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Indira School Of Business Studies, Pune

Submitted to, Mr. Guha

Submitted by,
Vaibhav Walke Sourav Singh Vinay Bhatt Vikash Singh Parihar Ramesh Kumar Vasa Bharat Rohilla


Roll No.
C1M-53 C1M-52 C1M-56 C1M-55 C1M-40 C1M-12

Small scale sector is one of the success stories of the modern India. Its success is writ large over the face of the country and is equally visible all around. This is a sector that has emerged victorious in the face of rising threats from large sector inside and from multi-nationals abroad. The small Industries Service Institute (SISI) are the field offices of Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO), Ministry of Small Scale Industries, Govt. of India, set up for the promotion and development of Small Scale Industries in the State in the early fifties. This Institute provides support / services to the State Government as well as co-ordinates various activities at the state level for promotion and development of small scale industries. This Institute, along with SISI, Nagpur and Branch Institute at Aurangabad, look after the whole of Maharashtra. Small Industries Development Organization, under the Ministry of Industry is the Apex body at the national level, headed by Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries to formulate the policy governing the Small Scale Industrial Sector in the country to chalk out schemes and programmers for development of the SSI sector. SIDO also monitors the implementation of policies and activities of promotion and development of Small Scale Industries in the country, with active involvement of State directorate of Industries through its network of 28 Small Industries Service Institute (SISI) in all the States. Small Industries Service Institute, Mumbai provides various types of extension services and assistance in setting up of units, promoting and developing product and Services by the Small Scale Industries. The Institute has Technical Officers to provide guidance in all trades i.e. Metallurgy, Mechanical, Chemical, Leather, Glass & Ceramics, Electrical, Electronics, Food Industry, Management & Economic Investigation.

1. SMALL INDUSTRIES SERVICES INSTITUTE : SISI is performing the following activities: Providing Techno-managerial Consultancy / guidance services to small Scale Industries Statistical data collection & publication of relevant document needed by the cluster Conducting workshops and seminars in the areas of technology, marketing etc. Skill development and capacity building of the employees and entrepreneurs of SSIs. Organising Entrepreneurial Motivational Campaigns, EDPs & MDPs etc.

2. DISTRICT INDUSTRIES CENTRE: DIC was established with the intention to promote the growth of small scale industries in the district. The center provides SSI registration, which is very much helpful while dealing with banks and other govt. departments. Some of its objectives are as follows Keeping updated record of SMEs. Providing information to Govt. as per requirement. Keeping complete statistical information/ data on small scale industries. Implementing industrial policies of the Govt. Providing subsidies / incentives as per Govt. rule

3. REGIONAL TESTING CENTRE (NR) New Delhi: RTC New Delhi is one of the four RTCs set up by Govt. of India to provide Testing & quality Control facilities for SSIS in the northern region To help in improving the quality of Products to Small Scale To provide facility of calibration of Instruments & Ganges for SSIs. Metallurgy Division have facilities of

Microscopic analysis & Macro examination also it has facility of Study of micro structure of metals & alloys at various etching media and magnification together with photomicrography. Non-destructive testing:- Testing & investigation on metals & alloy in the form of castings, forgings, rolled products, welded components using:Ultrasonic flaw detector 300 KV industrial X-ray units Physical Testing of Metals:- Such as Hardness Test (Rockwell, Brinell & Vickers Scales), Micro Hardness, Tensile Test, Compression Test, Transverse Test Bend & Rebend test, Load test, Drifft & flattening Test Torsion Test, impact test etc.

Product Testing includes structural steel- non standard quality

RTC also imparts two types of trainings to meet the demand of testing personals from SSIs. 6 Months Training to fresh Diploma Engineers or Science graduates in the fields of Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical & Metallurgical Testing 2 or 3 weeks specialized training in specific range of products for technicians sponsored by the industry.

4. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SECONDARY STEEL TECHNOLOGY, MANDI GOBINDGARH: NISST is providing technical services to secondary steel sector by arranging
seminars and workshops in the State and undertakes consultative projects and pollution studies in the industry. This institute has been established by Ministry of Steel, Government of India to render the services to secondary steel industry sector, which includes Steel Re-rolling mills, Induction furnaces/Arc Furnaces, Foundries etc. The Institute provides HRD, Technical support to the industry in various fields of Engineering In Steel sector.

1. PROCESS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CENTRE AGRA: PPDC Agra is a National centre of excellence in the field of foundry & forge technology under Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India. The Centre has four major divisions viz, Product Development Division Comprising of foundry & forge shops. Testing Division. Consultancy and Training division & Support Services & Maintenance division consisting of machine shop & Heat Treatment Sections

The Centre undertakes Consultancy & framing assignments in Product development & Process improvement in small scale casting & forging industries.

