suidheachadh, eadar 30% agus 40% airson gum biodh cir aig luchd-labhairt na Gidhlig air na cirichean cnain sin ann an ite sam bith an Alba. A cur nan ireamhan sin cmhla ris a cho-roinn a bha airson na cirichean cnain sin dreach ann an sgrean far a bheil Gidhlig ga bruidhinn, ch sinn gu bheil for mhr-chuid de dhaoine airson gum bi cirichean cnain den leithid aig luchd-labhairt na Gidhlig co-dhi ann am pirt air choireigin de dhAlba. Mar eisimpleir, bha 85% airson gum biodh cir aig luchd-labhairt na Gidhlig air Gidhlig a chleachdadh leis a chomhairle ionadail aca. Ach, bha beag-chuid shusbainteach ann nach biodh ag iarraidh na cirichean sin a thoirt dhaibh uiread ri 27% airson daoine a bruidhinn mar fianais cirte no a bruidhinn ri dotair no nurs ann an SNS.

Chart 4 shows that, for each of these contexts, between 30% and 40% wished Gaelic speakers to have such language rights anywhere in Scotland. Combining these figures with the proportion who were in favour of such language rights only in Gaelic speaking areas, we see that a very clear majority of people favoured such language rights for Gaelic speakers in at least some parts of Scotland. For example, 85% wished Gaelic speakers to have the right to use Gaelic in communication with their Local Council. However, substantial minorities would not grant such rights as many as 27% in the case of being a witness and in speaking to a nurse or doctor in the NHS.

Chart 4: Right to use Gaelic Cairt 4: Cir air Gidhlig a chleachdadh

Percentage Uiread sa cheud Percentage Percentage
100 100 90 90 80 80 Percentage 70 70 100 60 60 90 50 50 80 40 40 70 30 30 60 20 20 50 10 10 40 00 30 20 10 0 Council Witness 14 14 27 27 23 27 right to use Chart27 4: Gaelic 32 32 43 43 47 47 14 31 31 27 8 37 37 27 45 23 45 34 34 32 43 47 38 38 31 40 40 37 34 34 45 30 30 48 48 32 32 34 23

Chart 4: right to use Gaelic Chart 4: right to use Gaelic


Don't know Don't know Dont Nowhere Nowhere Only Gaelic areas Only Gaelic areas Anywhere inin Scotland Anywheren Scotland Anywhere Don't Chan know eil fhios agam Nowhere Cha bu chir an ite sam bith Only Gaelic Dreach annareas an sgrean Gidhlig Anywhere in Scotland ite sam bith an Alba

Council Council Comhairle 38

Witness Witness Fianais 40

NHS Public meeting Bank NHS Public meeting Bank SNS Coinneamh phoblach Banca 34 32 30

GaelicGaelic medium Gaelic48 medium medium education education education Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig GaelicFoghlam medium education

Gaelic education


Public meeting



In relation to Gaelic-medium education, respondents were asked whether they felt that parents should have the right to choose this for their child. In the survey, Gaelic-medium education was explained as children receiving most of the lessons in Gaelic. 48% of respondents said that parents anywhere in Scotland should have the right to send their child to a Gaelic-medium school, and a further 43% said parents should have this right in areas where Gaelic is spoken. Only 8% said that they should not have that right anywhere in Scotland.

A thaobh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig, chaidh faighneachd do luchd-freagairt am bu chir cir a bhith aig prantan seo a thaghadh don chloinn aca. Anns an t-suirbhidh, chaidh a mhneachadh gu robh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig a ciallachadh gu robh clann a faighinn a mhr-chuid den teagasg tron Ghidhlig. Bha 48% de luchd-freagairt airson gum biodh cir aig prantan ann an ite sam bith an Alba an leanabh a chur gu sgoil Ghidhlig, agus bha 43% eile a thuirt gum bu chir a chir seo a bhith aig prantan ann an sgrean far a bheil Gidhlig ga bruidhinn. Cha robh ach 8% a thuirt nach bu chir a chir seo a bhith aca ann an ite sam bith an Alba. Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh an cuireadh iad an leanabh fhin do sgoil Ghidhlig, thuirt cairteal gum biodh iad gl choltach (10%) no gu math coltach (15%) seo a dhanamh, an taca ri 73% den luchdfhreagairt a thuirt nach biodh iad coltach no nach biodh iad coltach idir. Tha an 25% a bhiodh coltach foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig a thaghadh mran nas irde na a cho-roinn a tha a cur an cuid cloinne tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig an-drsta (mu 1%). Chan eil e coltach gu bheil dein dhaoine cir a thoirt do phrantan an cuid cloinne a chur tro fhoghlam Gidhlig stidhichte air a bheachd gu bheil (a rir rannsachadh eadar-niseanta) foghlam d-chananach na leas do chlann: cha robh ach 9% den t-sampall ag aontachadh gum bi clann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig a danamh nas fherr san sgoil na clann eile.

