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Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 1987.38:155-178. Downloaded from by WIB6106 - UNIVERSITAETSBIBLIOTHEK MUENCHEN on 08/31/09. For personal use only.

C. J. Brady
Plant Physiology Unit, CSIRO Division of Food Research and School of Biological Science, Macquarie University, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia 2109

1. INTRODUCTI ON.................................................................................
2. RIPENING IS DEVELOPMENTALLY RE GULATED ....................................

155 156 156 157 160 163 164 166 166 166 169 169 169 170 171 171

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Ripening as Senescence .................................................................... Control by Growth Regulators............................................... ....... ...... Gene Expression in Ripening Fruit ............................ . . ... . .................... Ripening Mutants ........................... . ......................... .......................

3. MEMBRANES AND ORGANIZATIONAL RESISTANCE.............................. 4. OXIDATIVE REACTI ONS ..................................................................... 4.1 The Respiratory Climacteric ............................................................... 4.2 The Climacteric and Protein Synthesis . ................................................ 4.3 Other Oxidative Reactions .................................................................

5. THE S OFTENING OF FRUITS................................................................ 5.1 Chemistry and Enzymology of Softening. ............................................... 5.2 A Role for Calcium ........................ ................................................ 5.3 Softening as a Regulator of Ripening .. ................................................
. .

6. C ONCLUDING REMARKS ....................................................................

Fruit ripening has been reviewed a number of times in this series. The physiology of ripening was treated briefly i n Coombe's review on fruit development (39), and the subject was reviewed thoroughly by Sacher (128) in 1973. Yang & Hoffman's 1984 paper ( 158) on the synthesis and action of ethylene is pertinent, and they discussed several aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of ripening. A number of reviews dealing generally with ripen ing or with the biochemistry and/or molecular biology of particular fruits have appeared during the last few years (5 1, 52, 55, 58, 59,64, 74, 88, 93, 121, 135).




Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 1987.38:155-178. Downloaded from by WIB6106 - UNIVERSITAETSBIBLIOTHEK MUENCHEN on 08/31/09. For personal use only.

Studies of the mechanisms that regulate ripening can be traced to the 1920s when the dominant theory emphasized "organizational resistance." This theory, developed in detail by Blackman & Parija in 1928 (18), suggested that the ripening events, which were perceived as largely catabolic in nature, were the consequence of a breakdown in the resistances that kept cellular com partments contained. This theory held sway, in a largely unmodified form, for 40 years or more (128). As evidence accumulated that protein and perhaps RNA synthesis played vital roles in the induction of ripening, an alternative theory emerged: ripening was presented in positive terms as a process of tissue differentiation. The techniques of modem molecular biologists have enabled this theory to be examined in a precise way, and evidence for the direct genomic control of the ripening of climacteric fruits is now accumulat ing rapidly. Nonetheless, there is evidence that cellular compartments are modified through ripening, and recent evidence suggests that lipid oxidation and/or phase changes within membranes contribute to changing metabolite distribution within cells as ripening proceeds. How novel transcriptional and/or translational events and changes in metabolite partitioning interact and contribute interdependently or independently to ripening is a matter of con jecture. It may well be that both theories are more or less correct and both mechanisms are involved but to differing extents in different fruits. Fruit ripening appears to be a well-regulated, genetically determined event, but coming as it does at the end of ontogeny in a fleshy, energy-rich tissue that is destined for dispersal and disposal, it would be surprising if the mechanisms of control were the same for all species. The reviewer naturally seeks generalities and uniformity of pattern. The reader should be warned that the emphasis given to a few conclusions based on a few species that today may seem to point to firm guiding principles may tomorrow seem tangential or particular as more species and more aspects are examined. 2. RIPENING IS DEVELOPMENTALLY REGULATED 2.1 Ripening as Senescence The distinction between ripening and senescence has never been finely drawn. Watada et al (154) have defined ripening as changes that "occur from the latter stages of growth and development through the early stages of senes cence and result in characteristic aesthetic and/or food quality." They define senescence as processes that follow physiological or horticultural maturity and "lead to death of tissue." These are sensible, pragmatic definitions, although it is possible to challenge the concept that each of the processes that contribute to the senescence syndrome leads directly to tissue death. The dismantling of the chloroplast photosystem apparatus is a prominent feature of the senescence of leaves and many fruits, but it is not lethal. It is perhaps