6. NATIONAL METALLURGICAL LABORATORY: The National Metallurgical Laboratory is working in the field of metallurgy and metal sciences. It is one of the premier research institutes in our country. It has 9 technology divisions like; Analytical Chemistry (ANC) Division Computer Applications(CAP) Division Corrosion Protection (CRP) Division

Engineering (ENGG.) Division Ferrous Processing (FRP) Division Minerals Processing (MNP) Division Materials Characterization(MTC) Division Materials Processing (MTP) Division Non Ferrous Process (NFP) Division

7. NORTHERN REGION FARM MACHINERY TRAINING & TESTING INSTITUTE, HISAR: This institute was setup under Ministry of Agriculture to propagate agricultural mechanization through imparting training on repair , maintenance and operation of various agricultural machinery. Later the institute was also assigned the task of testing of agricultural equipment and machinery. The various agricultural Equipments are tested as per BIS guidelines to assess the suitability under different agro climatic conditions. The institute is recognized to test Combine harvester by Min. of Agriculture and to test I.C. Engines under BIS certification Mark scheme. The training courses are being organized for user level, Technician level and Managerial level persons. Need based course are also organized. The institute is equipped with Workshops, Farm for imparting on the job trainings and demos, Audio-visual section, a well organized Library and Rest House facility.

8. DEPT. OF FARM POWER & MACHINERY: This is an important constituent of College of Agricultural Engineering. & Technology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The college runs Graduate program leading to a degree in B.Tech.(Ag. Engg.). Duration of the program is 4 years. Post graduate programs leading to M.Tech. in the disciplines of Farm Power & Machinery, Soil and Water Engg. And Agricultural Processing and Food Engg. .Post Graduate Diploma of One year duration in i ) Water Resource Management ii) Food Packaging Technology
Ongoing Research Projects Development, testing and popularization of implements in Haryana State. All India Coordinated Research Project on research and development of farm implements and their adoption under actual field conditions in Haryana State.

Achievements: The Department has done pioneer Research & Extension work for giving a boost to farm mechanization in Haryana State.

The salient achievements being:

Acid Delinting Technology / Hand Operated Manual Acid Delinters of different capacities.

Seeders, Wheel Hand Hoe, Crust Breaker, Cotton Stalk Puller, Papad and Wadi

making Machines. Developments / promotion of bullock drawn leveling, machines. Developments / promotion of Tractor operated machines i.e. Rotavators, Puddlers, High Clearance Weeders, High capacity Crop Threshers, Paddy Transplanters, Automatic machines like land preparation, land Seed cum fertilizer drills, Weeding

Stubble Collector cum Planker, Mustard Drill,

Sugarcane Planters, Ridge Seeders/Bed Planters, Potato Planter & Digger etc.

9. CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, BHOPAL: CIAE was established in 1976 to address research issues related to agricultural engineering. Initially, research and developed work related to farm machinery, post harvest technology and energy in agriculture, were taken up. Keeping with functional utility, the Divisions at the Institute were reorganized and two additional divisions namely Agro Industrial Extension and Instrumentation were created during VII plan. The Divisions were further reorganized and an additional division of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering was created. The CIAE coordinates its research and development activities through Agricultural Universities, other ICAR Institutes, All India Coordinated Research Projects and State Agro-Industrial Development Corporations and small scale farm commercial exploitation of technology. machinery manufacturing industries for

Institute has number of well equipped research laboratories in the areas of agricultural engineering and associated disciplines housed in five buildings, six laboratory sheds, a threshing yard for farm equipment testing and evaluation, a Model Agro-Processing Centre for demonstration of processing activities to farmers and entrepreneurs and two well equipped workshops and prototype production centre.

10. DIRECTORATE OF WHEAT RESEARCH KARNAL: A constituent institute under ICAR, the DWR IS engaged in enhancing the productivity and profitability of wheat and barley on ecological sustainable basis . The thrust areas are crop improvement, Resource Management , Crop protection and health , Quality and basis Sciences , statistics and social science.

They are engaged in research development and standardization of various form equipment for Zero tillage and Rotary tillage etc. and are sharing the information generated with progressive implement manufacturers.

