Trinity Tidings: Mother/Child Dinner "Come Fly With Me"

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Trinity Tidings

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA

M AY 2013 V OLUM E 7, ISSU E 5 Our Mission Statement:
Sharing the Word of God Through Worship and Teaching, With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and Our Community.

MOTHER/CHILD DINNER COME FLY WITH ME Friday, May 3, 2013 6:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Table of Contents
Pastor Peterson Trinity's Council News 2 3-5 ___________________________ __________________________ Service to Others Birthdays ____________________________ Notes of Thanks News for Women of TLC Circle News 7 6

May 4, 2013 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Lutheran Memorial Camp

MAY 12, 2012

Sunday, May 5th Clippers Game 1:00 p.m. $5.00 reserved seat (down leftfield line) Cinco de Mayo fiesta lunch pre-game at Trinity Church

PENTECOST EVENT SUNDAY, MAY 19TH TO BENEFIT TRINITY YOUTH Trinity youth will host a Pentecost Event wiener roast and other foods cooked on an open fire following worship on Sunday, May 19. A freewill offering will be taken with proceeds supporting Trinity youth activities and with 10 percent of those proceeds tithed to the Heifer Program.


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Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. 44All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 47praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Acts 2: 43-47 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, +Peace+ As we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church at Pentecost, I urge you to meditate on the passage above. It describes life in the early Church just after this first Pentecost. Pray that the whole Body of Christ, the little finger we call Old Trinity, and your own life will reflect these qualities of the earliest Church. The Church is Evangelical. That is, we are based in and motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ: that though we are sinners, fallible and impure, we are always loved by God and we are accepted into Gods kingdom by Gods grace alone. We know Gods love for us through Christs life, death, resurrection, and through the mission he gave to his followers. Although Gods love is for us whether or not we will receive it, we do receive this love simply by faith, or trust, in Christ. This Good News of Christ Jesus is the substance, the core, the essence of Christian faith and life. The Church is catholic. Catholic does not mean obedient to the Roman Pope, though we might respect and admire him. The word catholic literally means according to the whole. All Christians who are devoted to the teaching of the apostles, those teachings stated in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds, are catholic in this truer sense. We celebrate our unity in the Body of Christ by drinking deeply from the well of church tradition in our teaching, life, and worship. I find it helpful to remember that Luthers problem with the Church of his day was not that it was too catholic; I dont think Luther believed it was possible to be too catholic. Rather, Luthers concern was that the Roman Catholic authorities were not catholic enough, because they were too insistent on being too Roman. The Church is humanistic. Humanism is not always based in the rejection of God and in the teaching that Man is the measure of all things. Martin Luther was and Lutheranism is the product of the Christian humanism which emerged in the European Renaissance. This Christian humanism is based in two ideas. First, we believe that since human beings are created by God, we are fundamentally good. And so we celebrate, encourage, and strive to make full use of all the product of human creativity and ingenuity--the arts, literature, music, science, and technology--as the products of God working through us. As Christian humanists, we bring to Christs table the fruits of our work, our skill, and our thought. The second teaching of Christian humanism is that we are fallible, and so are all the things and ideas that we produce. This belief drives us continually to re-formulate our understanding of the world through science and philosophy, and to look to the fine arts to help us see the world anew. Most importantly, we remain aware that the Churchs customs and doctrines are imperfect, and we seek ever to reform them to the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. The true Church is always reforming. The Church is Pentecostal. In Lukes words we are called to expect God to work signs and wonders among us by the Holy Spirit. We believe, paraphrasing another humanist, Theres more in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies, sciences, and imaginations. This does indeed mean asking and expecting God to work beyond the bounds of nature in healing bodies and souls. But it also means allowing the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see God at work everywhere in the world. May the Holy Spirit indeed open our eyes to see Christ Jesus at work in the world, in the arts and sciences, and at Old Trinity. And may the one who sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost open our mouths to praise God and open our arms to love our neighbors, all for the love of Christ! Amen! +Peace+ Pastor Chuck


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Presidents Report Spring has sprung and the number of activities going on at Old Trinity is growing. The first weekend in May will see the Mother-Child Banquet, the congregational retreat, and a group trip to a Clippers game. Plans are in the works to grow a bigger variety of produce in the Trinity gardens. Pentecost will see our congregation grow with new members and a hotdog lunch provided by the youth. Throw in a baptism, a spring cleaning day, and another couple of eating opportunities, and May will get spring off and running. In addition to all of that, things seem to keep rolling along very well. The choirs are coming to the end of their first year under the direction of Tom Wells. Our services are being attended by increasingly larger numbers. We are getting a clearer, more defined picture of our financial situation. Our website continues to get more hits and more return visitors. Things continue to hop around the church. As we celebrate all this, lets be sure to remember that God has blessed us to make all these things possible. He is guiding our ministries and providing the opportunities to live and share His word. To God go the power and the glory. Praise Him and come be a part of Old Trinity. Im sure He wouldnt have it any other way.

