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Simon Says By Matt Summers

First Draft

Screen is black. The sound of high heels can be heard along the floor. A door opens, and closes just as quickly. ELLIE Good Morning Doctor. SIMON Good morning Ellie, please sit down. FADE IN: 1 INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY Ellie, a young woman of about twenty, walks into view. She sits down in a chair in front of a desk, with a darkened figure sitting opposite her. Simon. The main light in the room positioned above Simon is off. A lamp is positioned on the desk, shining on Simons hands. His face is not visible. SIMON Im sorry about Ellie, there is the bulb in the problem will be the lighting a problem with light. The fixed in time.

ELLIE Thats okay Doctor. SIMON Please, call me Simon. So, what exactly is the reason you are here? Simon is constantly fidgeting with his hands. (Alternate option - patient file open of Ellie, Simon writes in notes as they speak). ELLIE Ive been having trouble sleeping lately. A lot of memories from my childhood are cropping up in my dreams. SIMON Is there anything specifically related to your childhood you are referring to? Ellie hesitates. She sighs. She appears nervous. ELLIE My dad.




SIMON May I ask what these nightmares consist of? Did he die when you were young? Was he not there for you when you needed him? ELLIE Its only ever one nightmare. The same nightmare over and over again. Ellie notices Simons hands fidgeting, and her look of concern intensifies. Simon quickly stops and rests his hands on the table. SIMON Ellie, If I can ask you to just sit back comfortably and relax now. Im going to put you into a deep sleep. I will ask you questions about your nightmare, and you will guide me through it. ELLIE Okay. Ellie again responds nervously, fidgeting in the chair, breathing heavily. SIMON It is okay Ellie, I will be here by your side helping you. You have nothing to fear. Its all in your head. Simons face comes into view in the light. He is smirking. SIMON Simon Says, lets begin. (Alternate - Never reveals face - line wouldnt happen) QUICK CUT TO BLACK: SUPERIMPOSE TITLE: SIMON SAYS 2 EXT. ALLEYWAY - LATE EVENING It is silent. The only noises that can be heard are the faint whisks of wind, and the small rumblings of animals scurrying about the streets nearby. A sudden scream can be heard nearby. Ellie enters the alleyway. She is running, whilst constantly looking behind herself.


CONTINUED: ELLIE (Shouting) Leave me alone!


Ellie trips and falls to the ground. She cuts her leg. She begins backing away slowly. ELLIE Please, Please stop this! She screams again, holding her head in pain and laying out on the ground in pain. TIME CUT TO: 3 INT. MATHESON HOUSE - HALLWAY - MORNING Sound of keys in the door. The door opens and Ellie walks in. She appears dazed, and is stumbling slightly. Ruth, Ellies Mother, rounds the corner at the end of the hallway. She looks deeply concerned. She rushes to Ellie and embraces her with a hug. RUTH Oh my god Ellie are you okay? Ive been so worried. Ruth lets go of Ellie. Ellie continues to look dazed and unwell. RUTH You didnt answer your phone, I was up all night trying to get in contact with any of your friends, hoping they knew where you were. ELLIE Its fine Mum, Im fine. Ellie stumbles past Ruth into the kitchen. 4 INT. MATHESON HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Ellie takes a drink out of the fridge and sits down at the kitchen table. She continues to look dazed. Ruth is stood in the doorway watching, confused. RUTH You dont look fine. You dont seem fine. Where did you go last night? All you were supposed to do yesterday was visit the doctor. Ellie gulps down some drink before responding.




