Project Report On Airtel. (SEMINAR (BBA 3rd SEM) )

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Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree Of Bachelor of Business Administration Of

Session 2011-13 Supervision by Mr.Kamaldeep Singh (Lect. GNA-IMT) Submitted by Jaspreet Singh 10-17 BBA 6th

GNA-Institute of Management & Technology Phagwara, Punjab

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1. Declaration ..03 2 Certificate by Guide.....04 3. Acknowledgement....05 4. Chapter 1---Introduction a) Telecom sector: a global scenario.07 b) Indian telecom sector..08 5. Chapter 2- Literature Review a) b) c) d) Introduction to Airtel.10 Vision of Airtel...11 Products and Services...12 History of Airtel.13

6. Chapter 3---Research Methodology a) b) c) d) e) f) Objectives of The Study.15 Research Design.16 Data Collection....17 Sample Plan...18 Methodology and Presentation of Data....19 Limitations of Study..20

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7. Chapter 4---Data Analysis a) SWOT Analysis..22-24 b) Object 1: To know Factors Responsible and Marketing Strategies adopted by Airtel for Market Success..25-29 c) Object 2: To know effect of Marketing Strategies of Airtel Customer Satisfaction as Compared to Vodafone, IDEA & BSNL..30-35 8. Chapter 5 a) Findings..37 b) Recommendations.38 c) Conclusion...39 9. Bibliography.....40 9. Annexure....41-42

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I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled Marketing Strategies adopted by Airtel for customer satisfaction is based my own work carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of Mr. Kamaldeep singh.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.

__________________ (Signature of the Candidate) Jaspreet Singh 10-17

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This to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work entitled Marketing Strategies adopted by Airtel for customer satisfaction carried out by Jaspreet Singh bearing Roll No 10-17 & Enrollment No.:.. Carried by under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab. To the best of the my knowledge the report i) ii) iii) Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself, Has duly been completed, Fulfils the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the University and iv) Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.

_______________________ (Signature of the Guide) Mr.Kamaldeep Singh Lect. GNA IMT GNA-IMT Phagwara,Punjab

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I am thankful to many people whose timely help and guidance has helped us to conduct this research successfully. I would also like to express my thankfulness to Prof. Kamaldeep Singh Faculty of GNA-IMT Phagwara, for giving me an opportunity to pursue this project. I also wish to thank all those respondents who were patient enough in giving answer to the questionnaire. Finally, I would like to extend my grateful thanks to all my friends and Faculty members GNAIMT Phagwara whose assistance has a lot to me personally for the completion of this research.

____________________ (Signature of the student) Jaspreet Singh 10-17 BBA 6th Semester

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Chapter I Introduction

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The Indian telecom market has been displaying sustained high growth rates. Riding on expectations of overall high economic growth and consequent rising income levels, it offers an unprecedented opportunity for foreign investment. A combination of factors is driving growth in the telecom market, promising rich returns on investments. India is the fourth largest telecom market in Asia after China, Japan and South Korea. The Indian telecom network is the eighth largest in the world and the second largest among emerging economies. The Indian telecom market size of over US $ 8 billion is expected to increase three fold by 2012. The expansion of the telecom industry in India has been fuelled by a massive growth in mobile phone users, which has reached a level of 10 million users in December 2002, an increase of nearly 100 per cent in 2002. This exponential growth of mobile telephony can be attributed to the introduction of digital cellular technology and decrease in tariffs due to competitive pressures. For the first time in India, the growth of cellular subscriber base has exceeded the fixed line subscriber base. However, cellular penetration is still 1 per cent as compared to world average of around 16 per cent

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Indian Telecom sector, like any other industrial sector in the country, has gone through many phases of growth and diversification. Starting from telegraphic and telephonic systems in the 19th century, the field of telephonic communication has now expanded to make use of advanced technologies like GSM, CDMA, and WLL to the great 3G Technology in mobile phones. Day by day, both the Public Players and the Private Players are putting in their resources and efforts to improve the telecommunication technology so as to give the maximum to their customers.

