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Synonyms : Kara n jaka , Naktamala (Sanskrit), Smooth leaved pongamia (English), Dithouri (Hindi), Derris indica Biological source : Karanja consists of seeds of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Merr , Syn. Pongamia glabra vent. Family : Leguminosae Geographical source : Throughout India. It is an Indo-Malaysian species, a medium-sized evergreen tree, common on alluvial and coastal situations from India to Fiji, from sea level to 1200 m. Now found in Australia, Florida, Hawaii, India, Malaysia, Oceania, Philippines and Seychelles. MORPHOLOGY : Seed usually one and rarely two Shape : elliptic or reniform in shape Size : 1.7-2.0 cm long and 1.2-1.8 cm broad Surface : wrinkled with reddish leathery testa , micropylar end of cotyledons slightly depressed while other side semi-circular in shape. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Six compounds (two sterols, three sterol derivatives and one disaccharide) together with eight fatty acids (three saturated and five unsaturated) The metabolites, beta- sitosteryl acetate and galactoside , stigma sterol, its galactoside and sucrose are being reported for the first time from this plant. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (two monoenoic , one dienoic and two trienoic ). Oleic acid occurred in highest amount (44.24%), stearic (29.64%) and palmitic (18.58%). Hiragonic and octadecatrienoic acids were present in trace amounts (0.88%). Karangin , pongamol , pongagalabrone and pongapin , pinnatin and kanjone Immature seeds contain a flavone derivative ' pongol '. The other flavonoid isolated from the seeds includes ' Glabrachalcone isopongachromene '. USES: Anti-inflammatory, anti- plasmodial , anti- nonciceptive , anti-hyperglycaemic, anti- lipidperoxidative , anti-diarrhoeal, anti-ulcer, anti- hyperammonic and antioxidant. Its oil is a source of biodiesel. It has also alternative source of energy, which is renewable, safe and non-pollutant. MARKET FORMULATIONS : Aragvadhadi Kvath Churna, Pathyadilepa .


Synonyms :Eng- Kantakari , Hindi- Kateli, Kannad- Nelagulla Biological source :It consists of whole plant of Solanum xanthocarpum ( solanum surattense ) Family : Solanaceae.It is very spiny herb,1.2 meters height found all over India. The leaves are ovate or elliptic, flowers bluish purple, fruits are globular. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains Steroidal alkaloids Like Solasodine, Solamergine, - Solamergine, Solasonine.It also contains Sterols like Cycloartenol, Norcarpesterol, Chlolestrol Uses:1.Used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, cough,antipyretic drug,antidiabetic drug,anticancer drug.Solasodine has antispermatogenic activity, hypochlolesterolaemic activity.


Synonyms : Sirisa,women's tongue, parrot tree Biological source :It consists of dried stem bark of Albizzia lebbeak. Family:Fabaceae Morphology:Decidious 60 feet in height size:1.5 to 2.5cm in thickness curved color:outer surface:Dark brown to greyish black inner surface:Yellowish to greyish brown odour:Characteristic Taste: Acrid,Acidulous CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Triterpene,Saponin labbekanin,4-saponin glycosides,vaffeic acid,kampferol,Myricitin,Quercitin,Reynoutrin,Robin,Rutin,Echinocystic acid,Lebbecacidin,Malanoxetin Uses:Leprosy,Analgesic,Blood purifier,cough,chronic cold.

Underground Stem

Synonyms : Lasuna , Lahsun Biological source : It consists of bulb of Allium sativum Linn. Family : Liliaceae Morphology : Bulb :