ELLIE I didnt go to the doctors mum. I cant remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember was seeing Simon. Ruth sits down at the table with Ellie, continuing to take a keen interest. RUTH Who is this Simon? A boyfriend? A friend? ELLIE Hes a hypnotist Mum. Ruth becomes shocked and angry simultaneously. RUTH What are you going to see a hypnotist for? What did this Simon do, fill your head with crap? ELLIE Its not like that Mum. I just needed some help. RUTH Help with what? Im here to help you. You know that. You dont need some stranger conning you into believing that there is something wrong with you. ELLIE No Mum, its moments like this. You dont understand me, I wanted a professional opinion because you just jump to conclusions. Im tired of you. Ellie stands. She stumbles out the kitchen. RUTH Look at you, you cant even stand up properly. Something worse is going on. Ellie ignores Ruth and continues up the stairs. Ruth looks dejected. FADE TO:


INT. MATHESON HOUSE - RUTHS BEDROOM - DAY Ruth is sat on the edge of phone in one hand, and the lap. She looks hesitant as finally begins dialling on phone rings. her bed. She is holding her Yellow Pages is opened on her she stares at the page. She the phone. She waits as the

INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - DAY - ALTERNATE (David Easton a young man, short dark hair, dressed smartly with a shirt, tie, blazer and jeans) is sat in a chair in front of his desk. His head is rested against the back of the chair. A laptop is open in front of him, with a screensaver on screen. The image is of Lauren Easton, a young petite woman who is Davids deceased wife. David Leans forward, holds his head for a brief second before looking at his laptop screen. (Potentially not include this if David is unaware of the memory of his wife). QUICK CUT TO:

INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK DAVIDS POV - Extremely brief quick cut shots together. The location is obscure, and so too is the faces. The lighting is dark in the room. The ceiling light above the desk is off, only a lamp is shining bright on the desk. David is sat in Simons office facing the desk. Quick cut to David looking to his left. Lauren is sat in the chair next to him. Quick cut to Simon directly in front of David, screaming is heard from Lauren. QUICK CUT TO:

INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - DAY David quickly snaps back to life, sweating and gasping for breath. He calms down slightly, but still breaths heavily. Next to the laptop is a pot of pills. The pills are paracetamols. David quickly grabs the pills from the desk, opens the pot quickly, taps a few pills into his mouth and swallows. Davids breathing slows, and he calmly sits back in his chair again. He closes his eyes.




A few seconds pass before a mobile phone on the desk starts ringing and vibrating. It makes David jump in his now relaxed state. David leans forward, picks up the mobile and acknowledges the caller. DAVID Hello, this is David Easton, Private Investigator, how may I help you? TIME CUT TO: 9 EXT. MATHESON HOUSE - DAY A car speeds along the road and pulls up outside the Mathesons House. The door swings open and the driver steps out. David Easton is a young man, short dark hair, dressed smartly with a shirt, tie, blazer and jeans. David leans back into his car to the passengers side and grabs a notepad and I.D. card off of the seat. There is a handgun also on the seat. He quickly opens the glove compartment and places the gun in there, and closes it. David leans back out of the car and closes the door. He slides the notepad into his pocket. David walks into the driveway to the front door of the Mathesons house and rings the doorbell. There is a pause before Ruth answers the door. DAVID Hello Im the private investigator, David Easton, I had a call to come to this address. David shows his I.D. Card. RUTH Oh thank you so much for coming, Im Ruth Matheson. DAVID Its a pleasure to meet you maam. RUTH Please, come in. Ruth leaves the door open as she walks off. David quickly takes his car keys out of his pocket and locks the car. David enters the house.



INT. MATHESON HOUSE - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS David takes his shoes off by the mat at the front door. He walks forward, trying to look to where Ruth might have gone. She quickly pops her head around the kitchen doorway. RUTH Please head on into the living room, Ill be there in a minute. Would you like a coffee? DAVID That would be great thank you. David walks down the hallway and into the living room. CUT TO:


