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Second World War Bombing of Chichester

Number Four



The series of monographs devoted to local history in Chichester, known as The Chichester Papers, were published by the City Council in the period 1955-68. The monographs, fifty-three in all, were edited by Francis Steer (1912-78), sometime County Archivist for both East and West Sussex.
Nigel Purchase, Francis Steer (pencil drawing, 1965) (Courtesy West Sussex Record Office)

Published Autumn 2012 by Chichester Local History Society in association with the University of Chichester

ISBN 978-1-907852-16-9
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication data available

Chichester Local History Society has now deemed it appropriate to establish a new series of monographs under the title New Chichester Papers. These new monographs, comprising material too long for the Societys annual journal, will be published by the Society in association with the University of Chichester. To promote the work of the Society in this regard, there has been established an Advisory Editorial Group, and members of the Society and others who wish to offer material for publication are asked to contact any member of the Group for further advice. Group details are given inside the back cover of this publication. PREVIOUS PAPERS Number One Ken Green, The Day the Liberator Crashed on Chichester (2010) Number Two Terry Carlysle, Chichester: The Castle in the Park (2011) Number Three Martin Cooke, The Royal West Sussex Hospital 1784-1995 (2012)

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Ken Green All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the University of Chichester. Exceptions to the above are allowed in respect of fair dealing for the purposes of research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act 1988.

Designed by Apple Productions Ltd Printed by Jenny Batstone at University of Chichester

Front cover: Chapel Street looking North



The Society, founded in 1984, meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except for July and August). Meetings are generally held at New Park Community Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, to hear lectures on subjects of interest to Chichester residents and historians. New members and visitors are always welcome.

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