11. RICE and WHEAT CONSORTIUM: RWC for the Indo-Gengatic Plains (IGP) is a collaborative Programme about sustainability of Rice-Wheat System of IGP. The collaborators are CIMMYT (an international organization for the improvement in Wheat and Maize based at Mexico.) IRRI Philippine, many European, Australian and Indian organizations. At Karnal RWC is located in and is working in co-operation with DWR and has made some significant advances in zero tillage technique and Bed Planting Technique RWC is promoting 2nd generation machines which are capable to manage the loose residue in combine harvested areas of rice-wheat system. 12. HARYANA STATE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: HSIDC has been playing the role of an institutional entrepreneur as well as development-cum-financial institution for industrial growth. The major achievements are: To provide industrial infrastructure in the state. To provide term loan/ leasing assistance to industrial units as a state level financial institution. Providing merchant banking service to the industry. To set up industrial units in Public/Joint/assisted sectors.

HSIDC is Ist state level financial Institution to achieve ISO-9000 Certification.

13. HARYANA FINANCIAL CORPORATION: HFC meets the credit needs of small /medium scale industrial units in Haryana for the purpose of acquiring fixed assets such as land, building and plant & machinery.


HAIC is a Public Sector

Undertaking in the primary objective of providing services to the former in Haryana. One of their objectives is to acquire, purchase, give or sell implements, machinery, equipment, appliances, tools etc. either on hire purchase system or on payment by instalments.

15. NATIONAL SMALL INDUSTRY CORPORATION LTD: NSIC is a Govt. of India corporation working toward promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of SSIs and industries related to small scale service / business enterprises for past half a century. It provides comprehensive support to small scale industries including marketing, Technology, and credit as well as by strengthening linkages with large and medium scale enterprises and enhancing exports of projects and products from small scale enterprises.

16. SMALL INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT BANK OF INDIA: SIDBI is principal financial institution for : SIDBI Promotion ; Financing Development of industry in small scale sector; and Co-ordinating the function of other institutions engaged in similar activities has been assisting the entire spectrum of SSIs and also Medium scale industries

(investment in plant & machinery up to Rs. 10 crore) under various schemes tailored to meet the requirements of setting up of new projects, expansion, diversification, modernization and rehabilitation of existing units. Besides , the projects in the service sector with total project cost up to Rs. 25 core are also eligible for availing assistance from SIDBI. The bank also finances industrial infrastructure projects for the development of SSI sector. The main / Popular schemes are Direct Credit Scheme for SSI and Service sector. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy scheme (CLCSS) Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for Textile Industry Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Small Industries(CGTSI)

17. ENGINEERING EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL: EEPC was set up in the year 1954 under the sponsorship of Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India. The main objective of the council is promotion of exports of engineering goods, projects and services from India. It has a membership of 8500 firms. Other activities of these organization are: Promotion of Engineering Industry in the international market. Providing marketing intelligence of the exports, laisoning with overseas buyers. Organising structured promotional events Organising trade fair, buyers-sellers meet, etc.

18. DOON VALLEY INST. OF ENGG. & MANAGEMENT, KARNAL(DIET): This institute opened a few years back is running engineering degree as well as P. G. management courses. The college management has expressed their interest in joining hands with SISI and industries associations to work for the development of local industries. A consultancy cell is planned to be opened in the college to cater to the needs of industry.

Workshop and laboratory facilities available and revenue earned Workshops and laboratories attached to SISI, and Branch Institute provided common facility services to small scale units in different trades viz. general engineering works, chemical, leather, electrical and electronics. During the year 1998-99, 631 jobs were undertaken for the benefit of 485 units. In all the Institute and Branch SISI earned a total revenue of Rs.5,66,616/-. Blue prints/drawings Technical publications prepared and supplied During the year 46 project profiles were prepared. Design and drawing section of the Institute prepared 27 drawings, 1 blue print, 11 tracings, 183 charts, 269 certificates and 323 miscellaneous drawings during the year 1995-96. Consultancy services rendered The Institute provided consultancy services in different fields at different levels to existing and prospective entrepreneurs during the year 1998-99 as under :
S. No. Type of assistance 1. 2. 3. 4. Technical Managerial Economic & Statistical Assistance to start new industries Total At unit premises 313 15 80 30 438 At SISI Br. SISI 5020 1055 1600 4294 11969 728 70 60 142 900 7061 1140 1740 4466 14407 Through correspondence Total

Training and Seminars a) Training As a promotional and developmental measure for small scale industries, the Institute accorded high priority to training programmes on different aspects of small scale industries. Technical Training:

During the year 20 technical training programmes/skill development courses were conducted in the fields like synthetic detergents, screen printing, agarbatti rolling, soldering techniques and blue print reading, machinist, manufacture of small transformers, plastic toys, hosiery knitting, etc. 279 candidates were trained in these courses.
Entrepreneurial Development Programme:

To promote entrepreneurship, the Institute conducted 15 EDP courses in different parts of the State on leather utility articles, umbrella assembly, computer hardware maintenance and servicing, etc. Besides the above programmes, complete techno-managerial support was provided to TECSOK and CEDOK for conducting EDP's of one month's duration each for 240 women during the year 1998-99.

b) Seminars During the year SISI Bangalore conducted a Seminar on Awareness of ISO-9000 series of standards on quality management among electronic units in the small scale sector in association with ETDS Bangalore and Consortium of Electronics Industries of Karnataka. An energy awareness Seminar was conducted at SISI Bangalore in association with Tata Energy Research Institute, Bangalore. A UNIDO Workshop on Technology Transfer was conducted in association with State Government and UNIDO. In this connection, a booklet containing the details of small and medium enterprises of Karnataka State who have evinced keen interest in Technology Transfer was prepared.

