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The Fundamentals of Ben Hogan

1912 - 1997
Turned Pro 1930 Retired 1971 PGA Tour Wins 64 Major Championship Wins - 9

- - - -

Concepts Implementing the skill Transferring the skill to the ball Playing

Hogans Performance
128 Events 42 Wins 40 Events 13 Wins 15 Events 9 wins 8 Events 5 wins





+ 4 HDCP Median

0 HDCP Median

4 HDCP Median

1942 - 1948

1950 - 1956

1951 - 1953


Interviewer poses question to Nicklaus- Is Tiger the best Ball Striker you have ever seen?

Nicklaus No. No. Ben Hogan easily.

Mr. Hogan Left Us With Two Books..

.along with
A Secret And Thousands of Swings

We will be covering Mr. Hogans concepts in Five Lessons & looking back at Power Golf

The Grip
Fundamental 1

Hogans Fundamental Grip

" In Five Lessons Hogan

gave us a modern grip.

" And a few hints.

" The Grip is essentially club face control. " The club face controls the starting point of the ball. " Any extension of the club away from us will be felt in

the hands.
" Wrist Release Patterns are autonomic responses and

because of this the grip is fundamentally important.

Hogans placement of his hands on the club really created the same alignments we look for in a neutral swing today: The Leading Edge of The Club and Lead Arm Matching Up

And Hints of Extension (aka

width or extensor action)

Five Lessons Page 29

" This union of left thumb and right thumb pad

strengthens the welding together of the two hands and it serves to add real reinforcement to your grip, particular at the top of the backswing where poor grips are most likely to deteriorate. Ben Hogan
" The greatest pressure in the right hand is in the two

middle fingers. Power Golf, page 5

Top of Swing Change

Extension or Width
Affects Needed Clubface ClosureAffects Release Position of WristAffects Lag of Club ShaftAffects Stability of Club FaceAffects PowerFunctional Shoulders are needed -

SUMMARY Lesson 1 The Grip

" The Grip " The Pressure Points in

The Grip


The Golfing Machine




Mac OGrady


Mark Blackburn


Rob Noel


James Letitz

Lesson 2
Stance and Posture

Stance and Posture

" 8 Major Joints Stacked " Neck Between The Feet " Advocated The Feet Being

as Wide as The Shoulders

Mr. Hogan and The Feet


Advocated Trail Foot Perpendicular (Power Golf advocated both toes pointing out a bit Advocated Lead Foot Slightly Open (22 degrees) Hogan- It is an automatic governor for hip turn and It makes it easier to feel the muscles that should initiate the hip turn. Power Golf- Toes should point out slightly

" "


Medicine Calls It This

Which ONE Is Better For The Back Foot in Golf?

Medicine Calls It This

Which ONE is Better For The Rear Foot In The Golf Swing?

With a Little Help From The Feet, Ankles and Knees- The Bulk of Rotation is Put On This Structure Of Course With Accompanying Muscles

Mr. Hogan was Setting Up Internal Rotation into The Rear Hip.
..With His Feet

Power Golf 1948

" About 85% of my weight is on the right foot and leg.

Page 42
" Nothing of This Sort is noted in Five Lessons. 1957 " THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOADING


Power Golf-Left Five Lessons- Right

He gave us foot position and a Hint of Loading The Hip

The Arms
The Upper Part of The Arm should be pressed very tightly against the side of the chest. Page 48

A Famous Image..
" Elbows pointing toward

hip bones (also mentioned in Power Golf)

" Press them as close

together as you can. Page 48

" Video evidence suggest

Mr. Hogan didnt do this to an extreme though

Talking Connection?

This Swing, you will feel more and more surely, is is bound to go away from the ball and back through the ball very nearly the same way every time. Five Lessons Page 50

Demonstrating Connection

Medicine Calls It External Rotation of The Shoulder

In my case, I consciously work to build up so strong an adhesion between the upper arms and the chest that a person would have to exert a really terrific amount of force to wedge them apart. Five Lessons 48

Demonstrating External Rotation at Top and Finish

As it folds close to the body, the elbow should always be pointing toward the ground. It helps, you will find, if the upper part of the right arm adheres as closely as possible to the side of the chest. Five Lessons page 48

Stance and Posture

Hogans Posture & Modern Day Posture

IMO The ulna deviation and slightly taller body was due to shortness of clubs and lie angle as a general rule. But.