The Indian telecom sector can be broadly classified into Fixed Line Telephony and mobile telephony. The major players of the telecom sector are experiencing a fierce competition in both the segments. The major players like BSNL, MTNL, VSNL in the fixed line and Airtel, Vodafone (Hutch), Idea, Tata, Reliance in the mobile segment are coming up with new tariffs and discount schemes to gain the competitive advantage. The Public Players and the Private Players share the fixed line and the mobile segments. Currently the Public Players have more than 60% of the market share

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

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India's largest and world's third largest cellular service provider with more than 82 million subscribers Bharti Airtel is a merger between Bharti Group and Airtel its a well know Ned brand in India as well as Asia . Owned by Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal. Telecom giant Bharti Airtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The Bharti Group has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in the telecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to export fresh agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, Indias largest integrated and the first private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles. Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and services. The businesses at Bharti Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs) - Mobile Services, Airtel Teliemedia Services & Enterprise Services. The mobile business provides mobile & fixed wireless services using GSM technology across 23 telecom circles while the Airtel Telemedia Services business offers broadband & telephone services in 95 cities and has recently launched India's best Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Airtel digital TV. The Enterprise services provide end-to-end telecom solutions to corporate customers and national & international long distance services to carriers.

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By 2015 Airtel will be the most loved brand enriching the lives of millions.

Enriching lives means putting the customers at the heart of everything we do. We will meet their needs based on our deep understanding of their ambitions, wherever they are. By having this focus we will enrich our own lives and those of our other key stake holders. Only then will we be thought of as exciting, innovation on their side and a truly world class company.

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Products and Services

Services offered by Bharti Airtel can be classified into: Mobile services Based on number of customers Bharti Airtel is largest mobile service operator in India. This company offers mobile services based on GSM technology. For convenience of its customers Bharti Airtel has both pre- paid and post paid facilities. Enterprise business Bharti Airtel provides integrated services comprising mobile, telephone, broadband, data and connectivity services internationally as well as nationally for small, medium and large scale enterprises. Its carrier service provides network connectivity through optic fiber over a distance of more than 35,000 km. Bharti Airtel is a member of South East Asia Middle East Western Europe 4 consortiums which include 15 global telecommunication service providers. Airtel Telemedia Services This Company offers high speed broadband services through landlines in 94 cities.

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History of Airtel

Sunil Bharti Mittal founded the Bharti Group. In 1983, Sunil Mittal was into an agreement with Germany's Siemens to manufacture the company's push-button telephone models for the Indian market. In 1986, Sunil Bharti Mittal incorporated Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL) and his company became the first in India to offer push-button telephones, establishing the basis of Bharti Enterprises. This first-mover advantage allowed Sunil Mittal to expand his manufacturing capacity elsewhere in the telecommunications market. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched the country's first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Sunil Mittal won a bid to build a cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Sunil Mittal incorporated the cellular operations as Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2002, and the company was listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were rebranded under the single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar.2009; Airtel launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In 2010, Airtel began operating in Bangladesh.

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Chapter 3 Research Methodology

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OBJECTIVE 1: To know factors responsible and marketing strategies adopted by Airtel for market success. OBJECTIVE 2: To know effect of marketing strategies of Airtel on customer satisfaction as compared to Vodafone, Idea & BSNL.

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Research design This study is conducted to now the Position of Airtel in the market and to know that how it try to penetrate into the market to satisfy the needs of the customers. So following research designs are used for this study: 1. Exploratory Research Design: Exploratory research studies are also termed as formulative research studies. The main purpose of such studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of developing the working hypotheses from an operational point of view. 2. Descriptive Research Design: Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned
with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group, whereas diagnostic research studies determine the frequency with which something occurs or its association with something else.

3. Casual Research Design: In this research the hypotheses is tested for cause and effect relationship.

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Data collection Sources of Data Primary: Structured questionnaire. Interviews. Visits.

Secondary: Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers. Industry reports. Companys internet site. Some other relevant study material and websites.

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Sample Plan Random Sampling Sampling design is an important part of research methodology. Here the study was conducted at different locality in the market regarding the product and strategies of Airtel. Keeping in mind the size of universe & the constraints of time a sample was selected from the universe. Random sampling method was used to select the sample from the universe. Sample size Total 50 respondents were taken for conducting this research about the Airtel.