more accurate to suggest that the senescence processes increase the probabil ity of death, for example, by dehydration or microbial invasion, for there is little evidence that senescence includes programmed death (21). There is no doubt that the intrusion of the ripening syndrome into tissue development hastens the onset of senescence and therefore the probability of injury and death. This is clearly seen in the comparison of the nonripening tomato mutants and normal tomatoes ( 127). The nonripening mutants, which are nonclimacteric, eventually senesce, lose chloroplast components and cell wall hemicelluloses (60), and become more susceptible to disease. The normal fruit undergo these same changes much earlier as part of ripening. It follows that senescence and ripening have common features; however, ripening in cludes processes that are not part of the senescence syndrome. Pigment accumulation and the cell wall changes that result in the softening of fruit are common ripening changes that are not usually involved in the senescence processes. In the climacteric fruits, ripening is characterized by ethylene production, which is apparently autocatalytic (35). McMurchie et al (95) introduced the concept of two systems for ethylene production: system 1 is the ethylene production system common to climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits and operating in climacteric fruits until ripening commences. In these mature fruits, as also in some flowers, exposure to ethylene induces a large increase in the ethylene-forming system (68, 95), and this is seen as the induction of "system 2" ethylene. Solomos & Laties (136) suggested that the autocatalytic induction may be consequential to changes in "organizational resistance" resulting in the lifting of previously imposed controls. More recent evidence (158) indicates substantial increases in the activities of the regulatory en zymes; it has not yet been shown definitively that the increases in activities result from the synthesis of more enzyme, but cycloheximide does inhibit the response (83). The induction of system 2 ethylene results in massive increases in ethylene production by the tissues, and ripening and then senescence follow. Climacteric fruits are now distinguished as those in which system 2 ethylene operates. The concept of two systems for the control of ethylene synthesis has been a useful one and should be better defined. In time, we will know if separate genes contribute to the two systems or if two levels of regulation apply. 2.2 Control by Growth Regulators There is indisputable evidence that ethylene is involved in the induction of ripening in fruits (158). A main concern of the commercial postharvest horticultural industry is to limit the exposure of harvested fruit to ethylene. An aspect of fruit ripening that attracts molecular biologists is the prospect that ethylene induces a mature, nongrowing tissue to rapidly differentiate into a

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new state-to switch from nonripening to ripening. Because the tissue is already mature and the form and structure of cells decided, it is thought that the molecular steps involved when the "switch" is thrown may be relatively few; the system therefore has appeal as one in which to study the interaction between the signalling chemical, ethylene, and the genome (58, 59). A complication is that the tissues are exposed to low levels of ethylene (produced by system I ethylene) throughout development. Exposure to larger concentrations of ethylene produces, in fruit tissues, a response that varies between species and with fruit maturity (15). In the more sensitive species, for example cantaloupe (92) or banana (26), ripening is immediately induced, but the more immature the fruit, the higher the concentration of ethylene that is required. In the less sensitive species, for example tomatoes or apples, ethylene treatments reduce the time before ripening occurs (91, 1 19). Since ripening is not immediately induced in tomatoes by ethylene treatments, system 2 ethylene synthesis is not activated. Ethylene synthesis is normally limited by the supply of the immediate precursor, l -aminocyclopropane- l carboxylic acid (ACC). During ripening, as system 2 ethylene i s activated, ACC synthase activity and the content of ACC rise sharply (32, 68). Im mature tomatoes exposed to exogenous ethylene show no increase in ACC synthase activity, but they do show a difference in their regulation: the ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) is induced when ACC synthase is not. In cucumbers, EFE is constant during development and ripening, while ACC synthase and system 2 ethylene synthesis increase with ripening ( 139). Matur ing apples gradually develop the capacity to produce EFE in response to applied ethylene (33). A role for ACC synthase in regulating ethylene synthesis and ripening is demonstrated by the inhibition of the induction of ripening when L-2-amino-L alkoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (aminovinylglycine, A VG) is administered to preclimacteric pears (106, 126) or apples (32, 36). The inhibition of the induction of ripening by A VG is overcome by subsequent exposures to ethylene. In D'anjou pears, which require low temperature storage prior to normal ripening, Blankenship & Richardson ( 19) found that EFE increased during cold pretreatment. In this fruit, as in tomatoes, system 2 EFE develops prior to system 2 ACC synthase. In nectarines (28), EFE normally increases during ripening, but has, at all maturities, a capacity in excess of that of ACC synthase. In this fruit exogenous ethylene decreases EFE activity. Bufler & Bangerth (7, 34) applied ethylene or propylene to apples stored under hypobaric conditions. Fruits stored hypobarically for short periods retained the capacity to generate system 2 ACC synthase; those stored for longer periods lost this capacity. Apparently neither immature tomatoes nor immature or overmature apples are able to produce system 2 ethylene or ripen in response to applied ethylene. Little is known of the internal factors that

Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 1987.38:155-178. Downloaded from by WIB6106 - UNIVERSITAETSBIBLIOTHEK MUENCHEN on 08/31/09. For personal use only.



regulate the response of fruit to ethylene; possibilities include the concentra tion of other growth regulators and the integration of earlier responses to growth regulators. Thus the response to ethylene may depend upon the set of genes that are transcribed or have been transcribed when the exposure to ethylene occurs. Some fruits, e.g. avocados (14), do not ripen while attached to the tree and gradually increase their sensitivity to ethylene with time after harvest. This has raised the concept of a ripening inhibitor or juvenility factor derived from the tree. In avocados, as with immature apples or tomatoes, high con centrations of ethylene somehow reduce the resistance of the fruit to ethylene and reduce the time before system 2 ethylene operates. Whether one sees this as a titration of the resistance of the tissue to ethylene or as the need for a slow ethylene-provoked developmental program is currently a matter of choice. There have been many attempts to define roles for the other well-known plant growth regulators in the regulation of ripening or as resistance factors. This subject was thoroughly reviewed by McGhisson et al (93), and more recent studies have provided no general clarification. Abscisic acid commonly riscs latc in development or during ripening (77, 159), and treatment with abscisic acid may advance ripening (76, 86, 98, 151, 159). Abscisic acid frequently promotes the senescence of green tissues (155), and abscisic acid increases in osmotically or salt-stressed tissues (156). Salt treatments of plants advance ripening, at least in tomatoes (61, 96), so there is a presumptive case for a role for abscisic acid in some ripening reactions. However, the case has not been substantiated or finely drawn, and Tsay et al (143), found no consistent relationship between the abscisic acid content of fruits and their ripening or senescence. The hypothesis that endogenous auxins play roles as ripening inhibitors (46) is attractive. Evaluation of the hypothesis is complicated because auxins both increase ethylene production and modify tissue response to e'thylene (158). In apples, Mousdale & Knee (103) found a peak in indole-3-acetic acid concentration as system 2 ethylene was initiated, but they were unable to conclude that the two were related. Research in this area has been hampered by the difficulty of equating responses to externally applied regulators with endogenous control by the growth regulator, by the interactions of the different regulators, and by analytical difficulties when attempts were made to monitor endogenous con centrations. The latter difficulties are receding, but a recognition of the importance of distribution within and between cells and of the desirability of monitoring receptors (142) as well as growth regulators limits studies in this area. It is possible that the influence of ethylene receptors may be monitored, albeit indirectly, by the apparent blocking of these receptors by anionic silver