But Mr. Hogan did move deep (Power Golf) into the line from this posture just as many of the modern players on the PGA Tour.but

later he couldnt stay there.

SUMMARY Lesson 2 Stance and Posture

" Lots of Connection! " Emphasis put on Loading

Rear Hip!

" Utilizing Address Feels



That Re-Enforce Swing Feels

" TPI " Books and Resources of

Human Anatomy

Lesson 3 The First Part Of The Swing

" Waggle " A Bridge " The Trail Leg " ..preventing the leg from

sagging and swaying out to the right and carrying the body along with it. Plane!

" "

The Sequence Of The Backswing ..for the novice is to know they dont start back so closely together that their action is unified.

" Introduction To The " ..the plane serves the

golfer as sort of a threedimensional road map.


A Bridge Between Committing To The Shot and Hitting The Shot- As you waggle so you shall swing. -

" During the waggle, as he

previews his shot and attempts to telegraph his mental picture from his brain to his muscles,.
" .the golfer makes the

little adjustments necessary to be perfectly in balance for hitting that particular shot from that particular lie.

Hogan didnt take practice swings on the course


Mr. Hogans waggle was his practice swing Mr. Hogan gives advice not to groove the waggle because it takes instinct to plan and play a golf shot, and your preparation for each shot must be done instinctive. Page 67 The waggle was obviously also his way from freeing up the mind for the shot at hand. Today we referred to it as a routines or preshot routines. What it amounts to is that you address the ball with some movement, or waggle as the tournament professionals call it, and then go smoothly from the waggle into the backswing via the recoil from the forward press. Power Golf, page 33




During The Waggle The Shoulders Dont Turn. Page 69

" Mr. Hogan again using

address feels to convey his next point which is

" ..the sequence of the

" ..and the amount of turn

of the upper body over the lower body

Science calls it Kinematic Sequence and Mr. Hogan would get peer approval for his efforts to explain it years ago.

When the hips are turned back to the left, this tightens the muscles between the hip and the shoulders just a notch more. Page 74
" The tighter the tension " As regards the right leg, it

in these muscles, the faster the upper part of the body will unwind (as the hips turn) and transfer its speed to the arms and the hands. Page 74

should maintain the same position it had at address, the same angle in relation to the ground, throughout the backswing. Page 75
" So Far Five Lessons is

Screaming ConnectionTightness- Utilizing the Length/Tension relationships of muscles!

The Right Leg

Maintain the Same Relationship during backswing. Not quite

If he executes his backswing properly, as his arms are approaching hip level, they should be parallel with the plane and.
..they should remain parallel with the plane, just beneath the glass, till they reach the top of the backswing. Page 77

Tour Players today arent too far away from Mr. Hogans images of the backswing planeHowever Mr. Hogan was flatter than most. Most assuredly due to his emphasis on connection.

SUMMARY Lesson 3 The First Part of the Swing

" The Waggle as a bridge

and independent for every shot. still very prevalent.

" The sequence of the

backswing that grows from his previous lesson.

" Concept of Connection

" Building from the foot

" Introduction of the

positions Mr. Hogan keeps the right leg in a position that it prevents sagging and swaying

backswing plane
" Concept of Connection

still very prevalent

Lesson 4 The Second Part of the Swing

" The Downswing Plane " Pronation and Supination

" The Role of The Hips

The Downswing Plane


The golfer gets on the downswing plane when he turns his hips to the left to initiate the downswing. The plane for the downswing in inclined at a shallower angle than the plane of the backswing, and its lateral axis points slightly to the right of the golfers target. Page 88 The inside out phase of the swing is important at all times during the swing, but particularly when you are playing irons. Power Golf Page 35


I was expecting to see arms swinging out to the right!

Instead he was just feeling like he would approach from the inside.













By moving the bottom of the swing forward Mr. Hogan

..was sensing the plane being flatter and shifted more to the right!

It was the biggest difference in his swing from Power Golf To Five Lessons.

Hogan addressed the importance of hitting the ball from the inside in both Power Golf and Five Lessons.

