Activity # Time Task Learner Behaviors Teacher Behaviors Materials Language Content Outcomes

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Johns LP

1 mins Warmer Activity 3-5 Time Task -In groups of 3, # Ss receive envelope with a picture of an animal/fish/etc from Monterey Bay and 5 strips of paper with a fact. -Ss match the correct information to the animal. -3 of the 5 strips will contain true facts, 2 will be false -Ss present facts to T -T tells group if they are correct or not. If they are correct, they receive different animal 2 5 mins

-Look at the Learner picture of the Behaviors animal -Read the facts on the strips of paper -Discuss and decide what facts they think are correct -Present facts to the teacher

-Circulate Teacher throughout Behaviors classroom answering any questions from the Ss -Listen to Ss findings and tell them if they have the correct facts matched with the animal

-Envelope Materials containing: picture of animal, 5 fact strips of paper (Appendix A)

-Monterey Bay Language marine life as Ss Content prepare for an upcoming visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

-Ss will have an Outcomes introduction to Monterey Bay Marine life in a fun, collaborative activity -Ss will have a preview of the similar presentation activity later in the lesson

-pairs review Reading Review/Presenta description and

-Answer any language

-Animal descriptions

-Description of -Ss will clarify animals, fish, etc. anything not

tion outline Ss get in pairs and review animal descriptions/ notes from their HW assignment (Ss each read a description of an animals. Pairs read and took notes about the same animal but both Ss had to read description) (Appendix B) 4 8-10 mins Poster Ss make a poster presentation about the animal they read about including a picture of the animal and several facts from the reading MiniPresentation and Q&A #1: -3 pairs of Ss put

notes -pairs discuss any questions they had with each other about the description -decide information to include on poster and presentation

questions that Ss have -Help structure presentation if needed


are from the Monterey Bay Aquarium website -notes generated from Ss

understood in article -Ss will note key facts from description to include in presentation

-Ss write key info on poster -Ss draw illustration of animal on poster

- Circulate -Large white throughout paper sheets, classroom -Markers -Answer any language questions that Ss have -Provide positive feedback on posters -Circulate throughout classroom -Provide - Animal descriptions -Notes -Listening sheet

-Discussion of poster presentation and organization

-Ss will make a completed poster with information about animal

10-15 mins

Presenters: -give minipresentation of topic

-Presentations based on content from the animal descriptions

-Ss will practice presenting information in English in a low

posters on wall in different areas of classroom and give their presentation to the other pairs. (1 pair gives the presentation to another pair. In total, each pair will give their presentation 3 times) -Pairs listening will take notes and ask questions -After the minipresentation, pairs rotate so every group hears the presentation 6 3-5 mins Report Back Ss that listened have to report back some facts learned in the minipresentations

-answer necessary questions about topic Listeners: -listen to presentation -take notes -ask presenters questions about presentation

assistance if Ss need help with question formation

for note-taking (Appendix C)

- Focus on summarizing and reporting information -Creating and asking appropriate questions based on a presentation -Formulating and providing responses to questions

stress environment -Ss will build speaking and listening confidence -Ss will practice note-taking skills -Ss will practice question formulation practice -Ss will practice question response

-Listeners report information to class that they learned from the minipresentations

-Facilitate Listening sheet discussion about for note-taking what facts Ss learned by asking specific Ss to share their information

Discussion based on notes/facts learned from presentations

-Ss will review notes and discuss info learned in the presentation -Ss will practice reporting newly learned information

10-15 mins

MiniPresentation and Q&A #2: -Pairs switch: Listeners from previous task are now presenters and the presenters now listen, take notes, and ask questions -After the minipresentation, pairs rotate so every group hears the presentation

Presenters: -give minipresentation of topic -answer necessary questions about topic Listeners: -listen to presentation -take notes -ask presenters questions about presentation

-Circulate throughout classroom -Provide assistance if Ss need help with question formation

- Animal Descriptions from Monterey Bay Aquarium website -Notes -Listening sheet for note-taking

-Presentations based on content from the animal descriptions - Focus on summarizing and reporting information -Creating and asking appropriate questions based on a presentation -Formulating and providing responses to questions

-Ss will practice presenting information in English in a low stress environment -Ss will build speaking and listening confidence -Ss will practice note-taking skills -Ss will practice question formulation practice -Ss will practice question response

3-5 mins Report Back Ss that listened have to report back some facts learned in the minipresentations 1-3 mins Wrap-up

-Listeners report information to class that they learned from the minipresentations

-Facilitate Listening sheet discussion about for note-taking what facts Ss learned by asking specific Ss to share their information -A wallet full of cash to go to

Discussion based on notes/facts learned from presentations

Ss will review notes and discuss info learned in the presentation -Ss will practice reporting newly learned information

happy hour

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