Shape: sub-globular; Size: 4-6cm in diameter, Consisting of 8-20 cloves, surrounded by 3-5 whitish papery membranous scales attached to a short, disc-like woody stem having numerous, wiry rootlets on the under side. Clove: Shape: irregularly ovoid, tapering at upper end with dorsal convex surface, Size: 2-3 cm long, 0.5 - 0.8 cm wide, each surrounded by two very thin papery whitish and brittle scales having 23 yellowish green folded leaves contained within two white fleshy, modified leaf bases or scales; Odour: peculiarly pungent and disagreeable; Taste: acrid gives warmth to the tongue. Microscopy: A clove of bulb shows tri to tetrangular appearance in outline; Outer scale consists of an outer epidermis, Followed by hypodermal crystal layer, Mesophyll made of parenchyma cells and an inner epidermis; both outer and inner epidermis consists of sub rectangular cells Hypodermis consists of compressed, irregular, tangentially elongated cells Each cell having large prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, while many cells contain small prismatic crystals also Mesophyll : Several layers of parenchymatous cells having a few vascular tissues with spiral vessels; Inner epidermis similar to outer one; Inner scale similar to outer scale but outer epidermis composed of sclerenchymatous cells. Chemical constituents: Garlic contains 0.1-0.36% of a volatile oil these volatile compounds are generally considered to be responsible for most of the pharmacological properties of garlic. Garlic contains at least 33 sulfur compounds like aliin , allicin , ajoene , allylpropyl , diallyl , trisulfide , sallyl cysteine , vinyl dithiines , S- allyl mercapto-cystein , and others. Besides sulfur compounds garlic contains 17 amino acids and their glycosides, arginine and others. Minerals such as selenium and enzymes like allinase , peroxidases , myrosinase , and others. Garlic contains a higher concentration of sulfur compounds than any other Allium species. The sulfur compounds are responsible both for garlics pungent odor and many of its medicinal effects. The odor is formed by the action of the enzyme allinase on the sulfur compound alliin . This enzyme is inactivated by heat, which accounts for the fact that cooked garlic produces neither as strong an odor as raw garlic nor nearly as powerful physiological effects. However one of the most biologically active compounds, allicin ( diallyl thiousulfinate or diallyl disulfide) does not exist in garlic until it is crushed or cut; Injury to the garlic bulb activates the enzyme allinase , which metabolizes alliin to allicin . In addition allicin is further metabolized to vinyldithiines . This breakdown occurs within hours at room temperature and within minutes during cooking. Like allicin , ajoene , is another chemical constituent thought to be most important to health. Ajoene is a garlic-derived compound produced most efficiently from pure allicin Ajoene has the advantage of a greater chemical stability than allicin . Medicinal Uses : Garlic is a potent herb helpful in preventing hypercholesterolemia. The hypolipidemic activity of Lasuna ensures smooth coronary function, preventing cholesterol depots on the coronary artery walls. Garlic helps support blood pressure levels. Garlic supports normal blood sugar levels Garlic supports the body's immune system from bacterial and fungal infections. Garlic is used extensively as a spice and promotes overall well-being.


Synonym : Asana, Bijasara , Pitasara ( sanskrit ), Indian kino tree (English), biyo (Gujarati), Vijayasara , Bija (Hindi) Biological source : Asana consists of heart-wood of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb . Family : Leguminosae Geographical source : F ound mostly throughout Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh Bihar and Orissa. It is native to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, where it occurs in parts of the Western Ghats in the Karnataka-Kerala. MORPHOLOGY : Shape & size : Drug occurs as irregular pieces in variable size and thickness, Color : golden yellowish brown with darker streaks, On soaking in water gives yellow colour solution with blue fluorescence Texture : strong, tough, very hard, moderately heavy, Fracture : difficult to break but brittle Taste : astringent. MICROSCOPY: Transverse section shows alternating bands of larger and smaller polygonal cells consisting of tracheids , fibre tracheids , xylem parenchyma and traversed by xylem rays, numerous xylem vessels distributed throughout, in singles or in groups of 2-3, showing tyloses filled with tannin, in isolated preparations, vessels, drum or barrel shaped with well-marked perforation rims and bordered pits, tracheids numerous, long, thickwalled with tapering ends and simple pits, fibre tracheids elongated, thick-walled with narrow lumen and simple pits, xylem parenchyma rectangular with simple pits, paratracheal , surrounding vessels, xylem rays uni -to-

biseriate , 3-5-7 cells high, prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in crystal fibres, starch absent. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: Flavonoids : Pterostilbene , (2S)-7-hydroxyflavanone, isoliquiritigenin , liquiritigenin , 7,4'-dihydroxyflavone, marsupsin , pterosupin , p- hydroxybenzaldehyde , (2R)-3-( phydroxyphenyl )-lactic acid Terpenoids : retusin-8-O- - L- arabinopyranoside , naringenin , lupeol Miscellaneous: pterocarpol , pterocarposide , pteroside , pteroisoauroside , marsuposid, Pterostilbene, Liquiterigenin ,Lupeol. USES: Antidiabetic & hypoglycemic Anti-hyper triglyceridaemic activity Specific COX-2 inhibitor Anti-cataract Cardiotonic Hepatoprotective MARKET FORMULATIONS: Nyagrodhadi Churna Asanavilvadi Taila Diabecon tablet, Himalaya Drug company Madhumehari granules, Shri Baidyanath Ayurvedic Pvt. Ltd.