The Hips


" To begin the downswing,



Power Golf vs Five Lessons


The first movement in the downswing is turning the left hip to the left. When your hips are turned to the left there will be enough lateral movement to put your weight on your left foot.. Power Golf Page 34



TURN YOUR HIPS BACK TO THE LEFT. THERE MUST BE ENOUGH LATERAL MOTION FORWARD TO TRANSFER THE WEIGHT TO THE LEFT FOOT. The path the hips take on the downswing is not the exact same path they traveled as they were turned on the backswing.their arc should be trifle wider.. Five Lessons page 90




Mr. Hogan did in fact turn his hipsjust not from the same place as the pictures in Five Lessons described.

Hogan described it to John Schlee as a Turning Point.

Schlees getting to his turning point.

Once you are on the turning pointonce you are fully loaded this deep into the swing, there is little chance that you can go wrong. With the target turn, you feel an aggressive spinning motion of the left knee, left hip and left shoulder level left and out of the way. Maximum Golf page 133

Turning Point and Level Left


Hogan held true to the hips turning back to the left to start the downswing before and after the wreck. After the wreck he was on a turning point and turning level left. These two modifications would have increased the angle of attack and shifted the horizontal swing plane more left or less right




Hit the ball as hard as you can with both hands. Page 99
" The left wrist begins to

supinate at impact. The raised wristbone points to the target. Page 103

By pronating his left wrist just before impact, a golfer expends his clubhead speed before he strikes the ball. Page 103
" It helps the player

develop a properly wide forward arc. more room he has in which to build up clubhead speed. ball absolutely clean, before the club takes turf. Page 104

" The wider his arc, the

" It helps you to strike the

Dont be afraid of swing too hard. Many golfer are, you know. They figure that unless they restrain their power, theyll magnify their errors. I see it just the other way. Page 108 My advice to the beginning golfer is to go ahead and hit the ball as hard as he can right from the start. Power Golf page 53

Cohesive Chain Action

" On the downswing the

correct order of movement is hips, shoulders, arms, and hands. As each component part enters the swing, it adds it contribution to the multiplying speed generated by this cohesive chain action movement to the left.

SUMMARY Lesson 4 The Second Part Of The Swing


Getting on the downswing plane by turning the hips back to the left. Having enough lateral weight shift to get to a turning point.

" Hogans weight shift


moving the ball back, increasing the angle of attack.

" Supination during the

" Hitting The Ball Hard! " Downswing sequence

impact interval.

Chain Action

Lesson 5 Summary and Review

" 25 years in golf " In golf, you know, you " On the winter circuitI

learn some things very early and other things surprisingly late.

would be up in my hotel room night after night studying my backswing plane in the full-length mirror page 113


A no. 5, is used in these pictures and the ball is played from a line which is extended back would run two inches inside the left heel. Power golf page 23


I spot it a half inch to an inch inside the left heel toward the right foot. You can, to be sure, play the ball a shade farther forward or back it varies from individual to individual, depending on the spot that is the lowest point in his swing.



I believe it comes to eight


He must initiate the downswing by turning the hips to the left. He must hit through to the finish of his swing in one cohesive movement He must start to supinate his left wrist just before impact. Waggles Properly.


Starts back with his hands, arms, and shoulders and lets his shoulders turn his hips.. Stays on his plane throughout his backswing.. Provided a correct stance and posture and a correct grip.



" "



" "

Put in 30 minutes of daily practice on the grip. page 33 ..let me recommend using a full-length mirror as the best means of checking your moves. page 60 In fact, the more I think about it, the best way to learn golf is a great deal like learning to play the piano: you practice a few things daily, you arrive at a solid foundation, and then you go on to practice more advanced things daily, continually increasing your skill. page 57 a half hour a day for a week to practicing the backswing. page 81 Practice the waggle perhaps 10 minutes a day. page 81 Page 82 Training Exercise Devote perhaps a half hour daily to the hip turn and the hit-through movements. page 108


" " " "

I am hopeful that these lessons will accomplish two things. First, I trust they will great increase the average players enjoyment of this incredibly fascinating game by enabling him to become a real golfer with a sound, powerful, repeating swing. Page 109

" And second I hope that

these lessons will serve as a body of knowledge that will lead to further advances in our understanding of the golf swing.: Page 109

Mr. Hogan achieved his second hope for sure

" He gave us a great

description of Kinematic Sequence

" He introduced

connection in a big way

" He grew the notion of



Each new chunk of valid information paves the way to greater knowledge. Page 109

The End

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