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Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540


Effect of Time, Date and Slope Angle of collector on Solar Radiation Impinging on Flat Plat Collector Instructor: Dr. James Menart By Khalil Raza

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540


Abstract 1. Measurement of Solar Radiation

1.1 Inputs for Solar Radiation Calculation 1.2 Inputs for Solar Radiation Calculation

2. Effect of Time on Solar Radiation and Flat Plat Collector 3. Effect of Slope Angle on Solar Radiation and Flat Plat
3.1 Data for the Solar Radiation while changing the slope angle and keeping the time and date constant

4. Conclusion 5. References

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

Solar energy is clean, free and abundant and it can contribute positively in filling the energy gap created by oil shortages and its increasing prices. Solar energy can be trapped in two ways; Solar Thermal trapping suns heat energy and converting into useful work and secondly with Solar photovoltaic directly converting solar light into electricity. In this paper, the analysis of flat plat collector has been carried out which is the application of solar thermal system. Flat plat collectors trap suns thermal energy and these are used for hot water heating and air conditioning. In this work, flat plat collectors performance is evaluated by changing different parameters and as the result optimized values of those parameters are established.

In order to analyze the performance of flat plat collector, one of the important factors is the useful heat gain, which determines useful work that can be harnessed out of the collector. To measure the useful heat gain in the flat plat collector, which is the energy, converted into useful work like heating the water, it is required to calculate the solar radiation impinging on the collector surface at that location. Hence, the approach towards measuring the useful heat gain requires calculating first the solar insolation on the tilted surface. Solar radiation on tilted surface depends on the time, date, location and orientation of the solar collector. The performance of flat plat collector significantly varies with change of time, location and its slope angle. The work is done to measure the effect of varying time, while keeping the other parameters constant to know the best time where a collector can gain the maximum amount of heat. Besides, the slope angle or tilt of solar collector is kept varying to get the optimized angle when the collector will perform at its best. All the calculations have been done in MS Excel program that was used for the homework assignment during this course of Solar Thermal Engineering. In this work, the radiation has been calculated in the Dayton, OH at 39.78 N and 84.06 W coordinates. Finally, the results such as absorbed energy by absorbing plate, hourly insolation on tilted surface and useful heat gain in the collector have been plotted through excel charts as a function of varying slope angle and time.

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

1. Measurement of Solar Radiation:

Solar radiation impinging on tilted surface has been measured while the model also counts the atmospheric effects in the calculation. The solar radiation has been measured on different dates of year from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Following data was used to measure the solar radiation: 1.1 Inputs for Solar Radiation Calculation: Time: 6:30 AM 6:30 PM Slope Angle: 60 Azimuthal Angle: -5 South of East Latitude: 39.78N and Longitude: 84.06 W 1.2 Inputs for Flat Plat Collector: 2 sheets of glass cover the collector and each glass plate has a KL of 0.0370 Ambient air temperature = 20oC Plate-to-cover spacing = 0.025 m Wind speed = 3 m/s Collector is mounted flush to roof of home House volume = 729 m3 Mean plate temperature = 110oC Plate long wavelength emittance = 0.9 Plate short wavelength emittance = 0.95 Glass emittance = 0.88 Back and side insulation thickness = 25 mm Insulation thermal conductivity = 0.045 W/m-oC Collector width = 2 m Collector length = 3 m Non-curve fit chart values This collector has 20 tubes, 0.015 m in diameter running along its length. Plate thickness = 0.0006 m Plate thermal conductivity = 370 W/m-oC. Bond conductance = 106 W/m2-oC Fluid in tubes = water Total water flow rate = 0.5 kg/s Inlet water temperature = 60oC Mean fluid temperature = 60.56oC Mean wall temperature = 61.30oC

2. Effect of Time on Solar Radiation and Flat Plat Collector:

Table 1 - For the January 1st, 1995 following results were obtained: Time Hourly Hourly Solar Useful Heat Gain in extraterrestri Insolation on Radiation Collector al radiation Io Tilted Surface Absorbed by IT Absorbing Plate S -1.414 0.0000 0 -1152.4157 6:30 AM Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM -0.4820 0.3970 1.1610 1.7600 2.1530 2.3120 2.2270 1.903 1.3640 0.6440 -0.2050 -1.1280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0598 0.5431 0.2485 0.7061 0.5474 0.5560 0.5322 0.8966 -0.4029 0.0292 0.0000 0.0000 0.0382 0.3619 0.1601 0.4707 0.3625 0.3695 0.3563 0.6034 -0.2399 0.0164 -1152.4157 -1152.4157 -1090.5330 -565.5827 -892.7133 -389.0596 -564.5398 -553.1437 -574.5814 1629.1060 545.5203 1180.7228