Asked if they would send their own child to a Gaelicmedium school, one quarter said they would be very likely (10%) or fairly likely (15%) to do so, compared to 73% of respondents who said they would be not very likely or not at all likely to do so. The 25% who would be likely to choose Gaelic-medium education is very much higher than the proportion of parents who currently choose Gaelic-medium education for their child (about 1%). It is unlikely that the wish to grant a parental right to Gaelic-medium education was based on any agreement with the view (based on international research) that children benefit from bilingual education: only 9% of the sample agreed that children in Gaelic-medium education do better at school than other children.

Respondents were also asked for their views on teaching Gaelic to all pupils (aged 5-16) in Englishmedium schools in Scotland for one or two hours a week. 37% agreed that children should be taught Gaelic, 36% disagreed and 26% neither agreed nor disagreed. Such varied views reflected respondents views of learning Gaelic more generally. For example, when asked whether learning Gaelic is pointless in the 21st Century, 44% of respondents disagreed, 22% agreed and 34% neither agreed nor disagreed, or else could not choose.

Chaidh beachdan an luchd-fhreagairt a shireadh cuideachd air Gidhlig a theagasg don h-uile sgoilear (aois 5-16) ann an sgoiltean foghlam tro mheadhan na Beurla ann an Alba airson uair a thde no dh san t-seachdain. Dhaontaich 37% gum bu chir Gidhlig a theagasg do chlann, bha 36% nach robh ag aontachadh gum bu chir Gidhlig a theagasg do chlann agus bha 26% nach robh air a shon no na aghaidh. Tha an sgaoileadh bheachd seo a taisbeanadh beachdan an luchd-fhreagairt air Gidhlig ionnsachadh san fharsaingeachd. Mar eisimpleir, nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhaibh an aontaicheadh iad ris a bheachd nach robh adhbhar sam bith Gidhlig ionnsachadh anns an 21mh linn, bha 44% nach robh ag aontachadh, bha 22% ag aontachadh agus bha 34% nach robh ag aontachadh no a dol an aghaidh a bheachd seo, no cha b urrainn dhaibh taghadh. Mar sin, bhathas mran nas denaiche Gidhlig a chur air adhart ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig na airson gum biodh i na pirt den ionnsachadh ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Beurla air feadh na dthcha.

Thus, there was much more acceptance of an extension of Gaelic in education by means of Gaelicmedium education than by means of incorporating it into English-medium education as a core subject nationally.

The Future of Gaelic

Respondents were asked for their predictions regarding the future of Gaelic in 50 years time whether it would be spoken by more, fewer, or the same number of people as in 2012 and were then asked the same question about what they would like to happen in relation to Gaelic. Chart 5 shows the results. The graph shows the majority of respondents 81% wished there to be at least as many Gaelic speakers in 50 years time as there were in 2012, but that only 45% of respondents expected that this would be the case.

A Ghidhlig san m ri teachd

Chaidh beachdan an luchd-fhreagairt a shireadh air na tha an dn don Ghidhlig ann an 50 bliadhna am biodh i ga bruidhinn le barrachd, nas lugha no an aon uiread daoine s a tha ga bruidhinn ann an 2012 agus chaidh faighneachd dhaibh an uair sin d bu toil leotha tachairt a thaobh na Gidhlig. Chithear na toraidhean ann an Cairt 5. Tha an graf a sealltainn gu bheil a mhr-chuid den luchd-fhreagairt 81% ag iarraidh gum bi co-dhi uiread daoine a bruidhinn na Gidhlig ann an 50 bliadhna s a bha ga bruidhinn ann an 2012, ach cha robh ach 45% den luchd-fhreagairt an dil gur ann mar seo a bhitheadh cisean.

