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Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

Allisen Harris Lawrence Yuen Xavier Cross



Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report


A lot of jurisdictions like game companies. A gaming hub can mean hundreds of very well paid individuals settling down in an area.
-Sean Kane Counsel, Pillsbury Law


Austin, Texas is well known as the headquarters for Dell and the very popular SXSW festival. Executives know that major corporations like AMD and Google have significant presence there. Technophiles know about Apples new $304M campus and the 3,600 jobs it will bring. But only a select group known as the videogame industry realize that Austin is home to 63 game studios; a city total that rivals New York state. It all started in 2003 with the big announcement that the videogame industry had reached $10B. This event caused the 7th generation of game consoles to be crammed with processors. By 2005, California game publishers realized these new systems would need exponentially larger development teams. The search began to find any tech minded city that offered a lower cost of living and an abundance of new housing. Austin matched their criteria. And so began a campaign to attract and train new talent to a city where larger studios could be built for less; a plan made to lessen the industry pain to come. YEAR
2005 2006 2007


The Downtown Project aims to revitalize a wonderful section of Las Vegas by invigorating and attracting talented entrepreneurs, artists, directors, programmers, musicians, educators, and more. The real challenge for Vegas is how to attract such a diverse group at the same time. Hollywood is known to boost a local economy, but due to its transient nature, the effects are fleeting. If a tech center is to grow downtown, technical programmers must be attracted. And if there is one industry that is known to attract a diverse range of talent, its next-gen videogames.

Junction Bioware Blizzard

18,000 50,500 46,000

180 450 500


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report


Since the release of the Xbox 360 in 2005, the only games that could qualify as Next-Gen were titles that delivered superior graphics and realistic gameplay. Even now, as these AAA games continue to impress critics and push the limits, gamers consistently desire for more and better. Their avid demand has brought the industry to $75B, but their hunger comes at a painful price for the entire next-gen sector.

PUBLISHER PAIN: Next-Gen titles often require a minimum budget of $10-20M just to compete. STUDIO PAIN: Game studios struggle in handling and managing teams of over 400 developers. DEVELOPER PAIN: As deadlines approach, many developers lose days of sleep and family time. GAMER PAIN: Gamers invest hundreds in new consoles to receive limited AAA titles per year. LICENSING PAIN: Media tie-ins lose out due to the lengthy development process of next-gen.

TEAM: 982

TEAM: 800+

TEAM: 1181

$1 Billion 6IN1 STUDIOS



Source: Game Credits , NPD Group, Studio Reports


Vegas now has a tremendous opportunity. Not only does Vegas have Austins 2005 criteria of a low cost of living and available housing, it has a growing tech community. Plus, publishers will soon be searching for the next Austin as the bottleneck of AAA development is about to get worse. On June 5th, history plans to repeat itself with the global unveiling of the 8th generation of consoles at its biggest media conference, E3.

The current model for building a AAA game studio is to find a huge place and fill it with attractive amenities and the various facilities needed for each internal department. Instead of following this standard, a different approach called, Bottoms Up could be used to minimize the construction process and the space required. Bottoms Up loosely refers to a local concept of using external aspects to enhance an internal cause. Following this theme, 6 separate yet selfsustaining studios could be promptly established to work as one; each interconnected using RTC.


Just like Junction Studios, publishers will need a starting point; a game studio in Vegas that can develop high quality games faster and for less. To accomplish this, a new type of game studio must be conceived. One that takes collaboration to the next level with a proprietary technology called, Real Time Collaboration. RTC is a multi hardware, software, and methodology system designed to reduce development teams by 1/3 and develop complex projects in half the time. Designed and prototyped for Microsoft but never implemented, RTC can now become an exclusive Vegas technology. If publishers want it, they will have to develop in Vegas to use it.