Synonyms : Manjistha (Sanskrit, Marathi, Kannada and Bengali), Majith (Hindi and Gujarati), Tamaralli (Telugu), Manditti (Tamil), common madder or Indian madder (English) Biological source : It is obtained from roots of Rubia cordifolia Family : Rubiaceae Geographical source : Distributed in Himalayas from Kashmir eastwards and Nilgiris and other hilly areas of India up to an altitude of 2500m. Morphology : Shape : Cylindrical, surmounted by a knotty crown Size : 1.5-4cm in diameter, 2-9cm length, 0.2-0.6cm width Surface : smooth finely longitudinally striated and rarely grooved, often exhibiting lateral root scars Color : Dark reddish brown externally and internally Fracture : Short Taste: Sweetish, acrid and disagreeable Odour : Characteristic pleasant Chemical constituents : Anthaquinones : Rubiadin , alizarin, purpurin Others: purpuroxanthin , rubyerythric acid, mollugin , lucidin primveroside , furomollugin , rubilactone , 1-hydroxy- 2- methoxy anthraquinone , 1,3- dimethoxy - 2- carboxyanthraquinone , 1-hydroxy- 2-methyl anthraquinone Cyclic hexapeptides : RAVII, RA-V, RA-IV, RA-III RA-I, RA-XV, RA- XVI Standards : Foreign matter: NMT 1.0% Ash: NMT 10% Acid insoluble ash: NMT 0.8% Ethanol soluble extractive: Not less than 23% Water soluble extractive: Not less than 47% Uses : Anti-tumor Blood dysentry Immunomodulatory Alcoholic extract of root along with rubiadin were found to inhibit lipid peroxidation and had anti-oxidation activity 2 naphthoquinones i.e. furomollugin & mollugin isolated from the root strongly suppressed the secretion of hepatitis B surface antigen Cyclic hexapeptides - activity against leukamias and ascites tumors. Market Formulations: Manjisthadi taila Arvindasava Ashwagandharishta Chandanasava Khadiradi gutika .

Synonyms : vacha , ugragandha ( sanskrit ), bach ( hindi ), The sweet flag (English) Biological source : Vacha consists of dried rhizome of Acorus calamus Linn. Family : Araceae Geographical source : Vaj is native of eastern Europe, & is found wild in England. It is chiefly collected in Holland, North America, most of European countries, central Asia. In India, it cultivated and found wild in Himalayas ( upto an altitude of 2000m) & Sikkim. CULTIVATION : It is a perennial herb. Space between plants 1 foot apart in rich, moist boggy soil with a pH of 5-7.5. Prefers partial shade or can be in full sun if the roots are in water. Best propagated by division using a crown with about 2 inches of rhizome attached. Roots should be 2-3 years old before harvesting and before they lose their firmness and become hollow. Late autumn or early spring is the best time for collection. When grown in water it forms raftlike masses of interwoven roots. Wash well but dont peel, since the oil glands containing the essential oil are on the outer surface. Open drying, calamus loses from 70- 75% in weight but improves in odor and taste. It deteriorates if kept a long time. MORPHOLOGY : Shape : sub cylindrical to slightly flattened, somewhat tortuous or rarely straight, Size : cut pieces of 1-5 cm long, and 0.5-1.5 cm thick; Surface : upper side marked with alternately arranged, large, broadly, triangular, transverse leaf scars which