2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 4:48 AM -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 Time 7:12 AM 9:36 AM 12:00 PM 2:24 PM 4:48 PM 7:12 PM Hourly extraterrestrial radiation Io Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S

Figure 1: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation, Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface and Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate as a function of time.

Figure 1 shows the quantities as hourly extraterrestrial radiation, hourly Insolation on tilted surface and energy absorbed by flat plate absorbing plate as a function of time. Since in the month of January the solar radiation is considerably lower, therefore, the amount of solar energy is not enough to produce significant work from the collector. The following graph shows the total useful heat gain during different hours of the day from the flat plat collectors:

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

Useful Heat Gain in Collector

2000.0000 1500.0000 1000.0000 500.0000 0.0000 4:48 AM -500.0000 -1000.0000 -1500.0000 Time 7:12 AM 9:36 AM 12:00 PM 2:24 PM 4:48 PM 7:12 PM Useful Heat Gain in Collector

Figure 2: Useful Heat Gain in Flat Plat Collector in (Watts) VS Time

Table 2 - For May 5th, 1995 following results were obtained:

Time Hourly Hourly extraterrestrial Insolation on radiation Io Tilted Surface IT 0.8147 0.030 1.7368 2.5990 3.3425 3.9167 4.2824 4.4147 4.3046 3.9596 3.4032 2.6733 1.8196 0.9004 0.2499 0.7547 1.3987 1.8407 2.2164 2.8175 2.6091 2.401 1.8091 1.3388 0.4899 -0.3097 Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S 0.019238369 0.1660 0.4948 0.9308 1.2398 1.5042 1.9356 1.7863 1.6342 1.1999 0.8220 0.2445 1.1335 Useful Heat Gain in Collector

6:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM

-1121.2164 -883.2283 -349.9143 357.0725 858.1202 1286.9938 1986.5519 1744.4904 1497.7863 793.5478 180.5848 -755.9833 685.8587

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

5.0000 4.0000 3.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000 4:48 AM 7:12 AM 9:36 AM 12:00 PM 2:24 PM 4:48 PM 7:12 PM -1.0000 Time Hourly extraterrestrial radiation Io Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S

Figure 3: Io, IT and S VS Time

For the month of May, there is considerable solar radiation therefore, the performance is significantly better here. It can be noticed that amount of Io, IT and S are much better than the month of January. Each of these quantities is dependent on each other. If the hourly solar radiation on a tilted surface is more then more energy will be absorbed the absorbing plate of the solar collector. Consequently, more energy absorbed by the absorber plate will improve the useful heat gain in the collector. The next graph will show the Useful Heat Gain as a function time, which is performing well in this month.

Useful Heat Gain in Collector

2500.0000 2000.0000 1500.0000 1000.0000 500.0000 0.0000 4:48 AM -500.0000 -1000.0000 -1500.0000 Time 7:12 AM 9:36 AM 12:00 PM 2:24 PM 4:48 PM 7:12 PM Useful Heat Gain in Collector

Figure 4: Useful Heat Gain in Collector VS Time

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

Table 3 - For July 17th, 1995 following results were obtained:

Time Hourly extraterrestrial radiation Io 0.9192 1.8053 2.6433 3.3763 3.9542 4.3377 4.5006 4.4319 4.1361 3.6335 2.9583 2.1566 1.2829 Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT 0.062 0.3496 0.8582 1.4388 2.0295 2.5023 2.7967 2.8468 2.659 2.2118 1.5441 0.6792 -0.4026 Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S 0.035832947 0.2288 0.5584 0.9520 1.3702 1.7088 1.9186 1.9504 1.8048 1.4607 0.9447 0.3328 1.4814 Useful Heat Gain in Collector -1094.3046 -781.3919 -246.8614 391.5320 1069.6981 1618.7145 1958.9761 2010.6295 1774.4833 1216.3885 379.5661 -612.7595 1249.9894

6:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM

5 4 3 2 1 0 0.2 -1 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time 0.6 0.7 0.8 Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S Hourly extraterrestrial radiation Io

Figure 5: Io, IT and S at different times in the month of July

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540

Useful Heat Gain in Collector

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 TIme 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Useful Heat Gain in Collector

Figure 6: Useful Heat gain in the collector VS Time for the month of July

The month of July receives good amount of solar radiation as in summer the solar radiations are concentrated and the daylight hours are prolonged1. During the months of June, July and August the flat plat collector performs meaningfully well than the rest of the months. Moreover, the best time for obtaining is 11 AM to 1 PM as suggested by the above graphs. During this period of time the collector gets more concentrated beam radiation which dominant over the diffused and the radiation reflected off the ground.

3. Effect of Slope Angle on Solar Radiation and Flat Plat:

Although, time is an important factor that directly affects the performance of flat plat collectors. Along-with time, slope of the solar panel also plays an important role in collecting the heat from the sun. 3.1 Data for the Solar Radiation while changing the slope angle and keeping the time and date constant:

Date: April 06th, 2011

Time: 1:30 PM Slope Angle: Varying from 20 to 44 Azimuthal Angle: -5 South of East Latitude: 39.78N and Longitude: 84.06 W Whereas the flat plat collector data is same as used for the calculation involving varying time and date of the year 1995 in the page # 3.

Table 4 - Following results were obtained for April 06th, 2011

Slope, Hourly Solar Radiation Useful Heat Insolation on Absorbed by Gain in Tilted Surface IT Absorbing Plate S Collector 3.4525 2.407973057 2706.135319 3.4741 2.424360519 2733.865676

20 22.00

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 3.4921 3.5066 2.438048839 2.448986092 2.457139974 2.462494425 2.465043529 2.46478537 2.461718646 2.455843601 2.447166865 2.435708011 2.421504955 2757.339386 2776.472774 2791.213944 2801.53731 2807.433709 2808.900456 2805.935853 2798.540705 2786.726155 2770.524331 2749.997085


3.5247 3.5284 3.5284 3.5249 3.5177 3.507 3.4926 3.4747

In this calculation, the time is kept same and the slope of the flat plate collector is

changing from 20 to 44. Slope of the angle directly affects the hourly insolation on a tilted surface that further is dependent factor for the energy absorbed by the absorbing plate and useful heat gain in the collector. It was found that the keeping the slope at 32 and 34 gives the maximum amount of hourly insolation on a tilted surface, which is approximately 3.5284 MJ/m2 at these two angles. It can also be noticed that the more the Insolation on tilted surface makes it possible for the collector to absorb the maximum heat energy thus more useful gain in the collector is obtained. The following graphs have been plotted on the basis of the information given in table 4

Useful Heat Gain in Collector

2820 2800 2780 2760 2740 2720 2700 20 25 30 35 Slope Angle 40 45 Useful Heat Gain in Collector

Figure 7: Useful Heat Gain VS. Time

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540


Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT

3.54 3.53 3.52 3.51 3.5 3.49 3.48 3.47 3.46 3.45 3.44 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface IT

Slope Angle
Figure 9: Hourly Insolation on Tilted Surface VS. Time

Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S

2.47 2.46 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.42 2.41 2.4 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate S

Slope Angle
Figure 8: Solar Radiation Absorbed by Absorbing Plate VS. Time

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

Solar Thermal Engineering ME 6540


4 Conclusion:
The results shown in this paper establish the effects of Time and Date on the solar radiation. It is very much clear that in summers much more solar radiation is expected as compared to winters. My results have well supported this and also the performance of the collector varies significantly during different times of the day and in different seasons of the year. It also showed the slope angle contributes importantly and with proper tilt angle the solar insolation for an hour on a tilted surface can be increased significantly. That further makes it possible for the solar collector to absorb maximum heat and as a result the useful heat gain is obtained at higher rates.

5. Reference:
Shining On A Primer on Solar Radiation Data NREL

For the hourly calculation, the value of measured solar radiation on a horizontal surface was taken from the National Renewable Energy Laboratorys website.

Khalil Raza - Wright State University

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