RTC beat our expectations. What takes EA two weeks to do, our teams can do in one.
-Xavier Cross Inventor, RTC System


Each studio also has the ability to provide a public section of its spaces to engage Zappos employees, teach locals, and encourage tourists.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Production Studio is the heart of the entire operation. Not only does development begin here, it is also taught. The studios main plan is to train various production companies on how to develop their own AAA titles faster using RTC. For example, possible 6IN1clients like, Marvel Studios, will contract game development while they receive help from 6IN1 to build their own Vegas studio and bring jobs.



Each studio will be divided into three departments in order to sustain management efficiency. The development department will house the game theorists, writers, and level designers. Design docs will be created, reviewed, and tested here. These talented teams will be responsible for teaching the key aspects of award winning game design to both our clients and staff.


If development is the heart, the direction department is the brain. This is where all the top game directors will be housed. Here, they use RTC to precisely navigate their large teams and coordinate instant meetings throughout all 6 studios. This is also the training ground where both clients and expert employees can learn to become AAA game directors.


The third department handles the marketing & localization for each of a clients games. From next-gen console to PC strategy, skilled branding managers ensure that each game targets its demographic while collaborating with the production team to minimize the pitfalls of over design. They handle the outsourcing of customer support and train 6IN1 clients do to the same.



Designed primarily to reduce the legal claims caused by carpal tunnel and back pain, this Community Connection space can relieve physical fatigue while attracting top game talent to Vegas. Several big studios design areas for relaxation, but few have aspects that focus on the concept directly. These three key features can help benefit the entire 6IN1 staff, its visiting clients, and the Downtown Project.

ZAPPOS: MetroNaps

LOCALS: Zen Room

TOURISTS: Massage Break

Known for its deep 20 minute power naps, the MetroNap energy pod remind us that sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise. Just 3 pod systems could help any passerby or local employee rejuvenate their day.

Yoga classes are abundant in Vegas, but the Zen Room is a private space that offers a different kind of stress relief, Compassion Meditation. This exercise of mental caring has been shown to relax the mind and even increase happiness.

Available day or night, this massage area provides a quick fifteen minute or less physical oasis. A quiet place to help the weary employee escape during their break or allow a traveler to renew themselves along the way.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Concept Studio is the soul of 6IN1. This is the place that allows creativity to flourish and new ideas to grow. It allows concept art teams to consistently improve their skills and practice techniques both young and old. Case studies have shown that concept artists prefer to design and work together with the RTC system. It allows a new form of instant collaboration while simultaneously providing inspiration.



A next-gen game is worthless without good design. Here, top artists work to provide the immensely complicated worlds needed for each game. From stunning architecture to hideous monsters, each artist researches and learns culture, history, and human behavior. This added training only enhances their skills and can raise any member to the elite level of artist they wish to be.


Every detailed concept must grow from an image on the screen, to a three-dimensional asset for the game. Asset artists are visualizers who can see past the single flat view of a concept or drawing. They can build a form that stands, reacts, and even flows with the game. They are the builders of worlds and they improve their own skills by teaching others.


Art needs structure, and this department delivers it. Level and map designers are found here. They are charged with testing how each and every piece of art comes together. Their key and primary task is to constantly challenge the strength of each design and decide how well it plays in an immersive world. They are the experts of interactivity, giving wisdom to each game.



For each 6IN1 concept artist to grow, they must practice and learn. This community connection is a natural extension for the studio while providing a unique subject matter for a local gallery. Fans of design can get an exclusive look at the stunning artistry behind their favorite games, movies, and comics. Visitors can discover both visually and hands on how difficult it is to bring dreams to reality.


LOCALS: Sketch Center


Simple treats, sandwiches, and coffee will be provided at this small caf that engages artistic conversation. A place for groups to gather after visiting the museum or for friends who just wish to enjoy food with great art.

One purpose of the museum is to enhance and showcase the artists at 6IN1. The other purpose is to help benefit the local creative community by offering top sketching and figure drawing classes taught by masters of the craft.

To further boost the economy in Downtown Vegas and help create a sustaining revenue for the museum, a concept art gift shop can be included. Patrons can purchase either limited signed prints on site or posters available online.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Animation Studio is the energy force for 6IN1. It is the center that breathes life and character into every aspect of each game. The animations produced will be as impressive as the tools used to create them. The studios custom 3D hardware will come from a creative partnership with Dells gaming arm, Alienware, while training, software, and cameras will be provided by partners, Autodesk and Vicon.