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(148, 149). Silver inhibits the ripening of banana ( 129) and tomato (66, 129) fruit tissues at nontoxic concentrations, and the inhibition is not reversed by externally supplied ethylene. In tomato fruit discs, silver inhibits further ripening if it is applied to partly ripened tissue (G. A. Tucker and C. J. Brady, unpublished); this indicates that ethylene action is involved through the ripening period and is not limited to an initial triggering of ripening. High concentrations of externally added calcium inhibit the induction of ripening in a number of fruits (45). In avocados, infiltration with 0.4 M calcium pre vented normal ripening (44). Treatment with ethylene overcame the calcium effect. The effect of calcium was to prevent system 2 ethylene synthesis without modifying the capacity to respond to the higher concentrations of ethylene that are produced by system 2 ethylene. 2.3 Gene Expression in Ripening Fruit The concept of ripening as a differentiation event was initially stimulated by an apparent increase in synthetic activity early in the climacteric rise. For example, in avocados, there were large increments in the incorporation of precursors into protein ( 122) and nucleic acid (123). The inhibition of protein or nucleic acid synthesis ( 128) prevented normal ripening, and this was taken as evidence that novel translational and/or transcriptional events occurred during the early stages of ripening. The evidence was far from satisfactory. To pulse label or to introduce inhibitors, tissue slices were used so that interactions between the effects of slicing ( 132) and those of ripening were always involved. There was no clear evidence of the synthesis of specific proteins that had a role in ripening. It was suggested that malic enzyme was newly synthesized in the early climacteric of pears (49), but the evidence failed to distinguish net synthesis from turnover. In bananas, there was evidence that most of the increment in protein synthesis early in the climacter ic rise resulted in an increase in turnover and the replacement of preexisting species of protein (25). More recently, evidence for a redirection of protein synthesis during ripen ing has emerged. Increases in the activities of /3-1 :4 glucanhydrolase (cellu lase) in avocados (37) and in invertase (72) and polygalacturonase in tomatoes (22, 144, 145) result from increases in the amount of enzyme protein mea sured immunologically. The contents of these hydrolytic enzymes increase following a change in their rates of synthesis and/or degradation and not as a result of the activation of a precursor molecule synthesized during earlier development. Either the synthesis of these proteins increases dramatically when ripening commences or else a previously unstable translation product becomes stable. Because the enzymes normally function in the cell wall (cellulase, polygalacturonase, invertase) or in the vacuole (invertase), stabil ity could conceivably be the consequence of a developing mechanism for transporting or processing the primary translation products.



In avocados, Christoffersen et al (38) showed that, with the advent of ripening, there was a change in the population of translatable messenger RNA molecules. In vitro translation of poly (A+)-RNA populations showed three products that were not apparent in translations of RNA from nonripening fruit. In an extension of this work, Tucker & Laties (147) identified, by immunoprecipitation, a 53,000 dalton product of the in vitro translation system as the precursor of cellulase. Ripening-specific cDNAs were located in a cDNA library constructed from the poly (A +)-RNA of ripe avocado fruit. A cDNA specific for cellulase was identified by hybrid selection, in vitro translation, and product immunoprecipitation (37). By hybridization, the messenger RNA for the cellulase precursor was shown to increase at least 50-fold during ripening (37). Bennett & Christoffersen (13) determined the sequence of a full length cDNA and the N-terminal sequence of the mature cellulase protein and suggested that the primary translation product is a 54,000 dalton polypep tide. In vivo removal of a signal peptide during membrane passage yields a processed polypeptide of 52,800 daltons; glycosylation produces a mem brane-associated form of 56,500 daltons that is trimmed to the mature protein of 54,200 daltons, which is presumably located in the cell wall region. This work on the ripening avocado provides direct evidence of a qualitative change in protein synthesis during ripening. A result of the change is an increase during ripening of a gene product which presumably plays a role in the softening of the fruit (62). The experiments do not involve slicing and the consequential interactions with wounding (132). The evidence establishes a change in the steady state level of messenger RNA after ripening is initiated, and the cDNA probes allow an approach to the gene(s) and their promoter sequences. It is not yet established that the transcription of the cellulase gene is activated when ripening initiates, but clearly the control of cellulase synthesis is at a pre-translational level. Similar evidence has arisen from studies of the tomato fruit. Within 48 hours of the initiation of ripening-indicated by system 2 ethylene syn thesis---changes in the population of messenger RNAs were demonstrated (57, 137). A few messenger RNAs decreased in relative intensity, and six to eight increased in relative intensity. The screening of cDNA libraries prepared from the poly(A +) RNA of ripening fruit confirmed the presence of a number of messenger RNAs that are unique to, or greatly enhanced in, ripening fruit (56, 87, 134). Mansson et al (87) found that about 1 % of the homologues of the cDNAs they prepared from the poly(A +) RNA of ripe fruit were most prominent in mature, nonripening fruit, about 2% were most prominent in ripening fruit, while the remainder were equally prominent in unripe and ripe fruit. Piechulla et al (112) detected transcripts for a range of chloroplast proteins in immature green, tomato fruits; transcripts of only two of these

