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Not heeding to the ancient prophecy

By Vashisht Vaid in SHAMBHALLA (Files)

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I already informed everyone in my previous post that.....Long ago ................after the establishment of the planetary order of Melchizedek's in the higher dimensional planes of planet was then Prophesied in their collective group consciousness .....that one day in this planet earths history ...............some will be born as an ordinary human being of ordinary normal human parents ...........who will be the MASTER OF ALL OTHER MASTERS OF INNER AND OUTER PLANES .......existing in the planetary earths hierarchy....whose very life and purpose would be announced throughout the entire world all the angelic herarchies, who will act as his host................ But let me add further to this story .... these so called members known as fraters [both male and female members called themselves as the brothers] existing mostly upon the mental as well as the astral plane, who called themselves as the members of the inner order of Melchizedeks or the most righteous rulers...over the passing of time under the influence of false pride which into their minds, due to their absolute powers which bestowed upon them by the Creator logos who himself acted as the most high priest of this brotherhood became totally ruthless and corrupt..... And when the Prophesied Master of all Masters incarnated as a normal human being..then instead of providing him the most honour upon the physical plane...they conspired against him in every which they did not wanted a human being to be their top most by now the planet earth had became a Den of thieves controlled through the illegal activities of these most corrupt order in the entire fivefold matrix known as Prapancha. Based upon the universal law of "Will to do Good" , there is an established mandate of law of give and take.....which means what ever one donates as money, food or physical objects of monetary value, during the period of normal days of planet earth which are not having any planetary significance [significant days are certain time periods like the solstice, equinox, eclipses etc upon which various worldly religious holidays are based upon] has to automatically come back to him minimum 10 fold as a reward crop, in 30 to 45 days....and that is why the system of "Tithe" was established in the ancient days in almost all world religions which was also noted down in their religious scriptures, .........and during certain significant days considered as days of holiness, the amount as crop reward became 100 times and n cerain time periods 1000 times. In 2003 August ...such a righfull crop planted by the chosen one.... was stolen by this most corrupt this melchizedek order or the so called white brotherhood ....who instead of returning back the crop went on conspiring and continued lying with false promises to they had no intention to return.......and this returning of the rightfull crop is still not the future of the planet earth is very bleak......and all kind of calamities will fall on this planet including the global warming with no hope what so ever....

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Vashisht Vaid thanks dear Sunil Vaid.....

February 15 at 6:27am Like

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