Gamers expect their games to deliver high-quality, realistic action. At 6IN1, The motion department ensures this with an animation process called, Motion Capture. MoCap is the industry standard system for translating real-time actor performances directly into usable animation data. This team manages and maintains the suspended rig and highend Vicon infra-red cameras.


To craft a living, breathing next-gen world, 3D animators must understand the many intricacies of both movement and emotion. This department provides the solutions when motion capture is simply unavailable. These artists of action must use their skills and imagination to create characters that cannot be performed on stage; creatures that fly, swim, and slither.


The FX department handles nature. They wield the forces of digital fire and manipulate the torrents of particle rain. They test and review weather simulations like wind, snow, smoke, and even how light reflects on water. In some instances, the FX department will also assist with the compositing and editing of in-game cinematics, trailers, and other video productions.

Most major game studios have a basic theater for the purpose of holding large team meetings and reviewing production work. This efficient method allows entire departments to properly visualize the same goals while contributing their input in a communal atmosphere. When not in use by 6IN1, the food serving theater can generate its own revenue and host a variety of events that benefits downtown Vegas.



ZAPPOS: Classics & Beer

LOCALS: Screening Room

TOURISTS: MoCap Experience

Unlike most theaters, this bar like experience allows friends to unwind while enjoying the movies of their youth. Instead of the concession stand norm, lighted buttons can signal a hostess to take an order of appetizers and drinks.

Many cities have experienced a renewal by adopting and embracing independent film festivals. Local directors can use the serving theater to host public screening events that promote their movies and help build the festival scene.

From Avatar to Grand Theft Auto, visitors can finally go behind the scenes and see how a motion capture system works. The tours will include live acrobatic performances and even a lucky few will get to participate in a recording.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Engine Studio is the nerve center of 6IN1. It creates the lines of code needed to sustain the games performance while enhancing gameplay. Due to the complexity of game programming, most next-gen developers license trusted software tools called game engines. A key feature of 6IN1 will allow clients to learn and use the engine that suits them best: Unreal 3, CryEngine 3, HeroEngine, and Torque 3D.



AAA games are required to have impressive graphics and use advanced mathematics and physics to achieve them. This demand is so great, that engine graphics usually needs its own separate department. These programming wizards understand vectors and ratios. They know how to render a scene and engineer lighting models that illuminate even the darkest of details.


Of all the types of technical programming, next-gen game development is considered to be the hardest. The technical code gurus in this department work on a variety of systems, from artificial intelligence to complex 3D user interfaces. Technical game engineers are considered extremely rare. To help decrease their rarity, engineers of this team will teach eager coders their art.


Several of the most popular next-gen titles also offer an additional online multi-player format. The lobby department consists of programmers who build robust lobby systems where gamers from all over the world can meet and play for points or prestige. They will also teach 6IN1 clients how to use their own servers, or co-locate at powerful data centers like SwitchNAP.

This teaching center at 6IN1 will help internal teams continually improve their skills while providing a training ground for job candidates. Since the resume process is barely effective in the game industry, 6IN1 will recruit anyone with passion via its free training website, Any applicant who fulfills the online curriculum can simply attend the apprentice school to prove they have next-gen talent.



ZAPPOS: Hack Time

LOCALS: Code Classes

TOURISTS: Keychain Games

Many programmers enjoy solving challenges. It helps them sharpen their skills and collaborate with others. On certain days, the skill school can host Hack Time; a place where seasoned coders help startups change the world.

Programming classes at night can be hard to come by; especially ones that are free. Locals who have a passion for learning code on their own can attend this school and find the interaction and guidance they need.

