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My Senses

Eyes help us to see things Nose help us to smell flowers Ears help us to hear sounds Tongue helps us to taste food Hands help us to touch things

I can see with my see 1 2 3 4 5.

I can smell with my . smell .. . ... .. .

I can hear with my . hear .. .. .. .. .

I can taste with my .. taste .. . . .

I can touch with my feel . .

sun,grapes,table,bird,garden,flower,chair,building,icecream,soap,cake, tree,radio,water, pickle, moon, sheet, sweet ,perfume, pillow, bread, bell ,phone ringing, TV, Radio,voice, mountain

Sort out the words and fill in the appropriate group:

I can . the boy reading with my eyes.

I can .. a stick with my hands.

She is .

He is

She is ..

He is not

He is .......

( smelling/ hearing/ touching/ seeing/ tasting)Match the pictures with the words
I can ..the ice cream with my tongue

Fill the gaps: see/touch/taste/smell/hear

It is beautiful. ( see The dress is soft. ( The fruit is sweet. ( School bell is ringing. ( The plate is full ( ) ) ) ) )
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Let me ..that dish. Please on the radio to ........ I want to .the sunrise. Reduce the .please. The water is hot to

1. 2. I can .the 3. sound of a bell with my 4 ears 5. I can a rose.

flower with my nose

Fill the gaps with:

See/touch/taste/hear/smell Complete the sentences:

hear/ taste / touch / see / smell

I can..some spices I can ..a photo I can ..a bell ringing I can ..a truck moving I can ..a horn blowing I can ..a Train coming I can a table I cana rainbow I can a boat coming. I can ..a perfume I can a flower I can a dish. I can .a perfume I can a Soap. I can ..a Song I can a dish I can a cake I can ................a bread slice I can .a mango I can .a Veg. I can a feather. I can .an airplane. I can a train coming. I can ..a pillow I can a bag I can .a boy I can .a toy. I can a table.

We . with our eyes We...with our nose We ....with our tongue. We...,,with our ears. We ..with our hands.

see/smell/taste/ hear/touch

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