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were present in ripe fruit. They confirmed earlier observations that ripe fruit contain chloroplast ribosomal RNA (11, 137) and that the plastids of ripe tomato fruit appear to remain active in protein synthesis (II). Polygalacturonase protein increases in tomatoes during ripening (24), and in soft cultivars it becomes a major protein in the ripe fruit (22). The large increment in net synthesis suggests that the polygalacturonase messenger RNA may become very prominent during ripening, and a number of groups have sought to characterize its messenger RNA and thence its gene (55). The enzyme exists in three molecular forms in extracts of ripe tomatoes (I), but there may be only one active polypeptide, the other forms representing differential glycosylation and the presence of an inactive subunit (I, 101, II7). The most prominent enzyme, with a single subunit, has been assigned various molecular weights: 43,000 (1),45,000 (41), 46,000 (57), and 47,500 (101) daltons. Grierson and co-workers described the precipitation, with polygalacturonase-specific antisera, of an in vitro synthesized polypeptide of 48,000 daltons (57). They also observed that a cDNA to a ripening-enhanced poly(A +) RNA species hybrid selected a messenger RNA that coded for a polypeptide of 48,000 daltons, which was precipitated by the same serum (134). The putative polygalacturonase messenger RNA was of relatively low abundance. Sato et al (130, 131) immunoprecipitated, with an antiserum to polygalacturonase, a polypeptide of 54,000 daltons from translations of the RNA of ripe tomatoes. By their estimate, somewhat less than 1% of the translatable messenger RNA in ripe tomatoes coded for polygalacturonase. There are other reports of a 54,000 dalton precursor to tomato polygalactur onase (16, 17, 41, 100). Products in the 54,000 to 55,000 dalton region are prominent among the polypeptides synthesized in vitro from the RNA from ripe tomato fruit, whether the translation is by wheat germ (137) or reticulo cyte lysate translation system (57, 134); translates of RNA from green fruit do not have prominent products of this size. DellaPenna et al (41) prepared a cDNA library from the poly(A +) RNA of ripe tomato fruit and inserted the library into an expression vector. Polygalacturonase cDNA clones were iden tified by immunological screening. A 2. I-kb messenger RNA for polygalac turonase was identified and was shown to code for a 54,000 dalton polypeptide. The messenger RNA was not detected in immature green fruit, was first detected as ripening commenced, and greatly increased in abundance as the fruit colored. The evidence is now substantial that the primary tran script for tomato polygalacturonase is a polypeptide of about 54,000 daltons and that it includes an unusually long signal peptide. Sequence studies have confirmed the identity of cDNA probes (W. R. Hiatt and R. E. Sheey; D. DellaPenna and A. B. Bennett; D. Grierson, unpublished) and will aid identification of the processing steps between the primary translation product and the mature enzymes.

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2.4 Ripening Mutants Early, mid, and late season varieties are widely recognized among horticultur al crops. Their occurrence implies that there is a genetic component regulating the initiation of ripening, but it does not establish a specific genetic control of the onset of ripening. "Earliness" may be one aspect of a pleiotropic effect perhaps exercised through growth regulator or receptor concentrations. Several spontaneous mutants of tomatoes appear to be specifically "ripen ing" mutants. Two of these, the ripening inhibitor or rin mutation on chromo some 5 and the nonripening or nor mutation on chromosome 10, are recessive mutations that result in nonclimacteric fruits (141). These fruits fail to pro duce system 2 ethylene and fail to undergo normal ripening. When exposed to high concentrations of ethylene under specific conditions rin fruit develop a moderate amount of lycopene but do not soften appreciably (48, 97, 141); nor fruit produce some lycopene during senescence, and there is a slight rise in ethylene production. With salt treatment, nor fruit, at least in some genetic backgrounds, may develop near-normal levels of carotenes and some polyga lacturonase activity (3). Both rin and nor are sensitive to ethylene in that, in the presence of added ethylene, the respiration rate rises (141); in rin plants, ethylene treatment induces an increase in EFE (83), but the full system 2 apparatus is not induced and there is no massive increase in ACC synthase. The two mutants lack the capacity to induce system 2 ethylene synthesis, and they also lack the capacity to respond to ethylene exposure in terms of normal ripening. A search for mutants that produce system 2 ethylene but do not ripen in response to added ethylene, or ripen in the presence of ethylene without producing system 2 ethylene, may be worthwhile. The development of molecular probes for ripening and system 2 ethylene (presumably ACC synthase) would substantially aid such a search. rin and nor fail to develop the capacity to ripen and, in this sense, are developmental mutants. It follows that ripening is a stage of development specifically controlled by a small gene set. In addition to rin and nor which are nonclimacteric, there are a number of mutants in which all ripening parameters occur slowly and continue over a long period. "Never ripe" (Nr) is a dominant allele on chromosome 9 (141), "green ripe" (Or) is a partly dominant allele (73), and "alcobaca" is a recessive allele that is allelic with (84) or positioned close to (105) nor on chromosome 10. The slow-ripening mutants have a depressed and extended climacteric, color slowly and sometimes incompletely, and produce small amounts of polygalacturonase, which catalyzes a slow softening of the fruits. Exposure to increased levels of ethylene does not hasten the ripening process. The nonripening mutants, although recessives, influence the ripening of fruits in heterozygous plants. The heterozygotes ripen more slowly than the normal parent, and polygalacturonase production is much reduced (24,65). In the heterozygote, the nor gene generally has a greater effect than does rin, but