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Methodology & Presentation of Data The data collected are coded in the tables and charts to make the things presentable and more effective. The tables and charts help us to understand the given information more easily.

Bar Tables Pie Charts

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Limitation of Study

The study has following limitations: 1. Lack of contact with company personnel acted as hindrance in the study. 2. The study is based on the limited knowledge & information provided by the marketing personals and individuals who were available for interview. 3. The size of the sample is too small looking to the nature of the study and due to time and money constraints relatively smaller sample was chosen. 4. The basis of selection of sample for the study was vague. Randomly individuals were picked to providetheir responses on the questionnaire. 5. The study was limited only to Hoshiarpur region due to constraint of Time. 6. The sample size taken for the study was small as the time allotted for the study was very less . . 7. At times the customers using Airtel services were not willing to respond, hence lots of efforts made to convince them to fill the questionnaires. Keeping in mind these constraints, best efforts were made to represent the whole view of competitive strategies prevailing in telecom sector.

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Chapter 4 Data Analysis

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DATA ANLYSIS SWOT analysis was done to know the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of Airtel which was helpful to conduct the further research to evaluate market strategies used by the Airtel to satisfy the customers and to study the effects of these strategies on the customers


STRENGTH Very focused on telecom. Leadership in fast growing Cellular segment. Pan-India footprint. The only Indian operator, other than VSNL, with international submarine cable.

WEAKNESS Price Competition from BSNL And MTNL. Untapped Rural market.

OPPORTUNITIES The fast-expanding IPLC market. Latest technology and low cost advantage. Huge market.

THREATS Competition from other cellular and mobile operaters. Saturation point in Basic Telephony service.

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Very focused on telecom. Bharti Airtel is largely focused on the Telecom, around 93% of the total revenue comes from telecom (Total Telecom revenue Rs 3,326). Leadership in fast growing cellular segment. Airtel is Holding leadership position in cellular market.. Bharti Airtel is one of India's leading private sector providers of telecommunications services based on an aggregate of 27,239,757 customers as on August 31, 2006, consisting of 25,648,686 GSM mobile and 1,591,071 broadband & telephone customers. Pan india footprint. Airtel offers the most expansive roaming Network. Letting you roam anywhere in India with its Pan-India presence, and trot across the globe with International Roaming spread in over 240 networks. The mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 92 cities. The only operator in india other than vsnl having International submarine cables. Airtel, the monopoly breaker Shattered the Telecom monopoly in the International Long Distance space with the launch of International Submarine cable Network i2i jointly with Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. in the year 2002. This has brought a huge value to the IPLC customers, delivering them an option besides the incumbent carrier, to connect to the outside world.


Price Competition from BSNL and MTNL. Airtel is tough competition from the operators like BSNL and MTNL as these two operators are offering services at a low rate. Untapped Rural market. Although Airtel have strong Presence throughout the country but still they are far away from the Indian rural part and generally this part is covered by BSNL so indirectly Airtel is losing revenue from the rural sector.


The fast extending iplc market. An IPLC (international private leased circuit) is a point-to-point private line used by an organization to Communicate between offices that are geographically dispersed throughout the world. An IPLC can be used for Internet access, business data exchange, video conferencing, and any other form of telecommunication. Airtel Enterprise Services and SingTel jointly provide IPLCs on the

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Network i2i. The Landing Station in Singapore is managed by SingTel and by Airtel in Chennai (India). Each Landing Station has Power Feeding Equipment, Submarine Line Terminating Equipment and SDH system to power the cable, add wavelengths and convert the STM-64 output to STM-1 data streams respectively. Latest technology and low cost advantage. The costs of introducing cellular services for Airtel are marginal in nature, as it needs Only to augment its cellular switch/equipment capacity and increase the number of base stations. The number of cities, towns and villages it has covered already works to its advantage as putting more base stations for cellular coverage in these areas comes with negligible marginal cost. Besides such cost advantages, it has also other cost advantages for the latest cellular technology. As a late entrant into the cellular market, it has dual advantage of latest technology with modern features, unlike other private cellular operators who started their service more than 4-5 years back and low capital cost due to advantages of large scale buying of cellular switch/equipment. Huge market. The cellular telephony market is presently expanding at a phenomenal / whopping __ rate every year and there is still vast scope for Airtel to enter /expand in this market. Besides there is a vast rural segment where the cellular services have not made much headway and many customers are looking towards Airtel for providing the service to them. With its wide and extensive presence even in the remotest areas, Airtel poised to gain a big market share in this segment when it expands cellular services into the rural areas.