INT. MATHESON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM David is sat on the settee. Ruth walks in with two coffees and hands David a mug. DAVID Thank you Mrs Matheson. RUTH Please, call me Ruth. David takes a sip of coffee before placing it on a coster on the coffee table. DAVID When we spoke on the phone yesterday you told me there was a problem with your daughter? What exactly is the problem? David opens his notepad and gets ready to write. RUTH Ellie is such a sweet girl. She would always listen to me, always do her chores with no problem, always be happy surrounding herself with good people. She was always calm if there was a problem and we would very rarely argue. David continues writing down notes. RUTH (CONTD) But something happened the other day. She lied to me, and instead (MORE) (CONTINUED)



RUTH (CONTD) (contd) of going to the doctors she went to see a hypnotist. DAVID Did she mention the hypnotists name at all? RUTH She said his name was Simon. David instantly stops writing. He appears frozen in thought. RUTH Are you okay? David quickly springs back to life. DAVID Oh, Im sorry about that. I just have these constant headaches lately, its nothing. David focuses again and gets ready to write more notes. RUTH I dont believe in that hypnosis rubbish, but I know she was fine before she went to that hypnotist. Something isnt right about him. DAVID Did she mention where this hypnotist worked? RUTH No, she says she couldnt remember anything. DAVID Okay well Ill do some background research into this hypnotist. If I find a location Ill go and see him. RUTH Thank you so much for doing this. DAVID Thats no problem. David stands and puts his notepad in his pocket.



INT. MATHESON HOUSE - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS David and Ruth both exit the living room into the hallway. David opens the door, before turning back to Ruth. DAVID Dont worry about anything Ruth, I will find out if anything is wrong. David exits the house before closing the door. CUT TO:


INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - EVENING JIB SHOT starting from bin on the floor. A piece of crumpled paper is thrown into the bin. CAMERA PANS UP to reveal small office space. David is sat at a desk in the corner of the room, with a laptop open on the desk. QUICK SHOTS CUT between David and the laptop. David searches hypnotism into Google. There are EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of particular words and phrases that he takes notice of in the various pages. He continues to scan the text, picking out phrases. David searches again now for Simon Hypnotist. He scrolls through the search results but there is nothing of use about Simon. David looks back on the notes he has taken. Written down is Stage-hypnotism. He googles Simon - Stage Hypnotism. As he scrolls down he finds something, a Tumblr article called Simon Says.... He clicks the link. The bloggers username is TwistedSpectrum666. He scrolls through the article taking notes again. EXTREME CLOSE-UPS on particular phrases. Simon Says... is the most recent article on the page. David scrolls down further on the Tumblr Blog looking for more articles. He stumbles upon an embedded video uploaded by the user. He clicks play. The video features CHRISTOPHER ELLIS speaking directly to the camera being recorded on. Christopher appears crazy, visibly stressed and paranoid. CHRISTOPHER (Crazy) It seems so strange now. Its been weeks since my first encounter with Simon. I cannot get Simon out of my head, he is (MORE) (CONTINUED)



CHRISTOPHER (contd) driving me insane. What he did to those people, all of those people, its horrifying. Christopher picks up a can of coke and takes a swig. CHRISTOPHER (CONTD) (Crazy) I used to be so respected in my job, but look at me now. Look what Simon has driven me to. Insanity? Is that what you would call it? It feels like I am insane, and perhaps that is why I am past the point of return. But that doesnt mean for others they cannot be helped before its too late. Christopher takes a final swig of coke, before throwing the can out of sight of the camera. CHRISTOPHER (CONTD) (Crazy) I had a conversation yesterday with someone named David. David was interested in Simon, I tried to help him too, and I think I succeeded. But there are others. He wants others. Listen to my warnings people, do not go to see the hypnotist Simon. Do not go there! You will lose your mind to him. David sits back in his seat, confused. He scrolls back through the video to replay a section. CHRISTOPHER (Repeated) I had a conversation yesterday with someone named David. David quickly loses focuses. 14 INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK DAVIDs POV - Quick Cuts in Davids office. David is shaking hands with Christopher. Christopher hands him a pot of pills (paracetamols). Quick snippet of dialogue. CHRISTOPHER Trust me, these help.