Chart 5: Future of Gaelic Cairt 5: Gidhlig san m ri teachd


Chart 5: future of Gaelic

Gaelic in 50 years:

Gidhlig ann an 50 bliadhna: 60 Percentage Gaelic in 50 years: 53 Chart 5: future of Gaelic Percentage Uiread sa cheud how many will speak Gaelic? 50 Chart 5: future of Gaelic 42 Percentage 39 60 Gaelic in 50 years: how many would you like to 53 40 speak Gaelic? how many will speak Gaelic? 31 60 50 Gaelic in 50 years: 53 30 42 how many will speak Gaelic? cia mheud a bhruidhneas Gidhlig? 39 50 40 how many would you like to 42 20 speak Gaelic? 31 14 39 how many would you likea to cia mheud a bu toil leibh 40 30 10 9 speak Gaelic? Gidhlig? bhruidhneadh 31 10 3 30 20 14 0 10 More14 people than About the same Fewer people than Dont know 9 20 10 3 now number of people now 10 9 as now 10 0 3 More people than About the same Fewer Fewer people Dont know people than 0 number of people now now than now Chan eil fhios agam More people than About the same than Dont know as now Fewer people Barrachd na Nas lugha de now daoine number of people now an-diugh Mun aon uiread dhaoine na as now ris an-diugh an-diugh

In relation to respondents views of whether the use of Gaelic should be encouraged, 32% believed that it should be encouraged throughout Scotland, and a further 55% believed that it should be encouraged, but only in Gaelic-speaking areas. Respondents were also asked to identify who, if anyone, they believed to be most responsible for whether Gaelic is used in Scotland, and were given a list of options: parents who speak Gaelic, local communities, nursery schools and schools, the Government, churches, the media and options for otherand none of these. Respondents were subsequently asked if they wished to select anyone whom they perceived to have secondary responsibility for whether Gaelic is used in Scotland. Chart 6 shows the results, with parents who speak Gaelic, local communities, schools and the government most commonly believed to have the main or secondary responsibility for the maintenance of the Gaelic language.

A thaobh beachdan an luchd-fhreagairt am bu chir cleachdadh na Gidhlig a bhrosnachadh, bha 32% den bheachd gum bu chir a brosnachadh air feadh na h-Alba, agus bha 55% den bheachd gum bu chir a brosnachadh ach dreach ann an sgrean far a bheil Gidhlig ga bruidhinn.

Percentage 60

Chart 6: Responsibility for maintenance of Gaelic

6: responsibility for maintenance of Gaelic
43 45

Chaidh faighneachd don luchd-fhreagairt c, ma bha duine idir, air an robh an dleastanas a bu mhotha a thaobh cleachdadh na Gidhlig ann an Alba a bhrosnachadh, agus thugadh grunn thaghaidhean dhaibh: prantan aig a bheil Gidhlig, coimhearsnachdan ionadail, sgoiltean-raich agus sgoiltean, an riaghaltas, eaglaisean, na meadhanan agus bha cothrom aca eile agus chan ann air gin a thaghadh cuideachd. Chaidh faighneachd do luchd-freagairt an uair sin an robh iad airson duine sam bith a thaghadh air an robh an drna dleastanas a bu mhotha airson gum biodh Gidhlig ga cleachdadh ann an Alba. Tha Cairt 6 a sealltainn nan toraidhean, agus b ann air prantan aig a bheil Gidhlig coimhearsnachdan ionadail, sgoiltean agus an riaghaltas a bu mhotha a bha daoine a saoilsinn a bha am promh no an drna a laighe airson seasmhachd na Gidhlig. Chart 6: responsibility for dleastanas maintenance of Gaelic

Chart Percentage Percentage 50 Percentage Uiread sa cheud 60 56 20 60 56 40 50 20 50 30 20 40