Message from the LOVE Committee Our next meeting will be May 12th at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. LOVE is working with local ELCA churches to organize a group to march in the Columbus PRIDE Parade. Anyone interested in representing Trinity and the ELCA Churches of Columbus on June 22nd at Noon. The ELCA has yet to be represented in the parade as a group. Showing support for your LGBT brothers and sisters. Please speak with Robert Neymeyer in church or email him at More information to come in the coming weeks.

Message from Communication and Evangelism We are hard at working with various projects such as creating a new church logo, a Welcome Brochure for the church, and a section of the website where members can go to see Church Council minutes and a digital church directory. If you have any ideas or questions please contact Robert Neymeyer We are always looking for congregation feedback.


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Wednesday Night Bible Study




Beyond the Present Time

By Chip Borgstadt

The Book of Judges

...Human depravity at its worst ...Gods unrelenting love

Daniel Luke Acts 1 & 2 Peter 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Come join us in room

Room 108 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Come Join Us!

7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.

Come join us In the Lounge

Saturday, May 4th 10:00 6:00 at Lutheran Memorial Camp


PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE INK AND TONER CARTRIDGES Staples will recycle ink and toner cartridges and give us money back which then gives us rewards to purchase church supplies.

THEOLOGY W/ A TWIST every 4th Wednesday May 22nd faith discussions check Happenings for location


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2013 TRINITY GARDEN UPDATE Trinity will again be growing vegetables and herbs to share. This year we will plant organic tomatoes, mixed leaf lettuce, parsley, chives and basil in our raised bed. In addition, we will replace some of our flower beds near the back entrance with vegetables beets, carrots, radishes and other vegetables. We tentatively plan to prepare and plant our garden on Saturday, May 11. Please watch the Happenings for more information closer to that date. Sign-up sheets to volunteer to weed and water the garden will be available after the planting date.

THE BAKE SALE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! The Women of Trinity thank the congregation and friends of Trinity for their support of the TLCW Bake Sale on Palm Sunday. We had many great baked goods, candies, and some Easter decorations to sell. The profit from the bake sale was $209.00 which will be used for the many ministries the TLCW support throughout the year. Janet Robertson and Sheila Hively, -Chairs Co

Faith Mission has recently completed its move to a bigger and better space at 245 N. Grant Avenue. We are fully in the new building and absolutely love it, said Executive Director Susan Villilo. The new location provides an improved environment that reflects the quality of the services provided. People using our services have increased space and privacy. The move to the new location was made possible by a property swap between the nonprofit organization and the Edwards Cos, who are planning to turn the former church that housed the Faith Mission offices and soup kitchen into a sales office and clubhouse for their Neighborhood Launch project. The transition to the new space was not without its complications. It was a bit tricky especially with the relocation of the Community Kitchen, said Villilo.We continued to serve meals uninterrupted, but that required some cooking offsite and transporting food for a while. Overall, Villilo says that the new building is helping the organization further its mission of serving people in need; It seems the people we serve not only have more space and privacy but that we have created a welcoming, dignified physical environment that encourages engaging in service. More information can be found online about both Faith Mission and Neighborhood Launch. Photo by Anne Evans.


Volume 7, Issue 5

Service to Trinity in May

Greeters 05 Madeline DeRoche 12 Vivian Faelchle 19 Peg Beeson 26 Marcia Buban Lectors 05 Judy Fortman 12 Christiane Buuck 19 Greg Brandt 26 Marcia Buban Worship Assistants Cantors 05 Emily Seitz Elizabeth Moes 12 Jason McKitrick Neal Coryell 19 Robert Neymeyer Emily Godshalk 26 Arlene Dykeman Timothy Edwards Saturday Night Lectors 04 Mary Reed-Farris 11 David Warner 18 Timothy Edwards 25 Mary Roberts Altar Guild Diana Fisher Communion Bread Baker LeNan Empey Open/Close Dorothy and Frank Bazell Ushers David Reiss-captain, Norm Hively, Evan Hively, Jason McKitrick, Lucas Lumbra Offering Assistants

Service to our Community

FAITH MISSION The next date for Faith Mission is Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is served from 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30 p.m. Those serving at Faith Mission in April were: The Downtowners led by Ellen OShaughnessy. For more information on service at Faith Mission, contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Thank you again, Sharon Thacker
While serving at Faith Mission please take all safety precautions. Please wear closed-toed shoes, all clothing must cover arms and abdomen. Shorts must not rise higher than the knee. Long hair should be covered by a hair net. Volunteers who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to reschedule their service. Please understand this is for your safety.