CLOSE UP on pills. Quick cut to Christopher sat down with David talking. Quick cut to Christopher standing, appearing crazed and paranoid. QUICK CUT TO: 15 INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - EVENING David snaps back to life, startled at what has just occurred. He hesitantly sits upright and scrolls down the tumblr blog further. There is an earlier article from further back. He begins to skim through the text, continuing to pick out phrases of interest that Christopher has used to describe Simon. As David reaches the bottom of the article there is a picture of an office building. David squints at the picture before finally recognising it. QUICK CUT TO: 16 EXT. SIMONS OFFICE BUILDING - DAY - FLASHBACK DAVIDS POV - Quick shots cut together. Quick shot as David is driving. David exits the car. David stands looking at Simons office building. Quick cut to David walking down a narrow corridor. Looks to his left Revealed Lauren is with him. Quick cut to David and Lauren at a door, pan up to reveal a plaque on the door. It reads Dr. Simon Smith. QUICK CUT TO: 17 INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - EVENING David recognises the picture. He still appears confused -not certain why he is unsure of the memory. David quickly leans forward and looks through his desk. He takes out a file. He quickly skips through the many pages -- he finds what he is looking for. There is Davids written notes on the location, as well as the same picture stapled to the page. Simons name is written as part of the heading to the page. David leans back in his chair, appearing agitated and slightly concerned.




DAVID (Confused) How could I possibly not have known I had this? As David continues to look out the page he picks out another name. CHRISTOPHER ELLIS. Davids notes continue to link in with the video he saw of Christopher -- they were connected in some way - Christopher and Simon appeared close originally. TIME CUT TO: 18 EXT. SIMONS OFFICE BUILDING - DAY David is driving in his car, he pulls up outside of the building he recognises from the picture. It is the Simons Office Building. David sits in his car with his eyes closed. He breaths slowly. On the seat next to him is his paracetamols, notebook and his handgun. He picks up the paracetamols, slides off the lid, places a few in his mouth and swallows. After taking a few deep breaths again he feels ready. He picks up his notepad and gun and exits his car. He places the notepad into his pocket, and puts his gun into the back of his jeans. He locks the car, and proceeds to walk towards the building. 19 INT. SIMONS OFFICE BUILDING - HALLWAY - DAY The hallway is long. There are numerous doors positioned along the hallway. The building is quiet. No one is around. David appears at the end of the hallway, rounding the corner. As he passes each door he looks for some indication as to what room he is looking for. QUICK CUT TO: 20 INT. SIMONS OFFICE BUILDING - HALLWAY - DAY - FLASHBACK Incredibly brief quick cut from DAVIDS POV - continuing on from an earlier flashback. David is at the beginning of the hallway. Quick cut to David standing at the Simons Office door. There is a plaque on the door that reads Doctor Simon Smith - Psychotherapist. QUICK CUT TO:



INT. SIMONS OFFICE BUILDING - DAY David quickly realises which door he is looking for. He still walks up the hallway cautiously, ensuring this memory is not lieing to himself. He reaches the door. He looks up at the plaque on the door. He doesnt bother knocking. He checks to make sure the door is unlocked. It is. David enters.


INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY The door slowly opens. It is silent. The room is the same lighting as in previous scenes. David cautiously steps in, quietly closing the door behind him. As David faces the door closing it, Simon speaks up. SIMON Hello David. David quickly turns on the spot. Sitting at the desk is Simon. His face is not visible, only his hands on his desk. SIMON What may I do for you? David approaches the desk slowly. DAVID How do you know my name? SIMON Please, do you really think Id forget an old friend? Or perhaps you just have one of those familiar faces? (beat) Please, sit down. Simons hand from the table gestures towards the seat opposite him in front of the desk. David, still cautious, sits down in the chair. SIMON Im sorry about the lighting in here David, Im getting it fixed as soon as possible. DAVID Is that true? Or did the mind manipulating start the second I stepped through that door?