Competition from other cellular. It is time for BSNL to Improve/expand its cellular services. Fierce and cut-throat competition is already in place with the markets ever abuzz with several tariff reductions and announcement of attractive packages, trying to grab most of the mind share of the king - the consumer, whose benefits are increasing with passing of everyday. If BSNL is not innovative and agile, its cellular service will be a flop. It needs to be proactive with attractive packaging, pricing and marketing policies lest its presence in the market be treated with disdain by the private cellular companies. The launch of WLL services by Reliance Infocomm has aggravated the situation. Market maturity in basic telephony segment. Although Airtel Entered in the basic telephony market its a biggest there for the company as the basic telephony market has reached.

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OBJECT 1: TO KNOW FACTORS RESPONSIBLE AND MARKETING STRATEGIES ADOPDED BY AIRTEL FOR MARKET SUCCESS. FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR MARKET SUCCESS OF AIRTEL: According to my analysis, the Airtel is very keen with their marketing strategy in the competitive world. There are certain parameters which tell us about that how Airtel became the market leader.


In the initial days due to high tariff rates cellular players had to impose high call charges on their customers and the handsets were costly. Naturally, they targeted the elite, up market professionals and entrepreneurs as customers. Airtel was positioned as an asp rational and lifestyle brand. It was pitched not merely as a mobile service, but as something that gave consumer a badge value. The Brand was developed to connote leadership in network, innovations, offerings and services. The taglines like "Airtel celebrates the spirit of leadership" and "The first choice of the corporate leaders" emphasized that stance.

The Leadership campaign was reportedly successful and resulted in a marginal improvement in Airtel performance.

2. HIGHLY FOCUSED ON TELECOM: Bharti Airtel is largely focused on the telecom; around 93% of the total revenue comes from telecom (Total telecom revenue Rs 3,326).

3. LEADERSHIP IN FAST GROWING CELLULAR SEGMENT: Airtel is holding leadership position in cellular market.. Bharti Airtel is one of India's leading private sector providers of telecommunications services based on an aggregate of 27,239,757 customers as on August 31, 2006, consisting of 25,648,686 GSM mobile and 1,591,071 broadband & telephone customers.

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4. PAN INDIA FOOTPRINT: Airtel offers the most expansive roaming network. Letting you roam anywhere in India with its Pan-India presence, and trot across the globe with International Roaming spread in over 240 networks. The mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 92 cities.

5. HEAVY BRAND PROMOTION STRATEGY: Hence Bharti decided to humanize the brand Airtel to gain competitive advantage. In august 2000 Bharti launched its new Touch Tomorrow campaign which aimed at strengthening its relationship with its customers and make the brand softer to cater a wide variety of people across the society.

PROMOTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: Most of the respondents said that Promotional campaign influenced their decision to shift to the Airtel Airtel basically uses two appeal to connect to the users

Emotional Humorous Attracting

Brands stray when they try to be different for the sake of being different. The desire to be different is pretty common in advertising. In 2002, Airtel signed on music composer A.R.Rehman and changed its tune to "live every moment": rah mans signature tune for Airtel is the most downloaded ringbone in India. But that was just part of the ongoing communication. The following year Airtel adopted the "express yourself" positioning, which is also its current tagline.

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Youth icons like Shahrukh khan and Sachin Tendulakar were brought in as brand ambassadors to attract youngsters Add campaign with an eye on the rural market

6. HUGE NETWORK COVERAGE: A combination of the following 4-key performance indicators largely determines the overall service quality: system coverage; call blockage; voice quality; and dropped call rate.

System coverage Call blockage Voice quality Dropped call rate Source:--According to the national survey report Airtel minimum complaints of all of these above stated problems were found to be minimum in case of Airtel. So we can say that Airtel is providing comparatively far better service to the users.