almost encircle the rhizome; at nodes leaf sheath mostly having an appearance present; lower side shows elevated tubercular spots of root scars; Color : light-brown with reddish-tinge to pinkish externally, buff coloured internally; Fracture : short Odour : aromatic Taste : pungent and bitter. MICROSCOPY : Shows single layered epidermis Cortex composed of spherical to oblong, thin-walled cells of various sizes, cells towards periphery, smaller, somewhat collenchymatous , more or less closely arranged cells towards inner side, rounded and form a network of chains of single row of cells, enclosing large air spaces, fibrovascular bundles and secretory cells having light yellowish-brown contents, present in this region. Endodermis: distinct Stele: composed of round, parenchymatous cells enclosing large air spaces similar to those of cortex and several concentric vascular bundles arranged in a ring towards endodermis, a few vascular bundles scattered in ground tissues Starch grains simple, spherical, measuring 3-6 in dia., present in cortex and ground tissue. POWDER CHARACTERISTICS : Buff coloured; shows fibres, reticulate, annular vessels and simple spherical starch grains, measuring 3-6 in diameter. CHEMICAL TESTS : Observation of powder and its extracts on exposure under UV light :- Powder as such: Yellowish-cream Extracts in Petroleum ether-No change Chloroform-Light green Methanol-Yellowish green Benzene-No change CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Essential oils: - asarone , asarone , caryophyllene , ahumulene , sekishone , linalool, eugenol , asaryl aldehyde , azulene , pinene , cineole, camphor; sesquiterpenes , mucilage and acoric acid. USES : Calamus rhizome is a bitter tonic that stimulates the digestive juices and is combined with gentian in the tonic Stockton bitters. It counters overacidity , heartburn, and intestinal gas. Used in liver inflammation and rheumatism anticonvulsant, antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, hypotensive , insecticide, spasmolytic , stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge.


Synonyms : Abhaya , Kayastha , siva , Pathya , Vijaya (Sanskrit); Shilikha (Assamese); Haritaki (Bengali); Myrobalan (English); Hirdo , Himaja , Pulo-harda (Gujarati); Harre , Harad , Harar (Hindi) Biological source : Haritaki consists of the pericarp of mature fruits of Terminalia chebula Retz. Family : Combretaceae Geographical source : grows widely throughout the Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka and SE Asia Mophology: Color : yellowish-brown, Shape: ovoid, Size: 20-35 mm long, 13-25 mm wide, Surface: wrinkled and ribbed longitudinally, Pericarp : fibrous, 3-4 mm thick, non-adherent to the seed, Taste: astringent Chemical constituents : T. chebula are of pyrogallol (hydrolysable) type Hydrolysable tannins: gallic acid, chebulic acid, punicalagin , chebulanin , corilagin , neochebulinic , ellagic acid, chebulegic acid, chebulinic acid , 1,2,3,4,6-penta-Ogalloyl--D-glucose, 1,6,-di-O-galloyl-D-glucose, casuarinin , 3,4,6-tri-O-galloyl-Dglucose and terchebulin . Flavonol glycosides, triterpenoids , coumarin conjugated with gallic acid called chebulin , as well as phenolic compounds were also isolated. In addition, ethyl gallate and luteolin Vitamin C, protein, amino acids and minerals,chebulic acid. USES: Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antimutagenic , adaptogenic and anti- anaphylacatic , hypolipidemic / hypocholesterolemic , gastrointestinal motility improving and anti- ulcerogenic , hepatoprotective , cardioprotective , radioprotective , antidiabetic and retinoprotective , antispasmodic, wound healing, purgative, immunomo-dulatory and chemopreventive Antioxidant .

Synonyms : Vibhitak (Sanskrit), Bahera (Hindi), Myrobalan (English), Bahedam , Beheda (Gujarati) Biological source : It consists of pericarp of dried ripe fruits of Terntinalia belerica Roxb . Family: Combretaceae MORPHOLOGY : Shape: Nearly spherical to ovoid Size: 2.5-4.0 cm in diameter, Color : Fresh ripe fruits slightly silvery or with whitish shiny pubescent surface, mature fruits grey or grayish