Modernisation Programme
Under modernization programme a report on electronics process control instruments industry for technology upgradation/modernisation was prepared.

Ancillary Development/Marketing and Exports


Ancillary development/marketing

During the year 4 PLC meetings were held and officers of the SISI, Bangalore participated in all these meetings. The State Level Ancillary Guidance Committee Meeting was conducted to highlight the status of ancillary industries under the chairmanship of Secretary, Industries, Govt. of Karnataka. 64 units were registered with the SISI Sub-contract Exchange during the year 1995-96 and 15 units were actually assisted in obtaining orders. 138 DGS & D enquiries were circulated to 52 units.

Under the Government Stores Purchase Programme 64 units were recommended for enlistment to NSIC. b) Exports Under export promotion programme, the Institute organized 3 day intensive training programme on Export Management and one training programme on Packaging for exports at Bangalore. 13 candidates were trained.

As a part of the Export Promotion activity, IMT Division conducted 3 Export Management Training Progammes for the benefit of existing as well as prospective industrialists. 132 candidates attended the programmes. A few of them have started the ventures by knowing the export procedures which were imparted to them during the training programme.

Economical Investigation and Statistical Services

The Institute conducted Industrial Development Potentialities Surveys of Bangalore, Hassan, Chitradurga and Kolar districts. EI division updated the profile of Karnataka State. A note on rural industries in India, their structural weaknesses and measures for their revival were prepared. Furnished economic information to entrepreneurs and delivered lectures to participants of various training programmes at the Institute.

Monthly return on 18 reserved items used for compiling general Index of industrial products was continued for the year 1995-96. Along with Diagnostic Survey, the work of Sample Survey was also taken up during the year. For the first phase of the Sample Survey 4985 units were selected for collection of data.

Assistance to District Industries Centres

The Institute continued to provide extensive back up support to DIC's coming under its jurisdiction in the State in promoting industrial development by providing technical and economical information, project profiles on industries, participating in EDPs and seminars organised by DICs, conducting industrial potential surveys, attending Task Force committee meetings, assisting DICs in capacity assessment of raw materials, conducting mobile van demonstrations, processing applications for allotment of sheds, training programmes under PMRY scheme etc.

Assistance to SC/ST/Women/Weaker Section Entrepreneurs

In pursuance of the Government policy to encourage persons belonging to SC/ST/Weaker sections and women to become self- dependent economically, SISI Bangalore has been making concerted efforts to provide all assistance to them in their endeavours.

Energy Conservation
To impress upon the small scale/tiny sector entrepreneurs, the urgent need to conserve energy, SISI, Bangalore organised an energy conservation awareness programme in collaboration with the local Tata Energy Research Institute. The programme was well attended by persons engaged in consuming various forms of energy in industrial activities. They were apprised of the various methods of conserving energy and use of alternative forms of energy.

Pollution Control
A study report on 'Pollution Control in local asbestos cement based industries' was prepared. In this report, various equipments used to control pollution in asbestos cement industry suggestions for remedial measures to control pollution have been explained. A lecture on Pollution Control Measures was conducted by the Institute. An expert from Karnataka Pollution Control Board, Bangalore delivered a lecture on the subject.

Product and Quality Improvement

The Electronics Division of the Institute conducted an Awareness Programme on ISO-9000 in association with DIC Tumkur for the benefit of industrialists in the Small Scale sector in Tumkur district for development of products as per international standards. The training was conducted in association with Indian Institute of Packaging, Chennai. 15 units from the district participated in the programme. Four electronic units were assisted in getting ISO accreditation.

Process, Product Development

The glass and ceramic division has developed a product called dustless chalk which is very much superior to the traditional chalk. The knowhow has been given to 5 entrepreneurs during the year. They are expected to start the units in the near future. aboratory rendered product development services to 39 entrepreneurs and many of them have started their units. Product development on office paste, floor clearner, synthetic camphor, kumkum powder, red oxide, metal paste, primer rubber milk adhesive, toilet cleaner was done on specific request of entrepreneurs in the chemical laboratory

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