7. PROACTIVE AND INNOVATIVE SERVICES: According to the responses obtained the most critical factor in this regards is the fresh experience which Airtel provides to its consumers time to time.

Black berry Start or stop service at any time Facilities provided News services Car insurance Fund transfer Bill payment system

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Payment for ticket Payment of electricity bills Bharti Airtel Launches Special Five to Empower Its Customers.

OVERALL ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY THE AIRTEL TO GET MARKET SUCCESS 1. MARKET SHARE GROWTH STRATEGY: According to my analysis, in the competitive environment, every market player is losing his profit margin, so the organizations are trying to give more emphasis market share growth. So Airtel is emphasizing on the market share growth by providing: NEW USAGE STRATEGY: Airtel is trying to increase the new usage strategy by providing various new usage of the Airtel connection (through value added services)for example:-- Start or stop service at any time, News services, Car insurance, Fund transfer, Bill payment system. MORE USAGE STRATEGY: Airtel is emphasizing on the increase the use of the product.

For example: In the post paid connection , as the fixed amount per month increases , the call rate decreases simultaneously In prepaid connections, various types of STV vouchers are available to promote the use of the service, so that customers will frequently use the service more and more. Bharti Airtel Launches Special Five to Empower Its Customers to promote them to make more and more call.

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2. MARKET EXPANSION STRETEGY: The analysis of the given strategy clearly shows that Airtel is trying to achieve their marketing goals by expanding their market by two ways: GROW SALES WITH EXISTING PRODUCTS marketers are trying to provide on the existing services to increase their sales. This strategy is majority adopted by organization because they are very keen to make a better performance of their existing plan or service. GROW SALES WITH NEW AND INNOVATIVE SERVICES Airtel is trying to increase their market by providing regularly updated versions or refinements to existing plans or services and by introducing new plan or service. The example given in product variants category is fall under this category also.

Examples:--Various kinds of sales promotion techniques are given by the organization on their existing plan or service to enhance the market of that one.

Examples:- News services Car insurance Fund transfer Bill payment system

3. STATUS QUO STRATEGY: This strategy looks to maintain the current position in the market, such as maintaining the same level of market share.

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Q1: Which mobile connection do you have? PARTICULARS Airtel Vodafone Idea BSNL 20 13 6 11 NO. OF RESPONDENTS

No. of Respondents
Idea 12% BSNL 22%

Airtel Vodafone Vodafone 26% Idea BSNL

Airtel 40%

INTERPRETATION: As area of study is Hoshiarpur, where Airtel provides huge network area including small villages, Airtel is the leader. Idea is not preferred because of bad network coverage.

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Q2: What kind of service you have? PARTICULARS Pre-Paid Post-Paid 40 10 NO.OF RESPONDENTS

Post-Paid 20%

Pre-Paid Post-Paid

Pre-Paid 80%

INTERPRETATION: Pre-paid customers are more in numbers because of easy and small PrePaid recharge facilities.

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Q3: Overall, how would you rate your service provider? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL EXCELLENT 8 2 1 2 12 7 2 6 GOOD 0 4 3 3 POOR



INTERPRETATION: From the graph it is clear that Airtel is the most excellent and good service provider as 8 out of 20 believe that the service of company is excellent. BSNL & Vodafone also have better positions but Idea is considered poor because of inefficient services.

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Q4: Why you chose your service provider? PARTICULARS AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL BRAND IMAGE 14 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 CALL RATES 5 7 3 3 VAS


14 14 12 No. of Respondents 10 8 6 4 2 0 AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL 1 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 7 5 BRAND IMAGE CALL RATES VAS

INTERPRETATION: Above graph shows that Airtel has a big brand name as compared to other service providers because of its aggressive marketing strategies. Customers of Airtel do not bother about the high price services.

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Q5: In thinking about your most recent experience with the company, how much satisfied are you with the Customer Care Service? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL SATISFIED 12 5 4 0 7 6 1 2 NEUTRAL 1 2 1 9 DISSATISFIED


20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 7 2 6 12 5 1 1 4 IDEA BSNL 9 DISSATISFIED NEUTRAL SATISFIED

No. of Respondents

2 0



INTERPRETATION: From the above data interpretation we can conclude that Airtel is the best service provider of Customer Care Service. It has been also found in some of the articles that Airtel is expending more on its Customer Care Service as compared to other competitors in the market. The Idea service is also good as most of the users have rated it as satisfied service provider. But BSNL is found to be not satisfactory service provider.

