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Peter's priciples state that the one who has either a "pusher" or "puller" rises fast in the heirarchy.

Gandhiji said the purity of means is as imporatant as achievement of the ends. (no shortcuts)

One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine- William Osler The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease -William Osler The young physician starts life with 20 drugs for each disease, and the old physician ends life with one drug for 20 diseases.
William Osler

The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.- William Osler The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals. -William Osler In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs. -William Osler There are only two sorts of doctors: those who practice with their brains, and those who practice with their tongues.
William Osler There is no more difficult art to acquire than the art of observation, and for some men it is quite as difficult to record an observation in brief and plain language. - William Osler

Perfect happiness for student and teacher will come with the abolition of examinations, which are stumbling blocks and rocks of offense in the pathway of the true student. William Osler

whatever we do, and wherever we do it, creativity needs to be nurtured we should never be afraid of mistakes so long as we learn from them the future is unknown how do we know if were educating for the future?

Even Osler agreed that exams were something of a menace to the true student of medicine: Perfect happiness for student and teacher will come with the abolition of examinations, which are stumbling blocks and rocks of offense in the pathway of the true student. William Osler, from Aequanimitas, 3rd edition, 1932. Perhaps this is because no examination can be passed by knowing the subject matter alone. One must also master the hidden curriculum, the unwritten rules of engagement. Only the foolish, the preternaturally brilliant, or the interminably lucky dare remain ignorant of these invisible hurdles. As such, a great deal of effort must be spent, not only learning about how to care for patients and the manifestations of disease, but about how to pass the quiz. Of course, knowing how to play the game is, in itself, not enough. One must find a way to acquire the necessary knowledge. For this, we must embrace what Osler has called the Philosophers Stone, that which turns base lead into gold, his Master Word: Work. With too many, unfortunately, working habits are not cultivated until the constraining dread of an approaching exam is felt, when the hopeless attempt is made to cram the work of two years into a six month session, with results only too evident to your examiners.

William Osler, from Introductory Lecture on the Opening of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Medical Faculty, McGill University. 1877. For all the sweat and tears that these perilous stumbling blocks extract, they are not without purpose. Examinations are an undeniable spur to action. They force us to investigate our deficiencies and expose our many weaknesses. When done as part of perfect preparation, we may be strengthened in time for the test, as well as for the rest of our careers. I do not know of any stimulus so healthy as knowledge on the part of the student that he will receive an examination at the end of his course. It gives sharpness to his dissecting knife, heat to his Bunsen burner, a well worn appearance to his stethoscope, and a particular neatness to his bandaging. William Osler, from an address to medical students at the University of Pennsylvania, 1885. So, ultimately, we must accept that examinations are necessary. Offensive rocks though they may be. Yet we do well to remember that examinations are just the toll gates at which we must all pay our dues as we embark on an endless journey. An endless journey in search of mastery in medicine. In its subject matter there is everything in its favour, and it is the easiest possible thing to carry out John Lockes primary canon in education arouse an interest It is hard to name a dry subject in the curriculum. And yet in an audience of medical students such a statement nowadays raises a smile. Why? Because we make the examination the end of education, not an accessory in its acquisition. The student is given early the impression that he is in the school to pass certain examinations, and I am afraid the society in which he moves grinds this impression into his soul.

William Osler, from An Introductory Address on Examinations, Examiners and Examinees. Lancet. 1913; 1047-50. If the license to practise meant the completion of his education how sad it would be for the practitioner, how distressing to his patients! More clearly than other the physician should illustrate the truth of Platos saying that education is a life-long process. William Osler, from The Importance of Post-graduate Study. Lancet. 1900 All parts of the body if used in moderation and exercised in labors to which each is accustomed, become thereby healthy and well developed, and age slowly; but if unused and left idle, they become liable to disease, defective in growth, and age quickly. Hippocrates

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