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) FOOD PANTRY Remember to sign-up on SIGNUP CENTRAL the bulletin board in the lobby for this very important service for our community. Contact Tim Edwards at


03 Janet Robertson 04 Jerry Daily 04 Madeline DeRoche 09 Karen Gunderman 12 Geoffrey Wilhelm 14 Erica Lumbra 16 Mary Roberts 17 Jerry Daily Jr. 20 Vivian Faelchle 21 Grant Miller 23 Russell Thacker 27 Diana Fisher 27 Randal Telfer

Samaritan Update from 3/30-4/23 32 lunch bags 10 State ID 32 COTA Day Passes 1 $20.00 Gas Voucher 1 10.00 Gas Voucher Each month Trinity is able 614-598-1887 or email: to help assist people with Cota Day Passes. We also for information on Saturday assist people each month by service at the LSS food pantry. helping them to get their State ID. Another program Contact Bev Speasmaker at Trinity offers is gasoline for 231-2891 if you would like to your vehicle. We currently help during the week. work with a local BP station. Volunteers are always needed. Trinity continues to offer brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.


06 Jill Brandt 06 Dianna Everett 07 Elizabeth Mote 10 Eugene Abahazie 12 Alice Gramlich 17 Jason McKitrick 19 Marvin Buban 20 Beverly Speasmaker 23 Lucas Lumbra 30 Sarah Van Horn



NEWS FROM THE WOMEN OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Shirley Griffin, President RACHEL CIRCLE Rachel Circle's next meeting will be May 2nd at 12:00 p.m., the word is Lord. Table Prayers will be lead by Olive Workman. Rachel Circle donated 22 1/2 pounds of peanut butter to the kitchen at Faith Mission . Ms. Sherita, the cook at Faith Mission, says she uses the peanut butter to make sandwiches for both breakfast and lunch. Those donating peanut butter were: Beth Fraley, Shirley Griffin, Nancy Gosnell, Georgianna Mickles, Ruth Myers, Bev Speasmaker, Lesley and Melody Stroupe, and Sharon Thacker. Georgianna, Melody, and Sharon delivered the peanut butter to Faith Mission. It was well received by the kitchen staff. Thank you to all who donated. Sharon Thacker HANNAH CIRCLE The Hannah Circle will meet on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Lounge. Peg Beeson will be the Bible study leader and hostess. Members are ask to bring bars of soap to give to the World Lutheran Relief project. The soap will be collected through September. Also, please bring jars of peanut butter for the Faith Mission kitchen. Janet Robertson, Hannah Circle Member

We at the Ronald McDonald House are grateful for your contribution of pop tabs. Thank you for thinking of us.

THE WOMEN OF TRINITY MOTHER/CHILD DINNER will sponsor their Annual dinner on May 3rd at 6:30 PM. The theme this year will be COME FLY WITH ME. Please come and enjoy a special evening with us. There will be good food and exciting things to do at the dinner. Tickets are on sale before and after 10:30 service. Ticket will be $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 and under.

WTLC ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be held June 2nd. Please stop in the Fellowship Hall and have some ice cream with

TLC CAREGIVERS will have a regular monthly meeting on May 7th at 7:00 P.M. everyone is welcome to attend our meetings.

This year we are collecting bath size bars of soap for World Lutheran Relief. The soap will collected through September, 2013. There will be a basket in the lobby both on Saturday night and Sunday mornings to hold your donations. If you remember last year our campaign was very successful, because we helped 608 people with our bars of soap. Maybe we will do even better in 2013?? Thank you for your support and soap. Sharon Thacker

Remember to save your pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Please put in the water jug in the lobby.

May 2013
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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799 E-mail:

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The deadline for submission of articles for the June Trinity Tidings is Wednesday, May 15th at 12:30p.m. Assembly of the Trinity Tidings will be Monday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Charles Peterson Minister of Music and Organist: Dr. Tom Wells Administrative Assistant: Mary Reed-Farris Custodian: Lori Large
Trinity Tidings Committee
Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm Friday 8:30-12:30pm

Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly & Mailers Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Amanda Greiner Vivian Faelchle Myra Kilhefner
Suggestions for the Trinity Tidings are always welcome

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recognize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

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