brown Surface: slightly wrinkled appearance, rind of fruit shows variation in thickness from 3-5 mm, Taste: astringent CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Glucoside : bellericanin Gallo-tannic acid, Coloring matter, resins and a greenish yellow oil. Lignans : termilignan and thanni lignan , 7-hydroxy 34 ( methylene dioxy ) flavone and flavanolignan B Tannins: ellagic acid, ethyl gallate , galloyl glucose and chebulaginic acid, phenyllemblin , sitosterol Mannitol , glucose, fructose and rhamnose, Sitosterol. USES : Expectorant It is an integral part of Ayurvedic laxative formulation, Triphala used in treatment of common cold, pharyngitis and constipation Fruits are Astringent, acrid, Digestive, Anthelmintic , Expectorant, Sweet, Anodyne, Stypic , Narcotic, Ophthalmic, Antipyretic, Antiemetic and Rejuvenating. Unripe fruit is an mild laxative and ripe fruit is an astringent. MARKET FORMULATIONS : Triphala Churna ,Triphaladi Taila, Lavanagadi Vati

Synonyms : Vavding (Gujarati), Jantughna , Vella (Sanskrit), False black pepper (English) Biological source : Vidanga consists of dried mature fruits of Embelia ribes Burm . f. Family : Myrsinaceae Geographical source : V ulnerable in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states of India and at a lower risk in Kerala state of peninsular India India, SriLanka, Singapore, Malaysia and S. China. MORPHOLOGY : Color : brownish-black on ageing. When fresh, reddish and covered with yellowish spots ( chitra tandula ) Shape : globular Size : 2-4 mm in diameter Surface : warty surface with a beak like projection at apex, often short, thin pedicel and persistant calyx with usually 3 or 5 sepals present, pericarp brittle enclosing a single seed covered by a thin membrane, Odour : slightly aromatic Taste : astringent IDENTIFICATION TESTS: (I) Shake 1 g of the powdered seeds with 20ml of Solvent Ether for five minutes and filter. To a portion of the filtrate add 5 per cent v/v solution of NaOH , a deep violet colour is developed in the aqueous layer. To the other portion add 2 drops of Dilute Ammonia solution, a bluish violet precipitate is obtained. (II) Boil 5 g of the powdered seeds with 25 ml alcohol and filter. Divide the deep red coloured filtrate into two portions. To one portion, add solution of lead Acetate, a dirty green precipitate is produced. To the other portion add solution of ferric chloride a reddish-brown precipitate is produced. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Alkaloids: Christembine Quinones: Vilangine , Embelin , dihydroxy embelin , vidangin New embelin derivatives: embelinol , embelic acid, embeliol , homoembelin , Fatty acids: palmitic , oleic, linoleic acid, Sitosterol , daucosterol Tannins,Vilangine Embellin. USES: It acts as ascaricidal , anthelmintic , carminative, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and febrifuge. Active principles are found to be estrogenic and weakly progestogenic . carminative, antibacterial, antibiotic, hypoglycemic , and antifertility properties MARKET FORMULATIONS: Ajmodadi churna, Abhayarishta ,Vidangarishta, Dashmularishta.

Synonyms : Bhallata (Sanskrit), Bhela (Bengali), Marking Nut (English), Bhilama (Gujarati), Bhilawa (Hindi), Bhallataka (Kannada) Biological source : Bhallataka consists of mature fruit of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. Family : Anacardiaceae Geographical source : It is a moderate-sized deciduous tree found in the outer Himalayas and hotter parts of India up to 3500 ft. height. The plant is found in abundance in Assam, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa, Chittagong, central India and western peninsula of East Archipelago, Northern Australia. Morphology: Shape: laterally flattened, obliquely ovoid Type of fruit: drupaceous, Color : dark brown, Size: 2.5-3 cm long Surface: smooth, shining with residual receptacle. Microscopy: Pericarp differentiated into epicarp , mesocarp and endocarp; in longitudinal section pericarp shows outer epicarp consisting of single layer of epidermal cells which are elongated radially and lignified, characteristic glands found in pericarp which exude oil globules and arise as small protuberances in epicarp and due to pressure exerted by cells of mesocarp , some of epidermal cells and cuticle rupture and oil globules exude from oil glands; mesocarp a very broad zone, 30-40 layers thick, composed mostly of parenchymatous cells having lysigenous cavities and fibro-vascular bundles, below epidermis a few outer cells of parenchyma smaller as compared to rest; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate found scattered in