SIMON (Sarcastic) Thats right, youve caught me out already David. Or would you prefer me to call you Mr Easton? DAVID You still never told me how you know my name, or do you enjoy talking in riddles. SIMON Ah, a magician never reveals his secrets David. DAVID Magician? I thought you were a hypnotist? SIMON Psychotherapist, actually. But yes, my trick with the trade began long ago. Im sure youve already done some research into me. But tell me please, how is it that you were able to find me again? David takes the notepad out his pocket, and opens it to his recent page. DAVID A couple of days ago I was contacted by Ruth Matheson. Does that name stir anything in your memory? Her daughter, who Ruth described as being sweet, happy, and always worked with no hassle, seemed to be a completely different person after coming to see you the other day. SIMON I only try to help my patients David, if they have a particular fear that they cannot deal with I just want to help them ... encounter this ... to defeat it. DAVID Now I dont believe in all the hypnotism shit Ive been reading. Many people claim hypnotism to be fake, an illusion created by the illusionist so that they believe what they want to hear. I guess that just wasnt the case with (MORE) (CONTINUED)



DAVID (contd) Ellie Matheson was it. What did you do to her? There is a pause. Simon opens a draw in his desk. DAVID What did you do to her? Simon continues to ignore this. He takes a file out from the draw, before closing it again. He places the file on the desk. He opens it to the first page. SIMON You failed to answer my first question, so now I wont answer your questions. How is Lauren, David? David pauses for thought. DAVID I dont know what youre talking about. SIMON Come on David, dont tell me youve forgotten about everything we spoke about on our last visit. David again appears confused, struggling to comprehend what hes being told. DAVID What are you talking about? SIMON Lauren is your wife. David pauses again in thought. QUICK CUT TO: 23 INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK Incredibly brief quick cut from DAVIDS POV - continuing on from an earlier flashback. David is sat in Simons office, looking to his left where Marie is sat next to him. QUICK CUT TO:



INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY David quickly gasps back to present day, he appears shocked and nervous. DAVID Whatever you are doing stop. I dont know any Lauren, Im single. You think I might know If I had a wife. SIMON Lauren is your deceased wife David. David still looks nervous. He wipes the sweat off his forehead. DAVID I never have had a wife. SIMON If that is true David then how come your memory is vague? Why is it that you have headaches? Why is it that sat here the whole time you have felt uneasy, because you feel something is wrong with this place. David frantically begins looking around. Confused. QUICK CUT TO:


INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK Incredibly brief quick cut from DAVIDS POV - continuing on from an earlier flashback. David is on the floor. Quick cut to Lauren standing above him. Quick cut to Lauren on the floor dead, David laying motionless next to her. QUICK CUT TO:


INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY David stands. Clearly effected by what is happening. DAVID (Shouting) What are you doing to me? David holds his head again, appearing in pain.




SIMON Please David, just relax and sit back down. David cautiously sits back down. SIMON (CONTD) Lauren was here with you when you first came to visit me. I say visit me, but that wasnt really the purpose of your visit. DAVID What happened to me?! Youre lying, trying to manipulate me. SIMON You came to visit Christopher. David again pauses in his thoughts. QUICK CUT TO: 27 INT. DAVIDS OFFICE - EVENING - FLASHBACK Incredibly brief quick cuts from DAVIDS POV - continuing on from an earlier flashback. Video of Christopher talking on Davids laptop is briefly shown. Quick cut to Christopher talking to David in his office -- another flashback already seen. QUICK CUT TO: 28 INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY David quickly snaps back to life again in the present. DAVID What happened to Christopher? SIMON How exactly do you mean? DAVID I remembered something about him. He was in my office before. Talking to me about something. Then he appeared to insane with rage. Simon laughs to himself.




