Are You With The Right One?: 1) Confrontation

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Are You With The Right One?

Eve & Adam / November 4, 2012

Dont surrender your heart to someone who is not fully surrendered to Jesus. The man you are with should see you as Jesus sees you: valuable, worthy of respect, someone he wants to help and serve not an object or a disposable commodity.

Four Things To Look For:

1) Confrontation
John 4:47 Jesus confronts us not to condemn us but to change our hearts and thereby our situation. Jesus loves us no matter where we are, but He doesnt always like the place were in. No one likes to be told were doing something wrong or could do something better. But a man who truly loves you will correct younot so he can get more for himself from you, but so you can live a better life and have a fuller relationship with Jesus. FURTHER READING: John 4:1619 Hebrews 10:24

2) Compassion
John 8:1011 Its easy to mistake compassion for plain old niceness. Were feeling bad, so we seek a hug or a shoulder to cry on. But theres no solution to the problem, no change. A compassionate man is not an enabler. He may be a shoulder to cry on, but he should spur you on to change and to greater things, not condone any sin in your life. However, he should do so with kindness. Jesus gives us grace, but also truth, because He wants to remove us from the inevitable pain of a bad situation. FURTHER READING: Ephesians 4:15 Romans 6:14, 23 John 1:1416

3) Defender
John 12:18 We might pull back and say we dont need any man to stand up for us or protect us. Were fine on our own. But the right man will defend our honor whether we think we need him to or not. Jesus speaks up for us when everyone else speaks against us a man who loves you will do the same.

FURTHER READING: Psalm 10:1718 Proverbs 23:11 Isaiah 19:20 Luke 21:1315 Daniel 3

4) Hope
John 20:1118 Whether married or single, we can get frustrated, overwhelmed, lonely. When we take our eyes off of Jesus, we can lose hope. We may start grasping at anything in our reach to try to fill that void. Resist the temptation to start a relationship you know you shouldnt. Turn back toward Jesus. He is speaking your name and waiting for you to recognize Him so He can give you His peace. FURTHER READING: Isaiah 1:18, 40:31 Psalm 25:35 & 21 Psalm 62:5

APPLY IT: Men: Pray that God will help you to see women as He sees them. Married women: Step back and pray for God to work in your husbands heart. Pray for God to draw or continue to draw him closer and that he would be an excellent leader of your family. Nagging wont do it only Jesus can. Single/dating women: If the guy youre with doesnt stand up to these characteristics, its time to move on. Pray that the Lord would give you discernment in the boyfriend department. Dont try to change a guy into what you want just because you like him or are impatient. Only Jesus can truly change people. All: Keep reading your Bible. Put your focus on Jesus and ask Him to help you keep it there. Resist the urge to take matters into your own hands and grab onto whatever comes by. Hope in the Lord, who alone can give you peace.

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