parenchymatous cells, some cells get dissolved and form lysigenous cavities which increase in size with maturity of fruit, cavities do not have any special lining and contain an acrid and irritant yellowish oily secretion. Endocarp consists of two distinct layers, innermost prismatic, very much elongated radial walls, being highly thickened, outer layer shorter and thinner than prismatic layer but cells similar to the former; number of mesocarp parenchyma contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and oil drops in oil glands; lysigenous cavities of mesocarp contain oily vesicating substance, insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Powder Study: Dark-brown; shows rosette crystals of calcium oxalate Oil globules Chemical constituents: The most significant components of the S. anacardium Linn. are bhilwanols , phenolic compounds, biflavonoids , sterols and glycosides. Bhilwanol from fruits was shown to be a mixture of cis - and transisomers of ursuhenol ; this compound consists mainly of 1, 2, dihydroxy-3( pentadecadienyl 8,11)benzene and 1, 2, hydroxy-3( pentadecadienyl 8)benzene. Other components isolated are anacardoside , semecarpetin , nallaflavanone , jeediflavanone , semecarpuflavanone , galluflavanone , anacarduflavone mono-olefin I, diolefin II, bhilawanol -A, bhilawanol -B, amentoflavone , tetrahydroamentoflavone semicarpol , anacardic acid, tetrahydrobustaflavone , O- trimethyl biflavanone A1(21), O- trimethyl biflavanone A2, O- tetramethyl bifl avanone A1, O- hexamethyl bichalcone A, O- dimethyl biflavanone B, O- heptamethyl bichalcone B1, O- hexamethyl bichalcone B2, O- tetramethyl biflavanone C., phenolics. Uses : Antiatherosclerotic ,Antioxidant, Anti-tumor, Anti-inflammatory ,Hypoglycemic, Antimicrobial, Nootropic activity, Antispermatogenic .


Synonyms : Long pepper (English), Pippali (Sanskrit) Biological source : It consists of fully mature dried fruit of Piper longum Family : Piperaceae Geographical source : Warmer parts of India, from Central Himalayas to Assam, lower hills of West Bengal; Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Western Ghats from Konkan southwards to Trivandrum. Morphology : Shape: very small, ovoid, completely sunken embedded in solid fleshy spike, Size: 2.5 - 4.0 cm long. Colour of fruit: light green to olive green when immature, after ripening colour changed to shining blackish green Odour: aromatic Taste: pungent taste producing numbness on tongue. Microscopy : Transverse section (T.S.) of the aggregate fruit shows 5 - 7 rows of fruitlets , which are spiral or vertical on a central axis. Outer epidermal cells of the fruitlets are containing brown contents; the cells of which are irregular in shape. Mesocarp consists of large parenchymatous cells, filled with starch grains, traversed with a number of stone cells either solitary or in groups. Endocarp and seed coat fused to form a deep zone composed of thin walled cells and colourless. The central axis is parenchymatous , 5 to 8 collateral vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Second layer contains tangential cells with orange red pigment. The outer most layer of kernel consisting of hexagonal or irregular cells filled with starch grains. POWDER STUDY : The powder of fruit is dark brown in colour pungent and heating in taste. The microscopical study of powder shows: Fragments of parenchyma, Oval to elongated stone cells. Oil globules and Round to oval, starch grains, measuring 3 to 8 micrometer in diameter, vessels, fibres. Chemical constituents: Alkaloids: Piperine Flavonoids : Rutin Amines: Beta- caryophyllene piperyline , piperoleines , piperamine , Volatile oil: Sabinene , chavicin , pinene , phellandrene , pentadecane , betabisabolene , linalool and limonene. USES: Used for diseases of the respiratory tract (cough, bronchitis, asthma); as sedative (in insomnia and epilepsy); as cholagogue (in obstruction of bile duct and bladder), as emmenagogue , as digestive, appetizer and carminative (in indigestion); as general tonic and haematinic (in anaemia, chronic fevers and for improving intellect). Applied locally on muscular pains and inflammations. Market Formulations : Trikatu churna

Synonyms : Black pepper, Maricha , marica , Golmirch , Kalimirch Biological source : Marica consists of fully mature dried fruit of Piper nigrum Linn. Family : Piperaceae Geographical source : Native of the Indo- Malaysian region; cultivated in Western Ghats, Karnataka,

