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Angela Velez-Solic British Literature II 21 April 2013 Annotated Bibliography The Writings of Robert Lewis Stevenson Robert Lewis Stevenson is known for his young adult adventure stories and has had his works countlessly adapted for plays, movies, cartoons, and even by Jim Hensons Muppets. I like to think of RLS as the original Jack London or Gary Paulsen. While his works are vast in genre, there are few that I would consider most notable: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Kidnapped, and Treasure Island. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The science-fiction thriller published January 5, 1886 is absolutely one of RLS most notable works. The novel revolves around Dr. Henry Jekyll and his nasty potion that transforms him into the deformed Edward Hyde. The double life that Dr. Jekyll leads goes on for over a year without a hitch, and he can perform all of the carnal and sinful fantasies he has through Edward Hyde. However, Mr. Hyde is seen bludgeoning a man to death, and Dr. Jekyll begins to realize what little control he has of his situation. Unfortunately, as the story progresses, Dr. Jekyll begins to change into Mr. Hyde without warning, and in a desperate letter to Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll hopes Hyde would have, "the courage to release himself at the last moment" (p. 32)(Dryden).

*All information was gathered from the excellent Robert Lewis Stevenson organization website.

Bagley 2 Kidnapped The young-adult adventure novel published from May to July of 1886 in a young folks magazine is a thrilling tale of deception, friendship, and family inheritance. Narrated by teenager David Balfour, the story begins with the traveling of David on his way to his Uncles property to claim his familys inheritance. However, his Uncle Ebenezer has a different plan. Not wanting to give up the inheritance of property and money, he sells David to a pirate and poor David is officially kidnapped. After a shipwreck, David is on his own to adventure home to claim what is rightfully his. The trials on his adventure make for an excellent and exciting tale, and are a good reflection of RLS style for young readers. Treasure Island Easily RLS most notable work, Treasure Island is a thrilling young readers novel that is known mostly for its exciting and infamous pirates. Published in 1883, the pirates tale has multiple adaptations and is held in high regard as a very well written adventure novel of speculative fiction. The story follows Jim Hawkins and his boyhood quest for buried treasures and riches galore. Along the adventure, readers meet pirates named Black Dog, Billy Bones, and the most infamous Long John Silver. For illustrations from the 1889 Treasure Island, follow this link. Robert Louis Stevenson is known mostly for his iconic young-reader adventure novels such as Kidnapped and Treasure Island. However, he has written in almost every genre including: essays, travel writing, short stories,

*All information was gathered from the excellent Robert Lewis Stevenson organization website.

Bagley 3 novels and romances, as well as poetry, plays and biography (Dryden). Robert Louis Stevenson is an excellent author, and his works are timeless. As long as his stories keep getting adapted through time, RLS will continually capture the hearts and minds of young readers for generations to come.

*All information was gathered from the excellent Robert Lewis Stevenson organization website.

Bagley 4 Works Cited Dryden, Linda. "Kidnapped, 1886." Robert Louis Stevenson. Ed. Richard Dury and David Benyon. British Library Web Archive, 13 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <>. Dryden, Linda. "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1886 ." Robert Louis Stevenson. Ed. Richard Dury and David Benyon. British Library Web Archive, 13 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <>. Dryden, Linda. "Treasure Island." Robert Louis Stevenson. Ed. Richard Dury and David Benyon. British Library Web Archive, 13 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <>.

*All information was gathered from the excellent Robert Lewis Stevenson organization website.

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