QRM Assignment 5

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Shahid 1 Abbas Shahid and Alieha Shahid 14020078 and 13020126 Quantitative Research Methods Mr.

Yasser Hashmi 17th April 2013 Survey Serial Number of interview: Name: Gender: Question: What is the perception of LUMS students (smoking and non-smoking) towards smoking? Sampling: Quota Sampling and Random Sampling 1) Do you smoke? Yes No 2) If yes, how regularly do you smoke (if no, skip to question 3): Heavy smoker Regular smoker Occasional smoker Hardly smokes 3) If you answered no to question 1, have you ever tried smoking? Yes No 4) Does anyone in your immediate family smoke? Yes No If yes, who? (tick as many as applicable) Father Mother Siblings Grandparents

Shahid 2 Spouse Children

5) Does anyone amongst your close friends smoke regularly? Yes No If yes, how many of your friends smoke? (Please specify): 6) Does smoking cast a negative influence on your opinion of a person? Yes No 7) If you said yes to question 6, what minimum extent of smoking casts a negative influence on your opinion of a person? (If you said no, skip to question 8) a. Heavy smoker b. Regular smoker c. Occasional smoker d. Rare smoker e. You have a negative perception of smoking altogether 8) Do you prefer sitting in non-smoking areas when you go out to dinner or functions? Yes No Doesnt Matter 9) Do you think smoking should be banned in LUMS and other universities? Yes No Doesnt Matter 10) Do you have a younger sibling? Yes No 11) If you answered yes to question 10, would you be fine with them becoming regular smokers? Yes No Wouldnt Matter 12) Are you fine with the idea of your potential spouse being a regular smoker? Yes

Shahid 3 No Doesnt Matter

13) If you answered no to question 12, please give reasons: a. You generally dont like smoking b. You think smoking causes health issues c. You think a parent smoking will cast a negative influence on potential children d. You parents/family would be unhappy with the idea of your spouse being a smoker e. You have health issues which can be exacerbated by smoking f. Societal image of family gets worsened g. Other (Please specify) :

14) Do you associate smoking with other activities you consider as vices? Yes No 15) If you answered yes to 14, what other activities do you associate it with? (tick as many as applicable) a. Rebellious nature b. Drinking c. Drugs d. Gambling e. Other (Please Specify):

16) Do you think that the negative perception is greater if a female smokes as compared to a male? a. Yes, females who smoke cast a worse perception b. No, it is equally bad for males and females c. No, it is not bad in both cases d. No, males who smoke cast a worse perception

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Sampling Methods Considering our research question, the sampling methods we selected were random sampling and quota sampling. The population in question was the LUMS community. Random sampling method was used upon students across LUMS. Instead of using availability sampling which would entail conducting surveys from anyone available at a specific location, a random representative sample was drawn by giving surveys to people at a variety of spots across LUMS, including outside PDC, library, SDSB, Hotspot, Hostels and people leaving auditoriums during evening time. They were approached by us to fill the survey form. This method was appropriate as it allowed us to understand what people think about smoking without knowing the people. This method allows us to check peoples views on smoking without knowing beforehand whether they are smokers or not. The responses generated gave a few interesting insights. All of the people had atleast one close friend who smokes. Although a limitation could be that the way people would define who a close friend is would differ, but it still allows us to understand if having a smoker in your social circle affects your views regarding smoking. Moreover, even people who were heavy smokers tended to say that they would not like a smoker spouse, or a sibling to smoke. Even though everyone said smoking is not associated with a bad personality, or a perception of a bad personality, most of them realised that it was not a good habit to have. However, in order to draw a fair comparison to gauge how smoker and non smokers alike perceive smoking, we did quota sampling, taking an equal amount of smokers and non smokers in the sample. The reason this was done was because a sampling frame was not available,

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especially given the time constraints, and quota sampling is a better method to conduct a survey when no sampling frame is provided. Additionally, this sampling method is better with limited time to conduct the survey. Such a method would allow us to understand how people would have different views regarding smoking based on their own practices within LUMS. However, exact statistics are not available and the sample may not be exactly representative, but given that a considerable amount of people in LUMS smoke, and that the purpose of the research was to understand what smokers as well as non smokers think about smoking, we took an equal sample from both sub groups. The comparison drawn highlighted that smokers and non smokers alike could have a few friends who smoke, most of them did not associate smoking with a bad perception of personality, most of them did not associate it with other vices, and most would not select a spouse who smokes. However, the few people who did believe smoking reflected negatively upon a person were mostly non smokers, with the exception of one. Also, it was amongst the non smokers who had said that they associate smoking with other vices (there were two people out of ten non smokers). Therefore, this sampling method gave us a clearer view of the comparisons that could be drawn. Survey Analysis and Critique The survey used was created to understand how smokers and non smokers perceive smoking, if they think it is a bad habit, and if they think it has any negative consequences on self or the perception of self. The responses in both methods highlighted that even smokers realised that it had health consequences, and that people generally have the perception that one shouldnt smoke. This was highlighted by their answers regarding the spousal selection. Moreover, people

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generally also believed that gender played a role in the perception that was formed by others, with females being viewed in a worse light as compared to men (if both were smokers). However, a few drawbacks of the survey were that if people were living with extended family, they could not mention the relation in the fourth question. Furthermore, no one answered that their sisters or mothers smoke. Although it may be a less common occurrence as compared to men, but it can not be determined if they were avoiding answering truthfully or no one (respondents from both genders) had a smoker female member of the family. Also, the last question people viewed in a different light. Some answered the question thinking it asked what their personal view regarding gender and smoking was, while others felt it asked what the society generally perceives. So these drawbacks have to be taken into account.

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