Cairt 6: Dleastanas airsonfor seasmhachd na 6: responsibility maintenance of Gidhlig Gaelic 56Chart

Second responsibility Main responsibility Second responsibility Drna dleastanas 35 Second responsibility Main responsibility Promh dhleastanas Main responsibility

43 24 43 24 24 19
Local communities 19

45 28 45 28 28 17
Nursery schools and 17 schools

40 20 36 30 30 10 20 36 20 0 36 10 Parents who speak Gaelic 10 0 0 Parents who speak Gaelic

Parents who speak Gaelic Prantan aig a bheil Gidhlig

16 35 35 16 19 16


The government 19



Local communities Local communities Coimhearsnachdan ionadail

Nursery schools and schools Nursery schools and schools Sgoiltean-raich agus sgoiltean

The government The government An riaghaltas

Far fewer people chose the other institutions mentioned in the question churches (1%) and the media (4%) (not shown on the graph). Nevertheless, there was a widely held belief that Gaelic television did have a crucial role in ensuring the future of Gaelic. 68% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that having Gaelic programmes on TV is essential to ensuring that some people use the Gaelic language in the future. The proportion who agreed that teaching some children in Gaelic is essential to the future of Gaelic language use was similar, at 67%.

Thagh mran na bu lugha de dhaoine na buidhnean eile a chaidh a luaidh sa cheist eaglaisean (1%) agus na meadhanan (4%) (chan eil seo ga shealltainn air a ghraf). A dhaindeoin sin, bha beachd aig mran gu robh ite anabarrach cudromach aig telebhisean na Gidhlig ann an seasmhachd na Gidhlig a dhaingneachadh. Bha 68% den luchd-fheagairt ag aontachadh no ag aontachadh gu lidir gu bheil prgraman Gidhlig air an telebhisean deatamach do sheasmhachd cleachdadh na Gidhlig san m ri teachd. Bha a cho-roinn de dhaoine a dhaontaich gu bheil teagasg cuid de chlann tron Ghidhlig deatamach do sheasmhachd na Gidhlig san m ri teachd mun aon re, 67%.

Attitudes to public spending on Gaelic

Respondents were asked whether the 24m (or 4.80 per person) spent every year by the Scottish Government on promoting the use of Gaelic, for example in TV, education and publishing was too much, about right or too little. Nearly one half (45%) of respondents thought this amount was about right, 33% thought it too much and 16% thought it was too little; the remainder said they did not know. People who understand some Gaelic, or who view Gaelic as important to heritage, were less likely to think that Government spending on Gaelic is excessive.

Beachdan air airgead poblach ga chaitheamh air a Ghidhlig

Chaidh faighneachd don luchd-fhreagairt an robh an 24m (no 4.80 an duine) a bha ga chaitheamh gach bliadhna le Riaghaltas na h-Alba air brosnachadh cleachdadh na Gidhlig, mar eisimpleir air TBh, ann am foghlam agus foillseachadh cus, ceart no ro osal. Thuirt faisg air drna leth (45%) den luchdfhreagairt gu robh an t-suim seo ceart, shaoil 33% gu robh e cus agus shaoil 16% gu robh e ro osal; thuirt an crr nach robh fhios aca. Cha robh na daoine a tha a tuigsinn co-dhi beagan Gidhlig, no a tha den bheachd gu bheil a Ghidhlig cudromach do dhualchas, cho buailteach smaoineachadh gu robh cosgais an Riaghaltais air a Ghidhlig ro rd.

Further Information
Information about the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey is at The research was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (grant number Es/J003352/1), the Scottish Government, Brd na Gidhlig, and Soillse. The views expressed here are those of the authors alone, and are not necessarily shared by the funders.

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh
Gheibhear fiosrachadh mun t-Suirbhidh Albannach air Beachdan Sisealta aig Chaidh an rannsachadh a mhaoineachadh leis a Chomhairle air Rannsachadh Eaconamach agus Sisealta (ireamh tabhartais Es/J003352/1), Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Brd na Gidhlig, agus Soillse. Is e beachdan nan ghdaran a-mhin a gheibhear an seo agus chan urrainnear gabhail ris gur iad beachdan an luchd-mhaoine.

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