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Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 1987.38:155-178. Downloaded from by WIB6106 - UNIVERSITAETSBIBLIOTHEK MUENCHEN on 08/31/09. For personal use only.

the influence of the mutant genes is greatly influenced by the genetic back ground. Tigchelaar et al (141) recognized the value of the ripening mutants as an approach to the "conditioning events" that allow ripening to proceed. They suggested that the synthesis of polygalacturonase may be the critical event in the induction of ripening and that its action had a catalytic role in the induction of intracellular ripening. This seems unlikely in that the initiation of polygalacturonase synthesis is a relatively late event in tomato ripening (22, 41, 138) and there is some evidence that nor (3) and rin (146) are able to synthesize polygalacturonase in some circumstances or some tissues. The slow-ripening mutants synthesize polygalacturonase. The presence and the intactness of the polygalacturonase gene(s) will undoubtedly be evaluated directly now that molecular probes for the gene are available. Presently, the physiological and biochemical evidence suggests that the mutations are in a range of genes that regulate the expression of the ripening syndrome, rather than in genes that code for a catalyst of one or more of the recognized ripening events. Ripening mutants have been recognized in other species. A slow-ripening nectarine genotype (29) fails to produce normal levels of ethylene. When stimulated by added ethylene or propylene, endogenous ethylene synthesis is increased and ripening advanced (27). M. E. Patterson has recognized a nonclimacteric apple sport (personal communication), and it seems likely that, with the realization of the value of slow or nonripening genotypes, other ripening mutants will be described. 3. MEMBRANES AND ORGANIZATIONAL RESISTANCE There is now firm evidence that the synthesis of polygalacturonase in toma toes (23) and cellulase in avocados occurs during the climacteric and con tinues in ripe fruit (4, 37). A functional ribosomal system is required, and the recovery of polysomes from ripe fruit is consistent with this finding (137, 147). There are strict ionic requirements for polysome stability and function (157), and these requirements are apparently met within the cytoplasm of the ripe fruits. This implies that the plasmalemma and tonoplast maintain their fUnctions at least as long as the net synthesis-and presumably the processing and export--of the wall-hydrolyzing enzymes occurs. One must conclude that there is no breakdown in permeability barriers even in quite ripe fruit. Studies of the ultrastructure of ripening avocados (113) and tomatoes (40) have led to the same conclusion. Although some changes occurred in the structure of mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the plasmalemma during ripening, these changes were associated (113) with metabolic events, in particular with the export of the wall-hydrolyzing enzymes. Other ul-



trastructural studies of fruits have suggested a disturbance of membrane function in senescent (post-climacteric) fruit cells, but there are questions as to how accurately structures were maintained in the ripe tissues in which wall degradation (12, 115) was advanced. The avocado study (113) noted that a phase change in the plasmalemma bilayer may occur in ripening fruit, but the evidence suggested that the change occurred at the climacteric peak and was transitory. This would distinguish any such event from the phase disturbances that occur in senescent cotyledon (94, 114) and floral tissues (20) and that have been ascribed to ethylene action. Rather similar changes were described in the microviscosity of "microsomal" membranes of senescing apples (108). A number of analyses of fruit lipids have been reported, and some of these were coupled with observations on the permeability characteristics of lipo somes prepared from the lipids or lipid subfractions. Losses of membrane lipids from tomato (75), of plastid membrane lipids (53) and of phospholipids (85) from apple, and an increase in phosphatidylcholine (9) in ripening apples and of un saturation in the membrane lipids of ripening bananas ( 153) have all been described. In senescing leaf and flower tissues, changes in fluidity have been relatcd to increases in neutral lipids-sterols, free fatty acids or hy droperoxides-unaccompanied by changes in the phospholipid classes or the acyl species (8, 42). An increase in lipid peroxides during ripening has been observed in tomatoes (47), and in hydrogen peroxide in pears (30). Analytical and liposome studies suffer from averaging effects as the constituents of several membranes are mixed. They may provide evidence that the potential for leakage changes in one or more membranes, but they cannot be definitive because they make no allowance for the capacity of the cells to cope with increased leakiness using active carriers or other means. The changes that have been observed, as in bananas (153) and apples (9), emphasize the dynamic nature of the tissues and the capacity for change that exists. A capacity for change may also mean a capacity for repair, an aspect that has been emphasized by Romani (125). Much of the evidence for a disruption of tissue compartments during ripening involves the use of tissue slices (128). Methods using slices necessar ily involve an interaction between the initial condition of the tissue and the response to slicing. The interaction may depend upon cell wall properties, on the osmotic gradient between tissue and bathing medium (133), or on the rate of the metabolic responses to slicing. Most researchers who have measured uptake or efflux from fruit slices have found some change associated with ripening, although sometimes the changes are slight. In tomatoes, there is evidence for a small redistribution of potassium between cell compartments (152), for an increase in hydraulic conductivity (116), for a decrease in the capacity for amino acid uptake (5), for an increase in amino acid efflux (6), and for a decrease in cytoplasmic volume (6). None of the changes suggest a