To further support the center and create higher interest for programming, Vegas visitors will be able to make their own custom games. Using a kiosk, players will pick styles and even download pictures to create their USB game.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Sound Studio is the ears and rhythm of 6IN1. It the essential piece that provides the right grooves and intense sounds, which propel next-gen gameplay. This studio will use its space wisely by managing all aspects of recording, mixing, and sound programming in one area. It will show clients how to take audio cues to another level and give them the tools to create three-dimensional worlds of sound.



To tell a next-gen story well, talented voices are required. Whether known celebrities or experienced stage actors are used, the voices within the game should support and propel the story. This is the role of the vocal department. These masters of dialogue help find the right tones and aural personalities. They can direct any quality actor to give a stellar performance.


Music has always been an integral part of the video game experience. What once use to be a single composer with a keyboard has now grown into a full orchestra, performing scores from top Hollywood composers. The mavens of music recording in this department respect this growth and know how to build the best soundtrack for each next-gen experience.


Next-Gen game audio is not just about layering actors voices with music. Its about creating positional sound and building aural atmospheres. The sound programmers in this department know how to create and integrate the sounds that surround each player. These foley wizards can record bacon frying, add reverb, and make every gamer believe its rain.

A tremendous production benefit for 6IN1, this multiple sound bay recording studio can also provide self sustaining services that go beyond the standard usage. Its dual purpose is to teach sound production to clients and inspire causes in the community; causes that can attract celebrities and help local musicians find an better road to their dreams while mentoring others just starting the process.



ZAPPOS: Karaoke Dens

LOCALS: Demo Drops


Producer rooms by day and karaoke dens by night. These private, musical quarters have huge popularity overseas and provide a fun-filled release for coworkers, friends, and families looking to sing the night away.

Laying down a demo can be a trying and expensive task that takes both time and expertise to get right. By creating a music competition directly on Freemont Street, musicians can compete for the coveted prize of a free demo drop.

A dead room is an area of a sound studio designed for dry recordings. But, if designed by Eckel Industries, it can become a bizarre experience. Imagine being in a room so quiet that one could hear the blood flowing in their veins.


Videogame Studio @ Downtown Project

May 2012 Report

The Test Studio is the immune system of 6IN1. It checks for viruses, bugs, and anything else that could impede the release of a game. Most studios use several strategies to track version control and manage the influx of version releases created during the testing phase. 6IN1 uses the RTC system to allow any department to see a reported bug in real-time and take collaborative action to best solve the issue.



White box game testing, is so named because it involves internal testing performed by experts who understand the game platform as well as the inner workings of the game itself. In this department, multi-disciplinary engineers and programmers can see the inner workings of the clear white box and detect errors and weaknesses that could hinder the game.

Also known as translucent testing, this method of game debugging is a blend of white and black box. Programmers in this department have a good understanding of the internal structure of the game engine. These precise hunters test for objects in a next-gen game that may not play nice or refuse to work with the engine architecture or system processors.



Black box game testing pushes the functionality of the games performance. Little understanding of the internal workings or the development of engines is required. Here, avid gamers transform into powerfully perceptive critics. They are trained to observe every detail while pushing the limits of playability. They are the reporters of bugs in the system to the other teams.

Several game studios slow down the productivity of their testers by supplying them with unlimited junk food. The constant barrage of delivered pizza causes drowsiness as the body tries to digest the large quantities of fast food. By including a quick bite restaurant inside the testing center, portion abuse is minimized resulting in a more alert staff that can focus on every buggy detail.



ZAPPOS: Slidin Thru

LOCALS: Beta Day

TOURISTS: Black Box Arcade

A fan favorite of Vegas, these gourmet mini sliders make everyones taste buds water. Made with love and prepared with flair, this extra location allows the public to enjoy these treats while 6IN1 orders via an app called Counterless.

Having a testing center helps 6IN1, but it can also help entrepreneurs who need beta testers. Instead of searching and waiting for someone to test a new app, startups can use the trained testers at 6IN1 and get feedback in one day.

Visitors of Slidin Thru at 6IN1 will also benefit from another treat; the rare chance to play unreleased games while munching on the best mini burgs in town. Players will finally get to taste the world of a game tester.

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