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Q6: If you get a chance to change your service provider, will you do so? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL YES 2 4 3 2 14 4 0 7 NO 4 5 3 2 MAY BE


14 14 No. of RespondenT 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL 2 0 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 7 YES NO MAY BE

INTERPETATION: Above data analysis shows that the AIRTEL Customers are satisfied with its services and they do not want to change their service provider. BSNL customers are also satisfied with its low call rates and cheap value added services. The Idea & Vodafone customers are willing to change their operator because of bad coverage area.

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Chapter 5 Finding Suggestions and Conclusion

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Findings of the study Strategic alliance The company has a strategic alliance with SingTel. The investment made by SingTel is one of the largest investments made in the world outside Singapore in the company. The company also has a strategic alliance with Vodafone. The investment made by Vodafone in Bharti is one of the largest single foreign investments made in the Indian telecom sector. The companys mobile network equipment partners include Ericsson and Nokia. In the case of the broadband and telephone services and enterprise services (carriers), equipment suppliers include Siemens, Nortel, Corning, among others. The Company also has an information technology alliance with IBM for its group-wide information technology requirements and with Nortel for call center technology requirements. Outsourcing The call center operations for the mobile services have been outsourced to IBM Daksh, Hinduja TMT, and Teletech & Mphasis. _ Overseas Market Airtel is looking for overseas market and already satarted operation in Nigeria and Seychelles. Competition Airtel is facing strong competition from MTNL and BSNL Vodafone inspite of the fact they are far away from Airtel technologically but these two have a inside reach in rural and urban area and have low tariff rates. Brand Ambassador Airtel have strong brand ambassador, Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh khan and A . R. Rehman to promote their product and services. Leader in Telecom market Airtel is holding a position of Market Leader by having 21 percent of the total market share.

Aggressive Advertisements Airtel promotes its products with aggressive advertisements in TV, Newspapers and Magazines etc. It has created a brand image in the minds of people.

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Recommendation Airtel should try to reduce the prices of its services because it is getting tough competition from BSNL. Airtel should reduce its call rates to take over BSNL. It is the time not only to survive but to sustain in the market for a long time. For this Airtel has to work on its all marketing strategies, marketing, promotion, brand image.etc. Airtel has to take Vodafone Very seriously and update its own strategies from time to time, because Vodafone is giving tough competition. With aggressive marketing strategies Airtel has to target rural India as 70% of population of India lives in these areas. Airtel should also focus on Post-Paid connections to target more customers. The age groups other than youth (between 20 years to 28 years) should also be targeted to increase the customers. The existing customers should also be given equal importance as new targeted customers. New and interesting schemes should be offered to retain the existing customers.

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CONCLUSION After analyzing the findings of the research, I can conclude that Airtel lagged behind its competitors as far as customer service and availability is concerned. The maximum no. of people who use the mobile is in the age group of 20 to 28. Cash cards are the most popular type of mobile connections, as they are consumer friendly and recharging the connection is not a problem. Maximum no. of people spends RS 500 on their connections. As Airtel is the only company having the maximum no of mobile connections so it must seriously look into the loop holes of the existing customer service department. From the comparison and deep analysis of every aspect of business of Telecom companies we can conclude that Bharti Airtel has more work in every field of communication business.

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1. 2.

3. mited%20and%20the%20Indian%20Telecom%20Sector.htm 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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Annexure Questionnaire NAME ADDRESS . Q1: Which mobile connection do you have? Airtel Vodafone Idea BSNL

Q2: What kind of service you have? Pre-Paid Post-Paid

Q3: Overall, how would you rate your service provider? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL EXCELLENT GOOD POOR


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Q5: In thinking about your most recent experience with the company, how much satisfied are you with the Customer Care Service? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL SATISFIED NEUTRAL DISSATISFIED

Q6: If you get a chance to change your service provider, will you do so? BRAND AIRTEL VODAFONE IDEA BSNL YES NO MAY BE

Thank you very much for giving your time.

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