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catastrophic leakage between compartments [although if cytoplasmic potas sium concentration is actually as low as 50 mM (152), the effect would be considerable (157)], and some of the changes become significant only late in ripening, which suggests an association with senescence rather than with ripening per se. The sum of evidence is that fruit cells do not suffer a massive breakdown in cellular compartmentation during ripening but that there may well be a tendency towards a greater leakiness of membranes. The evidence for the latter is cumulative and borrows heavily on that pertaining to petals and cotyledons. No summation of ambiguous evidence, no matter how consistent in its direction, can satisfactorily establish a conclusion, and evidence from analyses, from liposomes, and from tissue slices all have some ambiguity. In situ analyses by NMR or other means may eventually prove steady state changes in distribution; changes in fluxes may be harder to prove.

4. OXIDATIVE REACTIONS 4.1 The Respiratory Climacteric

Much of the fascination in studies of fruit ripening lies in attempting to explain the respiratory climacteric and its relation to other ripening events. There have been periods when the climacteric rise was thought to be directly related to the anabolic needs of ripening (122) and others when it was considered the prime reflection of the decline in organizational resistance (18, 136). Both periods seem to have passed, but no entirely satisfactory explana tion of the climacteric has emerged. The subject has been reviewed recently (121, 135), as were the pathways for electron flow (80), and no extended treatment is required here. The increase in respiration appears (a) to be a consequence of the increase in endogenous ethylene, (b) to result in increased ATP levels and perhaps in an increase in energy charge in the cells (135), and (c) to be associated with an increase in fructose-2,6-bisphosphate concentration and a subsequent increase in glycolytic flux (A. B. Bennett, unpublished). The contributions of the cytochrome pathway, the cyanide-resistant alternative pathway, and the extent of by-passing of site 1 phosphorylation (54, 99) remain matters for debate. Since ATP concentrations increase through the climacteric period, the increase in respiration provides a supply of chemical energy in excess of the demands of the tissue.

4.2 The Climacteric Rise and Protein Synthesis

Energy balance and energy use in nongrowing tissues-the so-called mainte nance energy requirement-are often calculated, but in terms of cell biology are poorly understood. The main sinks for maintenance energy are thought to



be the preservation of ion gradients and protein turnover (111). When nonclimacteric fruits, or climacteric fruits that lack the maturity to ripen, are exposed to ethylene, the respiration rate increases. When ethylene is with drawn, the respiration rate falls. There is a similar response to ethylene in several nonfruit tissues (135). Clearly this respiratory rise is a response to ethylene and not a demand for energy with which to synthesize ripening specific enzymes. Nonetheless, associated with the increased respiration, there is an increase in protein synthesis (25, 147; J. Speirs, C. J. Brady, E. Lee, unpublished), a large component of which is protein turnover. Thus, when ethylene stimulates respiration, one of the two main sinks of mainte nance energy-protein turnover-increases. It is entirely possible that the energy demand for the maintenance of ion gradients also increases; this would occur if ethylene perturbates membrane function and increases passive dif fusivity (see Section 3). If one looks broadly at respiration in nongrowing plant tissues, it is not at all unusual to observe that the respiration rate is regulated by substrate supply (79). This is so, even in tissues amply filled with carbohydrate reserves. Presumably, compartmentation within cells is critical to this regulation. It is postulated that the cyanide-resistant pathway operates when electron flow exceeds the acceptor-regulated cytochrome pathway (79) and, in particular, when substrate supply is excessive. In fruit tissues, it may be that ethylene treatment increases substrate supply-be it by an effect on glycolysis, on tonoplast fluxes, or otherwise-with a resultant increase in respiration rate and in chemical energy. Of the postulated major sinks for maintenance energy, protein turnover may be the most flexible, so that an increase in protein synthesis is observed as a consequence of ethylene action. There is other evidence in plants that protein turnover is related to the respiration rate (120). An increase in protein synthesis early in the climacteric period (43, 128, 147) has been measured in many fruits. Because the increase appears to be tied to the respiration increase (25), alternative and opposite interpretations are available. The initial effect of ethylene may be to increase respiration and with it available energy; if the rates of the initiation reactions are controlled by energy supply, perhaps via the energy charge, an increase in polysomes would result. On the other hand, if an early effect of ethylene treatment is to increase the supply of messenger RNA available for translation, then the demand for energy would increase and a rise in respiration rate would follow. A choice between the opposites is not presently possible. We know neither the A TP yield from the respiratory increase nor the absolute rates of protein synthesis involved. Clearly the second alternative demands a tight coupling of the energy use in protein synthesis with the energy yield from respiration. The first alternative may show this too, but it is not a prerequisite of the model.