Maharashtra, Assam and Kerala. MORPHOLOGY : Color : greyish-black to black, Surface: hard, wrinkled, Size: 0.4-0.5 cm in diameter Odour: aromatic Taste: pungent. Microscopy : Fruit consists of a thick pericarp for about one third of fruit and an inner mass of perisperm , enclosing a small embryo; Pericarp consists of epicarp , mesocarp and endocarp Epicarp composed of single layered, slightly sinuous, tabular cells forming epidermis, below which, are present 1 or 2 layers of radially elongated, lignified stone cells adjacent to group of cells of parenchyma; Mesocarp wide, composed of band of tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells having a few isolated, tangentially elongated oil cells present in outer region and a few fibro-vascular bundles, a single row of oil cells in the inner region of mesocarp ; Endocarp composed of a row of beaker shaped stone cells; testa single layered, yellow coloured, thick-walled sclerenchymatous cells; Perisperm contains parenchymatous cells having a few oil globules and packed with abundant, oval to round, simple and compound starch grains. POWDER STUDY : Blackish-grey; shows debris with a characteristic, in groups, more or less isodiametric or slightly elongated stone cells, Interspersed with thin-walled, polygonal hypodermal cells; beaker-shaped stone cells from endocarp and abundant polyhedral, Elongated cells from perisperm , packed tightly with masses of minute compound and single, oval to round, starch grains. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Alkaloids: piperine , Chavicine , piperatine and piperidine ; Amides: piperyline , piperoleins A and B N- isobutyl- cicosa- trans-2-trans-4-dienamide. USES : Stimulant, carminative, Diuretic, sialagogue , Antiasthmatic . Used in fevers, dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, and as mucous membrane and gastro-intestinal stimulant. Externally rubefacient and stimulant to the skin. Used as a gargle for sore throat. Used with ginger and Piper longum for viral hepatitis. Market Formulations: Maricadi Gutika, Maricadi Taila, Trikatu Churna .


Biological source:It consists of dried leaves of Tylophora indicia (Tylophora asthamatica) Family:Asclepiadaceae Chemical Constituents:It contains Phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids Tylophorine, tylophoranine, tylophoranidine.t also contains Cetyl alcohol , phytosterol Wax, resin, pigments tannins , glucose, quercetin, kaempferol and tyloindane. Uses- The dried leaves are emetic , diaphoretic, and expectorant.It is useful in dysentery..The roots possesses stimulant, emetic, expectorant, stomachic, diaphoretic properties and used in the treatment of asthama, bronchitis, diarrhoea. They are recommended in rheumatism and gout pain. 14)GYMNEMA Synonyms : Mesashringi , Madhunashini (Sanskrit), Periploca of the wood (English), Gudmar , Medha shingee (Hindi), kaavalee ( Gujrati ) Biological source : Mesashringi consists of dried leaf of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br . Family : Asclepiadaceae Geographical source : throughout India in dry forests upto 600 m. The plant is native to central and western India, tropical Africa and Australia. MORPHOLOGY: Type: simple, Arrangement: opposite, Shape: elliptical or ovate, Petiole: petiolate , petiole 6 to 12 mm long Surface: pubescent; Lamina: 3 to 6 cm long and 1 to 3 cm broad; Apex: acute or shortly acuminate, mucronate Base: rounded or cordate , Venation: reticulate; Odour: unpleasant; Taste: bitter and acrid. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : G. sylvestre leaves contain triterpene saponins belonging to oleanane and dammarene classes. Oleanane saponins : gymnemic acid A,B,C & D with sugar residues such as glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, ferulic and angelic acids attached as carboxylic acids and gymnemasaponins . Gymnemic acid is a complex mixture of at least 9 closely related acidic glucosides . Dammarene saponins : gymnemasides . Other plant constituents: flavones, anthraquinones , hentri-acontane , pentatriacontane , and - chlorophylls, phytin ,