DAVID What did you do to Christopher? Did you kill him? Simon continues laughing to himself. SIMON Kill him? How could I have possibly killed him? Me and Christopher were closer than you might think. DAVID How close? Simon leans in to the light, revealing himself to be identical to Christopher. SIMON (Sinister) Very, Very Close. David quickly jumps out of his seat and moves back. DAVID (Shouting) What the fuck is this? Youre Christopher? Simon also stands now. SIMON In a way you could say I am Christopher, but also Im not. Simon steps out from around his desk and begins to approach David. David pulls out his handgun from the back of his jeans and aims it at Simon. Simon steps back against his desk. DAVID You dont come anywhere me, you got it. SIMON That is understandable David. DAVID Now, explain what you meant. SIMON Im sure you have done some research into me? Anything interesting show up? Maybe anything from Christopher?




DAVID The tumblr blog. The tumblr blog demanding people to not go and see you here. What was that? Some kind of weird, twisted delusional joke by yourself? You seemed pretty insane. SIMON Let me explain.


INT. THEATRE HALL - DAY - FLASHBACK Simon is narrating over this flashback from present day. SIMON (V.O.) I was once known as Christopher Ellis. I say I was, but thats not particularly true. JIB SHOT from floor - panning up to reveal poster on sign of theatre hall door. Poster is for Christopher Ellis Amazing Illusionist. SIMON (V.O.) I ... He ... used to be a stage-hypnotist. Not a famous one, but it was a paying gig nonetheless. A couple, hand-in-hand, walk into shot past the poster and into the theatre hall. Loud audience chatter can be heard. Simon steps out on stage, accepting and entertaining as the crowd can be heard applauding. SIMON (V.O.) Its well known that many hypnotists are actually not aware of the power they possess. That was the case for Christopher. CUT TO BLACK Loud screaming is heard. CUT TO:



INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY SIMON You see, that is the day Christopher realised the power he possessed, and that is the day I came to prominence. DAVID What do you mean? SIMON Im his ... alter-ego if you will. DAVID Split Personality Disorder? Christopher realised he had Split Personality Disorder? SIMON (Sinister) Yes. Yes. (beat) But one identity came out on top. Me. Simon grins.


SIMON MONTAGE SEQUENCE A) SIMONS OFFICE - Christopher is sat at his desk Stop this, you cant keep doing this to me, I dont want this! B) SIMON MIRROR SEQUENCE - Christopher looks into mirror at himself. Closes his eyes. Turns his head rapidly looks back at himself - disgusted. C) SIMONS OFFICE - Simon Says ... Relax. Remain Calm. This wont hurt a bit. D) Quick cuts of various people sitting in Simons office - eyes closed - screaming in pain. Quick cut to Simon standing over them - evily looking on - hands gesturing manipulating minds - stealing their memories. E) SIMON MIRROR SEQUENCE (CONTD) - Christopher twists and turns his head again. Begins punching the mirror, intently. Mirror smashes.



INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY SIMON That was the day I defeated Christopher. Now it is just me. DAVID Youre crazy. SIMON Yes that is one way of looking at it. DAVID What exactly is it you did to Ellie? SIMON Well, that relates to the power Christopher discovered in himself, well now myself. (beat) Do you want to know my little secret? My little secret of how people will listen to me? Its all in the triggered phrase. DAVID Triggered what? SIMON The triggered phrase. For example if I was to take a simple phrase like .... I dont know ... how about SIMON SAYS for example. (beat) SIMON SAYS ... You will lower your gun now. David hesitantly and against his will starts to lower his gun. He desperately tries to keep the gun pointed, but he now has no control. DAVID (struggling) What are you doing? How are you doing this? SIMON I am able to hypnotise you while youre fully awake and aware of the process. I prefer to use Simon Says, it just gives me that twisted phrase that everyone recognises, but for the wrong reasons. (beat) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