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In avocados,


& Laties (147) delineated two regions of the

climacteric period that are associated with changes in protein synthesis. The initial part of the rise-in this case provoked by external ethylene-was associated with a threefold increase in polysomal RNA and poly(A +) RNA recoveries per unit fresh weight and presumably a threefold increase in protein turnover. The second phase was associated with a decline in polysome recovery and with the ripening-specific enzyme cellulase representing an increasing proportion of the protein synthesized. Subsequent studies have established that the synthesis of cellulase is regulated at a step preceding translation (Section 2. 3), but the mechanisms leading to the increases in translation of the generic or "housekeeping" messengers have not been sought. In ripe avocado fruit, the ripening-specific messenger RNAs account for only a small part of the total (about 1. 4% for cellulase), and this seems also to be the case in tomatoes

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Evidence for an increase and then a decline in protein synthesis also comes from estimates of the incorporation of precursors into protein in tissue slices

(5, 25, 122, 128) and from estimates of the recovery of polysomes from intact fruits (43, 147). The evidence with slices is very consistent in several species,
but there are problems of interpretation associated with changes in endogen ous dilution of exogenous precursors, with amino acid recycling, and with interaction with the response to slicing. Measuring polysome content (137, 147) avoids these complications but is subject to the assumption that recover ies are constant as the chemistry of the fruits changes during ripening. Total RNA analyses to support the polysome estimates are needed. In tomatoes, there is an increase in the proportion of ribosomes recovered as polysomes when the climacteric commcnces (137), and an apparent dccline in ribosome recovery late in ripening. The results suggest an increase in the rate of protein synthesis during the climacteric rise, followed by a dccline latcr in ripening; again, RNA analyses are required to consolidate the conclusion.
A large amount of circumstantial evidence links the ethylene-provoked rise

in respiration to an increase in protein turnover. Such a situation fits the description of thc struggle for homeostasis offcred by Romani (125), but it is well to remember that other differentiation signals, for example phytochrome activation (102), provoke a large generic effect on protein synthesis as well as a specific effect involving some transcripts. Changes in cell structure and function may be more easily accommodated if the general rate of replacement of macromolecules is increased. The two phases detected in avocados (147) may occur commonly, but they do not imply an absolute segregation, in time, of the generic and specific responses. In tomatoes, there are early and late responding changes in messenger RNAs (55), and the early changes may be within the first "generic" increase in protein synthesis.



4.3 Other Oxidative Reactions Extension of postharvest life by storage in low concentrations of oxygen cannot be easily explained by effects on either the cyanide-sensitive or -resistant respiratory pathways (135) and focuses attention on other oxidative events with a lower affinity for oxygen. The inhibition of ripening by auxin (46, 150) and the peroxidative destruction of indole-3-acetic acid (78) have been posed as important regulators of ripening, but unambiguous ev idence in favor of this thesis has been difficult to obtain. Attempts have been made to relate peroxidase-catalyzed reactions to ethylene synthesis (47, 50), and high concentrations of free radical scavengers have been shown to inhibit ethylene production in fruit tissues (2); however, whether or not free radicals have a direct role in ethylene biosynthesis remains doubtful (158). Evidence that superoxide radicals are involved in reactions whose products perturb mem brane function in flowers has been mentioned previously (Section 3; 42, 90) and may be relevant to fruit ripening, because the ethylene-provoked respira tory climacteric in the floral tissues has an obvious parallel in the climacteric fruits. Lesham (81) has proposed that cytokinins, which generally are anti sen escence agents, function as free radical scavengers, implying that free radicals play a critical role in inducing senescence. Chloroplast de differentiation and chlorophyll destruction are part of the ripening syndrome in many fruits, and Matile (89) has suggested that peroxidase or lipoxygenase
are involved in chlorophyll catabolism.

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The softening process is an integral part of the ripening of almost all fruits. It

has immense commercial importance because the postharvest life of the fruit is to a large extent limited by increasing softness, which brings with it an increase in physical damage during handling and an increase in disease susceptibility. To the physiologist and biochemist the softening reactions are significant because they involve cell wall changes that have no parallel in leaf senescence and that appear to occur only in the fruit and perhaps in abscission zones. It is no accident that cell wall hydrolyzing enzymes have featured prominently in recent studies of the molecular biology of ripening. 5.1 Chemistry and Enzymology of Softening The chemical changes involved in softening and the enzymes contributing to the changes have been reviewed recently (10, 70) and will be briefly men ti on ed here. Understanding of the changes that occur during ripen ing is limited because knowledge of the structures of the walls in mature fruit and of the enzymes that modify the walls is very limited. Happily, both deficiencies are being addressed and more detailed studies undertaken.