resins, d - quercitol , tartaric acid, formic acid, butyric acid, lupeol , - amyrin related glycosides and stigmasterol . Gymnemin Alkaloids. Anthraquinones and their derivatives. USES : Gymnemic acids have antidiabetic , antisweetener and anti-inflammatory activities. Gymnemic acid formulations have also been found useful against obesity. This is attributed to the ability of gymnemic acids to delay the glucose absorption in the blood. The atomic arrangement of gymnemic acid molecules is similar to that of glucose molecules. These molecules fill the receptor locations on the taste buds thereby preventing its activation by sugar molecules present in the food, thereby curbing the sugar craving. Similarly, Gymnemic acid molecules fill the receptor location in the absorptive external layers of the intestine thereby preventing the sugar molecules absorption by the intestine, which results in low blood sugar level. It is also used in the treatment of asthma, eye complaints, inflammations and snakebite. Abortifacient In addition, it possesses antimicrobial, antihypercholesterolemic , hepatoprotective and sweet suppressing activities. It also acts as feeding deterrents to caterpillar, Prodenia eridania ; Prevents dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans and in skin cosmetics. Market FORMULATIONS : Mahavisagarbha Taila ,Nyagrodhadi Churna.

Synonyms: Nirgundi, 5 leaved chaste tree Biological Source: It consists of dried leaves of vitex negundo. Family: Verberaceae Chemical constituents:Neogoniside,Nishindaside,Essential oil,corgmbossin,stillbene derivatives agnuside Uses:Anti-inflammatory, Anti ulcer, Analgesic, Anti-convulsant, Anti bacterial,Anti fungal,Mosquitoes repellant Market formulation: Nirgundi kalpa, Nirgundi taila, Mahavishgarbha taila, panchgul tel FLOWER

Biological source : It is obtained from the flowering parts of Butea monosperma . Family : fabaceae Vernacular names : English: Flame of the Forest, Parrot tree Hindi: Palash , Dhak , Tesu Gujarati: Kesudo MORPHOLOGY: Flame of the Forest is a medium sized tree, growing from 20 to 4O feet high, and the trunk is usually crooked and twisted with irregular branches and rough, grey bark. Leaves: Pinnate, with an 8-16 cm petiole and three leaflets, each leaflet 10-20 cm long. From January to March it truly becomes a tree of flame, a riot of orange and vermilion flowers covering the entire crown. Flowers: Scentless Massed along the ends of the stalks--dark velvety green like the cup-shaped calices--and the brilliance of the stiff, bright flowers is shown off to perfection by this deep, contrasting colour. Each flower consists of five petals comprising one standard, two smaller wings and a very curved beak-shaped keel. 2.5 cm long, bright orange-red, and produced in racemes up to 15 cm long In West Bengal, it is associated with spring, especially through the poems and songs of Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, who likened its bright orange flame-like flower to fire . It is said that the tree is a form of Agnidev , God of Fire. It was a punishment given to Him by Goddess Parvati for disturbing Her and Lord Shiva's privacy. Standard Two Wings keel Arrangement: 3 flowers together form the tumid nodes of the dark olive-green velvety rachis Pedicels: about twice as long as the calyx, densely brown-velvety Bracts and bracteoles: small, deciduous. Calyx: 13 mm long, dark olive-green, densely velvety outside, clothed with silky hairs within Teeth: short, the 2 upper connate, the 3 lower equal, deltoid. Corolla: 3.8-5cm long, clothed outside with silky, silvery hairs, orange or salmon coloured standard 2.5 cm broad: keel semicircular, beaked, veined. Chemical constituents : Triterpene , several flavonoids butein , butin , isobutrin , coreopsin , isocoreopsin ( butin 7-glucoside), sulphurein , monospermoside ( butein 3-e-D-glucoside) and isomonospermoside , chalcones , aurones , isobutyine , palasitrin - 3',4',7- trihydroxyflavone . Myricyl alcohol, stearic , palmitic , arachidic and lignoceric acids, glucose, fructose, histidine , aspartic acid, alanine and phenylalanine. Uses: Commonly Butea monosperma is used as tonic, astringent, aphrodisiac and diuretics. Flowers are useful in diarrhoea, astringent, diuretic, depurative and tonic An extract from the flowers of Butea monosperma is used in India for the treatment of liver disorders and two antihepatotoxic flavonoids , isobutrin and butrin have been isolated from the extract Alcoholic extract of flowers of Butea monosperma has also been reported to exhibit antiestrogenic activity. Market Formulations : Mahanarayana taila ,Palasa kshara.

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