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Lorenzo Neo- Classical The neo-classic period of literature took place during the 18th century, and coincided

with the European Age of Enlightenment. It was a time when the writing of the time started to change it became a lot more logical, political, and used a lot of satire. The satire of the time was used to make fun of certain issues/flaws in the society and had the aim of changing the issue by pointing it out in a humorous way. The writing emphasized order, wit, and it included a lot of public political writings throughout the era. This was a shift in the way people thought for the longest time people got their answers from the roman catholic church in this era they didnt go completely from that but it was a shift in trying to find answers from you own thoughts. This is when journalism started to become a profession, this period included newspapers and other public writings that reported on events that took place. This most important thing to take away from this many of the great writers of the time were satirist such as Cervantes, or Swift they wrote about issues and problems of the time period they lived in. They wrote about these flaws in a humorous, at times a mocking way in order to get people to understand the their mistakes and invoke some sort of social change. One of the most famous work of satire from this time period was Don Quixote this was written by Cervantes. In Don Quixote has satire throughout the book but it is especially vivid in chapter 8 was about Don Quixote and Sancho coming upon thirty-forty windmills in a field. Then Don Quixote decides that the wind mills are evil and decides to attack them, Sancho tries to get him to understand that they are windmills but he refuses to listen to him. Don Quixote the goes on the attack the windmills, then all of a sudden there is a gust of wind the wind mill starts to move and

breaks Don Quixotes spear and also picks him up then throws him down. Then Sancho come over to tell him that it was a wind mill not something, Don Quixote refuses to listen but instead blames Friston the magician for putting up the wind mills to get in this way the fortunes of war more than any other are liable to frequent fluctuations; and moreover I think, and it is the truth, that that same sage Friston who carried off my study and books, has turned these giants into mills in order to rob me of the glory of vanquishing them, even when he realizes they are wind mills he still adds more to the story. Then after this incident the two men go on to have a conversation in which, Don Quixote goes on to talk about how he cant complain when he is in pain because he is a knight but the Sancho asks if he can complain and Quixote says you can are allowed to complain about being in pain. This text was Cervantes telling a knights tale from a satirical perspective. In the text he attempts to mock Don Quixote by not portraying him as a brave, strong, honorable knight but instead shows him as a delusional, confused man who is following his dreams. The author doesn't is saying Don Quixote is living a lie; he is not a real knight and doesn't have the right moral system. Cervantes uses Don Quixote as an expression of the modern people/behaviors and morals of the time. There is not a positive view of the current times (Cervantes current time), he feels as though go back to the old morals and chivalric code. Don Quixote is used as the body to express his displeasure of the current times. This text parodys what is considered a typical knight story, but the brave knight is replaced by Don Quixote to represent the flaws and delusions that Cervantes sees in this society. The satire in this text is very important it allows the reader to understand that the author sees a flawed society. Looking at the wind mill scene, Don Quixote attacks a windmill convinced that it is a giant, even though Sancho tells him time and time again it's not. This also speaks to the confused society message the author is trying to get

across. The fact that there aren't evil giants but instead inanimate windmills are used to show the reader that the society isnt what it once was it once was, during the times of the knights and chivalry. The story speaks out against the lack of imagination, and order/organization that exists in the time period. Cervantes does this through the Don Quixote character, even though he is delusional and out of touch with reality he still follows his dreams to become a knight. So instead of staying in his social class and either being rich or poor he chases after what he was to do and breaks free from the current social order. Don Quixote throughout the story doesn't care what anyone else thinks of him, he acts out of impulse and doesn't reason the actions he takes. Cervantes uses the way the character acts to try and influence the people of this time to act more on instinct, and emotion rather than reasoning out every decision. In an era of logic and reason, when the wind mills are seen Sancho says "what we see there are not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the sails that turned by the wind make the millstone go but Don Quixote doesnt derive this conclusion he acts impulsively and does what he feels in his heart. Right or wrong he is still acting in the way he feels will lead him to true happiness.

Don Quixote was a book that attempted to achieve social change by comedy, and poking fun at the current state of affairs in the world. The author tries to show the people the error of their ways, and how they should change their ways to fit the vision of the world that Cervantes feels it should be. This is what a lot of the writing in this time period focused the authors goal was social change through satire and finding ways to point how misguided certain aspects of society are. The Neo Classical period of literature emphasized logic, reason and achieving

social/political changes through writings. This period of literature was stepped away from magic and mysticism and focused more on the individual l persons life, also wanted to make what he authors at the time thought were positive changes in society as a whole.

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