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Softening is normally accompanied by an increase in the concentration of soluble pectic polysaccharide (10, 70). The increase in soluble uronic acid residues is often correlated with an increase in the polyuronide hydrolyzing enzymes, especially endopolygalacturonase [poly(l ,4-a-D-galacturon ide)glycanohydrolase, EC3. 2. 1.15]. In tomatoes there is evidence of a de crease in the average size of the soluble polyuronide chains late in ripening (69); although hemicelluloses are also normally degraded during ripening, degradation of the polyuronides is not dependent on changes in hemicellulose components (69). In tomatoes, too, there is a reasonable correlation between the amount of polygalacturonase, the rate of softening, and pectin degradation (22-24,65), although information on the pectins remains sparse. There is also a correlation in avocados (4, 115), pears (12), and tomatoes (40) between the appearance of polygalacturonase activity in ripening fruit and a loss of electron density in the middle lamellar region of cell walls. In a number of other fruits there is a correlation in time between the appearance of endopoly galacturonase activity and the initiation of softening (70, 104, 109, 110, 124). An increase in pectin solubility is not adequate evidence of endopolygalactur onase activity, as this may occur by the action of other enzymes or by a change in organic acids, other chelating agents, or pH in the fruit cell walls. In apples (10) and strawberries (71), pectin solubility increases but endopoly galacturonase activity is not detected (but see 82 for apples). Cellulase activity is almost always found in fruit, and the level of activity often increases greatly during ripening (10, 70). A precise role for cellulase, its contribution to softening, or even its substrate in the walls have yet to be defined. A number of other glycosidases occur in walls and some, like xylanase in papaya walls (109), increase during ripening, which suggests, but does not establish, that they play a role in softening. In tomatoes, the nonripening mutants rin and nor (70, 140) have been useful in distinguishing changes in the walls that are associated specifically with ripening from those that occur in the absence of ripening and may be considered as part of the senescence syndrome. 5.2 A Role for Calcium High concentrations of calcium are known to inhibit and sometimes prevent fruit ripening and to lead to firmer fruit (45). While calcium undoubtedly has subtle effects on cell membranes, on membrane proteins (107, 118), and as a second messenger (63), the high concentrations of calcium required to delay ripening or inhibit senescence suggest a gross effect, perhaps in the wall. When one considers the potential activity of the polygalacturonase and pectin methyl esterase in fruit tissues, the attack on wall polyuronide appears to be very limited and, in tomatoes, there is evidence that calcium limits wall



hydrolysis (23, 31). Claims that calcium is "solubilized" or otherwise redistri buted in ripening fruit have been made, but these claims are based on inadequate techniques (23), and there is a need to evaluate calcium distribu tion between the vacuole and the wall by using sound fixation and analytical methods. 5.3 So ftening as a Regulator o f Ripening
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Although it is unlikely that wall hydrolysis has an initiating role in the ripening of climacteric fruits (141), genotypes that soften rapidly generally ripen rapidly, and soft fruits appear to senesce rapidly. The interrelationships between wall and intracellular events have been little studied. Ripening is often seen as a series of independent events, perhaps coordinated by system 2 ethylene but otherwise operating in parallel. According to this view, the expression of system 2 ethylene results, among other things, in the induction of the synthesis of wall-hydrolyzing enzymes, which in tum cause the wall to soften; the synthesis and export from the cytoplasm of the wall-hydrolyzing enzymes are the full extent of the interaction between cytoplasm and wall. There is, however, the possibility that the cytoplasm is influenced by a change in the chemistry and the physical state of the wall. Wall hydrolysis appears to decrease the ability of the walls to bind a range of proteins (67), so one consequence of softening may be the release, for interaction with the plas malemma, of proteins previously immobilized on the wall. A second possibil ity lies in the release of carbohydrate oligomers from the wall. Such oligomers may function as elicitors (127) and may stimulate ethylene production and other stress responses. Is it possible that they have an intensifying role on the latter stages of ripening? Invasion by microorganisms often advances or hastens ripening. Ethylene production undoubtedly contributes to this pro cess, but an effect of the products or consequences of wall breakdown have not been excluded. Changes in wall properties will modify water relations in fruit tissues, and this will contribute to solute redistribution between tissue compartments. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS Throughout most studies of the physiology of fruit ripening, researchers have been hampered and frustrated by the bulk of these organs. Bulk has limited the applicability of many of the methods that elsewhere have aided the exploration of intermediary metabolism. There is, of course, some use in knowing what the potential of a cell is-which enzymes, what potential activities?-but in a bulky, nongrowing tissue tuned down to "maintenance only" reactions, which enzymes and what potential is not answer enough. The literature is crammed with reports of changes in the amount of this or that



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e nzyme as maturity or storage environment changed, but always there was e quivocation as to the meaning of the change. Substrate concentrations and e nzyme environment were always unknown. To measure flux rates, the bulk was overcome by using tissue slices, but it is nonsense to extrapolate measurements from a rapidly repairing slice to a bulky organ in "mai ntenance only" gear. Recent years have seen some lifting of the frustration imposed by tissue bulk. Indeed the fact that the bulky tissues are generally rather homogenous in cell type may prove an advantage in the use of physical analytical methods , such as NMR and X-ray probes. It is anticipated that detailed and focused analysis will yield firm information on aspects such as vacuolar, cytoplasmic, and free space pH and ion concentrations and changes that occur over time i n major metabolites . Similarly, carefully applied polysome analysis will yield information on protein synthesis in the intact, bulky tissues, and the wise use of immunological and nucleotide probes will show changes in the synthesis and location of particular macromolecules. The nex t review on ripening i n this series will have fewer "suggests" o r " i s consistent with" o r "implies" and more positive statements than is presently possible. This is both an opportune and difficult time to review fruit ripening. Opportune because we stand on the edge of rapid progress and it is useful to c ontemplate directions; difficult because progress is now so rapid that surmise will be overtaken by knowledge as the review pupates in press. The time is near when the number of genes for avocado cellulase and tomato polygalac turonase will be known, when the promoter sequences for ripening-related genes will be revealed, and when the consequences of having more, or fewer, or even none of these genes can be assessed. The time may be near, too , when the terms system I" and "system 2" ethylene-remarkably useful terms for a decade and a half--can be replaced by a description in molecular terms of

what underlies the concept. Now we can be certain that ripening is genetically and developmentally regulated. Soon we may know a little of what those words imply .
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