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Important Court Cases Year 1803 1819 1824 1973 1983 1919 1969 1969 1989 1976 Case

Concept Marbury v. Madison Constitution McCullough v. MD Gibbons v. Ogden US v. Nixon INS v. Chadha Schenck v. US Brandenburg v. Ohio Tinker v. Des Moines Texas v. Johnson Buckley v. Valeo Nutshell Judicial review, part of Judiciary act of 1789, unconstitutional- changed Supreme Court Constitution Natl supremacy, elastic clause. Bank of the US Constitution Govt can regulate interstate commerce Constitution Watergate tapes, no absolute executive privilege from congressional investigation Constitution Outlawed legislative veto Free Speech Mailed circulars against WWI draft, clear and present danger test Free Speech Speech may be curtailed only if calling for imminent action Free Speech Speech in school is okay if not disruptive (arm bands) Free Speech Symbolic speech flag burning not unconstitutional Free Speech Upheld limits on individual campaign contributions, but not on candidate spending own money(free speech) st 1 Amendment Separation of church and state, banned use Establishment of official prayer in NY schools clause 1st Amendment Individuals religious beliefs do not excuse Free Exercise him or her from obeying valid, neutral state law st 1 Amendment Created 3 part test for whether state laws Establishment are valid: 1) secular purpose; 2) neither clause advance nor inhibit religion; 3) must avoid excessive entanglement Free Press Reaffirmed no prior restraint (Pentagon Papers) Constitution Bill of Rights applies only to the Federal Govt Free Speech Incorporated freedom of speech; NY was allowed to punish man for publishing socialist leaflet th 14 - Due Incorporated right to a lawyer Process


Engel v. Vitale


Oregon v. Smith (Reynolds v. US) Lemon v. Kurtzman


1971 1833 1925

NY Times v. US Barron v. Baltimore Gitlow v. New York


Gideon v. Wainwright

Important Court Cases 1949 Wolf v. Colorado 14th- Due Process Federal government would follow exclusionary rule; state not required to adopt exclusionary rule Incorporated exclusionary rule; states required to adopt it 5th/6th amendment rights must be enforced by notifying suspect of rights Not unlimited search and seizure in schools but reasonable suspicion rather than probable cause Upheld school drug testing

1961 1966 1985


1896 1954 1971

14th- Due Process Miranda v. Arizona 14th- Due Process NJ v. T.L.O. Search and Seizure (4th, 14th) Vernonia School Search and District v. Acton Seizure (4th, 14th) Plessy v. Ferguson 14th- Equal Protection Brown v. Bd. Of 14th- Equal Education Protection Swann v. Charlotte- 14th- Equal Mecklenberg Protection Mapp v. Ohio Regents of U. of CA v. Bakke Griswold v. Connecticut Roe v. Wade Baker v. Carr 14th- Equal Protection right to privacy right to privacy Voting Rights



Separate but equal okay; equality a question for states Separate but equal is not fair, detrimental effect Federal government remedy powers were broad and powerful-law required integration not just desegregation; busing allowed Reverse discrimination, quotas unconstitutional but can use race as criteria in public institutions Not in Constitution-introduced concept of right to privacy (family planning) States cant ban abortions Courts can force states to redraw district lines (malapportionment) one man, one vote NC 12th election district, gerrymandering, reverse discrimination Returning power to the states devolution revolution federalism

1973 1962


Shaw v. Reno

Voting Rights

1990s US v. Lopez US v. Morrison Printz v. US

10th Amendment

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