SIMON (contd) We have had this discussion before but you just do not remember it. Kind of like how you dont remember Lauren, or me. Or who you were. I wiped your memory clean. David begins to frantically panic. He blinks continuously, and stands back against the wall. DAVID What is this? DAVIDs POV - HALLUCINATION - Unusual effect during hallucination. It is visibly clear Davids mind is creating this strange effect. SIMON There is the setback for the subject during this phase of being hypnotised, they begin to hallucinate. DAVIDs POV - HALLUCINATION - Quick cuts as Lauren appears in place of Simon. She has blood on her face, as well as red markings on her neck. David is visibly effected by this. He tries closing his eyes. He falls to the floor. DAVIDs POV - HALLUCINATION - Lauren continues to manoeuvres the room. The image of Lauren switches to Simon. The hallucination inter-cuts between both Lauren and Simon. MANIACAL LAUGHING FROM SIMON CAN BE HEARD. David is clearly distressed by what is happening. He tries to prop himself up against the wall, but struggles. He continues to look on at his hallucinations. DAVIDs POV - HALLUCINATION - Lauren turns and begins to approach David. The hallucination switches to Simon. David raises his gun. Simon continues to approach David. David shoots. Nothing happens. David looks at his gun. Visibly frustrated he aims again. DAVIDS POV - HALLUCINATION - David shoots several times, with no impact on Simon. He approaches David. Simon jumps at David, crazily laughing. FADE TO:



INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY Time has passed. David is no longer propped up against the wall, but is sprawled on the floor - unconscious The gun is no longer in his hand. David awakens. He begins coughing, and responding in pain. He props himself up against the wall. Off-screen a gun reloading noise is heard. David looks up. A chair is positioned a close distance away from David, Simon is sitting on it. He is now aiming the gun at David. David sighs when he realises the position he is now in. SIMON Oh David, Im afraid were stuck in a bit of a loop here. You see, if I just wipe your memory again you will just keep coming back here, somehow you will find a way. I tried being reasonable, everyone gets a fighting chance ... I invade the mind, they leave knowing none the wiser. (beat) But you David .... You just dont know when to quit. Even with your memory gone you continue to find me. Theres a connection between us which can only be broken in one way. DAVID (Painfully) Tell me first, How did Lauren die? Did you kill her? SIMON Ive never killed David. I may appear a sadisticly evil human being, but that is not my way. Do you really want to know the truth? David nods. SIMON You were the one that killed Lauren. David appears shocked. DAVID (Painfully) Liar! Just as David says this, again another flashback starts.

24. QUICK CUT TO: 34 INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK Incredibly brief quick cuts from DAVIDS POV - continuing on from an earlier flashback. The effect in the flashback is again the same - its a hallucination. David is on the floor. Quick cut to Lauren standing above him. Quick cut to David standing, pushing Simon to the floor and strangling him. As David looks back he realises it was never Simon - the image changes to Lauren. Quick cut to Lauren on the floor dead, David laying motionless next to her. QUICK CUT TO: 35 INT. SIMONS OFFICE - DAY David reacts awkwardly, struggling to believe it. SIMON Now you realise and understand, my bad ways actually did you a favour. It made you forget what you did. DAVID I would never of done it if I had never visited you in the first place. SIMON You chose to visit me, the stress of your job caused a strain on your health and relationship. You thought hypnotherapy could save you. Unfortunately for you, it was me you came to see. David appears upset, looking away in disgust. He looks back again, his eyes tearing up. The gun remains pointed at Simon. For the first time, it looks as if Simon actually shows compassion. He hesitates. (Alternate - Simon Ruthlessly kills David). SIMON SIMON SAYS ... Its time to relax. QUICK CUT TO BLACK GUN SHOT IS HEARD. (CONTINUED)



CREDITS ROLL. Alternate - Simon Ruthlessly kills David. SIMON I let you go once, but I was weaker then. But now is a time when I have no weakness ... Just ... Manipulation. QUICK CUT TO BLACK GUN SHOT IS HEARD. CREDITS ROLL.

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